Cray ad's some material to the Oscurran Library
Cray is going through some of his old things and comes across a few issues of the Newspaper he used to run long ago. And he adds a copy of each to the Oscurran Library. So these historical records don't become lost and are available to others.
CQ…..........................................................................................................Issue #1
Information and Entertainment.Tarien is dead, long live the new king.
Mayor Tarien was killed in a Bugbear attack on the town of Norwick. His sudden death sent shockwaves and rumor over the lands of Narfell. What we do know however. Is that Jandor has stepped into power as Norwicks new Mayor. Jandor's hired a platoon of brand new guards as well. They seem rather capable and rumored to be ill tempered. Though evidence of such has not come to our attention. Our hearts go out to Jandor in these trying times.
New Blood in the big city.
As most of us know the Peltarch elections have just come to a close. Four new Senators were chosen, who are: Nico Black, Sir Koreth, Adam Bromley and Sir Roand Brynmor. It was a bumpy road, with many ups and downs. Many promises were made by each candidate, but how many will be kept. Remains to be seen. The new senators of Peltarch have started off in their new duties. Everyone will be watching these new senators. Keeping an eye on them and seeing which ones are living up to the boldness of their campaigns. We will tell you what they see, right here.
A Giant in the cold.
General Grag of the Legion. When asked about claims that there was a force ammasing in the cold caves. He stated that the problem was under control. The battle in the caves resulted in over a dozen dead ogres, including mages, a minotar, and a giant. Aparently none of the adventure'rs were killed. But several we're seriously wounded. Grag had mentioned that he called on all Tyrs strengh to put down the army of odd cretures.
Peltarch Theatre.
The Peltarch theatre is prepareing a new performance in honor of the late Senator Makere of Peltarch.. The recently fallen Senator will be honored in a most fitting manner. As Makere was one who loved the theatre and the arts for many years in the city. The production will be apropriatly called, "Remembrance - Patron saint of arts." The production will be boasting many new talented bards. Starring along side the new talent will be vetrans Zyphlin and Clandra. The main act will feature. Eowiel Senella playing Duchess Antonia of Amnish Duchy. Along side her will be. Master Meril, playing Archmage Francis Jevara. It should be a grand show. Admission is Free. And it will be comming in the next ten day. ((Tentively schedualed for noon EST saturday, november 20th))
Grag offers his assistance to those who need it. Contact him at the Legion House in Jiyyd.
The CQ advisor.
We encourage our subscribers to write in with their questions and we will answer as many as we can. Try and keep them short and to the point. You dont have to give your name.
Elvin wine in every cellar.
Everyone knows Elves make the finest wines. Ever wonder why that is? Wonder no more. Part of the Elvin philosophy of wine making is. "To make a fine wine you must first start with a fine grape." They pride them selves in their caring for the vine. Their methods are very secretive and seeded in hundreds of years of tradition. One of these such techniques is releasing ladybugs into the vineyard, to controll certain, potentially crop damaging bugs. Elves being a very organized, precise people. Also know how to keep consistancy in their wines. Meaning every bottle tastes as good as the next. Even though chances are those bottles came from different barrels. This is due to their barrel mixing process, wine is syphoned from the a few barrels into a large barrel. Then syphoned back to the smaller barrels. This is done regularly amd pain stakingly during the wine making process. Elven wines flavor, hearty nature and above all, perhaps its mystique. Put it, head over shoulders, above the competition. Elvin wine has secrued itself a place on the finest tables in all the lands. For generations to come.
Winter fashion. Its that time of year again.
White leather is all the talk this winter. I hear you can fight in the snow in it, then at night put on some jewelry and your ready for formal wear. This says it all for me. It says, "I can fight or just lay around."
Stiff chainmail is always a problem in winter. As moisture freezes not allowing it to flex. Keep your chainmail well lubed with grease. That will help keep moisture from freezing between your links. Allowing you to move freely and impressing ones friends and enemys.
Women like a man that breaths fire.
Are you smoking? If your checking your pants to see if they're on fire. Thats not the kind of smoking we're talking about. We're talking about pipeweed. Thats right. Theres nothing more popular than sucking on a cigar. With smoking being so fashionable these days. We don't want any of our readers looking foolish. So here are the first few tips of many to come, on "smoking edicate." For starters. Men, should never smoke those little shorter and slender, mini cigars. Or as we like to call them here at CQ, "Cigarette". Get caught with one of those in your lips and you'll never live it down. The opposite applies for the ladies. Not only should the ladies smoke the shorter, more slender cigarettes. Its is more proper fo them to use a cigarette holder as well. The second thing you must remember, a cigar is not meant to be enjoyed by more than one person. Two people may not smoke from the same cigar. Which brings us into our third point. Carry plenty of cigars to offer to others, they can be a great ice breaker. Besides it's the CQ thing to do.
Fall babies are conceived in winter.
Remember ladies and gentlemen. This winter. When you are warming yourself by someone else's fire. Soaking a piece of burlap. In a mix of water, salt, garlic and other potent herbs. Then wrapping it around the mans manhood. Can reduce the chances of conception significantly.
