Bandits in the Pass

  • Aldym Avhoste stops in at taverns between Peltarch and Norwick - making the detours for Hinhold and Oscura - and shares with the patrons and barkeeps:

    I was waylaid on the Nars Pass Bridge by bandits - not that this is news - but these were more skilled and better-equipped than any I've encountered there in recent memory. A half-dozen archers loosed arrows from the embankments - they waited on both sides of the bridge, though I did not engage them all at once - and a second group struck whilst I was pinned in by swordsmen on the crossing. Travel in caution, friends.

  • Word spreads of two separate battles between the bandits by the Nars Bridge and soldiers of the Troff Legion. The first occurred near the bandit leader's camp, where a bandit archer appeared to be frozen by Legion General Theaon Thorn, only to be shot down by her own fellow bandits. After the battle concluded, the Legion troops made their way towards the Gypsy Camp.

    The following day the Legion troops emerge from the camp and engage a few more bandits at the leader's camp. After killing all of the bandits at the camp, the General was able to capture a lone bandit closer to the bridge with a hold spell. After being disarmed, the bandit was reportedly defiant, accusing the Troff Legion of being bandits and having no connection to the other bandits. After the hold spell seemingly wore off, the bandit wildly started swinging at the Legion troops, until he was knocked out. At that point, several more bandit archers appeared and started firing towards the Legion troops, and their incapacitated friend. As General Theaon, Corporal Thau'lira, and Recruit Es provided cover, Corporal Pugor bravely put the unconscious bandit over his should and made his way towards Hin Hold. From there, the Legion troops were reportedly able to bring the bandit to their cells for further questioning.

  • Following the recent attack on the hin caravan from Damara, General Theaon Thorn of the Troff Legion pays a visit to the bandit camp west of the bridge on the Nars. He instructs the bandits gathered to drop their weapons and disperse, unsurprisingly to no avail. After a short fight, the bandit leader and his thugs were all killed by the Legion General. After dispatching of the bandits, General Theaon places a note inside of the tent used by the bandit leader with the Troff Legion seal:

    To the next group of bandit scum who inhabit this camp,

    Your acts of attempted theft, thuggery, and murder are no longer going to be tolerated. You have been warned many times in the past, and given ample opportunity to throw down your arms and surrender. Each time this has occurred your men have refused, and each time they have died pointless deaths. Many years ago this same Pass was inhabited by bandits far better organized, well-armed, and more numerous than you are, with a red dragon on their side. They too drew the ire of forces for good in this region, and they eventually met their annihilation. You are in no position to make the same mistakes they did and assume your fates will be better off.

    You will pack up your camp and disperse, never again returning to these roads to commit acts of thuggery against those who travel it. Failure to do so will result in the complete obliteration of your camp at the hands of the Troff Legion. This is your one and only warning. Do not continue to make the same poor choices that have already gotten many of your men killed.

    General Theaon Thorn
    Commander of the Troff Legion

  • DM

    In recent times, word filtered out of Peltarch of a caravan that was overdue from hinhold to Peltarch, didn't make it's usual stop at the Inn en-route. A few of the caravans from Peltarch heading southward, were delayed as caravan masters gathered up extra guards.

    Meanwhile a caravan from Damara, crewed almost entirely of hin's, wagons empty, other than a few chests, heading home apparently, left Peltarch regardless of news of danger and death in the pass and happily headed off down the Nars chuckling somewhat at a few scared caravan masters.
    A hin local of the Legion known as Marty, accompanied by a city guard of Peltarch, Meadow went to investigate this interruption to trade.

    The group found an all-together braver caravan from Damara, with a large hin retinue, seemingly empty did make it as far as the nars pass after a brief stop in Peltarch. It appears some locals appeared out of nowhere and eliminated whatever force was leading them in concert with the caravan skirmishers and armed retinue. At least the hin caravan, complete with a rather nice herd of pigs and wild boar made it as far as Hin Hold. It seems at least for now, that caravan means to stay there, and stay out of the bustle of the walls for now making camp by the lake. It seems like this 2nd new caravan in the region is fast making friends among the locals.

