A long way from Mistveil Ridge
Not far from the Moonsea lake was standing Mistveil Ridge. The small village, mostly occupied by miners and traders, was blessed with a mild climate, thanks to the natural barriers offered by the icy mountains surrounding it.
The life was mostly quiet here, the harsh cold of the mountains was keeping most of the threats away, and the few merchants roads leading here were enough to satisfy the villagers needs and fill the head of the local childrens with the stories of the few adventurers passing by and seeking a bit of shelter.Maya was one of thoses childrens. A pretty unnoticeable, even banal one among the other, if it wasn't for her deep blue eyes sparkling with an hint of resolve and contrasting with the darkness of her raven hair. Her mother, a pretty harsh woman, was working as a waitress in the local inn. It wasn't like Mistveil Ridge was opening a wide range of jobs anyway. But Maya was loving the simplicity of this life. When she wasn't doing her own share of chores, or trying to help around, she was either having some childish fun with others childrens, or listening to the stories of the ones halting to the inn. And there was Millie, a young gnome who found a similar home inside of the inn. Millie had that heartwarming presence. When she was not humming some song, or playing some music, the two girls could spend hours sharing the stories she heard. If Maya was far from as creative, she could listen for hours to Millie turning the even simplest thing in some epic story Elminster would have been jealous of.
Maya never knew about her father. Her mother was evading the topic, and Maya was too aware that trying to get more would owe her some punishement. Like most of the childrens in her situation, she was often wondering if it couldn't be one of thoses mens in armor, simply passing by. Of course her mother would eventually notice, and get pissed after her. Some could have said it was a bad woman, some others that she saw too much maybe, and she was trying to rough Maya up to make sure she wouldn't endure what she had to endure. But whatever her motive was, there is things no mortals neither gods could have changed. That sparkle of hope in Maya's gaze was one, and her inherent careness and compassion for the others was another one.
Maybe it was all thoses accidents at the mines, thoses many wounded or exhausted faces she was seeing too often. Maybe it was a lack of self-worth thanks to her mother attention, but Maya was always worrying and caring about the others, much more than she was for herself. Maya was pretty respectfull of laws and autority, she could even be that annoying too serious child. But she wouldn't hesitate a second to put herself in troubles to prevent someone to get hurt.
This is how she became friend with Marvin. He was a tad older. The kind of troubleseeker usually getting away with it with a charming smile and some make up story. Usually people would buy it and leave him go because he was part of the village and his mischiefs could bring distraction in their exhausting routines. But this day was different.
Surrounded by some local nervous crowd, a really pale and grim man in a dark armour, a nine-tailed barbed whip symbol engraved in his breastplate, was walking with an hatefull expression, a leather whip in his hand, while Marvin was crawling backward in the snow, staring at the man with an obvious fear. If some of the locals were considering how much of a good idea it was to step in front of someone like him, Maya didn't hesitated for a second, standing between Marvin and him, her eyes shining with anger and resolve. It was a thing to punish some scoundrel for some prank or offence a young boy could commit. It was something else to whip a young girl in front of everyone. As the whip hitted her and burned through her flesh, the crowd decided to interfere, and soon the man had no other choice but leaving. Maya was bring to the local temple to be healed and taken care of by an old man that would changer her life ; the father Gorham.
The man who devoted himself to Ilmater felt something in her, and decided to take her under his protection, teaching her his own beliefs, trying to guide and channelize Maya's nature. Maya, on her side, found in him the fatherly presence she lacked all her life. She was drinking his words, his teaching, but somehow Maya's own nature was preventing herself to put all her devotion in the worshipping of a god, locking herself away from a clerical path. But as her mentor would say, there was many different ways to serve, and he helped her the best he could to find her own path.
