Citizen Tokens
Narfell Citizen - Noncombat XP - PC gains bonus XP from noncombat but gains zero XP from combat after level 6.
Exploration XP: 4x normal
DM Drop: 2x normal
Automated Drop: 2x normalNarfell Citizen - Combat XP - PC gains combat XP after level 6.
Name was changed because the name was found misleading. We have the same expectations for RP and being IC regardless of the type of Citizen Token that your PC possesses.
If you have any questions about expectations hit up the Tome of Knowledge forum for our rules or send a PM to a staff person. (Or just PM me. I love PMs!
Old Reposted Text from the Original Build Update:@b3ddf60974:
Citizens RP Token - There is a new type of citizen token that players may opt in for. The token doubles all forms of noncombat XP and negates any combat XP past level 6. This includes automated XP, DM drop XP, and exploration XP. PCs exchanging tokens must be level 6 or below. You may ask a DM to delevel your character to one XP above 6 in order to be given this token instead of a regular CT. I'm willing to discuss a trial run for any players that find this idea interesting, but aren't sure they want to commit a bunch of level loss and regret it. PM me if you're interested in being deleveled to 6 for this token on a trial basis. (You can also roll up a new PC and ask a DM to put an CRPT on the new PC)
Addendum for clarification: There requirements for this type of CT are the same as for the regular CT. As a CT holder you can be given one of these simply by asking a DM. The restriction and requirement to delevel is only needed when switching from one type of CT to another.