Character profiles
-Although he remembers little of his parents, it is obvious from his build that he came from barbarian stock. Swarthy and muscular, and quick on his feet, his genetic heretige gave him a leg up as a sailor.
-He was 'adopted' by the crew of the Serpants Fang, a pirate vessal, at the age of 5, where he served as a cabin boy and learned the ways of the sea.
-He has a mustache that is just barely shorter than the width of 2 fish. He keeps it trimmed regularly.
-He loves Merydian Amakir, his afianced fiercely.
-He longs to return to the successful smuggling carreer that he lost when the Lady Luck sank.
-He resides now in Peltarch, where he works to raise enough money to purchase a ship.
-He spends much of his time in the Dancing Mermaid, telling tall tales, and drinking cheap ale.
-He has just started to get his land legs, and is working on learnig the use of 'landlubber weapons' such as the longbow.
-His weapon of choice is a rapier, (or light cutlass) in one hand, and an axe in the other.
-He is generally goodnatured, and smiles often. He generally does not get upset over misfortunes, or celebrate his good luck too often. His philosophy is that if Valkur does not blow in the direction that you
think you want, it just might be where you need to go. And even if he does, it doesn't mean you won't regret it later.-He is slow to anger, and quick to forgive.
-Having spent his life at sea, he has not developed the biases that most of those on land take for granted. Stories told to frighten him were always of sea serpants and sharks, never of Drow or Demons.
-He likes to laugh. He likes to laugh at himself. He likes to laugh at you.
-He can't stand cooked eel.
Ho ho! I have one too, for dear ol' Reggie.
Careena Phoenixfeather:
Her looks are quite similar to that of the dead Vinessa. Green hair, delicate features, a simliar build, and attractive. When a person looks at her though, they can clearly see she is not Vinessa because of an innocent beauty that can be seen in her green eyes. Something that Vinessa never had.
-Careena is a cleric of Lathander, The Morning Lord, and lives by his teachings.
-Careena is ever optimistic for the future. Even if things currently look gloomy and others have lost hope, she still holds strongly to her hope that things will get better.
-She is for the most part a pacifist. She will fight if she must, but goes to great lengths to avoid it. Since arriving at Norwick, she has been forced to murder humans that have attacked her in the Nars Pass. For every person she kills, she says a prayer, asking forgivness and asking her god to send the person she killed to the heavans. The only exception to this is undead and evil magical creatures, which she will fight without much hesitation.
-Careena is forgiving. She believes in second chances for everyone, even if they are extremely evil. She currently has a friend that she knows is evil but believes she can save her friend from her evil life. In some ways this makes Careena seem naive because it allows evil people to exploit her forgivness. Careena does know that her forgivness could be exploited and doesn't care. She will give her unconditional compassion and love to all who ask, whether they are genuine or not, even if it is her undoing.
(( might add more later ))
Stevan Jille.
Stevan is the second son of a noble Thayan family led by his father, Dartan, one time member of the red wizards. When his father was accused of betraying the red wizards Stevan's family was forced to flee their home and leave Thay. His father and mother were caught by the council and are presumed dead. His elder brother Tolian remained in Thay to attempt to uncover the truth regarding their father and perhaps restore his family name. His younger brother Reshard travelled east with Stevan's mentor, Velden Crookshank, a grizzled veteran ranger who taught Stevan everything he knows. Stevan is unique in his family in that he has manifested no skill in the magical arts as yet, whereas his two brothers, his father and even his mother were all accomplished mages.
Stevan is a well built individual, rounded in his physical abilities, and years of hard living in the wilds have toughened his body and mind. Hunting with bow and arrow has given Stevan a deadly eye, and in truth his bow is his primary weapon, though he is no laggard in melee either.
