Character profiles
Sugo Whilm
-one mixed up halfing.
wants to steal things, any thing real ,and yes he knows that it is wrong but he can't help it. He trys to fight what he thinks is his nature
believes that he is the loose hand of tyr and trys to bring justice with out any one even knowing about it
hates to talk but loves to hear what other people say, so in a way he is nosey
knows that every thing will be balanced out, if some great evil comes along then good will not be far behind the same goes for law and chaos
Wants to help every one but at the same time can stand the sight of any person so he often seems to change in to a different person at moments of high stress
- stands 3 ' 4
- hazel eyes
- long black hair in a tail
- a long scar on right wrist that goes all away around
- a long of confusion usual hangs from his face
Sugo wishs to learn about him self and what it means to be good or evil to live life with out looking back. He wish to understand Tyr and his more normal worshipers to find his brother Abe and to see if the things learned at Skullport were the true or if he was just another pawn to be used.
I'm planing on posting his full story on the boards after a while
This is long overdue as is the comprehensive background I've been working on but since it's not ready yet I figure I'll at least post a profile.
Benedict Amberillion:
-Is a professional soldier first last and always. This means constant training and study in addition to plugging every other martial type he meets for as many trade tips as he can.
-Believes that conflict is inevitable. Groups of beings are going to come into conflict so why shouldn't he profit by it? Someone is going to do battle so why shouldn't it be the professionals rather than those not trained in the art?
-Believes in balance. Ultimately it is a bad thing for good, evil, law, or chaos to get the upper hand because that will ultimately lead to disorganized conflict (not his own thoughts but a mantra he adopted from his maternal uncle who was also his swordmaster) . War itself (his uncle maintained) is organized chaos that is neither good nor evil but a neutral means employed by both.
-All in all is a live and let live kind of guy. He seriously dislikes taking the life of higher sentients (humans, elves, dwarves, etc.) unless under contract though when under contract he has not yet hesitated. This does NOT prevent him from defending himself when in peril (a dead soldier is kind of useless). He would be unlikely to take life in say… a barfight.
-Has a sense of self worth almost directly proportional to his personal views concerning his effectiveness as a soldier.
-Is fixated upon living up to being the last living member of his family name and feels no small measure of guilt that he alone survives. (really I'll try to finish that backstory as soon as I finish my papers)
-Is always concerned with morality on an intellecual level, it bugs him to no end that right and wrong seem to be such amorphous concepts and despite his anylitical abilities he has been unable to unravel the mysteries of morality. As a result he views extremes of both ends (good and evil) with a certain facination that is not entirely rational.
-Professional comraderie figures heavily into his social interactions.
Sorry, this is very late.
Wulfgar Torunn - Dwarf
Wulfgar is a Battlerager (Barbarian) of the Torunn clan (from the far north-west Mountains), and eldest Nephew to the clan Chief.
Wulfgar is a good natured Dwarf, with a ready laugh and fondness for good Ale. This is, until he goes into battle. Wulfgar has been known to charge blindly into a group of enemies without regard for traps or ambushes, and has been often seen surrounded by orcs or bandits, systematically cutting them to pieces. While a little more intelligent than the average Dwarf, he is prone to "leap without looking", which has got him into trouble on several occasions.
Wulfgar is always willing to help other adventurers, whether it be escorting them or saving them from goblin hordes. However, he is wise enough to know that there are some things he cannot fight (He usually realises this after being almost killed by them.Wulfgar left his home mountains after an incident at a midsummers festival. Wulfgar was in the final round of the fighting competition, fighting against one of his cousins, Daelar. During the battle Daelar struck Wulfgar accross the head, causing him to fall. Wulfgar was suddenly overcome with a fierce rage, such as he had never known, and he flew into a frenzy more fierce than most had ever seen.
Wulfgar remembers little after this, unti ten minutes later, when his mind cleared, he found himself pinned down by five dwarves, they explained that he had almost killed Daelar, and that half the spectators had been needed to bring him down, eight of them being severely wounded in the process.
The elders realised that this frenzy was the mark of a Battlerager, but it was totally uncontrolled, and so they sent Wulfgar out of the mines, until such time as he can control his battlerage.
In the last six years of wandering, Wulfgar has indeed managed a large degree of control over his rage, but has vowed not to return until he has fully mastered it.