Maya was growing up, becoming a young woman, spending more and more of her time practicing a way to learn to ease the pain of the others, and to protect them without falling into a circle of violence. The open hand way was her own now, wherever it would lead her. But nothing would ever kept her really far from her friends. Her social circle was short, and for a time, Millie and Marvin were almost all her life, the caring family she never had. Untill eventually Marvin's eagerness for troubles led him to mess up with the local store. The owner was rather stern, definitely lacking any sense of humor, but he isn't the one Marvin ended up falling into while re-arranging jam jars in his own way. There was that blonde girl ; Keeva.
Keeva had her own reputation in Mistveil Ridge. She was that weird little girl saved from a strange cult in a mountain by an adventurer who didn't survived his wounds. For many, she was cursed. The fact that she seemed to age much slower than any other kids around didn't helped her either. Kids being kids did what they usually do. They started mocking her, then bully her. And when Keeva showed up some uncontrolled magical abilities, it was over. From that time, she was the local monster parents were dragging their childrens away from, condemning her to solitude.
If, as they grew up, Maya, Marvin and Millie did like most of the others childrens did and stayed away from her, this incident at the shop opened something small ; a kind of curiosity. And eventually, one step after the other, they broke inside of Keeva's ice shield, the strange girl soon joining their group. Something in her was looking off, she was definitely different, but Maya's careness, Marvin's goofy jokes and Millie's big heart had their own kind of power. Life was going on for a time, Marvin was getting money... And no one wanted to ask him how... Millie was taking a more important role in the Inn... Keeva could stay alone in the shop for hours, even days, digging into the books adventurers would bring, maybe inquiring about her own nature... Or something else... And Maya, on her side, was still learning from her mentor in the Ilmater temple.
Among the many stories Gorham would share with her, one especially was making Maya's gaze shines : the forgotten relic of Ilmater. The bandages the god himself was rumored to wear around his forearms at some point, infused with the power to heal any wound, any sickness. For Maya it was the promise to never see a suffering face ever again, to be able to help beyond any means upon her reach. It was rumored to still sleep in some forgotten Ilmaterish temple, somewhere not so far from Narfell.
When the opportunity appeared to go there, to be able to live an adventure that she would share with her friends, the temptation was simply too high. They jumped in one of the merchant's caravan, and soon Mistveil Ridge started to disappear in the distance...
Maya was sitting at the edge of one of the riff along Nars Pass, her gaze locked on the small children doll coated with blood in her hands. She was staring at it as if it was hiding some deep meaningfull answers to the turmoil of crushing thoughts spinning in her head.
The wind carrying the freezing chill haunting theses lands was making her clothes float around her rather frail shape. But since it happened... She was stuck, as if her body was barely more than an empty shell she was floating in.It all started with a trip to Jiyyd's ruins. Maya had heard before of some ancient monastery... Or what was left of it there. She was feeling dragged by the hope to find something left there, maybe some knowledge to strenghten her own technics, maybe something usefull to her. There wasn't so many monk orders around, none she was really aware of.
Maya was expecting a lot of things, but none of them were prepared to face the awfull trolls there. As they were trying to survive a pretty vicious one, a man in armor appeared, studying them with a strange glance. Everything went fast, too fast. From what Maya was barely able to remember through the blurry tunnel of fast paced action, the time it took her to distance that troll, when she come back to Keeva, one of thoses mens in armor, a renegade, was trying to separate the sorcerer's head from her body.
Maya took him down, saving her friend, her veins still burning with adrenaline, but the relief she felt at the thought Keeva was safe was short lived by the others gazes locked on them. As they were running away to leave Jiyyd alive, Maya noticed the fundations of some catapults in the distance. The catapults were designed to become impressive. Worse than anything she saw before. At this point, she had little doubts they would be able to reach the other side of the Scar and spread death there.
Maya did what she could to spread the word, warn as many as possible, and, to her relief, some answered. Maya was intense, the fear to see another caravan attacked, to see more people dying after the time she spent bandaging and trying to save the people suffering from the last attack. She was almost still able to feel the blood covering her hands then.
