Reemul contacts various members of the adventuring community.
George looks from Isolde to Morgan.
"She's not wrong. Mia Gander and her lot... That's the Kront mercenaries... have been nothing but honourable and professional. Even refused to fight several times because Gander gave them strict orders not to. Never let them set foot on Narfell soil, as far as I'm aware. They think us all crazy and keep away from things that happen 'out in the Nars'.
I tried to get in touch with her when we first found that ring with the whispering winds spell on it, tell her Fim's playing the lot of us, but I couldn't reach her. If she's figured that out on her own, all the better. If not, she at least knows Rhodes for what she is. She'll want the chance at payback, I'm sure.
I should add, however, that the brass wasn't happy at the suggestion of working with anyone associated with Fim. Not sure if anything has changed in that regard."
After another brief pause, Isolde adds:
"Rhodes' pattern's obvious from earlier encounters, such as Frobrook. She had the original villagers slaughtered, ushered in a fresh set and when their cover was blown, went about trying to murder them as well. She'll for sure use the slaves she's taken in the same way, callously killing those she cannot use or holding them hostage to try and stop our hand. That's part of why I think we need to turn as many as we can on the inside, including those more mercenary minded who might consider the Kront lot as the preferable option. If we have any way of preventing this turning into a bloodbath, I strongly urge we take it. Innocent people's lives are at stake, not just from the doomsday weapon itself but those Rhodes captured."
Isolde turns to Morgan, the out-stretched finger bobbing as though in a nod:
"Rey felt the same way, which is why the deal's not done yet. But let me point out, and George might even back me up on it - 'bandits' is a misleading label. We already know they're not unified with the forces Rhodes leads, in fact they were kept wholly in the dark on that by Fim. They also have a good reputation around Kront and are in fact quite popular with the general populace. Sure, they're performing a service for coin, but that's why I used the word mercenaries, it's a better fit by far. They don't go around extorting people in order to pay for protection, nor do they rob or waylay travellers. I actually think they'd help out in order to free what they consider 'their' people, without being payed by us. I could be wrong, but we won't know if we don't get as far as to ask."
"Will they ask direct payment? More likely they just want Rhodes out of their hair. What we should be mindful of is ensuring they do not take over Rhodes' setup after we've dealt with her.
Having the Kronties deliver a separate strike would be good. Especially if they strike somewhere vital to Rhodes' operation but far enough that it does not look like we're working together. If it looks like it's just bandit opportunism, she will be less inclined to think her plans are lost. Just a bunch of small fires to put out, not an inferno.
As Isolde suggested, them freeing a deal of her slaves would be preferable. If they go after the towns providing Rhodes' resources first, that will accomplish at least part of Rey's plan as well.
Keeping in mind that those people freed might join Kront's bandits permanently.Having Sylvia would be a great help. She can direct the growth of vegetation? If we do decide to try and lure her forces in the open, she might be able to help us hide the size of our own force. Or have thickets grow to force the enemy along certain paths.
Now, if she can breach those walls, she would be an even greater help. If she can handle only one, I would have her do that. If nothing else, she might help camouflage those approaching the stronghold."
"I really don't want to work with bandits from Kront, and I especially don't want to give the bandits from Kront money of any kind." Morgan adds bitterly
Isolde has barely closed her mouth when she turns on her heels and, lifting a dainty finger, continues:
"And another thing! We've some allies secured, others remain a possibility. I'd like to propose the following as an idea on how to utilize both: Silvia the Fey, who has sworn that nature's wrath shall be at our disposal, is a wild card Rhodes likely won't expect. She might either help hem the fortress in, or provide a breach in its walls, perhaps both through the vegetation she so skillfully directs.
I'd like to suggest a breach in the walls, followed by a strike force lead by the mercenaries of Kront to liberate those that they can, and with any luck win over many others to their side. We met with their leader by chance not long ago, and since some of the villages Rhodes has raided fall under their protection, they were keen to assist. We settled on nothing at the time, but renewed contact's still possible. I think many of the more 'reasonable' minded mercenaries might follow the Kront-based group if given a chance.
With their aid, the suggested smaller units penetrating the fortress might gain precious breathing room where the doomsday device is concerned."
"I'll describe the device itself in as much detail as I could make it out through Silvia's scrying pool: it is a menhir stone, but excavated and separated from its original position. It is still connected to the leylines with all that this entails though - and covered in a runed inlay of myrkandite. What we could glean of the magic it held matches well with George's vision - it's an amplifier of sorts, and a powerful one at that, capable of boosting a magical effect to hundreds, perhaps a thousand times over.
An expert in things arcane and in the metal itself has told me the device can be dismantled through the method I described before - dispelling the magic and physically removing the metal. This is not a quick fix solution and would require a team working concentratedly and away from combat. Whether or not the Abyssal Darkflame wand's been incorporated in the device itself or is held separately by Rhodes, I couldn't say. A question worth looking into, though."