Alastair comes from the family of a moderatly weailthy farmer in Aglarond. He is of slightly less than average height and heavy build.. While good natured about work on the farm he preferred to be roaming the woods. Now that he has reaached the age of majority he has decided to roam further. Takeing ship from Aglarond he landed in the Great Dale and has made his way on foot up to Narfell. He is generally good natured and friendly but sometimes demonstrates a quick temper. He enjoys learning new things but can be come either obssesed or board with them farily quickly.
a Vellâ€
This tall Wood Elf stands out with his reddish-orange hair and quick smile. He is just under six foot tall and has the lanky build typical of his race. He is rather handsome, but tends not to notice as he spends most of his time worrying about the care of the forest and those in it. He is ever vigilant in his watch of the forest, and rarely resorts to any comforts such as sleeping in a bed or wearing comfortable clothing. Instead Ohtar is usually in his leather armor and is ever ready for what may come his way. He wastes no time in changing his gear constantly and tends to even sleep with it on. He believes in being ready at the moment of an occurrence and not a second after. He would not be slowed in answering a call for help by wishes for comfort. If these tendencies have given him a slightly weathered or rugged look, only others could tell.
His serious green eyes often lead others to believe he is much older then what he really is. Ohtarâ€
s closeness to the forest has led him to follow Mielliki, and he calls upon her blessings often to cleanse the wood of his hated enemies (goblins and orcs).
To learn more, check out my posts on him in the Tales by the Fire Section
Marcus Endur
Well set at 6'1" Marcus carries himself with an aura of strength and confidence. Strong well defined muscles cover his body but not in a bulky way. He can fit a uniform easily. He has wavy shortly cropped gold brown hair that compliments his slightly tanned skin. Most striking however are his silver eyes. From his fathers side they elude a hidden intelligence and compassion. He wears a dull brown set of armor and on his left gauntlet is the symbol of Shaundakul. A longsword hangs loosely from one of a few belts around his waist and a towershield is fixated to his broad back.
Marcus is a highly emotional person - he ignored all the lessons against it in military academy. This is most visible in combat through his rageful fighting style where he'll break away from combat sequences and just begin smashing his blade. However this can also be seen when he's writing poetry or conversing about important issues to him.
Marcus holds a strong respect for Women in general and has some difficulty performing misactions towards them. That doesn't stop him from having hormonal urges however he is a gentleman most of the time.
Marcus has a small degree of difficulty adhearing to code's that don't follow his beliefs and town law's will be ignored on occasions. If he feels someone has done him (or his girl) wrong he's going to get right in their face.
Marcus doesn't hold a love for traps, devices or locks but he's applied his intelligence into as many useful area's as possible. And he will use all his resourcefulness as he see's fit.
Improving his blade skill is not nearly his top priority but he holds a great respect for it and makes sure his weapon is in a good combat ready condition. He will often work on attack and defense sequences in his spare time.
At about 20 years of age and with a formal education but a lack of experience Marcus sometimes doesn't make the wisest choices. He might blurt out important or personal information to strangers or even enemies beacuse his inability to sense their intent.
Marcus has a witty sense of humor and doesn't restrict himself in using it.
Marcus' Stories
Shue Fang
Greetings honored friends. I am Shue Fang and new to these lands. I have come from the Monestary of The Ordered Soul near the Great Desert, seeking enlightenment and knowledge of races both human and demihuman.
Let me tell you a bit about myself:
My parents were - as many other nomadic people strick and fair. Life in a nomadic tribe is hard and unforgiving so any transgressions can lead to the misfortune of many other people besides yourself. I was the fourth child and as such I was not to have much of a chance for growing up with the tribe. In my tribe, you see, there is an old custom for not alowing more than three children to each married couple as to not upset the balance of the tribe. A fourth child is kept with the tribe until the age of six and then given away - either to another tribe, a village … or the desert.I was taken to the monestary by my older brother Kresh. I still remember the day with sadness though I now realize that it was for my own good and for the good of the tribe as a whole. I am warmed inside by the thought that I have at least given something to aid them - even if it be my absence. I have not seen my parents or my siblings since.
The monks of the monestary took me in and beside my numerous chores I have trained in the ways of wisdom and the ways of motion. Every day has brought to me new challenges to be conquered - both physical and philosophical. I have grown in ways I thought not possible compared to my simple childhood.
