Esmeralda Tiller-Calchais

  • Peltarch Employee

    From the Tiller farms shines a young priestess, the seed planted by her parents Lady Varya and Sir Ravos Tiller-Calchais while nurtured by the whole community, the young adult known as Esmeralda, or Es' for short, has decided to follow in both her Grandmother Anna and Yllalynn's footsteps, becoming the next priestess of Chauntea to occupy the region.

    From a young age she had always been a beacon of positivity, and while not necessarily the most outgoing individual, she had always been willing and wanting to help others and throw her feet in the mud to help people in the community do what they do. Often moving to the beat of her own drum, there are times as she grew up she seemed to often be seen swaying and moving to tunes others couldn't here, and when often asked she would admit that she could hear the soft music and melodies of nature in her head, ones that seemed to always bring her joy and helped radiate positivity. Though there had been times this behavior had been considered questionable, she never seemed to let that bit of odd behavior interfere with her life, her duties, and the way she approached her studies in life and others. Growing up with her Brother Valdabrin, or Brin for short, who was 3 years her senior, she genuinely loved her brother, often following him on little adventures on the farm and within the city. Their escapades ranged from infuriating kobolds that would enter the lands and drive them off, or when they gave chase having them fall into holes they dug until the adults could come and deal with them, selling bruised apples for charity only to use the coin to buy sweets only to be scolded by her parents then running to grandmother, taught them to make pies with the bruised apples instead and sell those for charity in turn as more of a lesson than a punishment.

    Though somewhat unwilling at first, as she got older and would hear the tales of what her parents accomplished, she eventually would relent and make an effort to learn swordplay under her parents, with eventually the duty gravitating to her father given his more defensive style and grasp of fundamentals would suit Es better than her mother's own unrelenting edge she practiced when facing evil. Though she had trouble absorbing a good part of what she taught, her capacity to work with others as a shield while they acted as a sword showed great promise.

    During all this, she would also be under the tutelage of her grandmother and high harvestmistress of the region Anna on becoming a proper cleric to help care for others.

    In her training, she struggled to learn the blessings of flora, though seemed to excel in animal husbandry and commitment to protecting and helping her people, eventually gravitating to her Goddess' domains of pure good and animal husbandry, and often can be seen talking and caring for stubborn animals, often able to find out what was wrong with them when no one else was able to.

    One thing seemed to trouble her parents though, as she'd often tell her parents she would have dreams, or sometimes trance out and feel as if she had visions of her working with others to work together on caring for lands that seemed to have been barren, and often dream of working with people she had been told as she described her visions of markings of tribesman who seemed to work with her and help her doing so, wanting to spread Chauntea's bounty and help those who felt the had no home and wanted a place to settle away from the city. AS time passed and she grew older, they were more few and far in between, but she still felt they gave her purpose.

    SHe would end up communicating to her parents that she felt with Norwick and Peltarch seeming to be well established, she herself wanted to make a difference in the region, feeling compelled as if her visions were telling her to make her own mark in the world in the Grain Goddess' name, and that she would either try to help restore Jiyyd, or establish a new settlement with likeminded people who wanted a new home and foundation to claim their own could eventually thrive. At first they were heavily skeptical, though over the years with her passion and desire to follow through only growing stronger, understanding the gravity and consequences of the undertaking, the family finally relented and decided to let Es pursue this task, though making her know there was always a place for her back home if her efforts in lands that had long been salted by war and demonkind would not bare fruit.

    Now, with a good foundation, a radiant warmth, and a desire to make the region a better place, Esmeralda seeks to carve her own path in the Narfell region in the Great Mother's name.