The rumor mill
It has been heard that a guard some where along the west wall. Was confronted by a group of adventurers claiming to have seen. The Sea Hag meeting with an Ogre mage. It was said the odd pair, was laughing to each other. About taxing the caravan routes un-lawfully. This rumor may explain the large order of nickle comming from Norwick to reinforce the west gates.
Rass the Dragon has visited of late. Aparently when "Rass came out to play." As General Grag of the legion put it. There was a few people around to play with. Including, Major Gisush, private ruggver, walkman, and Arizima sepret. The group attempted to talk nice to the Dragon. Arizima and Walkman aproached the Dragon atempting to communicate with it. Rass got very angry. Rass screamed out some fire. Which burnt Ruggvers beard, and set Grags arse on fire. Walkman aparently wet himself. Then when Rass was taking intrest in Arizima and Walkman. Looking as though they would become a burnt meal for the vultures. Grag acted as bait distracting the dragon away from the two. Saving the day at his own expense, as Grag was nearly killed. Though rumors of Rass's visit being connected with Mayor Tariens assasination. Are just that. Rumors.
Master Crafter Torch Khan. If you need something crafted. See him. He's expensive cause he's the very best. Serious buyers only. "You shouldn't be swinging it, unless its a Khan."
Tree hugger vs Orc
It is known that Lector Natura and The half-orc Gagor got into a fight over the treatment of the woods. Gagor insulted and hassled the woodsman Lector. It is said that Lector made Gagor an offer. Plant a hundred trees or die. Gagor chose to fight and so Gagor was slain in the confrontation.
Scourge of the land or just a rambling drunkard.
Ikurus Darkrune is being held in Peltarch until trial. For a wide array of crimes. Including conspiring against the city of Peltarch. Some think its unfair. As some consider him more of a wannabe show off, rather than an actual criminal.
"The trial of Ikurus Darkrune will be held on the 24th day of Flamerule on the first floor of the Peltarch guardhouse. Those with an interest in the proceedings or a desire to experience the workings of city law are permitted to attend, provided that they do not in any way disrupt the legal process."
((Currently scheduled for Wednesday, November 24, at 3:30pm EST, 20:30 GMT.))
Get your message out.
Be you guild or group or merchant. You can purchase some space in our news letter. Our prices are very reasonable. Sizes range from a single line, quarter, half and full page.
Employment oppourtunitys.
We are currently looking for a good gossip writer, Preferably someone active in the Peltarch social community. We are looking for an investigative writer, Perhaps even one person to do both jobs. We may also need someone to sell the news letters. Any one interested in these positions. Seek out Cray Vincint to apply. .
I am seeking information on Mintas Rhelgor. A sum of 250 gold will be paid for a detailed map of the surrounding as well as interior areas. Also information on what dangers may be there for any who would travel into it's depths. Please find me in the gypsy camp if you have any information that might prove beneficial and you will be compensated.If you are of an adventureous nature and would join others in a trip into Mintas Rhelgor find me in the camp.
Malachai, Servent of Lurue
((I would like to do it on a sunday around 12:00.)Buy n Sell ads.
Cray Vincint - Selling - Dyes, Cloth: Bright Blue, Lavender, forrest green. Leather: Pink, white, gold.
Artemus Eartu - Buying - An amulet that would increase ones will and instinct.
Garreth - Buying - Scrolls and magical items.
Buying or selling something. Five Gold gets you one line to describe the item, and leave your name.
((forum name: CrayCajole))
CQ….................................................................................................Issue #5
Information and Entertainment.Underfoot a battle rages
Cotton fell in love with a vampire Yurnana. Arwen and the vampire Yurnana, turned out were the one and the same. Cotton thought she was under a trance or spell from Yurnana. Grag, Uthger, Ka’ell and Theoan decided to kill the vampire. After Grag gave the vampire Yurnana the final death blow. Uthger turned and attacked the group using god like powers and summoning an undead demon. Uthger killed them all except for Ka’ell, in a very close epic battle. Ka’ell escaped using invisibility and a key from Grags corpse. Uthger fled shortly after. It turns out when Grag killed Yurnana, it broke the curse of the vampire that had taken over Arwen. Cotton and Arwen have apparently been spending a lot of time togeather ever since.
Norwick under siege
A goblin Shaman toyed around with the citizens of Norwick. Casting many powerfull spells. Using a hit and run strategy. Coming in for several passes at the south gate, unleashing his magic and running off again. The Shaman even had the boldness to coming right up to the gate. When the lone Shaman noticed the gate was barred from the inside. The little buggar even tried to bash the gate down. Many were hurt in the may lay, but no fatalities were reported.
Billbow of Norwick is offering his services to those who need it. From protection in the woods to whatever help one may need in their quest.