It is now 12 years later. I have grown to be a woman and a full Monk of the Ordered Soul. Almost. To complete my training I have been sent by master Calm Wind to learn the ways of man. He has told me that though the guidance of books and teachers can tell me much, the interaction with people is where true wisdom is gained and practiced.
It is this quest that has brought me to the lands of Narfell. I am honored to be learning of your community and priviliged to accept the wisdom that this might bring me.
Jense Jr'eivra:
-Jense is blatantly Elven at first glance. From his slight build to his undeniably graceful movements his ancestry is obvious to all but the most dense observer. Aside from that his features are unremarkable with the exception of an almost undetectable scar on the lower left side of his face, a nose that protrudes farther than it should, and piercing greyish eyes.
-Jense views organizations, governments, and other groups that aspire to tell him what he can and can't do with suspicion and no small measure of fear.
-Jense styles himself a polite, educated, and eloquent fellow. He generally tries to ingratiate himself to everyone he meets but…
-Jense believes he is smarter than most of the people he is likely to encounter. This can occasionally result in obnoxious blustering reactions to people who 'really rub him the wrong way' designed to catch them in logical errors. His high self esteem with regard to his intelligence also contributes to his love of plotting, intrigue, and witticisms.
-Jense values individuals highly and those who have done him good turns in the past tend to benifit from his schemes... err... actions. He will pass this off as good buisiness sense if confronted about it.
(After all... one good turn begets another... which begets another... which...)-While his pre-planned actions tend to be sensible and intelligent his actions improvising in the heat of the moment range from brilliant, to useless, to downright counterproductive (and dare I say: stupid). Jense beats himself up (mentally) about occasions where his impovisation is lacking and can become absorbed in self-derision as soon as the action dies down.
-Ultimately, Jense desires absolute personal freedom. His mistrust of authority verges on the paranoid and consequently he feels that the accumulation of power (in all of it's various forms) is the only way to obtain and safeguard that freedom.
Walkman LongHeart is his name. He comes from a land of called Wolfwood. He is a half-elf, for he was cursed that way. Many people hate him, but when it comes down to it. He holds his own in battle being a great ranger and scout to let everyknow what is going on. He love to get right down to it and not sit around and talk. When he get bored, he lets people know with his words and out busts. He is a great friend to know when you need help or a scout. He will do anything for a price and help friends or others out when he feels like it. He is looking for a group to run with but knows not to many people who can stand his attitude. So if you think you can hang with him come and talk to him.
Profile on Vega Brinard
He lies at about 3'0 and is about 120lbs soaking wet. Vega is bald and keeps his head shined. He wears a bandana/headband. He has deep red eyes and brown skin.Personality
Vega is a smart-ass through and through. He is not hot-tempered but their are some things that just instantly piss him off. He is very subtle about his actions. He hates being tied down to laws and at the same time can't go around being random in his decisions. He doesn't lie. Never has, doesn't and by his code never will. Vega is willing to accomplish his or others with him missions by any means neccessary and preferably likes the underhanded path to do them. His code and his lifestyle are always in conflict for if you asked him about crime he commited he will either beat around the bush, try to change subject, run everything but lie.Deity Brandobaris-Title: Master of Stealth, Misadventurer, the Trickster, the Irrepresible Scamp, the Friendly Rapscallion
Domains:Halfling, Luck, Travel, TrickeryBio
Vega was born into a family of 5 in the city of Neverwinter. Before Vega could open his eyes his family was whisked away. Rather they were already planning to move and Vega's birth only delayed their leave. They went off in search of peace from the overcrowded city. Of Vega's 5 brothers he only survived. His parents wandering finally found themselves in the lands of Narfell vunerable to barbarian tribes and the like. Vega's father who was missing one hand while in Neverwinter was the reason Vega never really grew up in one particular city. Vega's family were always on the move. They had to be in every town, Jiyyd, Peltarch, the Gypsy Camp, and Norwick. His mother finally got sick of it and left his father to rot in a jail cell after being caught with his one hand in a nobles pocket. Vega's family settled in Jiyyd but Vega simply hated it their. Now of age he goes through the areas that he has been through briefly as a child to pick on for his home.
Oadinou AmanstanomniApperance.