But it was just a big lie... As Maya and the General Thorn went to scout Jiyyd again, then came accross many catapults, much more. The General didn't took long to realize what Maya's lack of military experience missed. The position of theses new catapults... Wasn't making sense.
It was a distraction...
The orange tint filling the sky a few minutes later confirmed it, as some catapults, hidden elsewhere, were spreading hell in the distance, screams echoing from the distance. They made their way back as fast as they could, but it was too late...
Another caravan... But this time... There was no one to save... Childrens... Womens... Mens... Nothing left but destroyed bodies and a strong smell of copper. Maya felt herself break. Was it a trap from the start ? Was it a change of plan to lure them after they realized the news would spread with witnesses escaping ? It was hard to say. But her mind was simply unable to process anymore, the voices of the soldiers coming to help echoing to her ear like a really distant muffled noise.
Next to a teared off so little arm, in the general poodle of blood and destruction covering the area, a little children toy was there, displaying an embroidered smile partially coated with blood with a strange feeling of irony. She grabbed it on the floor, her blood pounding in her temples, and moved a bit aside to slide down along a tree trunk, unable to stop tears from rolling over her cheeks.
Traumatized, visions of the dead bodies spinning in her head long after the soldiers finished to take care of the bodies, she eventually managed to stood, a dreadfull determination spinning in her head. Pale like a ghost, still tainted with blood, she moved back to Nars Pass, close to that bridge were, no matter the effort, some scoundrels and thugs would always come back to try to ambush some travelers.
One of them would know. They HAD to know. She needed it almost as bad as she needed to breath.. To find something to focus on ; the hope to finally put an end to all theses deaths and this suffering.
Keeva found her, standing broken, unable to articulate a word, the bloody doll still in her hand. She tried to comfort her friend, to bring her away, but they were interrupted by a group of grim faces in heavy armors. The kind of armors Maya recognized way too well already... The renegades.
One of them was walking in front, visibly pleased to fall on the two vulnerable looking womens. The two others walking behind with crossbows, and the man with a mass and a shield, weren't looking less intimidating. The leader's words weren't even making sense to Maya's ears. Something was twitching in her gaze as she stared at them, her reddish eyes and the stains of the tears over her face contrasting with that inhuman pallor she was displaying.
Maya wasn't listening to them, asking a few times... Or rather... Ordering Keeva to leave. But her friend wouldn't. Keeva was trying to convince them to let them leave. The renegades strangely agreed, provided the two womens would surrender their gold and their belongings. But nothing in this world would have moved Maya's away. A part of her knew she belonged here, as much as she did back then with Marvin, when they were still childrens. She was probably about to die, this time... definitely. But she was at peace with it.
The second it was obvious to them she wouldn't surrender her gold.. The moment they joked about the catapults... That instant they would make a move... Maya was ready. She gave a vial to Keeva, as discretly as she could, expecting her to flee, then bring one to her lips, disappearing in front of their eyes.
If there was a limit to the amount of potions you can sip down, Maya was way past over it. She pulled roughly a bunch of vial from her leather bag, dropping them quickly in her mouth, swallowing gulp after gulp, a decent amount of the potions leaking over her chin and dripping on her clothes. The magic mixtures were already making her whole body tickles, then radiate with an intense feeling of power. It was almost too much to bear... But compared to her state of mind, it was just a distant reminder she had a physical body.
She appeared as she crashed into the leader, the velvet gloves around her hands, a gift from Reemul, turning almost as hard as stone as she extended her fingers, striking the space between his helmet and the torso of his armor. The man tried to hit her with the pommel of his sword to create some distance as he was emitting some gurgling noise, struggling to breath, but she was already all over him, hitting his joints, using his body as a shield against the crossbow holders.