Maythor and the water creature
Maythor was attacked by a creature of water in the Rawlinswood. Maythor’s battle wasn’t going so well. Thankfully a ranger by the name of Bow. Ran into town to inlist help. The few gathered at the fire, ran into the rawlins to fight. At first sight of the creature, the hin Theon called out. “Stand back, I’m hammering it.” Theon, and Bel’mar, threw out plenty of magic at the water creature. Cel also played a vital role fighting the creature with all his might. The battle lasted some time, as the fighters constantly cicled around the creature. No one could melee the water demon for very long before having to break off. While magic missles streaked through the sky inot the mass of floating water. The creature was eventually slain and no fatalities were reported.
Deacon and the Orc
Alright folks, what follows is the story of Captain Deacon Sterr and his heroic victory over one a the leaders of the orcs, a great orc destroyer, strong and hardened in battle. Now you might ask, how do I know a such a story? Well I was there of course, watching from the shadows not a few hundred paces away. Let this be a lesson to all of you. Never go around thinking you're completely alone, because you're probably mistaken…
Anyway, it all happened just a few days ago outside the North Gates of Norwick. I was out creeping around, and in comes Gears through the gates, where he meets up with Captain Sterr and tells him to come outside since something bad was happening. Just what had happened prior to this I don't know. You'd have to ask Gears or Deacon about that... Following along just a bit behind, I came outside and saw Deacon standing toe to toe with the big ol' orc. From where I was standing, the beast looked to have some magical enhancements around him, making him an even fiercer competitor. Now of course, the average man would be scared half to death by this beast, and rightly so, but if ol' Deacon were, it showed very little in his eyes.
Before I knew it, Mingal was adding aid in the form of magics to Captain Sterr. Then Deac lunged at the orc, engaging him in battle. At first they seemed evenly matched, this monstrosity of an orc and Deacon Sterr, dodging each others' blows like seasoned warriors. After four swings though, the tide turned in favor of Deacon, and he landed six blows in a row with his blade, two of which would've crippled a normal orc or man for sure. In desperation, and with his final breaths, that terrible beast struck back, connecting with Deacon's arm with a powerful blow, sending his blade flying through the air. How that blow didn't cripple Captain Sterr I'll never know. Maybe Mingal's magic had something to do with it; maybe it's just testament to the resiliency of ol' Deac. But when his sword got knocked from his hands, Deacon dropped his shield in a flash, and drawing forth his greatsword, gutted the beast with one blow, ending its miserable life.
What a terrible mess that road was, with the giant orc laying dead on the ground, with a triumphant Deacon standing over its body! You should've seen the looks of amazement on the faces of those witnessing the battle! You could tell no one gave him a fighting chance against that orc, but ol' Deacon proved them wrong. You could tell even from the shadows in the distance that Captain Sterr was beaming with pride inside. And rightly so I might add! How many of you have ever taken on such a beast, and lived to fight another day?
So if you see Captain Sterr around, be sure to buy him an ale and hear the story for yourself, straight from him. And hell, congratulate him on such an incredible feat! There aren't many men who can take down one of the leaders of the orcs, a beast known for its strength in battle, single handedly.
Written by Penny Lane
Grag and his evil cousins
One cold afternoon in jiyyd. Grag, Theoan and katlina. Were talking in Jiyyd, when a man runs up screeming. “General we need your help the orcs have killed two and are on the road outside of Jiyyd". The general changed and began to run to the scene killing about fifty evil cousins wooing the crowds of common folks watching. After grag showed his strentgh the orcs wished to talk to him. A big orc named Thunderstick came to talk to Grag. They spoke about the current happeneing and drank together. The orcs seem to want the pass for themselves, but said if nobody attacks them they will not attack back. Then Thunderstick asked if he could have any of the women present to take home. Grag said no they are all his wenches. Thunderstick laughed and said Grag is strong and greedy. Then Thunderstick asked if he could eat Theoan. Grag told him he could try but be carefull he turns into a dragon and breathes fire. That seemed to work. They went their seperate ways with the conflict solved for now…....
Back against the wall
A well drawn picture of a Bulette is placed here
A group of Tribesman had hearded an odd creature. Pictured above. They had the creature on the run. The creature then feeling cornerd no dought as it reached the south gate of Norwick. Turned and killed the Tribesman. Then the odd creature took out its anger on the innocent crowd that had gathered. Chaevre, Kessa, Bel’mar, Zanetar, Horbag, Warrior, amoung others took on the beast. Chaevre and Warrior sustained injuries in the battle. Before the creature made its escape.
Crime and Punnishment
The elvin woman know as Shai'llyn is being held in Peltarch for trial.
She is being charged with: " Conspiring with an enemy faction of the city "
Citizens of Peltarch have been putting preasure on officials. The citizens with their usual lynch mob justice mentallity. Are demanding the quick executiong of the poor elvin woman. As we are all sure the trial will reveal the innocence of the oppresed Shai'llyn. Who is by all accounts a genorous, kind hearted, unasuming, tea toddler.
Chaevre’s Magical supplies. Looking for something? Big, small, anything at all. She can get it for you at a fair price.
Warrior Academy
Need Training?
