Plot Finale: The Cinderwood Bastard
Vick cannot do Sunday until at least 3 hours later. Saturday would be fine.
Okay, I will cancel my Sunday plans if that is the best slot to get the most people in.
OK. I've spoken to people and hopefully this is the last move. If certain people can't make it, again, I need to know what happens at the end of this plot to move others forward.
Does Sunday the 8th, 11:00 AM morning, eastern time, work for everyone?
I can also pull it back to Saturday, same time, but for now let's say it's Sunday.
Currently it's Wednesday.
Are we on today, or Wednesday? I can make either, though I would prefer today. I have a singing gig Wednesday, but it doesn't start until 6PM EDT, so if we begin at 1 PM, I should be OK.
I work during the week so weekends are my only free time.
I think Vick could make it on Wednesday.
Unfortunately no. My vacation was from August 15th - Sept 2nd. After that, I'm not available during work hours, which is 8am - 5pm M-F US Eastern, although my schedule is flexible and sometimes I can start early and end at 4pm. However, that's never a guarantee. Saturday, September 7th I'm helping a friend move. My best shot was actually today, Friday, August 30th as originally scheduled. I can do this Saturday or Sunday. After that, Narfell time will be less.
Well considering that my work schedule is now a lot clearer, I can make it
@wywernywin You did.
It's just a few days' delay. Let's see if people can make it.
That would be alright with me, but really if I'm the only one missing it just go ahead with Saturday. Erurk can just be busy controlling the helmets or something. I did warn you week beforehand that I wouldn't be able to make it after Friday
Is Wednesday, 1 PM, eastern time, acceptable to people?
Won't be able to make Saturday, heading to North Macedonia. Will be back Wednesday.
Isolde will be there!
Autumn and/or Jasmine should be there.
I can make saturday morning
Vick can make That time also.
Shesarai can make Saturday morning. Thank you.
New time is Saturday, 11:00 AM, morning, Eastern Time.
Sadly I won't be able to be there.
Vick should be there on time.