Stories of Kanen Hightower
wants to point out that she wrote one before Kanen, so nyeh.
I get all the love points.
Of course, I think I just spent them, today (Wednesday). cough
Umm, tearful, heart-rending rememberence to Alannia coming right up, sir DM :shock:
New story, huh? No mention of, oh I dunno, say the death of your close friend Alannia, huh?
You're so dead Hightower :twisted:
It was early morning, still nighttime really, as Kanen sat outside the south west gate of Peltarch, idly talking with the mage Therius about the lack of mages in the city. “…well with Spellweaver Keep at Norwick, most of them live around thereâ€, Kanen told the mage. The gates opened and a woman dressed in golden hued armor walked confidently out, and Kanen smiled happily when he saw that it was Seven. The knight started to say something to the mage Therius, when another woman approached from the south, this one also familiar to Kanen, but only vaguely so. Kanen rose and walked over to Seven, greeting her warmly, as the other woman walked up to him. “Mr Hightower? I bring you a letter from my masterâ€, the woman meekly said. Kanen thanked the messenger and took the letter, reading it quickly, a look of exasperation plainly on his face, as the messenger left. Therius, in the mean time, had walked up to Kanen and Seven, introducing himself to her.
Kanen started to speak about the letter, but then looked at Therius and promptly closed his mouth. Seeing that the Paladin obviously wished to be alone with the lady, Therius said his goodbyes and left quietly. Kanen showed the letter to Seven, explaining what he had been doing recently and why the letter had been delivered. Seven replied with her ideas on what the note actually might mean, and what purpose might be behind it.
Changing the subject, a sly expression on his face, he told Seven that her gift had finally arrived, and with a flourish gave her a hatbox-sized package. She looked at the box, scowled, said in a semi-serious tone, “Iâ€
ve told you before. I do not wear helmets. They obstruct my vision.†Kanen only stood there smiling sweetly at her. “Open it, Iâ€
m sure itâ€
s your styleâ€, he replied with a wink. Shaking her head and sighing, Seven opened the package to reveal…a helmet. She looked up at him with a scowl but he quickly added “Take it out of the box, look at itâ€, still smiling a secret smile. As Seven picked up the helmet, she saw that it was filled with wrapping paper. She looked suspiciously at him as she now removed the wrapping paper from the helmet and found a book. The book was bound with white leather and scripted on the cover were the words “Sevenâ€
s Prayer Book to Torm the Trueâ€.
Her expression became one of shock as she thumbed through the book, written in a flowing, silver script. It was filled with prayers to Torm, her Lord. Seven, of course, already had such a book, but hers was ripped and torn from years of frequent use in environments sometimes harsh. “Thank you so muchâ€, she said with tears in her deep blue eyes as she hugged him tightly. Kanen moved to give her a brief kiss, but she embraced him tightly and kissed him with passion, which he eagerly returned. “I love youâ€, she breathed, through their kissing, “and I love youâ€, Kanen replied quietly, still embracing her with passion, as he kissed her neck.
Smiling playfully, Seven separated a bit from him. Breathing a bit heavily, Kanen looked up at the night sky and realized it had started snowing. “I would think Iâ€
d be cold, with the snow, yet Iâ€
m quite warm…†he said with a smile, as he stood still loosely holding her. “What are you plans this early morning, Kanen?â€, Seven asked. “I had planned on going to Norwick for awhile, to see whatâ€
s going on there, with the were-creature menace still plaguing the townâ€. So together they headed south, through the Nars pass, and on into Norwick, the trip being surprisingly uneventful except for small talk between them.
As they entered the north gates, the snow still falling gently, the two looked around at a surprisingly near empty town. Seven asked if Kanen would like to eat with her. Smiling, Kanen replied that heâ€
d be happy to. They went to the Boarâ€
s Head, and sat down at a table after their long journey south. Just then, Scutum walked up to Kanen and asked him some things about the were-creatures that he had learned, and what he thought was going on. During the conversation between Scutum and Kanen, Seven went and ordered and then brought their dinner back to the table. Scutum said her goodbyes to them, and walked away.
They ate their meal quietly. Seven admitted that she was still having her nightmares. Changing the subject, she said how her mother was doing better, though still recovering from the disease that had almost taken her life. She also spoke how this had changed her father from a gruff, near emotionless military man, to a man suddenly realizing what his loved ones meant to him, showering his with wife with love and attention all over again. They talked and joked back and forth for a time, both laughing at the jokes and light-hearted barbs that went back and forth between them, each relaxing for a time from their cares and worries.
After their meal, they left the inn. After gathering a couple of fruit from a tree, Kanen hanging onto Seven while she had leaned out precariously over a cliff to collect them, they sat down on a bluff overlooking the town, Kanenâ€
s arm wrapped around her.
“Are they still every night?†Kanen asked. She knew what he meant and nodded, saying “Yes. Iâ€
m getting only a few hours of sleep a night…barely enough to keep me sane.â€, She added bitterly. “The dreams continue, but…â€, sighing she added, “but…every four or five nights there is a different dream.†Kanen said quietly “Perhaps it might help to speak of it†and waited for her to continue. Nodding, looking into the distance, she began.
“Same town, I walk into it, but donâ€
t speak to the knolls this time. I walk down an alleyway, and Elrick and and a few of his men jump me, and they…rape me.â€
Sighing, she continued, “Then, after they beat me, the men leave. Elrick helps me back up…and I hug him. We go back to the inn and….well, thatâ€
s when you arrive. You enter our room and you kill him. I run out and tell the guards. You come out and are confronted. The arrows come through the glass and kill the guards. I run but get hit. You smile at me as you run from the burning building, leaving me there. Then I wake up.â€
s like you took my place. I do not understand itâ€, Seven said quietly. “What of the…voices, the sounds that you had been hearing?†Kanen asked with concern. “Those have stopped, some days agoâ€, she replied shaking her head. “I have worried that one of these…attacks would occur while you were in combat, causing you to fail a spell or drop your sword…â€, he said. “No, during combat, there are no problemsâ€, she replied, shaking her head. “Do you still think…he…is involved?†Kanen asked pointedly. “Thatâ€
s the only thing I can think ofâ€, she replied. Seven started to add more, but then suddenly went very tense, clutching at her chest, as she yelled out in pain. “Seven! Whatâ€
s wrong wrong?!?â€, Kanen asked with deep concern and alarm in his voice. She did not reply, only clutching her chest, her entire body tense, yet seemed to mutter something. He held her close, hugging her tightly, then she finally, slowly relaxed.
Stroking her hair, Kanen quietly asked “Are you okay now?†She opened her eyes slowly, and sat up. “Iâ€
m fine.â€, she replied. Yet she held one hand against her chest. “Come.â€, she said, as she stood up and walked down the hill and entered the Friarâ€
s, Kanen following her with deep concern on his face. They went upstairs to one of the private rooms. “Help me.â€, she asked, as she tried to remove her clothing. The robe she was wearing, however stuck to her flesh, as Kanen helped her remove it, causing her to hiss in pain.
Once her robe was removed, an angry burn could be seen over her left breast, in the shape of a clawed hand. “What could have caused such a mark?â€, Seven asked, as she started to redress. Kanen stopped her, putting his hands on the burn and attempted to heal her. The burn faded somewhat, but was still visible, as Seven now put her robe back on, somewhat gingerly. “Like the mark made from a branding ironâ€, Kanen said with quiet anger. “What could it mean?†she asked. “I need to sit down. Iâ€
ve never felt such pain. It first felt like a burn but then spread as a sharp, stabbing pain through out my whole bodyâ€.