The guardians open soon a warrior academy.
If ye need training in handling with swords and bows or any other weapon, or when ye want to know how ye can survive in dangerous territories. Contact Tontou or Merin A. We are often at the southfire in norwick. Ye can also ask any other guardian member.
Merin Adenealle
Get your message out
Be you guild or group. Have something to say. Hosting an event perhaps. Send us a letter and tell us about it. We would be glad to put the word out for you.
Employment oppourtunitys
Bounty Hunter
500 Gold Reward!
For useful information which directly leads to the capture or death of Mellia C'etere's murderer.
Mellia was slain during a wedding ceremony under the cover of a darkness spell. Her heart was torn from her body and is still missing.
Contact the Order of the Divine Shield, Attention: Sam
Writer / Investigater
We are looking for an investigative writer. We may also need someone to sell the news letters. Any one interested in these positions. Seek out Cray Vincint to apply.
Da Crimson Guard wants people to join. We are a kind of mercinary group. But we also are good guys and wont take contrats with evil people like da bandits and stuff. We is just startin and need people ta join. So talk to Bel’mar.
The Captain of the Milita is looking for some fine upstanding citizens to join the ranks of Norwicks finest. There are 3 positions open.
Apply in person AND writting stating your name, your skills, why you want to be in the militia and any other relevent information you think we might be interested in.
Know idiots, deadbeats and other trouble makers need not apply for fear of a good militia thrashing.
Captain of the Norwick Militia
Can’t find the oufit your looking for? The Wayfarers Garb in Jiyyd is now offering custom tailoring.
Buy n Sell ads
Norwick - Bow - Trade - Has Elvin chain armor wants Elvin Leather armor in return for it.
Norwick - Kara - Buying - Books of any kind, preferably history. Scrolls, especially clerical ones.
Norwick – Garreth – Buying – Scrolls, books, and magical items.
Buying or selling something. Its free for a line to describe the item or items, and leave your name, and contact information. Just send us a letter with the information.
Subscribing to CQ
You can secure delivery of your copy of CQ. One can prepay for a mere ten gold an issue.
Contacting us
Send your letters to CQ in Norwick, in care of Cray Vincint.
((forum name: CrayCajole))
CQ….................................................................................................Issue #4
Information and Entertainment.Deadly Engagement
A Gnome by the name Droipi. Runs into Norwick, claiming an umberhulk is near. He claims he attacked the creature and ran. Then Kaâ€
ell burst forth from the south gate, acompanied by Rary. The two men accuse the Gnome of foul play. Droipi insists he was merely defending himself from an umberhulk. Rary then challenges Droipi directly, to a deadly duel. The trio step outside the walls. The fight breaks out almost instantly. Droipi summons an elemental as Kaâ€
ell casts at him. Rary is cut down and his screams echo in through the Rawlins. The Gnome flees momentarily. Fadia Cries, Kara vows revenge. Droipi isnâ€
t finnished. He has returned for another pass. Keira shrieks “Assasinâ€. Another scuffle ensues. With a few by standards casting at the often flamboyently dressed Droipi. The Gnome runs into the woods again. Kaâ€
ell heads into town. Rary was seen later a bit shakend but looking well considering.
Norwick under siege
In the wake of the Bandits recent and sudden absense from the nars. It seems the Orc tribes have taken advantage. They have launched attacks against the north perimiter of Norwick. So far the attacks have been repelled with succes. But this comes as unsettling news, so soon after the major conflict with the defiler.
A dance of destiny
A messenger aproached the militia man Warrior also known as Uthgor. Claming that the wanted Half-Orc Ralak desired to have a metting near the Druid glen in the rawlins. Uthgor met an orc just ouside the Glen. This orc was wearing what appeared to be Ralaks armor. Uthgor asked the man apearing to be Ralak what heâ€
d like to talk about. Ralak claims that he wants no more Militia men coming after him. The pair agree to settle the dispute once and for all with a duel to the death. Uthgor readies himself calmly while Ralak calls him on. The fight begins with Ralak letting Narâ€
s have the first strike. The duel was brutal. The two fighters careing not for technique or defense, went swing for swing. Hacking each other down in the closest fight I think Iâ€
ve ever seen. Uthgor comming out triumphent was beaten to near death. Uthgor with his last bit of energy removes Ralaks helm to see a face too mangled to positivly identify. It seems Ralak has been slain. A Cleric or someone who knew the orc very well. Will be required to identify the body.
Crime and Punnishment
The Half Orc Gagor was sentenced to death by kegging, for war crimes against Norwick, and siding with the defiler.
During the execution of the traitor Gagor, Zy'thal decided to defend the traitor from his punishment. she was asked on many occasions to move away from the area which she failed to do. she was given a last chance to move away from the area and again she refused. The militia attempted to subdue her but she fought back and attacked the militia. In the ensuing fight a Dwarf named Cadoc decided to aid Zy'thal against the militia.
