
  • Kudos to Wywer for the jaunt to Dun Tharos. was fun fighting different enemies 😛

  • Likewise, That end game content is freaking hard and fun as hell despite the casualties and the intense escape from the underdark for the survivor!

    Kudos to Wyv for coming in and making it even more interesting!

    Now that we know what to expect, the next time we will have a leg-up 😉

  • Big thanks to Nimbrethil and Metagod for tonights Illithid romp!

    Indefinably the most fun I've had Narfing in some time! (Despite the two deaths and almost full TPK)

    Also thanks to Wyv for the extra flavor.. We were leg-less after

  • Council of Moradin

    Kudos to the DM running the Kobold event! Awesome work!

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Serious kudos to Seisan for corraling a huge group of PC's. That event was freaking awesome, man. Nicely done!

  • WOW. What a month! Seisan, I cannot say enough about the entire event. This is the first one I was involved in from beginning to end. Thank you so much to the players who carried this through. We had a lot of people involved during all kinds of things leading up to today. Rosalyn played a huge part in gathering information and helping drive the entire plot. Shesarai helped a lot with reports, divination and organizing people.

    I am sorry I was so in and out once we got going today. I swear I crashed at least 6 times and the lag had me jumping all over the place. I appreciate others taking the lead, I could not keep up half the time with what was even being said.

    It was long, it was nail biting, but all so rewarding.

  • Jesus that was a fantastic epic… event..... the loot rocked the pcs in were awesome.... thank you all for that even the shield looks great,... serious awesome....

  • Kudos on the kobold event Seisan! That last boss room was intense

  • Big kudos to all the dms today running stuff back to back!

  • Hahaha!

    That was FUN, intriguing, a little scary, and silly, all at once! I'm worried that the jokes might stick like soot, but worth it!

    And dude, yeah. That trial was way too real. You guys rocked!

  • Cecil jumps alone, soot, mages. Flom, you really knock the socks out of the hamper.

    Also, awesome job on the trial for Laerune, it was very fun to see Caling be Best Paladin Lawyer TM.

  • Big ole kudos to all the folks in the forums, lately. I love seeing all the journals, updates, and more importantly, guild activity!

    Keep on sharing, it's awesome!

  • Huge Kudos to DMRust. I have never been on the inside of a player operation before and watching all the pieces coming together is fascinating. A big Kudos to Ros and Shes and all the others getting this thing rolling and keeping it moving.

  • Kudos to everyone who was in game today who interacted with me; especially Roslyn, Leroy, Keerla, Atel, and Talyna. Much fun was had, and it was so exciting for my hin to meet so many right-sized folks (including two legends of the server!)

    Now, to reform the HDL…

  • Kudos for DM Xanatos Gambit for Orc Fort Adventure.

    [ http://cheajournal.blogspot.com/2018/07/warlock-of-orc-fort.html ].

  • Kudos to Metagod and other players for providing situations that resulted in a roller coaster of emotions for Lorelai. It makes character diary entries fun!

  • Kudos to Xanatos Gambit and Metagod for plenty of shenanigans today! The server always feels more alive when there's things happening, even the fun little silly stuff, or the informative build up stuff!

    So good

  • Kudos to Irishrover for the RP dedication of showing an evil character a non-evil solution to a problem and not giving up. I hope Keerla got ten paladins worth of good points.

    Kudos to Heka for the intense, well-intentioned scrutiny that left the outcome in suspense for so long. And for that complication at the 11th hour!

  • Kudos to flom for norwick vacations event.

  • Kudos to Sciolist and Attentus for helping out a new adventurer, appreciate it!