“Kanen, I must retire for the evening, the robe is irritating the burn. Iâ€
ll be staying here at the Friarâ€
s tonightâ€. “Iâ€
ll get a room at the Boarâ€
s Head then, and we can return to the city tomorrow togetherâ€, Kanen replied as he started to walk out the door. ‘Wait. Will you stay with me tonight?â€, she asked, then added “just for comfort, of courseâ€, she said with a knowing smile at the expression on his face. Sighing dramatically, he replied “Yes…and I promise to be a gentlemanâ€. “Iâ€
d expect nothing less†she said with a grin, as they prepared to share their first night together.
sits down besides Marlena and takes notes in his man-to-woman relationship book
::A letter is delivered to Kanen from Seven's messenger falcon in a delicate, hand-carved scrollcase::
While I know we had met prior to sending this to you, I decided to write nevertheless. Please excuse my shaky handwriting at times. You know the reason for this, so I shall not mention it here.
The reason for this reply is to first apologize for my seeming lack of trust and willingness to share all aspects of my life with you, including the darker parts that have emerged as of late. I also ask that you forgive me for that pitiful and pathetic attempt at lying to you.
Second, know that my feelings for you is mutual. Without the thought of you upon my mind, I would be in the cold world of despair that I found myself wallowing in prior to meeting you. It may seem melodramatic and over-exaggerated, but it is not.
Over the years, I have learned to place a smile on about every aspect of my life that is visible to those that I come in contact with. Most people know me as being genuinely friendly and sweet - but all the while inside I constantly fight the sharp edge of loneliness and hunger for friendship.
Because of this fear, I came to think that somehow, you would leave me if you saw any difficulties in the relationship or found out something about me that was betrayed by my outside appearance and actions.
For this, I am once again finding myself apologizing. I will not lie to you again.
In love,
This letter is given to Seven on the streets of Peltarch by a messenger boy. It is a crisply folded, sealed page of parchment that also contains another page of parchment, but that page is very worn, and stained by blood and grime.
_My dearest Seven,
This is an attempt to put into words my feelings for you and what the times we are able to spend together means to me. Every time I see you, my heart skips a beat and a smile forms on my face, unbidden. I feel I am a very lucky man to have the love and affection of a woman of such radiant beauty, and I find myself at times at a loss of what to say, only wanting to think of something that will make you smile, or better yet, cause you to laugh at my words. I can only hope my awkwardness isnâ€
t too visible. I know that you and I have been through many bad times, together and separately, but I pray that this will only make our bond stronger, as we have set those things aside in the joining of our hearts, looking forward, not back. Together we are stronger that what we are separately. Together our faith in our Lords and each other will see us through any adversity that arises.
I worry that some morning I will awake and all this had been nothing more than a wonderful, happy, dream. That I will find myself alone again. I donâ€
t know if I could bear that again. Each day I pray in thanks that you and I have finally come together, and pray for our continued happiness in this place. You are like the light that shines before me, lighting my way in the darkness of evil and death in this place. Seven, know that I love you, and Iâ€
m bursting with gladness that youâ€
ve come to trust me with the secret of your past, and know that there is nothing you cannot tell me, or share with me. I will be there for you, as long as you wish me there.
Your golden hair, your eyes, your sweet lips, these are things that I think on when Iâ€
m alone in some desolate place, or when the day seems dark and without hope. I only hope that I provide something for you in return, my lady. I hope that my love gives you some of the strength that yours gives to me. This I pray.
I am returning a page from your diary that was found in Thay. The page was delivered to me just before we set out in our attempt to rescue you. While itâ€
s words being known to me may cause you some embarrassment, know that they warmed my heart and made the journey there and back a little lighter, knowing that you had been thinking of me. I am returning it to you now, as it is your property. I have meant to return it before now, but the time never seemed right. But I am no thief and feel I must return it now.
Your gift should be arriving soon. It is a small thing, but I hope it is something youâ€
ll care for and think of me whenever you see it.
May Helm guard you and Torm watch over you always.
Yours always with love,
munches her popcorn
A Story of Kanen's Past
The young man stood quietly waiting but was very nervous. His body, hardened from the years of training and physical labor was tense like a coiled spring. His deep blue eyes were bright, slightly betraying his carefully contained emotions. His light brown hair was neatly combed, his skin freshly scrubbed. He was wearing the shining ceremonial silvered plate armor for the event he was about to take part in, hopefully.
He looked about the stone, austere chamber, at the banners and pennants of battles long past, of weapons and armor hung from the walls in decoration of a most militant kind. The roomâ€
s owner was the Commander of the forces of this place, where the young man had lived almost since before he could remember. He could only vaguely remember his father, mother, an older sister, but in glimpses, the details fuzzy as it had been over fourteen years since he had seen any of them. He had been barely more than a babe when first brought here to the Hold.
His life had been that of boy always training to be a warrior. But not just any kind of warrior. While still a child he had been found to be among the Chosen. He was told his family could not afford to have him trained properly any other way and so had turned him over to the knights of the Hold for proper training and education. That he might fulfill his potential as one of the Chosen. The Chosen of Helm. The Chosen, to one day, if he did not fail his Lord and himself, to become Paladin. The young man reflected back on how his young life had been full of combat training, of hard grueling work and exercise, and of coming to learn and study about his Lord Helm. The classes concerning faith, taught by priests of Helm were mixed together with the warrior training, each subject receiving equal attention.
It was drilled into him that without faith, his combat skills, no matter how great, would eventually fail him. That only through dedication of service and faith in Helm would he win through the adversities and challenges that he would face. Most young knights would stay at the Hold for a number of years after their being named as Paladin. It had become almost a tradition. This thought made the youth nervous, as he thought of what his own plans were, once his ceremony was complete. There was another tradition that had not been broken in some time… His musings were cut short as the Commander entered the room, nearly slamming the door behind him.
The Commander of Helmâ€
s Hold was a powerfully built man, though of average height. His hair was whitened from age, yet his body was still that of a warrior, muscled and strong. The greatest strength of the Commander could be seen when looking into his eyes, however. Eyes that had seen many things in his years of service. Eyes full of wisdom and knowledge. The man now looked hard at the youth standing stiffly before him. Looking at the young man, he could see potential. This one could become a Paladin of fine standing and serve the Hold well. Perhaps even one day take over the leadership of the Hold, as the Commander was of course but a man who would one day go to serve his Lord eternally, both at rest and yet vigilant, a paradise for a warrior such as he.
But the boy would not listen. He seemed to be hardheaded and full of his own ideas of what being a Paladin meant and what service was required of him. As if the leadership of the Hold didnâ€
t know better for him. What gall. And yet, here the young man stood, obviously nervous yet also obviously unmoved by the words of all his instructors and superiors. Scowling as he sat behind his desk, looking at the boy, he waited for a time, but then finally spoke in a raspy voice:
“Squire Hightower, what is the meaning of this? You have been given wise, sage advice from your betters that you refuse to follow. And yet you expect us to knight you and allow you to take the title Paladin? Tell me why I should do such a thingâ€, as the Commander pressed his fingers together, staring at the young man.