Zy'thal then twice summoned fire elementals to aid her against the militia, rando was knocked to the ground in the battle and the foes turned on Ragnar. Ragnar unable to defend himself was cut down and murdered by Zy'thal and cadoc. The fighting stoped once everyone realised what had happened. Rando with a heavy heart and badly wounded picked up Ragnar and carried him to Fred's.
As he was leaving Rando gave the order that Zy'thal and Cadoc were to be banished for life for the murder of Captain Ragnar of the Militia.
They are to be attacked on sight if caught within the walls of Norwick.
By order of the Militia
Billbow of Norwick is offering his services to those who need it. From protection in the woods to whatever help one may need in their quest.
The CQ advisor
We encourage our subscribers to write in with their questions and we will answer as many as we can. Try and keep them short and to the point. You dont have to give your name.
The rumor mill
Beloved Matrim's blade has been found. Matrim's friends are trying to gather all who are willing to look for Cailahâ€
s beloved husband. Resoning that if his blade made it all the way back into the Nars, Matrim has to be somewhere and dead or alive.
A man having a rotted face. Who calls himself Dang. Has been seen roaming the area in and around Norwick. Weather this man is actually Dang come back from the dead has yet to be determined.
The Guild Players
A small but lovely performance took place at the Regal Whore in Jiyyd recently. It was an entertaining evening of song and story. Featuring Mirkali Vragnovich, Eowiel Senella and the talented Penny Lane. We look forward to many such events in the region.
Wedding Announcment
Senator Nico Black is to be wed soon finalizing his long relationship with Yolande. A grand party is scheduled to officially announce and celebrate the engagement.
Master Crafter Torch Khan. If you need something crafted. See him. Serious buyers only. "You shouldn't be swinging it, unless its a Khan."
Warrior Academy
Need Training?
The guardians open soon a warrior academy.
If ye need training in handling with swords and bows or any other weapon, or when ye want to know how ye can survive in dangerous territories. Contact Tontou or Merin A. We are often at the southfire in norwick. Ye can also ask any other guardian member.
Merin Adenealle
Get your message out
Be you guild or group. Have something to say. Hosting an event perhaps. Send us a letter and tell us about it. We would be glad to here from you.
Employment oppourtunitys
Bounty Hunter
General Grags brother, Gidush has been missing for the past 2 weeks. We fear he has lost his way or become overtaken by the warewolf inside of him anyone with clues to his wereabouts will be rewarded with 2000 coin.
General Grag
Writer / Investigater
We are looking for an investigative writer. We may also need someone to sell the news letters. Any one interested in these positions. Seek out Cray Vincint to apply.
Elord Moonwhisper has passed recently while hunting a vampire in the spider cave. A trusted friend and stedfast archer. He will be missed by all that knew him. As a loyal servent to the Legion a memorial will be held soon. But there is no date as of yet.
Shin The Shadow Fist. A faithfull Elf Monk has fallen in the spider woods. His admireable quiet persistance led to his demise. As he was poisoned critically and continued to help in the fight.
Maythor of Norwick. Is selling suits of finely crafted Iron Full Plate. For only a mere 3600. Do you have the ultamite protection?
Buy n Sell ads
Norwick - Bow ((Ranger)) - Trade - Has Elvin chain armor wants Elvin Leather armor in return for it.
Norwick - Rando - Selling Bastard Swords of fine and rare quality.
Norwick - Kara - Buying - Books of any kind, preferably history. Scrolls, especially clerical ones.
Norwick - Cray Vincint - Selling a fine staff made of Ash and bearing the mark of famed Susurro Furax
Buying or selling something. Its free for a line to describe the item or items, and leave your name, and contact information. Just send us a letter with the information.
Subscribing to CQ
You can save gold by securing delivery of your copy of CQ. One can prepay for a mere ten gold an issue. Which is half off the regular price of this glorious News Letter.
Contacting us
Send your letters to CQ in Norwick, in care of Cray Vincint.
((forum name: CrayCajole))
CQ….................................................................................................Issue #3
Information and Entertainment.Duels of Norwick.
A dueling festival of sorts broke out in Norwick recently. A guard marked out an area for the ring and the fun and excitement proceded for the whole afternoon. The event attracted many merchants and musicians. Bets were heard being yelled out over the sounds of combat. The smell of fresh bread filled the air as a local baker set up shop near the rings edge. Some o f the most quality combat of the year was witnessed. Surprisingly almost all the fights were very one sided. There being only one or two close matches. Here are the results of the matches in order that they took place.
Rick > Deacon Sterr
Torch Kahn > Rick
Deacon Sterr > Millshot
John the traveller > Nars Warrior
John the traveller > Nate
John the traveller > Shermaright
John the traveller > Anna Sigerlson
John the traveller > Rick
Torch Kahn > John the traveller
Shermaright > Deacon SterrNorwick under siege.