The one with an heavy mass and a shield was already starting to cast some divine spell. Maybe it was by luck, or maybe an alternate divine intervention, but at this time Reemul suddenly appeared, charging forward with his horse to take him down. Maya was lost in her own frenesy. A bolt whistled in the air, flying toward her. She turned toward it just in time to catch it, her heart beating like crazy. She broke the bolt, staring at the woman holding the crossbow who was looking back at her with an hatefull expression. Before she was able to load again, Maya ran toward her, jumped to strike her with both feets, then, falling on her back from the momentum, she kicked herself up on her knees with a kip up and closed the distance with the stunned woman trying to stand. She spinned to land a low kick straight in her skull, watching her collapse to the floor, her neck making a weird angle.
Maya glanced around, rage, frustration and an intense pain burning in her chest. She was physically fine, but as much as she could have tried to prevent it was for greater goods, she wasn't in control. She lost herself to pure anger, seeking revenge for the horrors she just witnessed. It wasn't satisfying. She was feeling as if a fire was burning deep inside of her, wanting to consume more and more, its hunger growing with each more bite. The fact she killed them was only adding more weight to the pressure about to crush her down. She wanted to cry, to scream, but she was suddenly feeling nothing but really cold.
And among the many thoughts spinning in her confused and traumatized head, one was pounding faster than the others. Whether she won a bit of time getting rid of thoses or not... There was still catapults out there. More of thoses mens... And probably more caravans to be attacked.
Maya was leaning against one of the wooden pillar of the Trade and Crafts building, the chill salty air of Peltrach brushing against her skin, the cold tinting her face reddish. She was lost in thought, glancing at the few fur cloaks carried out of the building to be distributed to the most needy ones. She had a bittersweet feeling. It would help a few of course, but it wasn't enough for sure, even with the bears furs that amazing dwarf provided them with. The hunt for furs took a weird turn despites the unexpected help. There was this strange fog, and then, among this eerie feeling, it was like they were suddenly surrounded.
The last thing Maya wanted was to see one of her friend meet a similar fate to the one she went through. She knew she would never be the same, and the thought that Millie or Marvin could carry the same burden...
And so they left, with so little furs... Only to come accross some big tiger. The two mens escorting them were confident despites how powerfull the animal looked, his muscles rolling under his skin as he was moving back and forth in front of them. If this thing was a cat, they were definitely mouses.
As fast as he appeared, the tiger ran away, not without having stared at them pretty intently. Maya couldn't help but feel some kind of dread, remembering old stories. There was something way too intelligent in that animal eyes... Something that made her heart squeeze, thinking about all the creatures she got killed for furs. What if...Maya was looking down at her reddish knuckles, the skin of her upper hand in a pretty bad state. The salty cold air was not helping. It was nothing that a bit of balm could fix, but somehow, she needed that pain. Like a reminder. Or a warning.
Culpability was squeezing her heart, making her breathing harder. She clenched her fingers, squeezing her fists tight, letting the back of her head rest against the wooden pillar as she closed her eyes. The scene was dancing in her head, the memories way too vivid.
On their way back to Peltrach, Marvin and her took that usual stone bridge, only to get stopped by some grim man in armor, his fingers wrapped around the handle of a pretty long sword, his gaze displaying a threatening glow.
A bandit... It was almost obvious. Maya was remembering his grinning face as if he was straight in front of her. She did what she was always doing in theses kind of situation, she evaded the fight, trying to appease the man and find a way that wouldn't lead to violence and suffering. Marvin and her ended up being free to go as another man looking some kind of veteran showed up and glanced at them as if they were unsignificant.
At this time, in her head, this was a victory. The proof that under the right circumstances, there was always a way out of violence."It was a slaughter, they killed everyone, womens, childrens..."
Maya's head started to spin really badly as the young cookie elf explained what she went through. Maya's mind was connecting slowly all the puzzle pieces. Theses bandits never intended to let them go out of kindness... They were waiting for a bigger target... And they found it. Her stomach started to ache, seeking to release its content. Keeva and Marvin's words were barely making sense anymore, just some blurry noise in the background. Lost in some painfull thoughts, she slowly stood from her chair, ignoring the waitress coming back with some drinks. "I need some fresh air..."