Looking straight ahead into space, keeping his voice steady with obvious effort, Kanen Hightower replied, “Commander, I have passed all the requirements that are required for advancement. I have proven both my combat ability, and the strength of my faith. The only vow I have refused to take is one that was made by tradition, not official requirement.â€
Raising his voice the Commander replied “Donâ€
t you think there is a reason itâ€
s become tradition? The Vow of Chastity has been taken by all the Paladins at the Hold for some time now, voluntarily, Iâ€
ll grant you.†Steeling his voice, he continued, “They all listened to the advice of their betters and many of them have become Paladin of great standing and service. And yet youâ€, voice now dripping with sarcasm, “Kanen Hightower, wish to challenge all that. Are you saying you know better than these other worthies on what is best for you? Squire, youâ€
ve been in this Hold most of your life. You donâ€
t know anything about courtship or how to go about such things.â€
Swallowing, still staring at point in space, Kanen carefully replied “Sir, with all due respect to yourself and to the instructors and trainers here, I do not feel that refusing this vow will make me any less able to perform my duties as a Paladin. It is this squireâ€
s belief, in fact, that I might become stronger after finding a woman to love that loves me as well.â€
Teeth gritted, shaking his head, the Commander replied, “Very well. So be it. You will experience much pain and come to regret this decision before finding any ‘happinessâ€
, if you ever do. May Helm forgive you your insolence.â€
Standing now even straighter, but looking now directly at the Commander, Kanen said “Sir. This squire also has plans once he has been named knight and Paladin.†Seemingly with great effort the young man forced out “This squire…I… plan on going…Errant.â€
The Commander exploded out of his chair and was around the desk and in Kanenâ€
s face in an instant, now screaming, “ERRANT? Do you think weâ€
ve spent all these years in training you, all this time and money, so that you can go off on your own and be dead in some ally a few weeks from now?!? Get out of my office, you insolent, wet behind the ears whelp! Youâ€
ll never be a Paladin, not as long as Iâ€
m Commander here!â€
In a quiet voice, barely above a whisper Kanen replied, “Sir, I have had a dream, a vision. I am needed…elsewhere. This is not my choice, but the Duty I must perform as He requires.â€
Blinking, slowly calming himself, the knight then asked “Where? Where is it you think you need to be? And why do you think it should be you, an inexperienced, newly named Paladin that must go on this journey? Next youâ€
ll be saying you must go alone.â€
Carefully controlling his elation at how the Commander had spoken of him as a Paladin already, Kanen replied “I do not know where my path leads me. I only know that He calls and I must follow. And yes, I must go alone, He has willed this as well.â€
Shaking his head, the Commander looked piercingly at the young Paladin-to-be. He could sense no deception, no hidden purpose behind the words the young man spoke. Wryly, the Commander realized, he had been outranked. In a softer voice he said “Then your path will be a hard one. Staying on it will be most difficult and I will pray daily for you, young Paladin. May you reach where He requires you be, and may you be ready for the tasks He sets before you when you reach your destination. Now then, go gather with the other squires. You will be named Paladin and knight this day, and tomorrow you may leave. You will be given minimal gear and provisions and left on your own from that point forward, may Helm guard you on your journey.â€
Nodding, Kanen turned on his heel and walked to the door. Before opening he stated “Thank you sir. Thank you and the Hold for everything you have done for me. I had hoped to serve here for many years to come, as this is the only home I remember. But I must accept this Duty and do so willingly. Farewell.†With that, he opened the door and went out, quietly closing the door behind him.
The Commander sat for sometime, eyes closed, in his office thinking of what chance such a young one had of reaching his destination, much less being of any real service when he reached it. Shaking his head, he realized that Helm would decide, as would the strength of the boyâ€
s faith. Standing, he prepared to go down and perform the ceremony of knighthood and grant those now ready as Paladin. Saying a silent prayer for guidance and for wisdom, he left the office; musing on the fates of those about to be granted the title they had worked their lives for. And his thoughts and prayers would go with the young Paladin leaving tomorrow. Yet he knew the young man would reach his destination and perform his Duty, if his faith remained strong…Helm willing, of course.
((OOC This story is really RagnarokZero's not mine, my story is just about Seven's telling of it
It was a sunny day in the city. Something that was not quite as rare as in Norwick, but still not normal occurrence for the city by the lake. Distracted, looking up at the bright sun, he almost ran right into the person coming out of the Dancing Mermaid as he was headed in. Muttering a quick apology he glanced at the person. Recognition, and then feelings of happiness and joy flooded into him in a rush. Smiling her bright smile, she was dressed in a tight fitting purple outfit that Kanen found himself following closely with his eyes. Seven exited the Inn and walked up to Kanen, who had stepped back and away from the door.
“Hello Seven, itâ€
s been…some time. I have missed you, my lady†Kanen spoke quietly, a broad smile on his face at seeing her again.
Looking up at him, grinning she quipped “Of course, you didâ€, her smile faded slightly as Seven softly added “Yes, my studies and work at the temple have kept me very busy…I am sorry. Iâ€
ve missed you, as well.â€
Shaking his head, Kanen replied “We both live busy lives. What matters is that we have times like now that we can spend together.â€, taking both her hands in his as he looked into her eyes.
Returning his look and then looking down at the ground, Seven seemed to come to some inner decision. “It is time. Kanen, there is something I want to tell you about…but we need to go somewhere we can talk privately.â€
Seven turned and went back inside the Mermaid, as Kanen followed her. Looking around, she took the stairs to the second level of the Inn as Kanen walked behind her. They continued into the corridors, finding a dark side corridor that was little used and offered some privacy from passers-by and listening ears.
Seven turned and faced him, as he took her hands into his once again. Looking directly at him, her voice firm, she said, “What Iâ€
m about to tell you, Iâ€
ve never told anyone. I have…few friends…and the ones I do have, I have never trusted enough to speak of this.†Kanen felt a small surge of joy that she was willing to share whatever this was with him…it seemed very much like another step in their relationship and her growing trust in him.
Looking into his eyes Seven began “Do you remember that I was enrolled at my fathers military academy at Waterdeep when I was a young girl?†Seeing his nod that he did, she continued, “Well, I was one of very few girls who were in the Academy. Because of this I was quite…popular. When I was about of sixteen summers, my father started to try to match me with various men. He never told me he was doing this, he would simply introduce us, I would speak to them for a time, and then they would leave. One man that he brought for me to meet was named Elrick.†She paused a moment, her gaze now looking beyond Kanen, seeming in memory as she then continued. “He was of 27 years of age to my 16 summers. Elrick came to see me more than once. He began…demanding a romantic relationship from me. Nothing happened between us, but he made it obvious that he wanted it to be so.†Sighing softly, her words seemed to flow on their own now. “Every year an exercise was held out by the Lake of Tears. I had never gone though. That year, Elrick offered to take me there, and my father allowed it. We set out that day, we were on horseback, I followed him closely, as I was somewhat scared. I had never been anywhere. He also had several men that followed us. They were rough looking and had hard eyes. Mercenaries in his employ, I learned.â€
Swallowing, she continued, as Kanen continued to look at her closely. “Almost immediately, I realized that we were headed in the wrong direction. When I demanded we turn around and go home, Elrick replied that he needed to run some errands first, and that we would then head to the lake to join up with the others. We later traveled to and camped for the night outside a small town. During the night, I awoke. I looked about the campsite, but there was no one else there…I was alone. Going back to my sleeping back, I lay there quietly, somewhat frightened, but I acted as though still asleep. A few hours later, Elrick and his mercenary friends returned, carrying a large sack between them. They also spoke of…killing someone.â€
Taking a deep breath, Seven brushed her blonde hair from her eyes before continuing, “The next morning, I acted as if nothing was wrong. However, Elrickâ€
s companions started making…crude comments about me, giving me lewd looks. I again demanded to return home, and Elrick yelled at the men, who seemed to listen to him, and the comments and looks stopped.†Looking down at the floor of the corridor, Seven then went on, “Later that evening, we again stopped and encamped in the woods. The men, all of them including Elrick started drinking.