Oadinou stands at 5'1 and weighs at 137. He has an unatural brown skin tone to him for an elf and his hair is a deep blue. He has light green eyes anda scar going across the front of his neck.Personality
Oadinou acts too much like human to be considered elf. Hear his voice without seein him and you would swear he was. Oadinou is brash, loud at times and naive. He is also hot-tempered and nosy. He jumps into conversations at times with a smart remark.Deity Corellon Larethian- Creator of Elves, the Protector, Preserver of Life, Ruler of All Elves
DomainsChaos, Elf, Good, Magic, Protection, WarBio
Oadinou was born to elven parents who were attacked and killed traveling to Norwick. Before the creatures could get to the baby Oadinou (he was never told what creatures) Someone saved him. His mysterious hero left him with kind human parents. His parents not wanting him to forget his elve tradition and culture tried their best (but they were humans they couldn't do much) to teach Oadniou in the ways of his people. Oadinou respects and knows somewhat about his race but being raised around humans has sort of made him someone to stand out in an elven crowd. Nevertheless though his motives may seem shady or downright wrong at times it is always for the better good. Oadinou is flashy when it comes to fighting. One of his freinds had a father who was a great swordsman. Thus Oadinou can be seen doing all kinds of flips and twirls when fighting. Oadinou is also very cocky. Being naturally graceful which buffed his training he taunts alot during fighting. Oadinou being an elf however he went through the deaths of his adopted parents and their children. His adopted siblings never had any children so Oadinou is on his own after 117 years. Where or what he will do is a mystery. Still very young how he will grow up and what he will become is another mystery as well.
Dani Fythe is not beautiful. She is really not even pleasant to look at. Any softness or attractiveness she once had is now buried under a deep tan and the tough face of a girl who has seen far more than her share of misfortune and as come to expect more.
(From her character description)
Tall and tough, Dani displays the best qualities of her race. Her shoulder-length red hair is tied into several braids to make it more easily manageable. Her face is usually grim, her eyes reflecting her constant vigilance, as if at every moment expecting danger. What little in the way of beauty she has is fierce and proud, reflected in the strong lines of her face and powerful movements of her body. Her voice is reserved and low. When she is in a lighter mood, a glimpse may be had into another part of her which has been repressed by too many hardships and not enough moments of peace. She carries around her neck a crude stone amulet on a leather string. A token given to her by her father, it was given to him for his service as a Helmite holy warrior. She inherited her father's faith, if not his zeal.
More on her background under her story!
(Her personality)
Dani isn't outgoing by any means. She usually only takes the initiative socially when in a threatened position. Normally withdrawn, shy, and humble, her anger is slow to come and is even then soon forgotten if an opportunity to reconcile presents itself.
She hides her shyness behind a mask of tough independence or modest humility, being the first to deride her meager skills and call herself worthless. Her honest belief is that she will never make a difference and will be left by herself, friendless and unloved. It could be said she is a pessimist with an inferiority complex, although her almost pitiful eagerness to make friends betrays something even deeper.
Alandar Ironclaw
Wood elf
Ranger of Solonor
183 years oldPhysical traits:
Alandar stands 5â€
8 inches(1m73). So just a bit taller than the average elf. Weighting 150lbs, he is also very muscular and athletic, even for a wood elf. While strong, he is still an elf and quickly becomes less effective if hurt in battle, this lack of toughness almost cost him his life many times in the past.
Alandar, like most wood elves, have black hair and coppery skin strongly tinged with brown. The only thing special about him are his black, almost lifeless eyes. This alone is the reason why he, even if his face features fine traits, have such troubles being trusted and even making friends.(charisma 10)
Personality :
Alandar, for a wood elf, is open to the different races, and even more with time. The only reason for this is the friends he made, the last five years, that were dwarves, humans and even half-orcs. While those showed him that exceptions were possible, he still consider humans like individuals always in a hurry for something more often than not, pretty stupid and not important. He consider dwarves like individuals who should think more, especially about the consequences of their actions. Halflings are for him just little peoples not very dangerous and most of the time funny, even if a few showed him that they could be surprising. Finally, he sees gnomes with a bit of suspicion because of the strong ties this race have with magic and half-orcs have a lot to prove to him before he can just think of trusting them.