Norwick has been under siege for the better part of two weeks. Battling the Defiler has proven most difficult. The price of freedom is costly. One great warrior said "Blood makes the grass grow". Before charging into the battle and certain death. The Bugbears and Goblins have been unrelenting in their onslaught. Many have fallen, who and how many, is often unclear at this time as rumor and speculation passes quickly about Norwick. Debris litters the town as it was nearly destroyed. The bodys of friend and foe lay all over town. All of Farmer Fines livestock were slaughtered. Many have come togeather, putting their differences aside for Narfell. Arnath guards fight along side Knights of Lathander for the greater good. Most say that this is a dark time for the land. Perhaps the opposite is true. Never have so many come togeather for one cause. It seems anyone and everyone has dropped everything to offer what help they can. This great war has brought out the best in forgeiners and natives alike. The will of the masses will overcome.
Peltarch Senate
Senator Adam Bromley and Senator Ayanie have died. They have been aparantly slain in an adventure to the lost city. As precident has shown in the past. The next leading candidates from the recent election have been have been put into power. All hail the new Senators Syne and Evendur. May their wisdom guide us.
Billbow of Norwick is offering his services to those who need it. From protection in the woods to whatever help one may need in their quest.
The CQ advisor.
We encourage our subscribers to write in with their questions and we will answer as many as we can. Try and keep them short and to the point. You dont have to give your name.
Send us your joke and if we publish it, you will receive twenty five gold.
Trademeet and Festival.
The yearly trademeet of Narfell was held in the summer Capital Bildoobaris. Just like the many years past. For a tenday period the tribes of the Nars gathered to form the massive tent city. Miles of animal skin tents covered the land. Many merchants from far away lands are welcomed for the festival. Including such rare things as Coffee from the Hordelands, exotic pipeweed from Amn, Wine and Cheese from Rashemen, even some gold and diamonds from Damara. Many of Narfells fine horses were on display as well, as they are in high demand to traders from abroad. There were several duels, archery contests and auctions all going on at the same time. The atmosphere was one of delight and wonderment.
The rumor mill
A band of powerful orcs who follow Malar have sallied out into the Nars Pass, sacrificing victims on a crude rock altar. The undead spirits of their victims now haunt the rock, ravening for the flesh of the living.
Commoners claim to have been robbed by Orcs on the Jiyyd pass. Complains also circulate about huddled shapes roaming around the town walls during nightfall. Others complain about a loss of livestock.
Master Crafter Torch Khan. If you need something crafted. See him. Serious buyers only. "You shouldn't be swinging it, unless its a Khan."
Warrior Academy
Need Training?
The guardians open soon a warrior academy.
If ye need training in handling with swords and bows or any other weapon, or when ye want to know how ye can survive in dangerous territories. Contact Tontou or Merin A. We are often at the southfire in norwick. Ye can also ask any other guardian member.
Merin Adenealle
Get your message out.
Be you guild or group or merchant. You can purchase some space in our news letter. Our prices are very reasonable. Sizes range from a single line, quarter, half and full page.
Employment opportunity's.
Bounty Hunter.
Jandor is offering a reward of 5000 for the capture of Juno. Dead or Alive.
Bounty Hunter.
Nico Black is looking for information on the mage some know as "Tom Hood" and his whereabouts. He is offering a reward of 500 gold to anyone who can inform him as to where he can be found.
Writer / Investigator
We are currently looking for a good gossip writer, Preferably someone active in the Peltarch social community. We are looking for an investigative writer, Perhaps even one person to do both jobs. We may also need someone to sell the news letters. Any one interested in these positions. Seek out Cray Vincint to apply. .
Cartographer / Adventurers
I am seeking information on Mintas Rhelgor. A sum of 250 gold will be paid for a detailed map of the surrounding as well as interior areas. Also information on what dangers may be there for any who would travel into it's depths. Please find me in the gypsy camp if you have any information that might prove beneficial and you will be compensated.
If you are of an adventureous nature and would join others in a trip into Mintas Rhelgor find me in the camp.
Malachai, Servent of Lurue
((I would like to do it on a sunday around 12:00.))
Maythor of Norwick. Is selling suits of finely crafted Iron Full Plate. For only a mere 3600. Do you have the ultamite protection?
Buy n Sell ads.
Cray Vincint - Selling - Masterwork Bronze Greatsword. Masterwork nickel shortsword.
Norwick - Bow ((Ranger)) - Trade - Has Elvin chain armor wants Elvin Leather armor in return for it.
Norwick - Kara - Buying - Books of any kind, preferably history. Scrolls, especially clerical ones.
Buying or selling something. Five Gold per line to describe the item or items, and leave your name, and contact information. Pace your first buy/sell ad free. Just send us a letter with the single line of information.
Subscribing to CQ
You can save gold by securing delivery of your copy of CQ. One can prepay for a mere ten gold an issue. Which is half off the regular price of this glorious News Letter.
Contacting us
Send your letters to CQ in Norwick, in care of Cray Vincint.
((forum name: CrayCajole))
CQ….................................................................................................Issue #2
Information and Entertainment.Skeletons, Zombies, Mummys. Oh my!
