Akseli's Adventure Assembly

  • Akseli av Norwick is looking for a group of adventurers to help him reach and study the city in ruins, Ormpur. Payment is a share of what is found, plus 50 golds.

    Those interested are asked to gather at Peltarch commons.

    ((Time to set out would be today, Thursday 27th, 8pm GMT. I can't guarantee DM presence, but… if any DM sees this, feel free to drop in and spice it up.))

  • _Akseli makes it known that he'll be delving into a possible vampire's lair, and could use adventurers to help him there. The standard 50 golds payment is given, and share of the loot.

    -Assembler of the group has the right to take first pick of what's found.
    -By coming on ther trip you acknowledge the dangers and will not hold the assembler responsible for your possible death/mutilation/loss of soul._ ((Will be today, Sunday 5th, 6pm GMT))

  • ((Just noticed the times, I won't be able to make it - working! Have fun guys! ))

  • Shesarai is eager to help. I will be there, though noon EDT is iffy on a Sunday (church chior). I'll still try to get there on time.


  • A seldom seen Elven ranger's interest may be piqued, perhaps he'll be there.

  • //I'll try to join with whatever PC I have available

  • Nica appears willing to try her hand (and foot, and knee, and elbow.. etc) at the task. Hopefully without losing any parts of said anatomy to the hungry, hungry dires!

  • Ever eager to see new places (despite what his slothful nature may imply), Arty is quite willing to throw his balls around to get there.

    ((Plan on Arty for this, but depending on who else comes I can bring Albry if meat-shields are needed.))

  • Another journey of exploration is planned, again to Mintas Rhelgor.

    "Last time, I couldn't get into what looked like a temple. I would like to see if the doors can be opened with a few tricks."

    ((This Sunday, 4pm GMT))

  • OOC: Unfortunately, my Sunday rehearsal has been moved to 4PM instead of 7PM so Shesarai will not be able to make this event.

    Login: AubreyMaturin

    Characters: Romulus Grey, Bard the bowman.
    Trotter, Spooky halfling ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, Red-haired cleric of Mystra

  • Third adventure is planned:

    This time the location is the hard-to-reach lost city of Mintas Rhelgor. The place is rumored to be surrounded by vicious dire animals, so strong party will be needed. However, who knows - maybe long lost lore can be found, maybe a hidden artefact. Afterall, trips to said place are rare…

    ((Adventure time Sunday evening 7pm GMT. I really hope that enough people show up that we can do this - and also that any DM reading this might spice it up... :)))

  • A passing handsome youth pauses briefly to glance at the notice, though leaves no indication if he'll actually participate.

    ((Not sure I'll be home during that time, but if I am, Artie will be there! (Unless you need front-liners, then Albry will make an appearance) ))

    ((UPDATE: Won't be around for this.))

  • ((Haha! Been a long week has it?))

    ::Ashen recognizes the faint smell of cooked rat coming from the parchment. He takes a piece of charcoal from his pack and simply draws a paw print near the bottom::

  • ((abort abort, changed the date to sunday because I want to get wasted today))

  • The first adventure seemed succesful and people returned back mostly healthy and hands sticky with honey. Akseli already seems to be planning another trip:

    "This time, I'd like to go see the Goblin Hold down south. I've heard there are some tough goblins there though - so warriors will be needed. Those interested, gather in Norwick. 50 golds will be paid to those who come there on time, as well as a share of what is found."

    ((Trip planned for Sunday 2nd, 7pm GMT. Again, I can't promise DM presence, but if a DM sees this, feel free to spice it up. :)))

  • A young redhead half elf dressed in furs reads the notice with curiosity


    One would say that she's willing to jump along…