I went to lie down for the night, and they came at me. I struggled and fought them, Torm, how I fought them…yet soon my hands were tied…and I was stripped from the waist down by the men and thrown on my back on the ground.†His eyes flashed in anger as Kanen thought of her so, and how they must have then treated her. “The animals….†he rumbled. However, looking directly at him, Seven shook her head saying “They…did not. Elrick started demanding that he should have me first as I was his, however a fight soon broke out between the drunken men. During their fight a couple of them actually fell into the campfire and were burned. During this chaos, I was able to slip free of my bonds, grab a sword and began swinging the blade at their backs. I had killed three or four before they even realized I was free and now a threat to them.â€
“Elrick actually fled then, leaving his remaining men to deal with me. That fight was very hard, and my sword armâ€, as she flexed her left arm, even though Kanen knew she used a blade in her right hand, “was badly damaged in that fight. Yet I was able to kill them at last.†Seven then paused and looked at Kanen for his reaction. As he started to speak Seven stopped him saying “There is more.†Again she now looked down at the floorboards of the corridor before continuing, “I followed Elrick for a few days. I found him one night in a town in the arms of a whore. I killed him as he tried to rise out of the bed. I searched his horse and found the large bag they had been carrying along. It was full of armor and other items of value. It seemed Elrick and his band were thieves, stealing from the towns they visited.†Looking now directly again at Kanen she added “This, however, does not change the fact that I killed him in cold blood. I then returned home, and told my father and mother that dire bears had attacked us. My arm could no longer hold a sword properly so I began retraining myself to use my right arm, as I do today.â€
Kanen was stunned by her tale, still angry at men long dead and began “I wish that I….†With humor in her voice Seven replied, “you wish you had been there to help me? You were what? Five years old?†with a grin. Shaking his head Kanen said, “More like ten or so…but still…†His mind working to understand everything she had told him Kanen now asked almost incredulously “You never even told your mother about this? No one?†She replied, “If I had told my mother it would have destroyed her, and she never would have allowed me to continue my training at the Academy. From that day forward I strove to become more like my father, strong and self-reliant, not thinking of romance.â€
“This why my faith is so important to me. One thing I have learned in my studies is that all life is precious.†Shaking his head, Kanen stated “No. What you did was justice. Those men were thieves and attempted rapists of a girl, and they probably would have killed you after…â€. Shaking her head, Seven seemed to disagree with him, so he added. “Seven, Torm would not have accepted you if he did not forgive or feel that your actions were justified. You are a strong cleric of Torm, this should show you that your actions were just.â€
Again thinking, Kanen asked, “You…once told me I was the first man you had ever kissed…this is true?†With a slight blush and a quick smile Seven nodded to him. While he thought again of what a fool he had been to ever have left her, she moved quickly towards him and softly kissed him. Kanen then took her into his arms, and kissed her with some passion, holding her tightly, as she also moved closely against him. Seven finally broke away a bit with a smile, straightening her outfit saying softly, “My. You did indeed miss me, didnâ€
t you?†Breathing a little heavily Kanen only nodded before adding a bit awkwardly “Seven…you should know that I will never try to make you do anything before you feel ready….†Laughing softly, Seven replied “I know that, Kanen.â€
Kanen added, “You have my heart in your hands.†Seven quickly replied, “Just where I want it. Itâ€
s good to know, that you know who runs this relationship.†with a grin. Chuckling to himself, Kanen shook his head, amused at her humor. Sighing heavily, Seven then said “Kanen, I hate to say this, but I must go now.†Sighing himself, Kanen replied “I understand…actually I need to be somewhere also.†They kissed once more and left the corridor and the Inn together.
They both said they would try to make more time for each other in the future, and try to make what they had between them work. Time would tell if they would succeed or not.
Looking around, Kanen realized that it must have been Yehak who had taken Jenna. After consulting with the Otarchâ€
s, Kanen and Lucia decided the crypts might be the best place to start looking, ran outside and down to the center of town. However, here they encountered Jenna, looking a bit worn and tired but safe. She explained that she had been transported to a nearby cave, and had encountered the wizard, who first tried to convince her, then attacked her in an attempt to get the book from her. She had been able to defend herself and even force the mage into retreating, allowing her to escape and return here to town.
The group went to Peltarch to seek assistance from the temple of Tyr there in learning more about the book and how it could be destroyed. However, the high priestess seemed more interested in learning who the rightful owner of the book actually was, not that it was a thing of evil that should be immediately destroyed. Then, Yehak himself entered the temple, acting as though nothing he had done was wrong and claimed ownership of the book himself, as he had sent the group of young adventurers to recover it for him.
The priestess said she needed more time to think on this, and instructed each party to gather what evidence they had to support their claims of what had happened and who the book truly belonged to. So Jenna went to find Robyn and Perence and bring them to the temple. As they returned, they told of being attacked along the way by creatures and magic, yet they all were able to survive the journey. So they went back into the temple of Tyr, and Yehak was there as well.
Yehak produced a document claiming to be from the government of Jiyyd, proclaiming him the rightful owner of the book. Jenna told Robyn to tell the story from the beginning, something that most of them had not heard. She spoke of how she had overheard what she at first thought was a ‘kindly old manâ€
talking about needing some young brave adventurous types to enter the crypt in Jiyyd and find and bring him a book that was of some value to him. However, Perence, Paladin of Sune who was also with Robyn, told her he felt the old man had a very black heart and was up to only evil. They did agree to go to Jiyyd and find the book. Yet Robyn and Perence and decided they would then find out what they could about the book, deciding then whether it needed to be destroyed or what other action might be needed once they had it.
So they had gone to Jiyyd, along with Jenna and Reginald the bard, received permission from the town elders, and entered the crypt. They fought some sort of cleric, recovered the book, and were attacked by Yehak himself when they would not give him the tome. He summoned undead minions to assist him in his attack. Perence had been slain, but the rest of the group, Robyn, Jenna, and the bard Reginald had survived, and been able to drive out the wizard, at least at the time. So they had retained possession of the book, and Reginald had said he would try to learn what he could about the book and where it might have come from.
Hearing that Yehak had indeed killed Perence, and with Perence, a Paladin, there to back up these claims, the high priestess said that she would not give the book to the wizard. Yehak then left in an angry huff saying that they would regret their interference. The priestess then told the group that while the temple of Tyr did wish to help them destroy the book, it might take weeks or months to research a method…if the resources could be found to put towards the task. The group decided that Jenna, Robyn, Lucia, and Kanen would travel south to Norwick, for two reasons. The first reason was that the Friar in Norwick was known to have had some experience in dealing with undead and books concerning them, the second reason was that Jenna reminded them that the prison cells in Norwick were enchanted with areas that nullified all magical effects, and perhaps the book could be burned normally there.
So the four traveled south through the Nars and were attacked almost immediately when a blast of fire struck them. The group scattered, looking for the wizard, who become visible some distance away, laughing at them. Kanen, Lucia, and Jenna closed with the wizard, who caused Lucia to become confused and attack her own allies. She wounded Kanen with a particularly strong blow, yet Kanen continued his attack on the wizard, hoping that if the wizard dropped, his spell over Lucia would be nullified. However, Lucia soon regained her senses, fortunately before killing anyone, and attacked the wizard with a growl. The evil mage summoned creatures to aid him, yet all were defeated by the four. Finally, they surrounded him, and some attacks were getting through his magical defenses. The mage, now bloodied then disappeared in a flash and seemed gone once again.
The four now moved quickly south to Norwick. Although there were many bandits, they cut through them easily and soon found their way to the old north gates of Norwick. Lucia was looking at Jenna, when Jenna suddenly disappeared. Yelling to the others, Lucia told them what happened. They realized that the wizard had apparently once again captured Jenna and the book. Thinking, Kanen said that perhaps they should seek a mage of Spellweaver, as they might know of Yehak, and perhaps even where his lair might be, so that they could rescue their friend. Kanen and Lucia entered Norwick, and Robyn continued to search the area outside the town for her missing friend.