Being a ranger, Alandar have a strong hatred for goblins. He indeed fought many times against those little vermins that he now knows in deadly detail. He also fought more than one battle against undeads, that he consider simply unnatural, and can now fight them a lot more effectively than a regular fighter. Aiming for the bone joints that makes his shots do a lot more damage. Unfortunately, his past also showed him that undeads could be very powerful and he now think twice before going on a quest against such foes.
His general personality though is that of a good natured, solitary and wise elf. Most of the time in a very good mood and ready to help his friends, should bad fate find them. Alandar think twice before speaking, smalls exceptions are possible when deeply angered. Like many elves, Alandar is more often amused than exited or angered, very curious and not at all greedy. Still being relatively young for an elf, he feels like time is with him.
Friends: Even if Alandar is somewhat slow to make friends, he met a few being that he now trust fully and call friends. First, being part of the ranger guild of the region known as the wolves, he would probably give his life for: Grivel, Adlanail, Big six, Loâ€
en Jaspenellar, Shyrae, Otharâ€
a, Cervio, Stealth, Adius, Nebril.(and a few other that I donâ€
t remember)
Of course, the wolves are not his only friends and he now trust many others like: Fade and Aaramil Foxfire, Orock, Amissa Lee, Kanen Hightower, Fishel Warfaith, Philomena Sureshot, Stevan Jille and a few others.
Sadly, the region of Narfell is a harsh one and Alandar lost many good friends, some dead, others simply lost or not seen since many months. Tanin Valdar the former leader of the wolves is one of the most important of those character, Dendor Bane an experienced ranger, Lilly Spellfire, Akeno, the druid Naarel, Karion Silverbow and lastly Vrugar Urged, a good natured fighter who has been Alandarâ€
s partner for longer than anyone else.
Character Profile:
Captain Tolcrack Landreaper
of Sudrav - Damara A large, well-built man - known for wielding his scythe - Captain Landreaper is in his early forties - quite old for a human - although the wears and tears of his life's work make him look a bit older.
 It is obvious from his polite manner that he has been brought up to respect people. He is certainly guilty of being overly formal when dealing with well-mannered strangers; likewise, his perpetual use of 'lad', 'boy' and 'son' are not meant to be patronising, rather they are a harmless part of his dialect. Although naturally sure of himself on the field and among men, Tolcrack's confidence tends to drop when handling idle chatter with female strangers, tending to look rather nervous and shy when doing so.
 The more observant, and those who know him better, discover that his accent (which some might notice as Damaran, and has a distinctly dwarven tone), although typically strong and colloquial, tends to become somewhat clearer when he adopts his more formal approach to strangers.[[i:fbcfe199ac]the following is only relevant to those who knew him previously:]
 His old uncertainty of magic (or 'magicks', as he calls it) has eased off slightly. Little was understood about his distinct dislike for such magicks, but strangers who offered spells were taken-aback by the reaction: an inner struggle seemed to occur as he tried to control an apparent anger. Those who knew him, made sure to obtain permission before casting anything on him, or too near him. Although this attitude towards unknown magicians remains, he has become more confident - almost willing - to accept spells from those he trusts.
At one point, he commanded the Alliance Free Swords, and raised his own company of Giantspire Landreapers, but detached the Swords from the Alliance, leading them in freelance work for those who needed mercenaries. After a while, however, he was compelled to return to his company in the Bloodstone Pass, Damara; he made sure to let most of his friends and acquaintances know that he was leaving, but upon being asked why, he would shake his head and say "private matt'rs", moving the conversation on.
Jay Falantile
Human, approximately six feet tall, about 190lbs, blue eyes, brown hair, and frequently seen wearing yellow robes or full plate armor.
Lawful Good, Fighter/Cleric. Is a follower of Torm and is versed in the clerical domains of Sun and Healing.
Jay tends to be a quiet observer of the people and places that surround him. He is a voracious reader and has read much about the people, lands, and beasts of Faerun (though heâ€
s yet to witness most of what heâ€
s read.)
He is quick to offer aid, but slow to befriend as he is used to being self-sufficient. Is quick in offering aid, but slow in asking for it. Once he has befriended someone, he is fiercely loyal and will standby his friends no matter what they face. He has a bright sense of humor that only his closest companions bear witness to.
Has seen many of the dangers in Narfell and has taken a personal oath to help those who are new to this harsh land. You will frequently find him offering newcomers advice, equipment, and healing in the tavern. He has been known to offer guided tours of Narfell.
