
  • @davidnwn : Seconded! TPickles has done a lot of amazing work that's only going to keep getting better.

    Welcome to the present, Narfell. ❤

  • Huge kudos to Tpickles and the others who have worked on the new forums. Done a great job!!!!!

  • Kudos to Flom and the players who came along for a most challenging romp through the caves. ‘‘Twas fun indeed!

  • More kudos to DM Xanatos Gambit and Team Revenge for an intense afternoon of eventage! Great storytelling, RP and teamwork all around. ^_^

  • @sciolist : Kudos to the historians that will look back on this moment, the one that led to Caling's tragic, lightning-y death. >_>

  • Kudos to Xanatos and others for the Events yesterday -
    Sorry for stabbing Leena in the butt... It looked just like an undead pig, I swear.

  • Kudos to DM Xanatos Gambit, for that ridiculous day of eventage. I loved getting to race to the finish(?) of a plot, desperately trying to keep from getting passed up by the bad, and having that dreadful sinking feeling that we were NOT, in fact, going to be fast enough. Damage control and revenge it is! ';..;'

    That was an excellent day of challenge and intrigue, and speaking of, kudos to all involved with the great RP that surfaced, and the excellent teamwork throughout.

    And sorry about that last stonehold! ~_^

  • Kudos to DM Void (and DM Xanatos Gambit for a bit) for some really exciting adventures last night and earlier today. It was a lot of fun for my druid.

  • Kudos for the Breezeholme bonanza that claimed my entire evening - it saw our party swell, shrink and shift over time, but I had a blast all the way through!

  • Kudos to Xanatos Gambit for the Slaadi mentioned just above. It was lovely for Keira's general murderous nature to get an outing.

    Also kudos for the later Djinn-expedition that Caling was involved in. Extra work for Paladins Doing Good is always nice.

  • Kudos to Xanatos Gambit for the many, many, many, many Slaadi of chaotic mayhem - and to Isolde's clear-minded team mates for rescuing her sorry bardic bacon twice over. I knew I was a bit too tired for combat even when the plan was only ogres, but it was worth fighting my better judgement!

  • @456699a654=JerrickRafe:

    Echoing kudos for the orc war event. Fighting off a giant warlord, followed by a danger filled trek to a necromancer, and causing the party some trouble along the way despite best intentions? Priceless. 😄

    Yes, kudos indeed, a regular roller coaster onslaught to undeath. I really liked that opportunity was given to those that wanted to join, "you see a large party moving ahead". Though I do think that Unen should not have been let go after the group port :twisted:

  • Wish I could have stayed longer for the necromancer hunt, but what I saw was awesome. Kudos.

  • Echoing kudos for the orc war event. Fighting off a giant warlord, followed by a danger filled trek to a necromancer, and causing the party some trouble along the way despite best intentions? Priceless. 😄

  • Council of Moradin

    A bit late, but well deserved KUDOS to DM Void for the event related to Norwick and the Dwarves's mine!

    And a great aplause to everyone that participated as well.

    Another Kudos to Flom for the Orc necromancer adventure.

  • Kudos to those involved in the Orc Necromancer event earlier today. I had a blast! I don't think that I ever saw that many unconventional undead. Had me like "WTF is that?" the whole time. Good show! It even added to Negan's flavor. Negan discovered he suffers from worgaphobia and I think i'm gonna play it that way.

    Worgaphobia: The irrational fear of worgs, a medium-sized wolf like creature in the fantasy genre of books and role playing games.

  • @12706e6d25=Karnivor:

    Kudos to Xanatos Gambit for a haunting event in a mystery mansion, and to all the participants that came along for the ride - I had a blast!

    Second that! Creepy-pasta haunted mansions are awesome! 😄

  • @6677d80b27=Araighn:


    Kudos to DM Void and all who participated in this thrilling event in the mines!


    Add my vote to the DMs that worked on this adventure. Very well done!

  • Kudos to Xanatos Gambit for a haunting event in a mystery mansion, and to all the participants that came along for the ride - I had a blast!

  • @ac742e5dde=Preacher:

    Kudos to DM Void and all who participated in this thrilling event in the mines!