As they entered the town, Kanen saw Chaelvin, master of Spellweaver entering the Boarâ€
s Head inn. Both Kanen and Lucia quickly followed and entered the tavern. However, when they arrived inside they found Jenna. She was standing in the middle of the inn, seemingly somewhat dazed. When asked what had happened, she replied she wasnâ€
t sure. That she had been transported to a far tower, and had been praying and preparing to duel the wizard. However when the wizard learned that she had planned on destroying the book, she had been suddenly released. Kanen thought that perhaps the evil mage wanted them to try to destroy the book, and said as much to the others. However Lucia grabbed a torch from the wall, and left the inn. Kanen and Lucia looked at each other quickly, but followed Jenna out the door.
Jenna was walking toward the militia barracks, torch in hand. Robyn ran up to Jenna, obviously glad to see her missing friend. The group moved into the barracks and down to the cells below. Vilmar, an elf of dubious reputation and friend of the evil Kira also followed them down to the cells. Scowling, Kanen told Vilmar to leave, concerned that he would tell Kira of the existence of this book. Yet Robyn strongly defended having Vilmar there, calling him her friend. During this argument, humming a tune, Jenna entered one of the cells. Taking the torch she set the book alight after a prayer to Llira that the book could be destroyed.
Kanen suddenly felt a dark presence unleashed in the room and shouted a warning to everyone to be ready. Then it appeared. It was skeletal in appearance, itâ€
s bones shining whitely, yet seemed a cross between a lizard and a frog. The vile creature had blurring speed, and yet could hit very, very hard, as well. The battle was short but fierce. Kanen and Lucia each almost died at least once, gulping healing potions when their wounds would almost cause them to drop.
Finally, with a mighty strike, Lucia sent the creature back to whatever dark plane it had spawned from. Breathing heavily, now feeling the pain and exhaustion from their wounds, the group looked around at each other, and realized that at least for now they had won. A new enemy had been made in Yehak, but at least his plans had been foiled by now. The group left the barracks then and went to the Boarâ€
s Head for a moment of reflection and celebration. They had defeated an evil wizard, destroyed a great evil, and all had lived to tell the tale. A rare day indeed.
It had started out so simply. After thinking on his test by Helm, Kanen thought more and more about the fellow Helmite Paladin Faramir Otarch that was laid to rest in the cemetery in Jiyyd. Who had he been? What had he done for the town to receive a burial place of honor? How had he died? These were all questions Kanen found himself curious about.
After meeting Seven one evening, Kanen took her with him to Jiyyd in search of these answers. They found that the Otarch family still lived in Jiyyd and went to their family house. Kanen learned a few things about the Paladin Faramir, that he had come and helped settle the town of Jiyyd. However neither the son or father of the Otarch's would speak on how the Paladin had died…or why. Although he was still puzzled, they had left the Otarch's and Jiyyd then.
A few days later, Kanen had returned alone to the Otarch's, to try to learn more. Again, at first the family head, Ghand, did not seem to wish to speak about this at all. No matter how Kanen tried, the death of the Paladin Otarch was not something they would discuss. At all. Growing frustrated, Kanen prepared to leave them, when Ghand asked if the Paladin would be willing to do something for him. Ghand spoke of how a group of young adventurers had entered the town crypt for a mage and had taken a book from it. Ghend Otarch told Kanen that he wanted to find the location of this book, and have it returned if possible. He offered to pay Kanen in gold. The Paladin refused, offering to do this for more information about Faramir Otarch, however Ghand was still adamant about not trading such information. Finally, Kanen said he would try to learn the location of the book at no cost whatsoever, as the Otarch's obviously needed his aid.
From the information that Ghand had given about the young group of adventurers, Kanen was pretty sure he already knew who he needed to speak to. He remembered a talk he had with Robyn and Jenna some weeks ago, before the journey to Thay. The Paladin remembered how Jenna and Robyn had spoken about a trip into the crypt in Jiyyd, that they had recovered a book for a wizard calling himself the Grey Wizard, and how Perence,a young Paladin of Sune, had died in the attempt.
So Kanen left Jiyyd and began searching for Jenna. He found her just north of Norwick in the Nars Pass. When the Paladin began asking her about the book and it's current location, Kanen noticed that Jenna became evasive and seemed to be trying to hide something, when she claimed it was gone. Concerned for his friend, Kanen concentrated and was surprised. While sensing no evil from Jenna herself, an item she held in her pack was very evil. When confronted about it, Jenna finally admitted that she had been lying, that she indeed had the book, but had promised not to tell anyone about it. She apologized for lying to the knight who said he understood that the security around such an item must be kept strong, and if no one knew of it, they couldn't find it.
Kanen asked to see the book. It was a book wrapped in a dark red leather binding and seemed to be closed and sealed, requiring a key to open it. The tome also radiated evil as though light from a lamp. After putting it away, Kanen told Jenna that the Otarch's wished it returned. She seemed reluctant saying that Reginald and Adam were doing research on the background of the book and she wanted to wait to see what they found before making any decisions on what to do with the tome. The Paladin agreed for now, but was concerned that the longer they waited, the more likely the evil book would fall into the wrong hands.
It was several days later when Kanen saw Jenna again in the Nars, traveling with Perence. He asked her again about the book, after Perence was told that Kanen knew of it, something Perence seemed not happy about. Jenna related that Reginald had been able to find out little about the book, so perhaps returning it to Jiyyd and the Otarch's would be the best thing, as the tome had stayed in the crypt for many years before, so why not just put it back. Perence had needed to return to the gypsy camp then, as he had previous commitments he could not break.
While waiting to meet Lucia at the crossroads between the Nars and Jiyyd, Kanen told Jenna his good news. Of how Seven and he had spoken of their love for one another and Kanen then showed his friend the braid of hair that Seven had given him, a happy smile on his face as he looked at it again. Smiling herself, Jenna told Kanen that she was happy for him, and hoped that things went well for him. Lucia then arrived from the north, apparently unscathed by her journey from far Peltarch through the bandit infested Nars. The group continued uneventfully to Jiyyd. After they arrived at the Otarch household, Kanen asked Ghand what his plans were for the book, once found. Ghand replied he only wanted to see the book destroyed.
Relieved at this answer, the Paladin told Jenna to remove the book from it's protective bag that had kept it hidden from scrying. However, as soon as Jenna did, the room became engulfed in darkness. Kanen heard Jenna scream, but it was quickly cut off as he drew his blade in the darkness, trying to find where any attack was coming from, yet he found nothing. Hearing the scream, Lucia came running into the house, blade also drawn, just as the darkness dissipated. Kanen and Lucia looked all about the house, yet Jenna seemed gone, and the book with her.
Don't you people ever learn?!?!
Happiness in Narfell only opens the door wide for heartbreak, death, dismemberment, and possibly a lich with Power Word, Kill! Cease and Desist. Turn from your path now, as the road you are on will inevitably lead to tradgedy.
I say this as a friend to both of you. Please begin to live lives of mediocrity. It is safer.
Yeah, Robyn wants to be a flower girl
When's the wedding?
Kanen stood in the darkness, yet near the fire, listening to Jenna dramatize the events surrounding the building of the guard tower south of Peltarch. What Kanen remembered were hours of boredom relieved by minutes of horror and death. Jenna's story made it sound much more heroic and epic than it had really been, yet the new ones to the area gathered around the fire seemed enraptured by her tale and her telling of it.
Then, the Paladin heard the cry of a hawk, as it approached. Turning and peering into the darkness, Kanen saw the hawk as it landed near him. Smiling, he approached the bird, took the message and read it. It was from Seven. He read that she had been thinking of him these past weeks that she had been gone, hoped he was well, and that she wished to see him. Still smiling, Kanen quickly penned a response that he would meet her in a few hours in Norwick. He returned the note to the falcon, gave her a bit of meat, and the bird then lifted off and flew away into the darkness.