Outside of the inn, a maelstorm of emotions was spinning in her head. Her eyes were starting to water, her feets pushing her forward, almost instinctively. Before she could really realize it, she was standing in front of the city gate. Anger was boiling in her veins, making her fingers trembles. The fire in her chest needed something to consume. She looked up in the distance, toward Nars pass, and reached for her leather gloves, a dreadfull resolve in her eyes.The bandit was holding watch, grunting with bore, barely concealed behind the stone wall ruins surrounding that barely standing tower. He kicked some piece of stone, making it roll further, then swing a bit his old iron sword. His bored expression turned into a grin as he noticed the feminine shape standing in front of him.
"Oh my... What do we have here... ?"
His appreciative grin was cutted short by Maya's determined steps. He barely got time to lift his sword that she was punching in the metal plate of his armor. CLONG The iron part covering her knuckles digged in the protective cover, distorting it, taking the bandit breath out. Maya was raw fury, forgetting about any kind of defensive or controlling movements. She make use of his surprise to hook his foot with her right ankle then twisted her hips, uppercutting his chin. The bandit barely got time to react, he was already tasting his own blood, a few of his teeths knocked off, his head spinning hard as he hit the floor.
Maya kicked his sword away, leaning over him, her knee pressing on his armor as she grabbed his collar with her other hand, looking down at him, her eyes watering, her expression distorted by rage. She struggled to align her words in a straight way, locking her gaze on the barely conscious man's one.
"You could have done everything... But no... Even childrens."
The man was too stunned to answer, and even with a clear mind, considering the state of the campment around, it was obvious theses ones probably came here after the battle to claim the unoccuped area. But whatever was driving Maya, it was not logical at this point. She pulled him up just enough to elbow his chin and take him out completely, before standing.
"This area is not safe."
Fenia, the cookie elf, was there, standing, her bow in hand. Maya frowned, aknowledging Marvin and Keeva's presence. She answered with a tone full of spite.
"It isn't. Go back to Peltrach, i don't need any of you."
They didn't. Neither they really tried to change her mind. They were here, simply here, despites the unleash of violence that followed.Maya pushed herself away from the wooden pole, lost in thoughts. She still had much to do. The pain in her hands and in her forearms was feeling almost muffled, and yet the culpability was still lingering. She wasn't feeling better. She didn't wanted too. That weight on her chest was pretty similar to that burning feeling in her limbs ; a way to remember that there is always consequences. A token of her promise. She would never walk away anymore.
((xp rewarded 250131 DM_TrainingWheel))
Maya was sitting cross-legged in her bedroom, somewhere at the Mermaid, her usual monk robe laying on a chair, stripped down to some bandage covering her chest and some simple coton pants. A needle in her hand, some piece of leather in the other one, she was focused, trying to sew it properly.
The night was late already, but she wasn't able to sleep.
No matter what, as soon as she was closing her eyes... She was back in that dark forest, with the swamp stench floating in the air. The distubing noises coming from all around... That humidity sticking to the skin... And the predatory and bestial glow in theses scaly creatures eyes, relentless in their assaults.
She was... Managing... At first. The old warrior to her left was swinging his blade with skills molded by experience, cutting through the flesh of the little ferocious creature with ease. But since they dared to step inside of their caves, Maya fearing that one of thoses screams could be someone abducted... Their number was constantly growing and more of them were appearing out of nowhere.
Maya was keeping fighting despites the tiredness, keeping her weight low, remaining agile on her feets. She was swiping out of an attack to counter it with a kick or a punch, trying to do how she was doing along her practice... Fluid like the wind... Striking fast like a viper.
But out of a sudden, Millie was screaming for help, running toward her and Adragan as if the devil himself was after her, three kobolds chasing her. Maya didn't thought for a second, she jumped in to intercept them before they could reach the gnome.
