Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Rumors start of the relationship between Borodin and her inquisitor. Speculation that the position may have a lot to do with the horizontal as well as the vertical....
    Some drunks seem to have heard it whispered from an alley or was it in a note....

  • @darkspyr said in Tavern Rumors of Peltarch:

    Speculation pops up in the taverns and inns in the city. Odd snippets.
    Syltria and Shannon are having an illicit affair.......
    The child killed was their illegitimate love child.....
    Syltria was trying to hold it over Shannon's head so he hired an assassin.....
    There may be more murders to make it look like a serial killer.....
    People are keeping their children in sight out of fear....

    Should the OTHER inquisitor happen across any gossipers unwise enough not to shut their cake-holes at the sound of his clanking steps approaching, he's sure to casually rap knuckles atop some heads, and ask where people heard those rumors, with instructions not to repeat them, lest Cecil come back and ask them why they're still spreading them ... with his usual "Stare."

  • Speculation pops up in the taverns and inns in the city. Odd snippets.
    Syltria and Shannon are having an illicit affair.......
    The child killed was their illegitimate love child.....
    Syltria was trying to hold it over Shannon's head so he hired an assassin.....
    There may be more murders to make it look like a serial killer.....
    People are keeping their children in sight out of fear....

  • Two days in a row, two lots of high adventure reported.

    First it was a trip organised by the (hin)famous Derek Underhill to a far away desert, to accomplish some mysterious tasks. All returned intact, with loot in tow having defeated a vampire.

    Next, it was a Garl Glittergold divined romp through a portal to the icy snows of the frozen north to recover all that is shiny. Rumour has it that a Hezrou was defeated by the party, held at bay by a right-sized warrior.

    How do the people in town hear of these rumours?

    Why, at the bars and taverns, where the shopkeepers remark about the surge in trade driven by the victorious heroes.

  • An Elven hunter, clad in muddy brown beetle-scale armor reports oddness in the Nars Pass, East of the River, just North of the Crossroads.

    A Large tree, in the forest, wreathed in mist and etherial light, with a variety of animals, predators that do not normally rest together, reclining beneath it.

  • Peltarchians buzz with excitement and gossip in the wake of a grand melee competition, arranged by the Crown, in which a colourful selection of volunteer adventurers put their skill to the test. Each of the four three-member teams appeared to have their very own supporters on the stands, cheering and sometimes swooning outright at the dazzling display of might and magic! The fireballs might just be the lasting impression - oh - SO - MANY fireballs!

  • In response to the marked misplacement of muffins, the Muffin Man Mercantile Monopoly has mobilised one of their Muffin Man Merchants with his Motorised Muffin Mobile to manage the muffin needs of the many mouths of Peltarch

  • Rumours go around town of a shortage of muffins, with bakers reporting that sweet-toothed thieves with light fingers have helped themselves, somehow, to the baked treats that everyone loves.

    The only clue left behind, is a trail of golden dust.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumors swirl through the city of the sudden appearance of constructs within the Makere family tomb. To hear some tell it, a party of adventurers braved the dangers and were rewarded for their trouble by the acquisition of an artifact both valuable and dangerous. Perhaps coincidentally, shortly after their return to the surface a warrant was issued for Roslyn Underhill, with a bounty of 500 gold being placed on her head. Supposedly this was in response to a charge of theft, though the warrant and bounty were rescinded about a tenday later.

  • Tentibats?

    That's right. Apparently, some adventurers led by none other than the Inquisitor himself, went down to the UNDERDARK of all places, citing needing to train, practice, and get his strength back up ... saying something about horrible hooks, or unknown horrors, or something like that?

    What the group found, however, was said to be Cloaks, tentibats?, and ... rust monsters.

    Cecil did not stick around past shining his armor to make sure there was no REAL damage to it afterward, probably to avoid the attention of a similarly awful rust monster, but one that sometimes plagues the commons.