Jenna's story reached the conclusion of the final assault of the War Machine. Their final struggle to defeat the inhuman construction, Lucia's fall into death, and their costly victory. Nodding to Wilhelm who was also at the fire, Kanen made his withdrawal and began the journey to Norwick, his steps eager, and his mood light. He soon reached the north gates of Norwick, entered and saw her sitting on the bench near the well.
Dressed in her silver plate armor, golden hair down to her shoulders, Seven looked both martial yet beautiful. Kanen walked up to her, a smile on his face as they greeted each other. Looking around, Seven asked Kanen to follow her as they stepped away from the well to speak privately.
He took and held her hands in his, as Seven told Kanen that she was sorry that she had had to leave suddenly and for so long. However her mother had fallen very ill, and so Seven had gone to be with her parents. Telling Seven she had nothing to be sorry for, Kanen told her that he would be praying for her mother that she might regain her strength quickly. She also said that her mother's illness had greatly affected her father, something Seven said she was surprised at, apparently not knowing the depth of her father's love for her mother.
Looking up at Kanen, Seven asked him if he would follow her somewhere, that she wanted to show him something. Kanen agreed and they both set off out the north gate together, and made their way to a cove near the gypsy camp. They had to kill a few spiders that stood in their path, but otherwise the trip was uneventful.
The view was breathtaking. The cliff stood looking out onto a vast canyon. A waterfall descended down the sheer cliff face to the distant ground below. Seven stood on the edge of this cliff looking out into the distance, as Kanen slowly walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. Seven, said that she would often come here and pray. Quietly, she told him that, at one point, she had actually felt so alone and so troubled that she had thrown herself off this very cliff, yet did not remember falling, and had awoken in a nearby field. Kanen didn't know what to make of that, saying only perhaps Torm had not been ready for her end, that she still had purpose ahead of her, yet unfulfilled. She hung her head in remorse and regret for those actions, and Kanen only held her tighter.
She said that it was here where she had sworn an oath with Jubei to protect him, and it was here that Caleb would come visit her during the times she did have control of herself. She also told him that she felt something was still wrong with her from her time under Devon's control. That she felt as though something was slightly out of place, or like a 'strap was out of place or a pebble was in her boot', something perhaps minor, yet annoying and it would not go away, something was missing. Seven looked down and said she remembered all of her time and her actions even when she was not in control of herself. She admitted that she had lost faith in everything, her despair had gotten so deep. She thanked Kanen again for coming to save her, that she did not think she would have survived without his, and the other's rescue of her. Asking her what he could do to help her, Seven only replied that she did not want to be alone anymore, and wanted to be with him, as her soul ached from loneliness.
Kanen turned her slowly, still in his arms, and gently kissed her. He then softly said that he was very happy that he had been given the chance to save her, and that he thanked Helm that they had succeeded. He also said that when he had been forced to kill her had been the hardest thing Duty had ever required of him, that it had been almost beyond him to complete that task. Kanen then told Seven some things about his Test that Helm had given him, how she had been there, or at least one he had been supposed to think was her. He also told her how thinking of her had helped him survive the Test and complete it successfully.
Seven reached up and kissed him, as he tightened his arms around her, and they stood quietly for awhile, wrapped in each others arms, happy and contented for a time. Looking into her eyes, Kanen asked Seven how she felt about him. Smiling, she told the Paladin that she loved him, as if it was something he should have already known. Kanen, grinning from ear to ear, again told Seven that he loved her as well. Kanen then asked her again what the braid of hair she had given him really meant. Seven only blushed and said that he should be able to figure that out for himself.
When Kanen started to tickle her, Seven calmly drew a dagger and told him she had a no tickling rule, strictly enforced. Laughing, Kanen reminded her that Paladins did not know what fear was, to which she calmly replied she was pretty sure they did, if they were smart.
Just then, a bird brought a note to Kanen, and another brought a note to Seven. It seemed that Braeth would need both of their assistance in an important matter in Norwick, within the next few hours. The two looked around the cliffside one last time, then began the trip together to Norwick. Duty called, and the two warriors of faith of course went off to answer.
For days now, Kanen had been forced to rely only his combat skills and training. His Lord Helm had decided it was time for a test for the young Paladin. A test of faith, it seemed. The Paladin had felt as though he was suddenly in cast into dark shadows, where before the light of Helm had been near him and with him since as long as he could remember. Regardless of their effect, Kanen continued to pray each day and each night, asking only for the strength to complete these tests and regain the favor of his Lord. Having only his combat skills to call upon, every battle was more difficult, every wound he received he had to endure until the knight rested, or found someone willing to ease his pain. Kanen accepted this test as he did all things from Helm, with a stoic attitude knowing that he could only try to endure and prove himself. Whether he felt he deserved to be tested in this way, or even knowing why, did not matter.
So Kanen had come to the gravesite of Faramir Otarch in Jiyyd. The gravestone said he had been a Paladin of Helm, and a defender of the place. The young Paladin thought this a good place to pray and to meditate, in the area of where a brother Paladin and Helmite had been laid to rest. The cemetery sat on a high hill overlooking the town. There were many graves here, but the Paladin Faramir's gravesite was larger, and set apart a bit from the others, as a sign of honor, Kanen assumed.
As he kneeled in the darkness, praying again to Helm to restore his favor and blessing, Kanen heard a sound. The creaking sound of an old, unused door opening and closing, repeatedly. Kanen looked across the cemetery at the crypt. It was the door the crypt that was opening, and closing, over and over again. The knight slowly approached the door, watching it closely.
As he approached the door swung closed and stayed that way. Kanen opened the door and entered the dark and gloomy crypt. He noticed a man was standing in the darkness. The man, dressed in armor with a sheathed blade at his side then called Kanen by name, saying that he had been brought here, to be tested by Helm now, in this place. The dark man told Kanen that he would fail, that he would not survive this test. The dark figure then attacked the Paladin without further words, the only light in the tomb provided by Kanenâ€
s armor and helm. The duel was hard fought, both men exchanging numbing blows to the otherâ€
s blade and armor. The young Paladin prayed to Helm for the strength to survive this combat, and to emerge victorious, if it was indeed Helmâ€
s will that he do so. Finally he was able to strike a mortal wound at the figure, as it slumped to the ground and disappeared. Kanen quickly drank a potion of healing, while silently thanking Helm for His protection.
Another man came from the lower level of the crypt, his skin pale and seemingly lifeless. He told Kanen to follow him, that the test would be continued below. Kanen could sense the Evil radiating from this one, but felt that somehow this was only part of his trials. The Paladin quietly followed the figure, down the dusty stone stairway, to the metal door, and though it. The figure disappeared as Kanen now looked around the corridor, made of dark, dank stone blocks, the air fouled by the decay the crypt contained.
The Paladin now looked about and heard a voice speaking to him inside his head. The sultry female voice told him to come down the corridor, that she was waiting for him. Frowning, Kanen knew that voice…it haunted and tormented him at times in his nightmares. Kanen walked down the corridor and saw the succubus. The form of Justinia was dressed as he last remembered, in brief red armor that covered very little. She had a dark beauty about her, the Paladin knew, as his time with her replayed itself unbidden in his mind…how she had magically charmed and seduced him, and what had occurred between them.
She was laughing now, holding her arms out to the knight, making promises that he would not regret the decision, and couldnâ€
t she hold him just one more time…Kanen felt her attempting to draw him back under her dark power, as she had once before. Shaking his head, closing his eyes, Kanen thought instead of another woman, one who was of light and hair of spun gold in contrast to Justiniaâ€
s dark and forbidding presence. Kanen thought of Seven, her smile, the way she had looked at him, and her kiss. A smile slowly dawned on his face, as he realized this time, the power of the succubus had failed. He had remained strong and resisted her dark charms.