In Jiyyd, the Evil Moss came again, appearing out of nowhere. It spread through the streets quickly. As the moss first appeared. Only Doran and Daria were there to begin with. The very ground beneath their feet shook. As waves of zombies and skeletons came forth. The two lone women hacked them down rather well. In this initial battle Doran shouted out “Guide my song hand.†Shorty after the first wave was slain. Ranger, Keira and Penny Lane arrived on the scene. Ranger got too close to the moss and was injured. Doran and Daria engaged the next wave. The three new commers vollyed arrows into the fray. A commoner by the name of Shantie fell in the attack. Daria could be scene dragging shantie into Vrokaâ€
s shop, in the middle of the fight. Pennys inspiring songs could be heard over the noise of the battle. Shortly after, as mummies began to spring forth. Penny was in trouble. Just when it looked like she would fall. Malachai with flashing Green and silver armor sewpt in. decapitating the creature. When asked about this later. Malachai simply stated. “I did what I had to do.†Lector natura happened into town, as more vile undead spew forth. Lectors arrival was key in getting the undead under controll. So that the moss could then be dealt with. It took an assorment of fire, divine magic, and a bit of Prayer to vangquish the moss. Lectors final blessing seemed to finnish it off. Anyone standing to close to Lector at the time was injured and blinded. But it did the trick. Also Vroka stated the commoner Shantie should recover from her wounds.
Big Bad Bugbears.
In Norwick the Bugbears seem unrelenting. The creatures launched another, near succesfull attack. Thankfully members of the Legion and militia were there to responed in stride. General Grag, Uchi, Elvin Amolin, Billbow, among others held the front lines. As the fight ensued, Billbow had to drop out because he was hit with a storke of lightning. He is lucky to be alive. Grag dispensed most the Bugbears. Though he left enough for the others. After the battle drummed on a while. The Bugabears retreated into the east Rawlinswood. Leaving behind at least a dozen of their dead kin. The group of defenders had taken plenty of injuries themselves. They elected not to persue the fleeing Bugbears into the wood.
Garden of Tryanny.
In the wee morning hours of the first day of Eleasias. A most horrid crime was commited in the Peltarch Civic District. Some person or persons. Maliciously made off with several of the cities most prized flowers. The broken mangled stems the only evidence of this most unsettling deed. Many of the peltarch officials are outraged at the crime. They assuredly are working dilligently to solve this most foul crime.
Ikurus Darkrune Convicted.
The Office of the Magistrate issues a public statement.
"The trial of Ikurus Darkrune has been held. The accused was found not guilty on the count of conspiracy to distribute illegal drugs, not guilty on the count of conspiracy to commit treason against the city of Peltarch, and guilty on the count of conspiracy to rob a storehouse of city wealth, namely the Seafarers' Guild. Ikurus was sentenced to five years in Peltarch prison, to be followed by lifetime banishment from the city.
The law of Peltarch has been served."
Billbow of Norwick is offering his services to those who need it. From protection in the woods to whatever help one may need in their quest.
The CQ advisor.
We encourage our subscribers to write in with their questions and we will answer as many as we can. Try and keep them short and to the point. You dont have to give your name.
Send us your joke and if we publish it, you will recieve twenty five gold.
Trademeet and festival.
Midsummer is almost upon us. In honor of the event the Alliance has called a Trademeet to be held in the Giantspire Valley and a call goes out to all in the lands to bring their tradegoods and coin.
A veritable cornucopia of goods will be available, such as:
Weapons; Armor; Foodstuffs; Fine cloths; Books and scrolls; Magical items; Exotic dyes;
and more besides!!
A festival is also planned to celebrate the day revered by so many religions. Hendry, the Innkeeper at the Alliance Arms Inn has spent the month restocking the Inn with the best of ales, stouts, wines and spirits.
A number of games have been organised for the entertainment of the crowd. Win prizes for archery, fisticuffs, magical duels, tracking and more! And if you don't wish to participate there is always coin to be made laying down a bet or two.
Given their turbulant history with the Alliance, and their recent attempt to fire the Alliance Arms Inn, no person who has, in the past or present, claimed allegiance with the murdering cut throats, bandits and rapscallions whom refer to themselves as the Eastland Marauders are welcome in the Valley. Any such who are discovered in our midst shall be thrown in the cells to join their 'friend' Barron Alburn.
However; ALL ELSE ARE WELCOME. All the sentient races of Narfell whom the Alliance does not count enemy are invited to join the Trademeet. Though let it be known that a burden of peace shall be placed upon all who attend, be they human, elf, orc, kobold or gnome. Peace cords shall be issued upon entry to the Valley, binding weapons to scabbards. Those who remove their peace cords, or otherwise partake in any form of violent or disruptive behavior shall be removed from the Valley by one of the appointed Sherrifs.
Clerics whos' patrons consider this day holy are invited to attend the festival and lead worship amongst the crowd, as are any storytellers, musicians, actors, troubadors or entertainers of any kind more than welcome to practice their arts (and maybe pick up some coin in the process).