Meadow steps forward and pipes up. How long she’s been there is anyone’s guess. Now that she’s returned with George, she was surely invited. It’s likely she just went unnoticed.
I’m not a soldier, but some here have the right of it. Engaging her in open battle with an inferior force would be the way to start. However, do so with a prepared fallback point, and at least two layers of reserves.
Rhodes will see victory at first from her vantage point where ever it may be. The battle however will likely stall at the fallback point. That’s when the first layer of reserves come in.
The battle at this point might swing in our favor. Perhaps not. Regardless, Rhodes will likely call her own reserves to counter.
This will go on of course, with one side reinforcing, and the other side countering.
The goal of this however isn’t to win. It would be to bleed her of troops and distract her. As her reserves are thinned, it may allow openings. Openings that will allow two other small units in. One to dismantle or neutralize the menhir…or whatever it is.
The other to attack her directly.
"I have to say, if I was Rhodes and had what I believed a trumph card on my hands, I wouldn't go and leave it behind. I'd scry the field of battle from within my fortress and likely set up HQ right beside my dear doomsday device. This is not to shoot anyone else's ideas down, it's rather pointing out that we may need at least a plan A and B, depending on how the scenario develops.
From previous scrying, we know there are several mages guarding the device. Scouting the fortress directly would be unwise and something I'm sure she'll have contingencies set in place for, but we do have access to a very powerful scrying pool and that's something we could make further use of. This pool belongs to the so far unmentioned, but important added ally we have, Silvia the Fey."
@adamic Sure Seth, when were concluded with this, if that is where people think I can do the most good, thats where I will be.
Seth listens to everyone's comments and speaks up
We need more information about the Fort and its magical defenses. There are several things I can suggest we try...
No doubt Rhodes has anticipated this possibility and has warded against it. But she can't ward everyone around her. We need to identify a second or servant close to her, get something of theirs and I can scry that person for a couple of days to glean any extra information. (Seth has a scrying mirror that greatly increases his capabilities) -
Scouting the Fort using Greater Sanctuary
I would like to understand the magical defenses of the Fort itself and the physical characteristics of the layout. I can load up on GS spells and look around the Fort even entering if the opportunity presents. I will be looking for Dimensional Anchors, Wards and more obvious vulnerabilities and issues. I will be also considering the possibility of Teleport use and looking for options and positions. Seth knows the Teleport spell -
Researching the Menhir amplification
Seth is also a master miner/craftsman and an Arch-Mage (9th circle Wizard). Reemul, what do you think of both of us taking a closer look at Menhir construct? I can simultaneously be testing amplification capability and what would disrupt that magically. Perhaps we need some form of magical suppression?
"I cannot say what the rest of the captains will do, but the general did make a point of having me remind captain H'resh that his help would be needed. I assume every captain will receive such a reminder. As such, captain H'resh will be sending myself and my attachment to wherever the plan deems necessary, preferably where the fighting is thickest.
I cannot say if the menhir is portable, but if it is to be moved, it will likely require a wagon at the very least. Rhodes seems to have needed quite the amount of slaves to excavate it. The last image I saw showed the menhir to be inside the stronghold.
Both Cormac and Reemul have made good points.I will reiterate what I suggested to the brass before coming here.
Rhodes will absolutely burn the whole country to cinders before admitting defeat, on that I agree with Cormac. We have to keep her from using it at any cost. As such, it will be imperative to have her believe she is winning until we have sabotaged the menhir.
This will be hard to convince her of when we are laying siege to her stronghold. It would be best to draw her out so she does not act like a cornered animal. If we can meet her in the field, we can have our forces engage hers, fake a stall, then have them fall back in a planned fashion. With some luck, Rhodes will see this an an imminent victory and she will refrain from using her weapon.
The forces engaging here should have some people of note to make it seems like an actual effort. She likely remembers myself, Varya and some others who thwarted her in Frobrook.Like Reemul, I believe Rhodes will march with her army. We have seen this in Frobrook and heard about it elsewhere. She keeps clear of the battle itself, but prefers having a vantage point to watch and command from rather than relying on messages. Drawing her army out will also draw her out, leaving fewer to guard the stronghold and menhir.
A second group should be formed of those who are looking to deal with the myrkandite, likely with some scouts. If we can drain the stronghold, they should have a much easier time of entering.
A third group should scout out Rhodes and her personal guard, likely refraining from action until such time as the second group has succeeded. This group should consist of our strongest, since they will engage Rhodes herself and Rhodes will very likely have planned for just such an occasion.
Reyhenna, thus far uncommonly subdued as she listens, speaks up with a weary terseness, though it fades once she gets into the swing of military matters proper and she proceeds in businesslike fashion.
