Enchanter Sought

  • Sonja Haetta makes it known that she seeks an enchanter for three to four enchantments. She will provide the materials to enchant, gold for costs and payment, and share the soul burden as well. Interested parties may reach her at the Dancing Mermaid.

  • A sorcerer named 'Ray Purple Black' offers his services.

    He explains:

    _'While my enchanting skills are not at the peak of the efficiency for now, i can make almost best possible items with enchanting facilities available in the area. Or i can progress with research for now, then we can see.

    i'll still need access to these facilities, however.

    i've passed succesfully eight initiations into sorcery, just advanced to the fourth circle of magical powers.

    My known spells are:

    • cantrips,
    • 1st circle: negative energy ray, endure elements, identify, sleep, charm person,
    • 2nd circle: ghostly visage, invisibility, eagle's splendour,
    • 3rd circle: vampiric touch, hold person,
    • 4rth circle: enervation.

    i plan to learn:

    • 2nd circle: See Invisibility, Lesser Dispel,
    • 3rd circle: Haste,
    • 4th circle: Lesser Shadow Conjuration,

    A power of Lesser Invisibility is leaving me, but i'll have this covered with Lesser Shadow Conjuration.'_

    After a little pause he adds:

    _'There's one more thing - i dabble not only with enchanting but also with necromancy, for my parents were murdered by a vampire.

    i have morality constraints that prevent me from going too much into the darker aspects of magic, and i could use spiritually strong allies who can help me ensure that i won't - for the lure can be dangerously strong.

    Know yourself, know enemy - they say.

    Ah, i don't plan raising undead, as well.'_