Aurim Geltius

  • Name: Aurim Maxilo Geltius

    Race: Human (Chondathan)
    Height: 6'2"
    Weight: 240lbs Average.
    Body Build: A burly fellow.
    Age: Appears to be in his late twenties.
    Skin Tone: Olive.
    Skin Texture: Rough and calloused, with little scarring.
    Eyes: Deep Green.
    Hair: Well-groomed medium-length pale-blonde hair.
    Beard: A finely trimmed mustache.
    Accent: High-Brow Chondathan.
    Recognizable Features:
    The majority of his body is covered in what would seem to be reminiscent of dwarven tatoos of gold. Dwarves who would see them would notice they were perhaps inspired by, but not actually done by their kin's hands.
    Equipment Worn: A suit of gold-plated armor, mixed with dark and red colors, those of his house.
    Equipment Carried: A variety of weapons and a pouch containing a variety of pitch-black tinctures by the small of his back.
    Hand Preference: Right-Handed.
    Jewlery or Decorations: A necklace of coins of various print.
    Relatives: Those of house Geltius, though closest to Dinarum, his brother.

    Raised and taught by costly mentors, Aurim holds himself as well-spoken though discourteously blunt. It is clear the man's intellect shines, but there is a certain barrier lacking somewhere behind his golden brow. A man who holds little pity for those he find unwilling to help themselves, that there is a cost, a price, for every good and every service. Yet, he does not believe every being deserves the coin they have. He despises inactivity and laziness, constantly seeking out something to do, having taken up the noble smith's hammer as a hobby of late.

    Perhaps due to the tonics he prepares from old texts of his house, for health and superstitious belief does his mind waver at inopportune times, leading to outbursts of rage and greed.

    Religious Beliefs: If asked, he would mention Waukeen. Though there are likely more.

    Political Status:
    Son of a merchant lord from Waterdeep, may his life be long and ambitious.

    The Maxim of House Geltius

    "Only through [Blood], [Sweat] and [Tears], shall one be led to prosperity."