"Rhodes will try to use the device with the leylines no matter what actions we take, unless unconditional surrender is offered. Even if we kill her in her sleep with utmost stealth, she will have a deadman's trigger of some kind set up to punish us in our victory, is my assumption. Our goal on this front should be to ensure that when she does use it, it doesn't work, or that we have an effective defence to it. To that end, I am working with Arch Weyland, the only living person with direct experience of the Darkflame wand, and he thinks he might have a countermeasure.
Outside of the doomsday plot, Rhodes still has a force capable of laying siege to Peltarch, and a fortified position supplied with resources and slaves from the villages she has cowed into submission. In my opinion, the only appropriate military response to this problem is to cut her off from her resources, else she will continue to grow in strength until she is afforded an opportune moment to strike. We know she is already trying to engineer such opportunities, with her subterfuge and trickery. attempting to incite us against one another.
Therefore I propose besieging her in her fortress, starving her of her supplies from her recent conquests, logistically isolating her. At this juncture we can determine if a direct assault is possible, or if it would be better to starve her out. Which of these options is better depends on the situation once we are invested in the siege, and of course, on the leyline situation and whether our countermeasures will work. I am of the opinion that if we can counter the leyline business, and if defections and insurrection can indeed be sewn among Rhodes' own ranks as others have mentioned, we may well be presented with a tactically sound opportunity to launch an assault and put an end to her once and for all. If we get such an opportunity, I mean to take it.
I can confirm that General Gom and the Defenders have been preparing for just such an operation since we located Rhodes base in the Giantspires some time ago, and are ready to move on my word."
The blonde leans back, wrapping her jacket around herself as though feeling the cold.
"Like I said, it ~is~ a military operation, so I'd certainly assume so. But since I'm no kind of soldier, I am waiting for others to fill in those blanks rather than speculate myself. But, if we're looking to draw Rhodes out, we definitely need Rey since she's rather the primary target for Rhodes' obsessive ire."
@karnivor Good stuff Isolde, more options, possible allies, Do you know if Gom intends to support the operation's with troops? Scouts? Harsh insults? How do you see reaching out to cause some insurrection within Rhodes ranks? "Rampant paranoia" may also be manipulated to our cause.
I imagine it would be possible to determine if her fortress has been built upon a menhir's location? But yes, if it has, then let the army march before we commence? any reduction in direct force resisting us benefits us, though it may mean a second battle at the gates of Peltarch. real time intelligence is going to matter in this I feel, best we can do if we get that is have actionable ideas ready to go depending on how it plays out?
"I don't think the menhir stone's exactly portable, though I could be wrong. But if she's got the upper hand where she is now, she's not stupid enough to go on the move", opinions Isolde as she twirls anew.
An alternate thought comes to mind. Why not let Rhodes army march. It will take them time, siege equipment is exactly know for its high speed travel. Rhodes will either travel with her army, or stay in her fortified position....My gut says shel move with the army. They will have to travel I would assume in a long train of man power and equipment and all the junk an army needs. Perhaps, if we can get some real time intel rather then last weeks rumors we can plan an ambush and a fast hard strike in their side, take or kill Rhodes and get that wand out of play. Seems better then trying to take them in a fortified position and travel by necessity will keep all their force from being brought to bare on us?
Isolde half-twirls, walking slowly to and fro in the room as she eyes the door, as though expecting others to show up. Meanwhile, she voices her opinion to the rest in a pensive tone:
"I think Rhodes got that doomsday device cranked and poised with intent. She means to extort Peltarch and perhaps beyond too, for all the gold Whyte failed to deliver, for all the power she thinks she should have gotten. As to whether she'll use it, well the men who so far surrendered and fled her army describe her as having lost her marbles. Unfortunately this madness includes rampant paranoia and she'll not be an easy target for any would-be assassin for that, says Gom.
A pretty big portion of her supporters do stay on that side only through fear and coercion, something we could and should exploit, but perhaps we'd need to create an opportunity in which those so inclined feel they have an actual good chance to flee or fight back.
As for the device itself, there is some hope. I have it on good authority it ~can~ be disrupted, but that it'd take both time and collective efforts by spellcasters and skilled miners targetting the metal inlay around the menhir. It's a rare planar mineral known as myrkandite, so the likes of Reemul himself, Jonni, maybe Gnarl would have a chance if supported by spellcasters blasting away with dispelling magic. Failing that, the blast zone itself can be shrunk, but that's… less than ideal for those in the near area of course.
The darkfire itself has been known for some time, and we've a fire expert poised to counter it. Just how, it's best he explain himself."
I hear you Cormac, the wand is a doomsday device that to a point is intended to hold us hostage it seems. And yes, if we can come up with a plan to remove it from the equation it would benefit us but the smash and grab plan I have a feeling won't work with someone who has watched it done by "us" collectively time and again. But if you know a Master thief who can do this, im game to hear it or any other solid ideas anyone has?