He spends a lot of time roaming the Rawlinswood seeking to heal and offer service to inexperienced travelers. It deeply pains him that overzealous and uninformed adventurers charge into the wood without full knowledge of what they will soon face.
A constant student, he wanders Narfell seeking a fuller understanding of the world around him.
Quick Backround (More will come in “Tales…)
Jay is from Rasheman and grew up on the edges of its capital city: Immilmar. His family migrated here well before he was born, but he still does not know what forced his parents to move. Rasheman is not very accepting to outsiders, but his father and grandfather are highly skilled stone carvers who have earned a great deal of prestige for their skill.
He grew up fairly well off financially and served as an apprentice to his father and grandfather.
He enjoys snow racing (a popular sport in Rasheman where participants don snow-shoes and light skins and race through the snowy hills) and accompanying his adventure-seeking and imaginative younger brother on snowcat hunts in the woodlands and mountains.
Jay has come to Narfell as part of his dajemma. A dajemma is right of passage that the men of Rasheman are required to go on where they can learn about other lands and return a man.
Jay has chosen to forgo the tendancy of most of Rashemanâ€
s youth, which is to make a short journey around the immediate area drinking and womanizing. Jay feels it is his duty to return only after having truly learned something about the world he lives in. He feels he owes it to his country to return a wiser, stronger, and better man than when he left.
Look for his story soon, in Tales by the Fire
Male Half-Elf-Physically, not the most pleasant fellow to look at. Though he retains some elven features and shreds of elven social grace, his facial scars tend to make even the most well-wishing do-gooders uncomfortable around him. Little about his combat abilities is known, except that he is an accomplished marskman.
- Overall, seems like kind of a live and let live person. Doesn't care much for people who have nothing useful to offer, but who does? At the same time, seems to have a cruel streak in regards to those who he feels have wronged him.
-Seems to hold specific grudge against misguided attempts at good. Does not believe that a supposed pursuit of justice and right allows people any higher position in society or freedom from rules that affect others. Given an opportunity, might go out of his way to harm those guilty of such things. This would violate his self-determined mercenary code of conduct, which means it is unlikely.
-Does not value laws above his own benefit, but understands that they are necessary for societal order and that usually his own benefit is best served by working within the laws. His view applies to both written and unwritten laws.
-In conversation, he rarely shows significant emotion, for whatever reason. Strangely, he seems to have acquired a grim sense of humor somewhere in his hapless travels. As such, he often will grin or chuckle at witticisms, but seldom laughs fully.
Vasharik Klennes
Male Human
-A man of average height, who seems to always be wearing his dark leather armor. Doesn't walk gracefully, but has a directness to his stride, and moves swiftly.
-tends to speak bluntly, even in situations where doing so could be dangerous. However, Vasharik generally knows if he's in over his head, and can speak either obscurely or not at all if he thinks it useful to do so.
-Has no clear take on right or wrong. He always seems to be looking for work, and rarely seems to ask questions of his employer's motives unless it directly affects him.
-Is inherently suspicious of politics and governments.
Docilus Volcatius
Male Human-A tough-looking man of above-average height. Does not seem to be remarkable at first glance: no bulging muscles, graceful elf-like movements, etc.
-Believes in helping that which he knows to be worthy. Is not universally dedicated to upholding 'good' in an abstract manner, but thinks that applying a moral code to his actions is necessary.
-Seems to have acquired a fascination with the study of weapons and combat. Constantly searching for skills that make him more adaptable and lethal. Also, his combat style seems slightly more flashy than most.
-Radiates an aura of confidence. Overall, a very stable individual who is not prone to acting without thinking. That said, he seems to posess an uncanny resolve and a disconcerting inner strength.
This is a really good idea, so here goes –
**Robyn Jahnsdotter
About 5â€
8†medium to slender build, straight red/brown hair and green eyes. She is comely but unassuming. Sheâ€
s one of those people that are often overlooked in a crowd. Some people make an entrance to a party. Robynâ€
s been there a half hour before you realize sheâ€
s decided to come. Over the years sheâ€
s learned to take advantage of that (skill focus Hide), and can be frightfully nosey.
Robyn has had to be self sufficient growing up, so despite being young and naïve she possesses a simple folk wisdom. She is intelligent, and years of keeping inventory at her fathers trading post has made her particularly good with numbers.