Scowling and hissing now, the succubus was not pleased that her seduction had failed. She cursed the Paladin, summoned another female demoness, and both succubi then attacked him. Kanen drew his sword and defended himself against their combined assault. The demons fought with an unholy strength and slowly wore the knight down. The Paladin was able to send one succubus away, cutting deep into her flesh, yet the one who appeared as Justinia took this opportunity to rake him across his back, cutting through armor and flesh alike. Kanen stumbled and fell to the stones. She told him to submit and that she would spare him. Raising his head, the Paladin refused, saying that he would rather be dead than the plaything of one such as her. Cursing the Paladin as a fool she moved to finish him…and disappeared, banished back from where she had came.
Slowly, painfully, the knight stood again, sliding up the wall to help him stand. He used the last of the potions of healing that he possessed to restore himself the best he could. Looking around and not sure where to proceed, Kanen turned on his heel and walked back towards the exit of the crypt.
And then there she was. Hair of gold, smile so bright, still dressed in the tight, crimson armor she had worn while under Devonâ€
s control…Seven. She claimed that she was the true Seven, that the other was some imposter posing as her. Thinking quickly, Kanen closed his eyes and concentrated…and felt a dark wrongness about this one claiming to be Seven. The woman now dropped to the stones, sobbing. She asked why he had killed her, how could he do that when he had claimed to care for her. Kanen only replied that he had done what was required by Duty, and that the true Seven knew this. Seeming to ignore him, Seven kept pleading with him to stop, to not kill her this time.
The Paladin felt his body moving on itâ€
s own, his sword arm extended as he slowly moved forward and impaled her on his blade, unable to control his own movements or actions. She screamed and cried, begging for him to stop, screaming over and over, as he watched her blood flow freely. Gritting his teeth, the Paladin prayed again for the strength to endure this grisly scene. She finally died and disappeared, leaving the knight gasping as he regained control of his actions. Only the dark pool of blood remained where she had been. Stepping over it, Kanen moved back towards the exit of the crypt, and saw that the exit was blocked by the shape of a man. The same dark guardian who he had first fought and killed when the Paladin had entered the crypt.
Smiling a dark smile, the dark guardian approached Kanen, sword drawn. He told the Paladin that he had done well during his tests, but then his smile became feral. The guardian told Kanen that he would, however, not be permitted to leave alive, as he was weak and undeserving of continued service to Helm. So the knight once again drew his sword and combat began. However, this time, the guardian moved much faster, avoiding Kanenâ€
s attacks, and struck much harder, tiring the Paladin quickly, and causing his blood to flow from many small wounds. The battle continued for some time, Kanen feeling himself grow weaker and weaker as the dark guardian only laughed and derided the Paladin all the while. Feeling he would soon fall, Kanen called once again on Helm to grant him the strength to defeat this opponent…and was answered. The Paladin felt his strength renew, as all his wounds closed and were healed.
Nodding to the Paladin, the guardian obviously was not surprised by this turn of events, but attacked again, redoubling his previous speed and skill. Kanen again found himself bloodied and beaten, leaning against the dank wall to remain standing. He was asked why did he continue, when he could not win. The Paladin replied that Helm would decide. He would either grant his servant victory over the guardian, or allow him to fall, but that his fate rested in Helmâ€
s hands. Pausing, the guardian asked Kanen what should be most important to a Paladin of Helm. Panting, attempting to regain his breath, the knight replied that Duty to Helm came first, doing whatever his Lord required, and that the protection and defense of those unable to defend themselves should be their goal.
The guardian lowed his blade and smiled at the bloodied Paladin. Kanen was told he had passed and may now leave, as Kanen felt his connection to Helm return, which felt to him as though the sun had suddenly come from behind dark clouds. Nodding, the Paladin wearily started to leave. The last thing the guardian told Kanen was to go to Seven and make sure she knew how he felt. Kanen turned to speak to the guardian, and looked onto an empty corridor. Smiling despite his wounds and pain, the Paladin made his way out of the crypt, down the hill and to the Inn, where he slept and prayed in thanks for the restoration of his powers and being allowed to call on the grace of Helm. Sleep finally took him and he rested quite peacefully that night, old nightmares perhaps put finally to rest.
Kanen entered the north gates of Norwick, having just made the long trek from Peltarch. The city had been very quiet, and Kanen was not wishing to be alone, his thoughts still on the events at Devon's keep. So he had come south to the town of Norwick, looking for familiar faces, or perhaps even someone who might need his assistance, something to help him think of other things than the fact that they, and especially she…were gone.
Kanen entered the town, his eyes being drawn to the well as it was a common center of gathering for people, even for all it's wildness and danger. Sitting at the base of the well was a man. The man had white hair and almost colorless skin, wearing plate armor. Kanen stopped in his tracks as he immediately recognized who the man was. It was Steele Zweiander, his friend and brother Paladin. Yet Steele had been slain in Devon's keep, along with Jade and Seven...and yet here he was.
Steele sat, head down, a flower, a rose actually, Kanen noticed, in his friend's hands. Kanen slowly approached the man, and sat quietly next to him, looking closely at Steele, but moving slowly, worried that he might scare him off if he didn't take things slowly, for some reason. Quietly, but with feeling, Kanen greeted his friend. Steele looked up, saw and recognized Kanen, nodded and continued staring at the rose in his hand. Kanen started asking the questions that were burning within him. When had Steele arrived? How did he get here? How did he feel and what did he remember?. Steele responded to each question as they were asked. He had but recently arrived back in Norwick after waking along the road in Thay, south of Devon's former keep.
He knew he could have traveled south to Wresthaven and his father, or north back to Narfell and his friends. He had traveled here. His eyes full of pain on the question of what did he remember, Steele responded he remembered everything that had occurred, in fact he said he had memories from Caleb, Jade, Devon, and Seven mixed in with his own. Around this time Wilhelm approached the two knights as they sat talking quietly by the well. Steele looked at Wilhelm and said that Wil had been right all along to not trust him, and asked how could he bear to stand to look at him now after all that happened. Wilhelm only sadly smiled and told the young knight that he knew and realized that Steele had been under the control of another, and that all was forgiven, for whatever needed to be, but both Kanen and Wilhelm insisted to Steele that he realize that none of his actions had been his fault. When asked about Seven and Jade, Steele only replied he had seen neither of them, only awoke and headed north to Norwick, speaking to no one.
Kanen asked Steele if he had yet attempted to pray to Torm to see if he was forgiven by his Lord. Steele replied that he had been afraid to do so. Kanen insisted that Steele should, and soon, as this would be the truest sign that Steele was not responsible for his actions if Torm accepted his prayers and allowed him his Paladin powers. After some discussion, Kanen finally was able to convince Steele to agree to go to the Friar's and retire for the night, and promised that he would attempt to pray to Torm. Steele retired for the night, and Kanen headed back to Peltarch, having new hope that if Steele could return, that perhaps Seven and Jade would be able as well.
The next day was a bright and sunny morning. Kanen was traveling through the Nars, heading to to Jiyyd to pick up some medical supplies. Suddenly, Seven's falcon gave a cry, leapt into the air and started flying directly south. The Paladin tried to call the bird back, but to no avail, it continued on it's path south. Somewhat puzzled, but with a dawning hope, Kanen followed the messenger falcon. He trailed further and further behind it, but tried to keep the bird in view. From what he could see, the falcon went down somewhere in the town of Norwick, as Kanen hurried to catch up.