He stands roughly five feet eleven inches, and walks with a quiet confidence that betrays a little of the years spent learning the ways of a noble. He is polite and friendly, if a little slow to trust those he meets. He holds grudges famously, and is never slow to try and right a wrong commited against him or his friends. Due to a run in with a Werewolf Stevan can sometimes have a quick temper, though oddly this never shows through when he is around his wife and children, and some surmise that a pack instinct of some kind is at work in him. His animal side constantly works through him, sometimes against, sometimes with, and he can be somewhat unpredictable. He is loyal in the extreme.
Stevan, unlike his brothers, has no wish to ever return to Thay, and his only hope for the future is to establish a new family far away from the intruiges of the thayan cabal. His recent wedding to Karli Goodfellow, followed by the birth of their two children, is in his eye the start of a new life, and he is determined to make sure nothing comes between him and his young family.
Friends: Stevan has made countless friends since he arrived in Norwick, the most notable being John of the Woods, Meril the Bard, Kanen Hightower, Lolita c Clearbrook, Rodi Dhuutkar, Araekor Pein, Philomena Sureshot, and, in a slightly cooler vein, he has a respectful attitude towards the elven Mage Aspera chillwind. (Please PM me people, i have missed loads off this list as my brain is being ignorant). Perhaps his most unexpected friend is the Gold Dragon Viama'ta elestara vonosa Kriil, who gifted Stevan an artifact of considerable power for his aid in freeing her from a dark mages enchantments… Stevan is ever hopeful that one day the mighty creature will appear again, and he may once again speak with this most noble of the draconic race.
Enemies: Stevan has been at the front line of almost every fight for the small town of Norwick, and this has earned him the emnity of many. His most famous enemy now lies dead, Her remains scattered to the four winds. More recent foes include the Rogue ranger Quint Markest, and of course his hunt continues for any of the witches cohorts that still remain alive. The dread vampire Navar was once one of Stevan's closest associates before her fall, and he is ever vigilant for any sign of her return. Most notably Stevan was one of the valiant (foolish?) band that drove the defiler from his underground lair, and eventually destroyed his physical form. For this Stevan has undoubtedly earned the ire of a mighty demon, along with the others who took part in that dark hunt.
Attentus Vernet
–----------------------Physical appearance and casual behavior:
Human about 25 years old, with black hair and dark eyes, attractive, no unusual features. When talking to others, he is very cautious, polite, and very rarely loses his self-control, or shows true emotions (but most of time he is able to appear as nice guy). His smirk is well-practiced and could mean anything.
Character, background and personal code:
One of most important things to him is magic. It shapes his life, and defines much of his personality (see his treatise: different views on arcane for details).
He understands that being a mage he is different from other people. Before master found him, he was despised by other villagers (heard secrets of long-dead ancestors and told them aloud, spontaneously started fires etc). Now he is able to control his magic, and careful to not use it when not neccesary, so only rarely someone hates him because of his powers. Still there are very few people who try to understand mages - most judge them only by their power and either fear or despise them.
He was taken from his family when he was six years old by his master Versutus, who became his new father - stern but just. He had not much time for playing with other children, as he spent most of his time reading and learning many things - from art of diplomacy to alchemy, geography, spellcraft and philosophies of different parts of faerun. Master tried to keep him always occupied, so that boy could learn discipline and self control. As years passed, he faced many trials devised by his master - they varied from solving difficult puzzle or riddle, to casting or countering spells, yet most of them was about snapping out of mind-control enchantments. These trials made Attentus very strong-willed individual, but also shattered his emotional life.
At the end of 15-year training, Versutus cast spell on his apprentice that caused him to forget his parents, friends, even his own name. True names are very dangerous, so from now on he would be known as Attentus. Rather unusual name, but fitting for a mage - it reminds him that he is different from others, and that he should always be attentive.
As he learned magic, Attentus focused on enchantment school - he is prepared for resisting and casting mind control spells, but he is reluctant to charm other people without really good reason. Perhaps he just had to snap out of them too many times and knows how damaging to one's psyche they can be.