Years of helping out at the trading post along with farm work has made Robyn fit and healthy. Her hand-eye coordination is excellent, and her eyesight keen.
Robyn wants to belong. She desperately fears she will live life as a nobody and die quietly with no one to care for her. She tries to make friends, and those she calls friends she is fiercely loyal too.
Robyn has a passing desire for fame or notoriety. This often gets her in trouble.
Robyn is a snoop. She makes a hobby of poking her nose in other peoples business…often without their knowledge.
Robyn has a very traditional set of values, and tries to be helpful and good at all times
About 5â€
10†medium build. Volumes of curly black hair done up on her head that still spill down her shoulders. She has nut brown skin and dark penetrating eyes. Lyâ€
Ahnna has unusual facial features that border on the exotic. Most people find her distant and cold. Compassion is not her strong suit.
Ahnna is of average intelligence but is quite learned and disciplined. She is surprisingly athletic, and possesses great strength for a woman. Her reflexes are outstanding, and is one of these people that always catches the glass before it falls off the table.
Ahnna is extremely emotional and passionate, her desires animalistic and primal. She keeps these in check through the training and discipline she received. If she loses her temper, she is likely to kill without hesitation.
Ahnna has one or two people she will call friends. Everyone else is relegated to the status of acquaintance. She will only open up to those she calls friends.
Ahnna does not want to die, but she has no fear of death.
Ahnna has a duty to restore spiritual order in this area. Sometime people mistake her helping for compassion. In her mind, she is just doing her job.
ndel Baenre
The one he respects the most gave him the mission; the mission he takes more serious than anything else on this world. He is willing, without any doubt or hesitation to sacrifice both his own and others lives to succeed with his quest. Even though he is ready to sacrifice his own life, it doesnâ€
t mean he doesnâ€
t put value to it – but any life other than his own is insignificant. The direct order he was given to purge that which is standing in his way makes him rather narrow. She who sleeps with spiders is more respected than the existence of the world. No one will be able to convince him otherwise. JAL KHALESS ZHAH WAELA – All trust is foolish. Friends are as rare as love is in ElÃ
ndel life. Sex is only for stimulation and the company of others used to facilitate his goal and accomplish his mission then to return to where he came from – The Underdark. His life as a child was nothing but a fight for survival. Power and the ability to control others were the dream for everyone he knew. Few things, if any at all, stopped one to kill another if it would bring them to a better position. He never feels compassion or love. That makes him hard to both communicate with and to be with. His original red shining eyes, dark black skin and pale white hair came with some respect. He did not only lose his power but also his physical appearance. He can no longer walk around freely, fearing no one. After the fight with the wizard who polymorphed him into an elf, he is no longer the self-confident and insolent ElÃ
ndel. Rather the hiding and always watching. But his lust for blood and destruction is of course, still there.
Jasanna Davion (Elf Fighter)
- Mischievous blue eyes.
- Short cropped and deep red hair.
- Not outstandingly pretty, but her ready smile and bright eyes can make her attractive to some.
- She is still fairly young for an Elf, not quite a century yet in age.
- She is small, but strong and athletic. Her fair skin however betrays the fact that her fitness is won through training and practice more than actual experience.
- Jasanna is usually a cheerful person, always keen to be a part of the action, whether it be combat simply something to do. She likes to keep busy, but an interesting conversation can be just as good.
- Sometimes a little immature in her ways, her inexperience sometimes shows through.
- Most things she sees in terms of black and white, everything is either good or bad. She can get quite upset when bad things happen to good people, even if she barely knows them, but will happily chop up any kind of “bad thing†she finds.
- The positive outlook she usually presents to the world actually masks the scared and confused child inside of her, which only occasionally comes to the surface. More of this will be explained in her diary, all in good time…
![]( Davion.jpg)
Jasanna how she'll look when I get my RP token and pester the item monkey for a while, in her normal clothes and in her armour...
I have decided to re-post the information on savians I had on the old boards, considering Lax's behavior should be close to this.
By the way people, don't be afraid to freak over Lax's appearance. The more people (who don't yet know him) call him demon, the more fun it is. Heck, he was kicked outside town multiple times before Build 8 and it wasn't until I had posted that Jore had accepted Lax into town (with vouches from SEVERAL people, mostly militia) that Lax stopped being kicked out of town or arrested by Jore.
