Peltarch Nobility

  • So, I'm trying to sort out stuff Peltarch related at the moment, and the issue of Nobility was raised.

    Specifically, that the Peltarch Nobility information on the forums is 6 years old and has not been adjusted since we got a king in Peltarch, and there are several PCs who have been made Nobility by the King since then who are not listed.

    Further, there are no listed boundaries for what rights and responsibilities Nobility have, how NPCs should interact with them, how they should interact with NPCs, etc.

    I'm quite capable of coming up with this stuff on my own, but I'd rather work with existing lore and information if it is available.

    What information and lore do others have, or have they been using?

    Who has been made Nobility, and how have the entries on the Peltarch forum changed over the last 6 years?

    I want to update this to help with RP, and to have some idea myself, as at the moment my own understanding of Peltarch is rather out of date and I would rather be clear on it before I do anything noteworthy there.