Spiders at the Crossroads

  • Twice now, Ting has left the Den and encountered spiders at or near the entrance of the den.

  • Shesarai informs folk in the Peltarch Commons and the Mermaid that the rumors of giant spiders near the Crossroads is true. She found and killed large tree spiders there on two occasions during the past ten days. In addition, she warned that very tough gnolls are again wandering outside their woods on the hillside west of the road, and she also found two kobolds hanging around the farm houses north of the Temple of Tempest. Travelers on the road south need to be prepared for battle as soon as they leave the gates.

  • Faelar goes out to investigate Ting's encounter in attempt to learn...

    • Where the spiders are coming from. though he has a pretty good idea?

    • Why have they come to this particular place?

    • What, if anything, can the Wolves do to help?

    ((I am still unable to get in game but will do what I can from here... or Discord if I have to. BTW: I'm pretty sure Faelar has 3 ranks in Animal Empathy, if that helps.))