On the subject of Savians:
What is a Savain? A savian is a creature of any race that has been magically altered to better embody chaos on the prime material plane. The magical transformation can and will alter a savian's physical appearance in a number of ways including but not limited too: Horns, Wings, extra limbs, tails, odd skin colors, perhaps hair covering more parts of their body. The transformation also causes a slight amount of lunacy.
What about religion? A savian usually does not truly worship any gods, though when it dangerous situations (like any other creature) a savian could call out for help to a diety. When they DO choose gods they usually choose a pair of opposites. A favorite pair for savians is Tymora and Beshaba since those two goddesses seem to be more chaotic than most. The least likely pair would be those gods of law and order, especially Helm, Jergal, and Bane.
Where do savians come from? Savians make savians. Each savian naturally has magic that allows them to make other savians. First, one must travel with and show a current savian that they are worthy of becoming a savian. This means that they must show that they could further the amount of chaoticness on a plane of existance. A savian would NEVER make another creature a savian until they felt the creatue would help chaos. Since is takes a savian to make a savian, where did the first savian come from? This would be unknown. It would be like asking where the first human came from. The answer would lie with the gods and if the god wanted to promote chaos then wouldn't it be more chaotic to leave people guessing?
How common are savians? Not very common. And they are not usually well received by civilized communities. Though sometimes they are brought into social circles of the rich and/or artistic. When this happens it is usually because the savian can play the role of matchmaker or muse or radical artist or hilarious jokester extremely well. On the other end of the table, a savian is sometimes revered in uncivilized, barbaric lands as a god simply because of their appearance. This usually only happens in primitive cultures though.
What about long term goals of the savians? Savians, as a group, have no long term goals. That would be primarily against their nature, especially if the goal required the coordination of a large number of savians. They usually act on impluse or desire. There is one goal, however, that almost all savians wish for. And that is to reach a level of power to which they can travel to the plane of Limbo (a plane of existance of pure chaos).
What is the general behavior of a savian? This is a question that, perhaps, shouldn't be answered. Labeling a "general behavior" for ANY race would be hard. And labeling a "general behavior" for a chaotic creature that is composed of many different and slightly crazy races is nigh impossible. A note of fact though, savians are aligned along Chaotic (nearly always Chaotic Neutral), they rarely ever take anything seriously, and they work for the increase of chaos in general. How each savian goes about the increase of chaos is up to them.
Can I find savian in D&D? No. A savian is made up totally by my own imagination. Though I would not mind making stats for savians if D&D wanted them.
#1 Oxymoron - Microsoft Works
The first memory of the moment that changed the direction of my life forever, kneeling at my mothers bedside as she slowly slipped away into the deepest sleep a living being can achieve. One of her last words were "you have a brother, find him and he will look after you". A mass of emotions filled my heart, a hundred questions filled my head, BROTHER!!! I have a brother? A man dressed in large flowing robes entered the bed chamber, closed my dears eyes and tucked me under his arm. That is all I remember of that house in the Demara area. I was raised by the clerics of the same order that my father once was, I had not seen him since he left some years before on the search for his eldest son, my brother. On my 10th birthday I began to understand what had transpired that day years before in my mothers bed chamber and began to ask the usual awkward questions that an orphan child would ask any substitute family of an all man order of healers. I had learned that my father was a great leader of men and powerful cleric, his 1st wife had a child and had passed at birth, my father had met my mother who chose to keep her name for she was of a noble bloodline and he an influential member of the community with a young son. I never knew my brother, he and father, so I am told had some dissagreement and my brother left to find himself in life, so I was told. My father was a man of many complications, you could see he always had something on his mind and now I know what that must have been…his oldest teenaged son off in the wilds making his mark in life, must have been a strain on him but he made no mention of me having a brother. I continued my schooling under the brotherhood monastary and began to learn more of my history, the more I learned the more I wanted to know. The words my mother spoke on her death bed still tear at me like an assasins blade at my throat. I have a brother!!! After completeing the absolute minimum education I began to plan my escape form the brotherhood in search of my brother. I asked the head of our order if he could tell me more of my father and brother. He mentioned that he knew not much of my brother other than his name...Telyel. On the journey looking for Telyel my father met his end at the hands of some unknown Vampire. I have sworn to avenge his death but first I must find my blood brother and hand him this news!
Janu Wilkinson