From that point everything was painfull, and blank. She barely remembered hearing some voice over her, and then everything went dark as she was lying down in a pool of sticky fluid... Her own blood.And then... She woke up... In the cold.. A strange warm and ticklish energy spreading through her whole body. She felt like a terrified animal, everything was overwhelming around her, eventually be able to focus enough to recognize Millie in front of her at first, then the priestess aside and Adragan. Her body was intact. As if it was suddenly brand new again. But deep inside of her heart, she could feel something was missing, like a deep void... That kind of emptyness that was making her suffocate and want to crawl somewhere to hide and stay there forever.
She just wanted to be alone, and eventually, more or less reluctantly, they letted her. Maya's mind shattered, overwhelmed by a maelstorm of doubts and emotions, she spend sometime in that corner in Peltarch garden where she was often going to train, or just let her mind quiet down. But she was unable to. She went back to the temple, and decided to pray Ilmater, asking for a sign, for some kind of guidance. From her death, there was nothing left but darkness. Was it what was on the other side... ? The void... Nothing... She didn't got any answers from her prayers. Her doubts, her need for something, anything, only left some space for anger.That's how she ended spending most of her time working for the master tanner. That's why she was now sewing on her bed at this time of the night. She needed a purpose, something to focus on. Her goal to provide poors with cloaks was still in a corner of her mind, and she could dedicate herself to that project for now... Staying in the safety of the city... Trying to make something usefull.
Maya still had that resolve in her despites everything, and that's what she was doing, almost evading her friends at this point, going back and forth collecting materials for the master tanner, doing deliveries and learning the basics. She was trying to repeat to herself that getting rid of thoses rats was usefull... A way to prevent them from wandering in the streets and maybe biting someone. But this was enough to shut down her mind for now, despites how familiar she was starting to be with the sewers.A knock at the door got her out of her torpor. She slipped down from the bed, her bare feet light on the wooden floor, and approached the door carefully. She paused slightly before half opening it to peak outside, wondering who could visit her at such time.
Her face lightened completely, like a child in front of a christmas tree, she jumped at the neck of the old priest standing at the doorway, her eyes watering from the mix of joy, and the sudden drop of her emotions.
The old priest smiled, patting her back. "It have been rough for you lately isn't it ?"Back inside the bedroom, sitting on the bed, Maya unleashed everything she had on her heart, and there was a lot. How helpless she was feeling, how more dangerous the "real" world was... How many dangers she faced so far... And that frustration she was feeling, trying to protect herself and her friends without hurting the ones she was facing. She ranted about a lot, letting the weight on her shoulders eventually drop.
"And then... I died... There was nothing... And when i asked... Him... There was... Nothing... But silence."
As the words escaped her lips, her gaze fell back on the old man, something deeply hesitant in her eyes, almost shamefull, as if she was commiting some kind of blasphemy. But the old man support was unwavering. He simply smiled softly at Maya.
"The gods have their ways Maya. They sometime gives us what we need, and not what we want. Do you understand... ?" The father Gorham made a pause, watching her with the same comforting smile. "Why don't you tell me what is really going on inside of your head Maya ? I would be surprised to learn that this is really about Ilmater, isn't it ?"
Maya displayed a confused expression, glancing at him questioningly. She was feeling like that child again, the one he took under his roof and decided to teach. He simply kept smiling.
"You can look at me like this Maya. You could have been a good priestess, i never doubted it... As much as i knew that you would turn your back to Ilmater if another god was giving you more tools to help the others..." His smile switched to something almost mischievous, amused by the way Maya blushed and looked away, deeply embarassed. He sighed with a smile. "We all have our ways to do some good... But you didn't answered my question."
Maya paused, taking in Father Gorham's words. She knew he was true. Deep inside, for her, it wasn't really about worshipping or Ilmater himself. She frowned slightly, then pinched her lips aside.