    Meanwhile, pyres to the dead and fallen caravan guards as well as the bandits, burned long into the night.

  • Peltarch Employee

    With multiple corpses of bandits now strewn about the crossroads, when things are safer, Legionnaire Trainee and Priestess of the Great Mother Esmeralda would take time using her blessings to summon allies to help gather corpses and build a pyre of bodies away from any dry grass or trees. After piling multiple and many bodies, some rotten while others fresh from a recent battle not involving her, she'd take time and effort while blessed with Chauntea's strength to bring them together, grimacing the entire time. Then, collecting body parts, weapons and armor, she brings them all to the big bloody mess of a pile, resisting the urge to throw up while doing so.

    Looking to all the lost human lives, her saddened gaze changes to one more of pained resolve as she prays:

    "Great Mother, I ask you to help shepherd any remaining souls here to the afterlife to face Kelemvor's judgment. Through death may there be renewal, with lessons learned I pray this pass may one day yet bloom with peace, free from individuals that would bring harm to others maliciously."

    Invoking a column of fire, she incinerates the remains, leaving nothing but ashes, bone fragments, and mostly consumed equipment, though bothers not to clean the rest up, wanting to leave it as a reminder to those that would try to continue troubling others.

  • Over the last few months, Troff Legion General Theaon Thorn has continued his attempt to open a dialogue with the bandits on the Nars Pass, specifically reminding them what happened to the Eastlander bandits who were much more organized and had a much larger force. Unsurprisingly, the General's words have had no sway on the bandits, forcing him to cut them down each time. His most recent attempt to negotiate with the bandit leader failed once again. However, this time upon defeating the bandit leader and his minions, he leaves a copy of a booked titled "The Eastlander War" in the chest at the bandit camp, hoping the next group of bandits that come by could perhaps be enlightened and discontinue their ways of murder and thievery on the Pass.

  • Peltarch Employee

    A large collection of Nars Bandits seem to have been found quite a distance south east of Norwick with a sizable group taking camp in the Rawlns there. Its not the easiest to access either. WIth this being public knowledge though, she emphasizes people who are looking to protect the roads to make visiting the location a not too uncommon occurrence. She will guide anyone who wants to know where it is in the future.

  • Words spreads recently returned Troff Legion General Theaon Thorn approached the bandit camp west of the bridge in the Nars attempting to open conversation. When faced with threats and the bandits moving in to attack, the General pleaded with them to reconsider, but to no avail. Three bandits, including the leader, fell rather quickly to the General's sword. Three more bandits from the southern tower arrived shortly after, but they were felled even faster.

  • Peltarch Employee

    Lady Tiller has taken it upon herself to approach the bandits and extend an olive branch of peace at least for a day to speak with the bandits, to which she ended up ambushed after having subdued their leader when the offer was rejected. After some discussion with their present leader. The name "Erich" seemed to have popped up as well as the particular bandit Varya was speaking to ran off after the encounter. When any inquire about the rumors, she tells them to be careful, the bandits who were paid to raid others and are associated with said individual might also be associating with possible cultists or undead that smell 'sickeningly sweet'.

  • Peltarch Employee

    Lady Varya Tiller hears of this and would begin to walk the path herself, as well as encouraging Ravos and any other members of the farm to either dispatch them, or report them to herself or her husband to help ensure safe travel and no trade disruptions between the north and the south.

  • Aldym had a few toasts raised in his name by some patrons after hearing the tale. Though as the days rolled by, more and more rumors and reports came in about merchants and travelers of the pass, despite having armed guards, never arriving to their destination. Investigations up and down the Nar's have not revealed any trace of the victims.

    The bridge has been mostly clear of bandits since Aldym's charge, but it seems his victory had been too late for some.