Almost out of breath, Kanen entered the north gates of Norwick and looked around for the falcon, and for whatever reason caused it come here on it's own. Then he saw her. The falcon had landed on her arm, and she was focused on giving the loyal bird some scraps of meat. She stood just south of the well. She wore her silver plate armor, hair golden, and a small bright smile on her face as she watched the falcon feed. Kanen was shocked and overjoyed at once, Seven Ecksetter~Dai had returned.
They somewhat awkwardly greeted each other, each unsure of how the other felt or what they were thinking. Kanen suggested they go to a place where they could talk privately, Seven agreed and they went to the Friar's, going upstairs so that they could talk undisturbed. Kanen started to speak once they had entered the upstairs hall, but Seven turned toward him and told him that she wanted him to say he forgave her for what had happened. Kanen asked her what she remembered during her being under control of Devon, Seven responded that she remembered everything, and again asked Kanen to say whether he forgave her or not, her eyes pleading. So Kanen said that he did. That he forgave everything she had said, or done to hurt him.
Hearing these words, Seven seemed relieved for a moment, but then tears began flowing from her eyes, down her face. His own eyes brimming with tears at seeing her pain, Kanen reached out to Seven. She fell into his arms, sobbing. Kanen gently held the woman. His heart was both overjoyed at holding her again, and yet also grieving for her pain that she was obviously going through. She was apparently trying to come to terms with her actions while under Devon's foul control, remembering all she had done while being unable to stop herself.
They stood together in the hall for a time, Kanen gently speaking to Seven, telling her that her actions were not her fault. The Paladin held her closely, stroking her hair. After a time, Seven looked up at Kanen, deeply into his eyes, stroking his face, and gently kissed him. Kanen wrapped his arms around her, and returned her kiss happily. Both of them smiling now, Seven slowly stood up on her own and moved back a bit from him.
Kanen looked at her, at her beauty and felt very lucky indeed that he was with her. Seven then told Kanen she wanted to give him a gift. Kanen watched as Seven took a knife from her pack and cut a lock of her own golden hair. She then braided it, along with a purple ribbon. Smiling she gave it to Kanen saying that it was a custom among her people to do so, blushing only slightly when Kanen asked what it actually meant.
Kanen then said the words that said how he truly felt about Seven. He had known it as soon as he saw her again at the well, and had felt it during the ordeal in Thay. Kanen told Seven that he loved her, but did not expect her to say anything further, he simply wanted her to know it. Seven smiled happily at the knight, as he gently kissed her nose.
Then Seven became more serious when she started talking about how she had come back. She said that she had awakened in the swamps south of Devon's keep, disoriented and scared. Seven spoke of how she saw many bright glowing lights in the near distance, and how she recognized one of them, somehow, as Jubei. She said she then saw a man who looked like Caleb gather the lights and move away into the distance.
Moving about, Seven said she spotted Steele, who seemed disoriented and a bit strange himself. For some reason, she decided to not approach him, but watched as he began to travel north, back to Narfell. Seven followed behind him, neither of them speaking or acknowledging the other. Finally she had followed him all the way back to Norwick, as she had originally followed him when she first came to the town, so many months ago. She also said that while she had been under Devon's control that Caleb had come to visit her a few times, telling her that her friends were coming for her, and she said that had helped a little.
When Kanen asked Seven if she knew anything about Jade, or her whereabouts, Seven said she did not. This was the only shadow for Kanen during this bright shining moment for him. Steele had returned. Seven had returned and both of them seemed ready to give their feelings another chance to grow. Hopefully Wilhelm would be seeing Jade soon. Then they would have achieved true victory in their quest.
A few days later, Kanen received word from a very happy Wilhelm. Kanen didn't know the details except one. Jade had returned to them as well. Their victory seemed complete.
As they moved through the hole in the wall the group entered a corridor. This corridor went some distance before opening onto a bridge over a deep pit. Standing before the bridge was a tall man dressed in full plate armor, his skin and hair almost colorless. It was their friend Steele Zweiander. He stood in their path, filled with Devon's purpose, his eyes hard and cold. They moved at him and cut him down as quickly as they could, not wishing to cause any more pain than what was needed. Again, the Holy sword could be heard almost singing as it cut deep into Steele's flesh. He too disappeared as he fell, leaving only his blood behind. Time was running short, the Paladin army could only hold the attention of Devon's forces at the north gate for so long, before they would return inside and look for the intruders in force.
The party moved with urgency, their steps rapid as they could feel the end approaching. Soon it would be decided. The question that remained was had they weakened Devon enough to allow a chance of victory. Running along the corridors, they finally encountered the last guardian. Her elven beauty disguising the lethal strength she possessed with the greatsword she casually now held before her. Although the group knew this, as they knew the woman blocking their path. Wilhelm's expression was blank, the pain only seen in his eyes, as he looked now at his love, Jade.
With his voice raw with pain Wil's only comment was that they should strike her down quickly. So the party moved against a dear friend yet again. Jade's movements were rapid and well practiced, and she seemed to smile as she dropped Wilhelm senseless to the floor. However, she could not withstand the onslaught of the others. It was Kanen's sword that again dealt the final blow, grimace on his face. Jade collapsed in a pool of blood..and disappeared as had the others. The group moved then to Wilhelm, healing him and helping him stand as he asked if Jade had been slain. Kanen only silently nodded. They continued on and found a door that led outside…onto an idealic, bright sunny day, on a hilly field of grass.
Cautiously, waiting for Devon to spring some final trap at any time. The group moved down the hillside....and found Devon, standing on cliff, his back to them, as he looked out onto the water far below. Slowly, the party moved in on this, their hated foe. The one who had brought such pain and agony to their lives, and to the lives of many who lived in this land. Devon the Red Wizard of Thay. Devon who had killed his own family and used their lifeforce to drive his power. Devon the beast who had forced the group to slay ones they cared most about.
He heard them coming, turned slowly, and seemd to be racked by a fit of coughing. The Devon they saw now seemed simply an old man. A man who had seen all his ambitions, his plans, his dreams fall into ruin. As they surrounded him, he looked absently from one to the other, not really seeming to care about his fate anymore. When questioned about their friends' souls, Devon merely shrugged saying that they had been released, he didn't have them anymore and knew nothing further.
Kanen looked down the Holy sword he wielded. It had the blood of Steele, Jade, and Seven mixed on it. He decided the sword needed at least one worthwhile death to it's name while he wielded it. Kanen strode up to Devon, sword raised. Devon asked if Kanen would be his executioner. Nodding slowly, Kanen drew back his blade, told Devon that he hoped Helm would have mercy on him as the young Paladin would not, and killed the wizard in a single strike, as the Holy blade sang a final time. The wizard simply crumpled and fell to the ground. Kanen dropped the blade to the ground, turned, and did not look back.
The friends looked one to the other, at the wondrous equipment they had been given for this quest, and all started stripping off the magic gear throwing it into a pile, as they donned the equipment they had come to Thay with. None of them wanted any more to do with the things they had used to kill their very own matter their value.
The band of friends stood around, hugging themselves and each other, only now slowly realizing that the nightmare was truly over. Yet their loss felt so keen. So much death, and the deaths of those they cared so much about. King Raleigh himself now found them, as with Devon's death, his army was apparently banished back to whatever infernal plane they had sprung from. He called them heroes, that it was a day of great victory. But that wasn't how it felt. Not at all.
They slowly left the cliff side, went back to the camp where it had all begun, and started to make their way sadly home. Each knew that they had removed a great evil, but the price had been very high. Now they could only hope that somehow, someway, their loved ones could somehow return. The trip home was made slowly, as no one was in any hurry to be anywhere, each wrapped in their personal thoughts and loss.