"I feel full of anger... We have trained... Together. You have taught me a lot, and i'm really gratefull for this but... This is not the same here... Some of theses peoples... They are really... I don't think they can be helped... Or saved... There is just... Too much evil in then..."
She letted out a nervous laughter, looking away with an expression full of sorrow.
"Last time i asked one warrior helping me around to hold his hand... I thought one of that Kobold was trying to talk with us... I really thought... Maybe there was something more... He shotted me."
She shook her head with a pretty depressed expression. "I could have endangered my friends... I really want to believe... There is some good... Everywhere... But... I feel like... I don't know. Maybe it's just not for me."
Maya looked back at her craft laying on the bed with a bitter expression. The Father Gorham followed her gaze, then smiled, his gaze free of any kind of judgement. He moved his hands to take Maya's ones and smiled at her.
"Maya... Is this really what you want to do... ?" He looked back at her pretty basic work. "Does this way feel... Satisfying or fulfilling to you ?" He paused, watching her expression. "I disagree with you... I think this world needs much more people wondering about holding their sword when they come accross an opponent. You are still young... Don't let a bad experience or you doubts stop you now. You have gift Maya... Don't waste it."
As he says so, he extended his hand to reach for some of Maya's work, examining the sewing, and smiling. "I don't think you are done for this my child."
Maya followed his gaze, then couldn't help but let out a little laughter. She was feeling lighter, glancing at him with a thin smile.
"Thank you..."
The Father Gorham smiled, extending his hand to pat her back. His expression turned more solemn.
"You have to define your own balance Maya. Ilmater himself had his own limits you know... ? He could unleash his wrath and be among the most terrifying being would someone dare to touch a children. Sometimes good will isn't enough against evil... It call for action. But how could you know how to judge it... If you never come accross evil ? Do you understand ?"
Marvin, Millie and Maya were following a path to the south, glancing around, holding a kind of relaxed pace. The way was clear so far, aside from the dense forest surrounding them from each side, the thick vegetation preventing us to see too far. If there was wild life there, or some branch cracking, the cold freezing wind was muffling most of it.
"Are you sure this is the way ?"
The old man asking their help to reduce the kobold population endangering the travelers wasn't that specific. But they just arrived in Peltarch and they needed to make some money.
And yet, so far, the most threatening creature they came accross was a small angry rat. The three of them were pretty enthusiastic about the adventures to come, already fantasizing it quite a lot. Everything was so different from their small village.Maya smiled warmly as they approached some river, an old stone bridge standing from probably decades and decades. She pointed at the man in armor a bit further away.
"Wait, i will ask him !"
He was focused on the road, offering them his back. The shield at his arm, the long sword at his belt and the intensity he was displaying at watching for some travelers or caravan. Maya didn't had a single doubt ; he was probably a guard or some soldier.
She smiled warmly as she approached him, her steps pretty light on the grass floor. He seemed a bit startled as he noticed her, studying her with a grim expression, his gaze wandering along her rather simple and rough robe.
"Excuse me good sir, we are looking for Kobolds... We want to help, but i think we got lost."
Maya will smiling at him, her hands joined, like a schoolgirl knocking at some stranger door to sell cookies. The man, silent, looked up at the young gnome woman, then at the moustached man with them who didn't looked like such a threat.
The smile that creeped up upon his lips was nothing like Maya's one as he pulled out his sword.
"Well, well, well..."
Maya froze, her expression faltering to a really tense and shocked one.
"We don't mean... What are you..."
Her training was, for a second, completely forgotten. It was thing to practice movements in the opening, doing katas and picturing invisible opponents to defend yourself against. It was a completely different thing when the one in front of you wasn't here to show you some technic, but really intended to hurt you.
Maya barely evaded the sword slashing toward her, moving aside by survival instinct. As the bandit pressed his teeths, some mad anger in his gaze, and was straightening to go with another attack, she found herself overwhelmed, lost about even the idea of attacking back.
