Hero's Bluff - Destruction of Property!

  • @unholycalls said in Hero's Bluff - Destruction of Property!:

    It is said a purple bard occasionally marches around like a soldier in the Pass, drumming loudly.

    Too-ra-lay, Too-ra-lay

    All bark, no bite
    That's what they say
    The dwarves just talk
    They hold no sway

    Too-ra-lay, Too-ra-lay

    Had no plan
    Now they're stuck
    Losing ground
    Out of luck

    Too-ra-lay, Too-ra-lay

    Upon hearing about the song, the "mean dwarf" Korak, who often marches up and down the Nars Pass, keeps a sharp eye and ear out for any drum thumping purple bards.

  • ((I have some availability today after midnight (GMT+3) and tomorrow from 3 pm to 7 pm. Sundays I usually don't have any time. ))

  • //An OOC request to all PCs who interact with this event's PCs. Dwarfs gave a favour of 24 hours before the next step to happen. RL days being passing doesn't mean the above mentioned period has expired. We lots got RL too and as a fact, it is a bit difficult to follow the in game time passing. So we need some time to flow along the forums rp. I ask for your understanding and roll along after each side states their next moves each time. Until now it should have passed around 12? 14 hours? Bear with us a little more while we try to catch up and rest assured it will entertain you to the best of our roleplaying ability!

  • //Hey DMs, can we plan an in game date for this event? Basic moves have been declared, I suppose we could facilitate it perhaps?

  • It is said a purple bard occasionally marches around like a soldier in the Pass, drumming loudly.

    Too-ra-lay, Too-ra-lay

    All bark, no bite
    That's what they say
    The dwarves just talk
    They hold no sway

    Too-ra-lay, Too-ra-lay

    Had no plan
    Now they're stuck
    Losing ground
    Out of luck

    Too-ra-lay, Too-ra-lay

  • In the night one could see a Verika riding her broom up to the top of her tower, with a bald man with red-white clothing sitting behind her. A moment later, a red glyph appears in the air a few feet from the tower. The bald man then jumps down from the tower, floating down slowly and walks off.

  • It didn't take long after Dwarves rebuilt the eastern gate to collapse, this time, the western gates! -- Rumor has it, after a high number of Merchant, Travellers and Children camped in the crossroads, waiting for the trading route re-opening, a stampede of Deep Rothes, crashed into the western gates, collapsing them

    The Legion Privates quickly responded by forming a human wall that blocked the passage. Order restored, blockage remained. But that was not enough to ease the discomtent that has been growing in the other side of the Legion's walls.

    "Anarchy on Narfell" -- "Freedom on the Nars"

    The shouts of children at a strange rythm can be heard all across the Nars Pass and in the other side of the Scar. It is said that the bards had something to do with this uproar, but ... when was the last time the bards never had anything to do with anything?

  • A few dwarven guards dressed head to toe in steel armor move purposefully atop Ihar Burakin. Slowly, the catapults and ballista atop the fortress turn ominously to take aim at the tower just outside their gate. Immediately after, the gate to Ihar Burakin opens with the sound of stone scraping stone and the Alaghor Thorin Goldenaxe emerges with a snarl on his face and an axe in his hand. The axe feels so sharp as if blessed by Clangeddin. He marches straight towards the tower and pauses in front of it, taking out a note and placing it on the door. He slams brutally the axe into the stone, nailing the note to the door, then turns and makes his way elsewhere.

    “Verika, you have attacked the Legion gate and destroyed the hard work and security of the dwarves. We do not tolerate such cowardly acts. There will be recompense of five-thousand gold coins to cover resources and labor. Ye will deliver this teh me until tomorrow, along with an apology, and we will hold no grudge towards ye. Ignore these demands and there will be retribution. Do not test us.”

  • Upon hearing that Verika was the one to destroy the gates his people had put great effort to build as part of an empowered defense, Thorin remains silent for a long moment as Theaon mentioned her. Thoughtful at first and determined as time passed he strides off to Ihar Burakin in haste. A few travelers saw him holding some blank scrolls.

  • *General Theaon lets all allied forces on the Bluff know that Verika should be considered hostile if she approaches again, and that they should act accordingly to defend the Bluff. *

  • Until the gates are repaired, General Theaon makes clear to the Legionnaires and HDL that anyone attempting to cross the Scar will be barred and asked to turn back.

  • Shiney sighs heavily as she comes upon the scene.

    “It is sad that the dragon Ky can count Peltarch’s officials among his army o’ goblins an orcs, and that the King considers this fact a simple matter o’ how his people spend their “free time”... Oi wouldn’t be surprised teh learn this act is just another way they spend it.

    Oi hope these people will see past their bloated egos and understand the folly that has led them teh choose alliance wit the enemies o’ their own gods over we honorable dwarves and our neighbors. We wull see...”

    The faenor goes to work supporting her kin in their efforts.

  • While watching over the clean up of the remains of the eastern gates, Theaon offers a nod of thanks to Thorin.

    "The Council's aid is much appreciated in this matter. Pushback was to be expected. Let's get out some of the barricades used before the wall was built and have them placed at the entrance until the gates can be rebuilt. Aside from an increased presence at the gates, let's also keep some watchful eyes from above on the cliffs in case of further sabotage efforts. Oh, and make sure Lem gets help moving inside the walls."

    Theaon then converses with various Legion, hin, and Dwar guards in regards to description of the perpetrators involved. He then goes to speak with Sergeant Mara Hiltold.

    "Sergeant, any perpetrators who were recognized shall be treated as hostiles should they try to enter the Bluff again."

  • Upon learning the news Thorin reaches approaches Theaon Thorn and is heard speaking with him.

    "Let's be quick to react general and rebuild the gate. With your force guarding us and the dwarfs known for our crafting skills we gonna rebuild it in no time. And one more thing. I suggest that next one who approaches from the east and does not halt upon warning to be executed without a second one... Tis ain't time to fark aroun' with any act of cowards. I think i know who sent word to that fark, Ky but i'll keep it to meself fer now... Rest assure though, he is gonna die by dwarven steel shall he finds the balls to admit it or be found guilty..."

    With that said he waits for the general's response, ready to initiate the rebuilding proccess.