He does not care very much for others, except for trusted friends, but he is good politician and usually tries to appear as friendly and polite to anyone he meets. And being something like emotional-wreck he has weakness for women. But he takes care to not show any emotion he does not wish to. At least most of the time.
no longer relevant.
See previously written bio:
For anybody curious who might care, or not… I try to be descriptive when RPing her and in her stories (anybody hung out long enough with Lo'en will know she at least has grey coloured eyes!) but since time is short, here's the break down:
Physical traits-
5'4" (ish) {translates to 1.6 m}
110 lbs {50 kgs}
Grey eyes, very dark brown hair (appears black unless sunlight is shining on it)
Muscular but lithe (of course!)- she has more endurance than brute strength
Attractive but frequently dirty or sweaty; somewhat plain in face but the spark in her eyes draws you in...
Moves gracefully outside and in the wilderness but uncomfortable in towns or closed in areas (except certain open caverns, like the ones she grew up in)Demeanor, behaviour, and attitude-
Easy going, happy-go-lucky most of the time... however since her transition to Faerun, she has experienced odd mood shifts ranging from despondant and completely without spirit to raging anger with a hint of lethal recklessness. These swings have been fading and are not as frequent since having found her god Shaundakul.Quite forgetful, though this is due partially to her arrival in Faerun... affects her short term memory mostly, i.e. if she meets briefly a person she may not recognize him at a later meeting, she doesn't always remember what she says or tells people, but if she travels a few days with a friend, she'll remember that.
Sometimes acts distant and furtive by hiding her eyes since they are the one aspect she can't disguise. Often if she is deep in thought (which is not too often since she is not predispositioned to philosophical or intellectual moods) Lo'en will be very distant and may not even respond to exteral stimuli.
She's a little wise, a little smart, but most of her wits and brains tend toward the instinctual and curiosity branches.
Lo'en is loyal and faithful to those who earn it and never forgets her debts. She is humble and always seeks to learn more.
One of her biggest flaws is her reserved attitude toward others- she's friendly enough but she has yet to set down any roots in Narfell, going about her daily life, doing her duties as a Wolf, but she doesn't have close confidants and could probably fade into the woodwork without anyone noticing.
Well….actually....This Zoma is somehow inspired by the character "Ryu Soma" from the anime "Argento Soma"
Zoma Nogardis
Left face heavily scarred, with an eye patch over his left eye.
(Charisma 8 :P) -
Left eye blind, revealing a pale white pupil
Average height of 1.76m, slightly muscular.
Grey eyes, silver hair, have darker skin than other people in general
Usually wears an expressionless face but again…..some people are able to see his emotions hidden away in other form of expression.
Limps whenever he moves around due to injury and may be in a permanent state, he could run, but only in short distances and not without pain.
People's first impression of Zoma usually depicts him as a 'loner', 'cold' and 'heartless'. However, Zoma's intention is contridictory to the way he behaves. Unfortunately,the way he does things and speaks tend to lead to misunderstandings to others.
His cynical & pessimistic behaviour usually make the entire atmosphere uncomfortable to people who has yet to understand Zoma.
Seemed to be a very depressing, pessimistic and masochistic individual.
Have a habit to communicate more with 'gestures' or 'emotes' rather than words itself.
He's standing on the side of the good… Though he perform the acts as quietly as possible. For some reason, he hates being potrayed as a "Goodie", since there are enough Paladins and Clerics around anyway and loathes the thought of others potraying him amongst them.
Nebril Llspoanl
-physical traits
–nebril is a relatvily tall elf standing at nearly six foot
--nebril is scrawny but fast, he moves gracefully, like story book elven folk
--he is handsome but there is something about his appearance that makes him unattractive to fellow elfs
-- he has red hair, and smiles most all of the time, he puts off a cirlce of good will.
Char traits
--Incredibly nice guy, he seems to want to help with everything, no matter the cause, a geniune do gooder, well, most of the time.
