Goblin about town ...
*_Normally he keeps himself confined to Dwins home in the Dwarven Hold, but occasionally the goblin Grobble subtly makes his way about Norwick. He usually tries to avoid attention on his roamings, but when he is confronted he is always very quick to show his Dolvak seal and to exclaim that he is "the servant do the Dread Overlord Dwin Dolvak". Even the town guards seem to be showing a level of tolerance toward him when he fails to avoid their gaze.
He's actually quite well dressed for a goblin. He wears a white cloak and a fine pair of boots. He also wears a silver plated scull cap. Very fancy!_*
[[Grobble was recently bound and lead through town by a young town guard. He was taken to the town hall where he was quickly released. After leaving town hall, Grobble sat by the fire, pondering ways he may improve his public image. A while back he had been turned to stone, and spent many years serving as an anchor for a Oscuran trading ship. During his absence a new generation has risen that has no recollection of his mighty surrender and settlement with the dwarves. With brow furrowed, resting his chin on his fist, Grobble entered a state of deep thought.]]
Grobble sits crosslegged by the fire in town chanting softly. His familiar "while cloak of surrender" wrapped around his head like a turban just in case someone doesn't notice it while in his meditative state ... and also to keep his ears warm. Before him was a folded cloth square.
He places a feathered charm necklace over his turbaned head and around his neck. He felt the truth flowing through him (+1 WIS), but the answer to the Riddle of Steel still eluded him. Carefully, he unfolded the cloth square to reveal a glowing ring. Gently, he picked up the precious object and placed it onto his calloused, wart covered finger. (+1 WIS).
At first, nothing seemed to happen, but moments before disappointment set in, Grobbles third eye opened, and his consciousness became aware of the vastness of the celestial realm.
Even in his state of heightened spiritual awareness, the omnipresent super galactic oneness still seemed distant, as if he were only dipping the tip of his toe into an infinite ocean.
"Mieeee Teee Taaaam PUS! I Seeeeeek theee answerrrrrr tooooo theeeee riddle oooooh steeeeeeeeeeeeeee ...... EEL!"
As if touching the hem of his god's garment, Grobble felt divine knowledge flow into him. An epiphany blossomed in his mind, opening up like a lotus flower. The answer was not in him, but locked within the weapon he would wield. The way to unlock the riddle began to weave itself into the tapestry of Grobble's soul. (ability to cast lvl 3 ranger spells, including BLADE THIRST! So excited.)
After the ritual, gobble carefully removed the ring - instantly forgetting the epiphany he had just received.
"Wraaag? ... DOH!"
Grobble hasn't been seen in town since the goblin attacks. He is usually difficult to spot when he is in town, but even the keenest eyes and ears haven't spotted him anywhere. Some who travel north regularly may have spotted him lurking about the shrine of Tempus. Seems like he is steering clear of Norwick and the dwarven hold for now.
takes full advantage of his 20 second head start
Mathias turns and reports to Timmot that Raryldor is summoning Elementals in town to harass the dwarves and put them in trees. Since summoning them in town alone is Illegal as much as assaulting the dwarves
((tis a greater elemental, araighn :P))
Brumir promptly hits the elemental with a Hammer of the Gods spell
"Ah ain't fallin' fer dat one again ye cranky ole' elf. Asides, ye think me an' me kin in Aura Runedar haven't oy ready had sum 'fun' wit Grobble? Ye come in dere an' start castin' elementals an' shite an' yer cat turnin' inta a meal will be da least o yer worries."
A giant air elemental scoops up the dwarf and deposits him snugly at the top of a very tall tree.
Brumir walks up to Grobble and shoves him
Grobble falls, a little theatrically
Ugh … Grobble falls under the mighty shove of yoo.
"Oy! Where'd ye git dat frum ye lil fark!? Ye stealin' frum me kin in Aura Runedar!?"
NO! Grobble did never steeel ANYTHING! Overlord DWIN DOLVAK does the give of this to Grobble. He makes it back when he was still "work'n-on-tin" He tells Grobble to wear it and to learn the traditions of Moradin.
Hey, yoo know of Moradin. Give to me your words of Moradin so that I may have a greater know of him.
Brumir furrows his brow, then a wide grin crosses his face
"So ye want ta know 'bout me kin's all Father? Da Soul Forger? Moradin? Oy right den. First thing ye outta know is Moradin ain't gut nay tolerance fer gobber scum. So ah'll give ye a 20 second head start."
He pats his hammer with a grin, waiting for Grobble to run
Brumir walks up to Grobble and shoves him
Grobble falls, a little theatrically
Ugh … Grobble falls under the mighty shove of yoo.
"Oy! Where'd ye git dat frum ye lil fark!? Ye stealin' frum me kin in Aura Runedar!?"
NO! Grobble did never steeel ANYTHING! Overlord DWIN DOLVAK does the give of this to Grobble. He makes it back when he was still "work'n-on-tin" He tells Grobble to wear it and to learn the traditions of Moradin.
Hey, yoo know of Moradin. Give to me your words of Moradin so that I may have a greater know of him.
_Anyone paying attention to Grobble may notice a heavy chain around his neck bearing a large "flame on anvil" symbol.
Folks with a basic knowledge of dwarven law would recognize the symbol to be the symbol of Moradin, the Father of the Dwarves._
Brumir walks up to Grobble and shoves him
"Oy! Where'd ye git dat frum ye lil fark!? Ye stealin' frum me kin in Aura Runedar!?"
_Anyone paying attention to Grobble may notice a heavy chain around his neck bearing a large "flame on anvil" symbol.
Folks with a basic knowledge of dwarven lore would recognize the symbol to be the symbol of Moradin, the Father of the Dwarves._
Grobble notices the signs up around town@d270f8ef73:
Aura Runedar's Dwarven Contest
_A Three Day Celebration of Aura Runedar's Prosperity!
