The Adventurers strike back
A quiet word is passed around through the bars and halls and around the fires, whispered directly to individuals scattered through Norwick and Peltarch. Possible overheard snatches of words containing kobold, attacks, explosions and one bit at the end …It is time...
Post here your times and days so I can set up the whole thing (again) with anticipation.
I'm thinking of the weekend, Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Between 1 pm and 10 pm (EST).
There is no level restriction, but at this point you are pretty much aware of the challenging rate of those mischievous little creatures and what they are up to.
We start gathering and preparing in 45min. Bring your A game!
I was a Sunday no, but now I'm a Sunday yes! With Aoth, as Vick requested.
Theaon Thorn
Shesarai Foutopolis
Vick Blake.
Ting… Just Ting
Leena Lynn Rayfe
Val Kyrie
Sunday around 5pm EST will be.
Now you only have to post here the names of the characters you are bringing so I can take note.
Keep in mind inclusion can be earned in the last minute IG by talking to the players, again, IG.
Do we have a date/time nailed down for this?
New Poll added. Sunday won in the last one but only with 6 votes. I want to see if that's the day to go for you all. Cast your votes as soon as possible, people!
If Sunday, we start around 5pm EST, as the people gather around (you all know how long that takes) and make its own preparations, they would make the call for rollin' in the deep and move at will.
Heading out of town for a little while, not sure about my availability - I may be able to get home for the weekend, but can't make promises since family might have other plans.
Would prefer Sunday afternoon ET.
I'll be traveling Fri-Wed, so gonna have to sit this one out.
Saturday in the AM works for me, Tanya will like to be there.