--he would rather sit in town and talk with friends than drag dead freinds from the forest, he has a lot of bad memorys about being weak.
--He follows Corellon Larethian , not strictly, but knows that he is the creator.
--Nebril has seems to hold the city in high respects considereing it is not a forest.
An interesting concept, and one which I would applaud. It certainly forces you to consider what makes your characters who they are and how they would react. I will try with Aspera, though this may be a touch complex…
Physical Appearance...
This is the most easy part of the character to some extent.
Aspera is one of the most attractive women you are ever likely to meet. While her beauty is very physical, there is also a very enchanting aspect to her character that draws those who do like her even closer to them.
Aspera is every inch the noble Lady. She wears fine robes, cut of the finest fabric and wound with spells. Upon her neck is an amulet richly crafted to match the numerous exquisit, though subtle elven rings she wears.
Aspera's skin is pale, though not through illness of pasty as some might call it. It has an almost translucent quality, the very image of perfection that some may find somewhat intimidating. A physical manifestation of the magic within perhaps. This colouring is due in part to the place of her upbringing - the Citadel of Tor Thanan was in the cold north, and the sun has not laid its touch upon her.
Aspera's manner is one of confidence and to almost all peoples in the lands, she will seem controlled, powerful and regal. She will not show weakness to any that are not elven by principle, and her pride prevents her from conveying it even to many of them. She glides rather than walking, the epitome of elven grace.
To those who dislike Aspera, and there are several, it is in part due to reputation and the words of paladins. There are others who feel her view upon the filth that are orcs are wrong or that she views them as lesser races.
Elements of Character...
Aspera is a rather complex character as relating to alignment. In an entirely elven culture without the presence of 'lesser races', the liklihood is that she would merely be an aristocratic and faint snobby lawful neutral person, however, events and her racial opinions lead her to being lawful evil in these lands.
One of the most important things that has shaped Aspera's life in its current form was the destruction of her home, and her house, and her family. The sense of loss and of longing for her beloved home makes her see everything in these lands as a pale comparison of lost greatness. This gives birth both to her more extreme feelings upon the 'lesser races' than some other elves. Moreover, this feeling of loss has driven her to feelings of intense longing for the presence of other elves. Oddly, this element of character has not been brought up largely in game obviously, as few reach out to her.
Her persuit of power is all to reform what she lost - to try and bring back the security of her home and family and of love, which she has not felt for some time.
The death of her father and brother (see my posts for details) embittered her to other races, though the events after her own passing and walking through the planes has left and warped her emotions to such a point that she wishes to strike out those who she feels 'shamed' or 'humiliated' her. She is very proud, and will take extreme action to remove any slight to her person, perceived or otherwise.
This warped and embittered thoughts have led her to take action which are clearly evil, though unlike others, she does not see them as that. Her actions against the paladins are for justice and the honour of her family name.
She is not without benevolence, tenderness or emotion. Specifically for other elves who she feels are kin to her. As such, she has gifted money to young elves and aided them in the world. She finds it hard to comprehend those of elven blood who recoil from her and although she will brush it off with the practiced ease of a politican, she will be deeply cut.
She is a lady scarred by loss, and it seems to her that in her life everyone she cared for or love left her in the end: her father, the paladins who pretended to befriend her, and who knows who else in time? Hers is an evil crafted by fate and by anger, not by a violent and cruel nature.
She very much feels alone in the world, and is herself somewhat resistant to those who might reach out to her. Though there are some individuals she does care for, or at least like and take an interest in. Those who are thus will be defended unto death, for that is the code of her honour.
She is a sorceress, and although her powers stem from will, she has a swift mind that could have turned its attentions towards the study rather than the thought. As such, she studies the lore of the lands and of magic with interest, particularly that of her peoples. For her, being elven is all.