Free Ale For Kin!
Wrestling, Drinking, Grobble Throwing!
OH! Free ALES for KIN! … I'm kin!
Hmm … wrestling, drinking, and ... wait ... WHAT!?
Taking a break form the South Gate, Alvaniel inspects the holes at the fairgrounds and takes a few moments to fill them in. She then makes new 'X' on the ground that make no sense from the previous "x"
in a quiet time of the day, Grobble returns to the fairground to discover the undoing of his toil. He begins to mutter to himself:
Hrmm … this makes the Grobble sad. He does the good things and the saying of nice words, but bad people return with bad things and the saying of bad words to him.
So much eevil…
is relieved to see his pile of tools intact
At least I still have my tools! Yes. Grobble can leave them here because nobody will steal them. Stealing is against the laws. So many guards ready to kieell anyone who breaks the laws.
*he mumbles a little louder just in case a guard can hear him
YES! Grobble is ALWAYS doing obey of the laws, and the doing of good things. And the saying of nice words. Hrmm …
Raryldor spends time around Norwick, and confronts anyone causing the harmless goblin issue with a stern lecture and a whap of his stick to the backside
Taking a break form the South Gate, Alvaniel inspects the holes at the fairgrounds and takes a few moments to fill them in. She then makes new 'X' on the ground that make no sense from the previous "x"
Somewhere in the darkness, Grobble gets shoved to the ground…. again.
In the distance out of the goblins sight, an elf sits listening in to the tale and monitoring the goblins behavior. As it flees like all goblins do, he stands and slips off once more
Grobble sits by the fire, Early one night, just after the sun had gone down. He has a stick in each and and clacks them together.
Gather around the fire hooman childrens and adult. Gather, and listen to the balads of a hero so bold, who's power is so powerful, and whose being smart is so smart, that it will make yoo entertain and happy to have done the hear of the story.
SILENCE! The story begins …
Many times ago NORWICK was ruled over by OVERLORD DWIN DOLVAK!
single loud, authoritative CLAK
Dwin Dolvak was the mightiest of dwarven hoomans. SO mighty was HE! Was there any who had mighty armour like him? Was there any who could do the drink of as many kegs as him? SO mighty and powerful was he, he did the lead of the DREAD CITY of NORWICK!
The people of Norwick did the honour of him, and he did the lead of them with his might and with the powerful smartness of his brain!
Within the wall of the Dread City of Norwick there was … such peacefulness. But outside ...
clak clak clak clak clak clak CLAK CLAK CLAK CLAK CLAK CLAK CLAK CLAK CLAK
GOBLINS! Oh so many evil goblins. They are so scared of the dread city. SO much hate do they have of it! Want to burn it down. They want to break the gates and come in and take the nice things of everyone. Do poops in the streets without privacy!
Many hoomans come out from the Dread City. To kill many goblin for the making of them to be dead instead of doing their bad plans to Norwick! But of all who come out, none do the make of fear in the heart of goblin like the DREAD OVERLORD DWIN DOLVAK! With his MIGHTY tallness and his POWERFUL buttox, but most of all - the thing that strike terror the most of all - the _MIGHTY AXE GOBLIN'S BANE!
So mighty was his AXE!
Once upon the times, a mighty leader of goblins, the name of it forever forgotten because it is dead, did the talk to all goblins. "WE will do the KIEELL of DOLVAK!"
"Yeeeesss. I will do the kieeell of him, and then take the axe of him. And then I shall do the poop upon his face." All goblins liked the plan of him, and made their plot to kill him.
Once upon the times, but after the last part I just spoke about, DREAD OVERLORD DWIN was in the woods, looking for goblins to kill. And that was when the goblin did their plan to HIM!
And so the goblins tried to do the kill of DWIN! First they send the waves of weak goblins at him. Then the stronger ones that like to bash and the ones who are soldiers. SO MANY goblins! But with the FIRE FROM HIS MOUTH he did kill SO MANY! And with a mighty THUNDER from between his BOTTOM CHEEKS he did blow MANY AWAY! But there are MANY and they keep running at him to do the kill of him! So he takes out his axe. His MIGHTY AXE GOBLIN'S BANE! And he does the KILL of THEM! Oh so much killing does he DO!
claCLAK! claCLAK! claCLAK! claCLAK! claCLAK! claCLAK! claCLAK! claCLAK
CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! KIEEL! CHOP! HACKS! CHOP! CHOP! DECAPITATE! CHOP! CHOP! DISEMBOWEL! CHOP! CHOP!SO many does he kill that he is almost buried under the dead goblins! So he does the climb up to the top of the pile! Standing on top of the mountain made from dead goblins, he does the heroic kill of many more as they climb up to do the kill of him! The rain comes, and the lightnings! They try to stab him and bash him but his armours are too powerful!
The leader goblin whose name is forever forgotten for it is now nothing Did the SHOUT through the rain and lightnings at DWIN!
Grobble tilts his head back, looking down what would be his nose if he had one, stretching out his finger to point menacingly at the fire. Grobble growls:
The leader goblin was mighty! It was tall, taller even than some halflings! It did the CHARGE up the mountain of dead goblins, killing and chopping other goblins that did the get in its way!
KIEELLLL OF YOOUUUUU! it shouted! It swings it axe at DWIN! And he does the swing at it! They fight on top of the mountain! With lots of rain and lightnings and the swinging of mighty axes with sparks that fly off the metal that sometimes happens when you hit something metal with something else that is also made from metals.
claCLAK! claCLAK! claCLAK!
something seems to spook grobble. He drops the clacking sticks
Dwin won the fight THE END.
Grobble scurries off…
So long, farewell, goodbye!
-and disappears into the darkness_