  • A few days ago, a ruckus of shouting and threats were heard after a Pseudodragon flew into the back room of an Inn. Soon after, it apparently fled outside the building, started shouting in the Commons, and scared a gnome into running away from the city. Apparently, nobody's seen him since, he must be terrified of dragons!

  • There notice board advertising the sale of the brewery has got local tavern owners and patrons talking, seemingly concerned.
    Since the brewery has been known to supply very affordable liquors allowing businesses to stock it cheap yet still turn a reasonable profit the idea that under new ownership things could change and see the prices double or triple has many worried.

  • The Ranger Ting has been inquiring about different traps and looking for strong and deadly traps.... has paid well in past * rumor has it *

  • Among the brighter talking points of late is the highly public cook-off between reknown elven chef Eldran and Far Scout Erurk Hurgenpox, innovative master of the orcish cuisine. The culinary duel consisted of starter, two main dishes and a dessert each, and seems to have left the crowd quite satisfied. It was by all accounts a close race, coming down to a single plate's difference - in favour of the towering Erurk and his helper, spit-turner Brug!

  • Farmers flee or barricade themselves in their homes in the southern fields as swarms of screeching demons descend from the skies. Defenders man the walls and the shining knights of the Silver Host rally to the fight, joined by a large number of adventurer volunteers. The latter head straight into the thick of it, tackling the southeastern swamplands where a funnel of demonic energies rise high into the air, thickened now with sulphurous soot and noxious vapours. Rumour has it a knight sworn to one of the demon princes of the Abyss was faced down, alongside countless of his demon allies.

  • A menacing shadow blots out the sun one fateful day and darkness descends across the Nars. A sense of doom and foreboding fills the air as stormclouds roll in, centered around a looming black structure floating impossibly high - a mansion, no a castle in the sky - a castle withering all the land it passes over. A castle sucking all life from the green soil and pushing up corpses in its dread and mournful wake. "The end of days", cries the doomsayers as frightened people of all walks of life huddle together at the Commons. A distraught father begs for help, his son claimed by shadows, and travellers from the south bear grim tales of the undead walking. A ragtag band of adventurers set out to defy the odds and topple the flying fortress, but for days the city and the Nars pass remain in the grip of darkness. And then, lightning and thunderous booms roll across the sky, a raging storm that seems to last for hours. Some claim to have seen not only the castle lit up by the lightning but a ship, cannons firing at crumbling walls. When the storm finally dies down, the clouds disperse. As the ragged adventurers return, a golden autumn sun shines down on the head of a blonde boy rushing into his father's arms.

  • Safiya of Skuld, warrior of Bast, is visible in the taverns and the Bardic College public library looking to research a puzzle she encountered in Oscura's Crypts.

    It involves 6 thrones and 6 tomes, labelled for the 6 major elements (Life, Negative, Fire, Frost, And... 2 others she forgot)

    Perhaps there is ancient wisdom within!

  • A series of rumors float to surface based on partial conversations and dropped words and drunken slurs. A gnome wizard apparently killed 4 adventurers on a whim. Or was it that he poisoned and killed the detective Roslynn in cold calculation after she turned down his advances, the others killed to cover his trail. Or perhaps gnome wizards are part of an assassin organization "accidentally" losing lives on their adventures in the name of some forsaken God. or..........

  • The sounds of battle and spells can be heard not a few steps away from the west gates of Peltarch, things such as 'It's Immortal' and 'It's an illusion!' can be heard being yelled from outside, apparently, the god of all cats came with a vengeance, and sent a great champion to battle the murderer of the so-called 'Murder Cat'. It appeared with a flash in Peltarch's commons, attacked a gnome, and ran. Nobody has seen it since.

  • A loud crashing sound followed by a loud voice, comes from the back of the Mermaid Inn's Tavern


    Soon, a serving wench can be seen in a full run with a pitcher of ale in each hand, barely spilling a drop. Anyone other than the serving wenches approaching the table may be greeted with a flying ale pitcher