The festivites will begin at noon on Midsummer's Day and go on throughout the night. For those who arrive early, or remain late, lodging is available in the Alliance Arms Inn for a minimal price.
There follows a sketch outlining the route to the Giantspire Valley, and the Alliance Arms Inn. (One transition north from Atol's Bridge, then one transition west; watch out for bandits!)
Valen Silvermoon
((The plan is to have this kick off around 8 or 9pm GMT on Friday 26th and keep the ball rolling long enough for as wide a TimeZone Spectrum of players to be included as possible. ))
Songs of the people.
There are certain times in life when love seems to creep up on you, stealing your heart before you can realize it and taking it to new heights. If you've ever experienced such a feeling, then conjure it up in your mind and heart as you read onward…
The Butterfly Song.
Out on a casual walk one day,
I met my Soul along the way.
So startled that I'd never known,
Such wonderous joy could be my own.
We danced on rainbow-colored beams,
For just a moment, so it seems.
Our meeting brief, you'd soon depart,
To leave me with a longing heart.
I lift my eyes to skies above,
And look for you, my soon lost love.
I cannot grieve, I gained a sight
To most denied–my life's delight.
My spirit stays with you so high,
In glory, bright sweet butterfly.Written by PENNY LANE
The rumor mill
Claims of corruption amoung the Peltarch Guards is unsubstantiated of yet. Our sources have been unable to find any evidence or first hand claims of such activities commited by the guard.
It is rumored that the Dragon Rass's rampage of late has been due to someone poaching eggs from the dragons nest. Aparently there was a battle in the Rawlinswiid between Rass and the goblins, that was directly related to the poaching.
Silver Valley.
One of our sources has informed us that the hin. Have claimed the abandoned Bandit mines for themselves. What purpose they wish to use these mines for is unknown at this time.
Our sources in Jiyyd have confirmed. There has been regular ghost sittings of a little girl. Lector, Penny, Tagnar, Zy'thal and Fadia have taken an active interest in the welfare of this lost soul. It has been said that this situation is a result of Thyrm. The group is hoping that they will be able to communicate with the girl. Our CQ corispondant Penny Lane will be keeping us informed of this most sorrowfull tale.
Master Crafter Torch Khan. If you need something crafted. See him. Serious buyers only. "You shouldn't be swinging it, unless its a Khan."
The Nars.
People have been whispering there was a big crowd in the Boarshead. A Hin, a Gnome, and a Dwarf got pretty drunk and rowdy, and one of them spilled a drink on a wizard. The wizard apparently got offended, cast a spell of some sort, and called up some horrible undead creature… some say it was the ghost of dead Myrkul himself! The ghostly creature struck the gnome, hin, and dwarf dead as mackerel. Not only have such folklore been discussed in Norwick. It was heard that there was a similar incident just east of Jiyyd. A tale of an invisable wearwolf, similar in description to the beast from the Boarshead. Attacking travellers and using great magic. Are these just tales of superstitious commoners, or actual events. That is a decision we leave to you.
Get your message out.
Be you guild or group or merchant. You can purchase some space in our news letter. Our prices are very reasonable. Sizes range from a single line, quarter, half and full page.
Employment oppourtunitys.
Writer / Investigater
We are currently looking for a good gossip writer, Preferably someone active in the Peltarch social community. We are looking for an investigative writer, Perhaps even one person to do both jobs. We may also need someone to sell the news letters. Any one interested in these positions. Seek out Cray Vincint to apply. .
Cartographer / Adventurers
I am seeking information on Mintas Rhelgor. A sum of 250 gold will be paid for a detailed map of the surrounding as well as interior areas. Also information on what dangers may be there for any who would travel into it's depths. Please find me in the gypsy camp if you have any information that might prove beneficial and you will be compensated.
If you are of an adventureous nature and would join others in a trip into Mintas Rhelgor find me in the camp.
Malachai, Servent of Lurue
((I would like to do it on a sunday around 12:00.))
Buy n Sell ads.
Cray Vincint - Selling - Dyes, Cloth: Bright Blue, Lavender, green. Leather: Pink, white, gold.
Artemus Eartu - Buying - An amulet that would increase ones will and instinct.
Garreth - Buying - Scrolls and magical items.
Norwick - Bow ((Ranger)) - Trade - Has Elvin chain armor wants Elvin Leather armor in return for it.
Buying or selling something. Five Gold per line to describe the item or items, and leave your name, and contact information. Pace your first buy/sell ad free. Just send us a letter with the single line of information.
Subscribing to CQ
You can save gold by securing delivery of your copy of CQ. One can prepay for a mere ten gold an issue. Which is half off the regular price of this glorious News Letter.
A letter from Cray Vincint.
Dear readers to continue the promotion of our News Letter. We are sending out this complementary copy of the second issue, to all those that received the first Issue. Also anyone one who has already subscribed, you will not be billed for this issue. We here at CQ wish you happy reading and hope to receive your continued support.
Contacting us
Send your letters to CQ in Norwick, in care of Cray Vincint.
((forum name: CrayCajole))