That is something along the lines of how I see her at least. Hmm, will have to read it over and see if I am making any sense
I believe I have Eledaar's posted up already, but here are Ashan's and Sii'olmen's… I don't even need to post Quint's. He's insane, a murderer, a stalker. That's all you need to know.
-Ashan does not revel in the earthly pleasures that are brought by lust, by joy, by song, by dancing, by feasting, by anything. He sneers upon everything of this world other than combat, the hot steaming gore of something upon his face.
-Ashan will do anything for (censored for paladin eyes). He lives to perpetuate His will, a total fanatic and zealot.
-Ashan believes that through bloodshed, through terror, through tyrrany and strength he can bring (censored for paladin eyes)'s will to everyone and everything.
-Ashan is an excellent judge of men. He can see weakness like it was a nasty zit on your forehead, and strength as if it was written all over you.
-Ashan speaks loudly and carries an enormous stick. He is fiery and passionate, (quoting Marlena, "an eastern succoro, fiery and impassioned" - beautiful, thanks Marlena. ). He comes to life through his sword and shield. He likes to kill things, violently, and he's damn good at it.
-Ashan is very strong willed, nuff said.
-Ashan is truly, seriously, enormous. He would stand at least 7'2, and could easily wrap his arms around a fair sized oak. He carries a tower shield as if it was just a small hunk of metal, and his bastard sword would look like a greatsword to most people. This is reflected by his stats a bit.
-Ashan has no pupils that are readily noticeable. His eyes seem to be almost purely white, like when someone dies, and their eyes roll into the back of their head.
-Ashan has silvery hair and a fairly pale complexion, like someone of northern origin.
Sii'olmen Melve'tenthess
-Sil is generally a nice guy. He loves to sing, dance, eat, and eat. He leads a largely hedonistic lifestyle.
-Sil is a bit blase, he's seen a lot and is looking for something truly unique.
-Sil is more than a bit of a lady's kind of elf. A dashing rogue kind of character.
-Sil doesn't like to talk about his past too much, it's a lot less glorified than he'd like to say it is.
Phys traits:
-Sil has flowing white hair, that he binds with a hairband.
-Sil is slender, very much so, and incredibly flexible and dextrous.
-Sil's complexion is finely tanned, and his body taught from lots of time out in the sun.
Hope that sheds some light, if not… BLEH.
Hehe repost;
Philomena Sureshot Character Profile;
She is a pretty ordinary halfling really.
Ok her father and brother were murdered by goblins. She does'nt like them. In fact she has a fierce hatred burning in her heart. Also, the fact that her father locked her in the cellar to save her when the goblins attacked, especially as she is handy with a bow, is a bitter memory.
She has the gift of the Sureshot family, being a talented marksman. Maybe its a genetic thing.
Like many of the few survivors of Underbucket, her goblin-sacked halfling village, she is now a rootless wanderer.
Her father and brother were in a kind of halfling militia, they guarded the borders of the Seven Shires (sorry, don't know Faerun that well, so made up this halfling enclave to the west). Philomena instead took up studentship under her uncle, Arrowroot Gubbins, a local oddball and ranger, something of a wild halfling-of-the-woods. He also, was slain by the goblins.
Obviously she wants to prevent the same thing happening to norwick, having followed her brother here only to find he had been yes you guessed it slain by goblins.
She carries a burden of duty. To destroy goblins and other evil scourges of the lands. I did say she was a ranger.
Well, thats motivation, what about disposition?
She is quick to judge and somewhat proud.
She is fairly bright and very dextrous (dex now 19), but obviously small and weak.
She likes a banter, and does not suffer fools gladly. She dislikes braggarts, and those who think all halflings are thieves.
She is proud to be a halfling, a race that has NEVER been known to war on other races.
She most decidedly serves the cause of GOOD!
I suppose she can be a bit prim and proper.
But she does enjoy a laugh, and particularly enjoys the company of other halflings, who she feels more at home with.