She was pulled out of her torpor as Marvin rushed in front and lifted his rapier to deflect the curve of the swinging sword, letting Maya keep her head on her shoulders for a bit longer.
Marvin and the bloodthirsty bandit were duelling relentlessly. If Marvin was agile, extending his arm and trying to hold some distance, the scoundrel was much more savage, throwing his sword brutally forward, putting Marvin in a difficult situation.
The bandit went from a wild slash, from bottom to up, striking hard in Marvin's belly. If the leather armor he was wearing prevented her mustached friend to see his bowels fall to the floor, the hit of the heavy weapon and the strength of his opponent were enough to make him stumble backward, his breath cutted, his free hand holding his painfull ribs.
Before the bandit was able to finish the work, Maya stepped in, swinging her weight, then throwing it forward, pushing him back with her two hands, her feets spread and rooted in the floor. The bandit loses his balance, almost tripping on the irregular ground, but a second later he was trying to impale Maya.
Maya was moving fast, keeping her center weight low, constantly changing her position to be out of the bandit trajectory. The few openings she got to punch him were mostly meeting his metal armor, hurting her palms as much, if not more than him.
When she saw an opportunity, she leaned to the side to evade an hard thrust forward, and redirected the sword over her shoulder, trying to control his arm, but she didn't saw the shield coming, the man using his other arm to slam the wide piece of wood in her, throwing her to the floor.
Maya's gaze widened as the man was towering her, ready to pin her to the floor and put an early end to her adventuring hopes.
And then, suddenly, a crossbow bolt whistled in the air and pierced through the man metallic breastplate, the pain surging from his pectoral to his whole chest. He locked his gaze on Millie with deadly intention, a raw rage distorting his facial expression, breaking the bolt sticking out of his chest to throw it away.
Maya sized the opportunity to kick his lower belly, punching him backward, before she kipped herself up, switching back instantly to a defensive fighting stance. But the bandit didn't got enough time to get back his balance, Marvin's rapier stabbed him hard from behind, piercing his chest until the tip banged the opposite inner side of the armor.
The bandit's arms went loose, before he falled on his knees, then collapsed simply on the ground.They took a few minutes to catch their breath, still stunned by what just happened. But Maya's gaze didn't took long to stare down at the man with a worried, almost depressed, expression.
"Did we... Is he... ?"
"He is... In deep sleep... Maya."
Maya was not convinced at all and frowned, parting her lips to say something, really horrified at the thought they might have killed someone, as bad as he was.
But she didn't got much time to question it further, another bandit was already appearing in the distance, calling for help, and soon an half-dozen of mens were chasing them.After a few long minutes running between the trees, Millie, Marvin and Maya managed to lose them in the forest. They caught their breath, finding their way out in a clearing. Maya was tense, glancing around cautiously.
"We should warn someone i think... Imagine if another traveler fall on them..."
As they were speaking, a man came out from his awning in the distance, gesturing at them to come. Maya, still tense, approached him fast to warn him about the bandits, but he seemed especially confident about dealing with thoses bandits.
He eventually offered them a drink, letting them vent out what they just came through.
But as he mentionned he was seeing a lot of faces around here, Maya couldn't resist the temptation. If many adventurers passed here... Maybe some of them were sharing stories... Or...
"Did you heard about an abandonned temple... ? Probably one belonging to Ilmater ? There could be an artifact hidden there..."
Maya's nervous expression seemed to melt to be replaced by an optimistic glow in her eyes. She started to speak about the stories the father Gorham told her and the good that that artifact could bring to the world.
Since she have been in Peltarch, no one seemed to know what she was talking about. Untill now...
Oscura... This name spinned in Maya's head for the whole day and filled her dreams. The bartender seemed to believe that such temple could be hidden there, under Oscura.
For the first time, she had something... Maybe even just a slight hint... But enough for her hopes to find that artifact become much more vivid.
She would go there, no matter where Oscura was... She would take months to search under any stone if she had too. But if there was something there, she would find it.