Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Word on the street is that a strike force assembled by Peltarch Far Scouts and led, for some incomprehensible reason, by Roslyn Underhill, managed to successfully execute a surprise attack on the Smugglers' Cove. According to reports from the scene, the cove had been repurposed by the kobolds who'd been carrying out bombings within the city, and was turned into a bomb-making workshop.

    Descriptions of the items contained within suggests a large-scale plan to lay siege to the city - and worse yet, that the whole operation was being overseen by yuan-ti which, it's said, our brave strike force confronted and killed.

    What's more, there's rumors that they pushed the attack further, and found a veritable army of Yuan-ti, Lizardfolk, and Kobolds through a portal of some kind, all of which have been successfully neutralized.

  • Word goes around the Jewel that Val Kyrie, Herald of the Red Knight, is looking for a young adventurer who is willing to be shaped and molded into a living weapon, and that if anyone would be so bold, that they should seek her out at the Bardic College.

    ((OOC: I'm looking for someone who is willing to start a new character, willing to spend time IC with me, and willing to work towards a specific goal. If interested, PM me.))

  • Council of Moradin

    Leroy Jenkins, a local adventurer, lately has shown some interest in the most rich and powerful families of The Jewel. He is constantly trying to learn more about them and specially if any has a young son learning the arts of combat and war.

    If possible, he spends a few days near the place where folks practice in the hopes of finding someone like that. To anyone that asks, he is very clear about his intent:

    • Yeah, I am trying to find a buyer for a good full plate I recently acquired. Maybe some worried or proud father would like to gift one to his son. And I also have a -very- special something that would require a - very - rich person to buy.

  • A quiet word is passed around through the bars and halls and commons, whispered directly to individuals scattered through the city. Possible overheard snatches of words containing kobold, attacks, explosions and one bit at the end ….It is time....

    (For those contacted in game something will be posted in help wanted to try and organize a time))

  • Late one night at the Mermaid, the Elven cleric Raryldor is said to have summoned a baby from thin air and given it away to a dark-haired human woman. She and the child have remained indoors at the inn. The woman's vast assortment of weapons mark her as an adventurer, though one who has not made a name for herself. Some gossips insist the baby is eerily silent.

  • As the rumors of a wolf or man in the snowfall reach Lorelai, she is soon to search the areas where people mention seeing the sight. Her face is full of determination and worry as she searches, perhaps sadness too?

  • Supposedly, in one of the weird snowy days at the docks, somebody, or a couple somebodys, saw a shape in the snow of a man, or a wolf, or both?

    In all stories, one thing is shared.

    It seemed to be searching for something, before disappearing.

  • Sailors lately complain about the harsh weather conditions and odd storms and squalls that have been occurring over the lake.

  • _Rumours spread about savage barbarian tribesmen, attacking anyone travelling down the Pass with lethal intent. A shaken apple merchant relates how he and his trading partners were set upon by the murderous brutes, leaving him the sole survivor. Speculations of ties to the dragon's return may well circulate. Has the old pact been reborn?

    Meanwhile, the kobold menace continues, though for now the scaled vandals have reportedly been stopped short of entering the city. Vigilant Far Scouts and Ceruleans can be seen bolstering Guard and Defender presence, with several bloody skirmishes happening just outside the city._

  • A strange old elf performs puppet shows for orphans and small children at the docks….

  • " Repent! Run! Pray to your gods! The Queen of Narfell returns! "

    Local taverns are filled with laughs, snickers and worried faces as the rumor spreads after a grand fire erupted by the Nars bridge and a huge shadow crossed the land. Rumor has it there's likely to be a hoard of treasure in the Old Encampment, guarded by a hoard of dragons!

  • Local gossips, especially those who loiter around or about the Magistracy's Courts, whisper about the latest motion that has been filed to the Court of Shannon D'Arneau. The motion, signed by one Quince Harkreath, as legal counsel representing Chaevre Vaelen, apparently asks for amnesty: the clearing of all criminal charges and the restoration of her citizenship. The local gossips eagerly await the Court's official response.

    [DM Xanatos Gambit]

  • Rumor has it… the ranger Aramis Card has been seen visiting The Edge on several occasions..... and work starting on the remodeling of a room......

  • _The kobold shenanigans appear to have escalated. Wild rumours speak of the scaly little monsters sneaking into the very heart of the city with nefarious intent, blowing up first the sundial, then setting off several fiery explosives within the Mermaid inn.

    Ceruleans and Far Scouts were amongst the first on the smouldering scene, aided by adventurers, as panicked waitresses and patrons rushed out of the building. Though the miscreants were by all accounts slain and the fires put out, what drove them to these suicidal acts of terror is a matter of much speculation.

    Meanwhile, on a brighter note, offical word spreads from city headquarters that the horrific tainted drinks - most recently responsible for transforming a partygoer at the Sharessan masquerade into a ghoul - have been dealt with. The brewery of the ghoulish beverages was hit and a powerful mage slain by a large party including city employees and many adventurers of note. A cure for those that may still be afflicted has been aquired, and spread to the city's two temples through the Cerulean Knights._

  • Alvi… noticed a cow carcass toward the kobold entrance... and was attacked by some kobold hooligan... was his mistake....

  • Council of Moradin

    At Peltarch’s fair ground, an elven woman and a big strong man met to spend some quality time practicing with their swords. It appears that the owner of the prestigious shop, The Edge, was trying to teach the brute how to better behave in combat situation.

    They talked a lot before any combat was done. She used a more didactic tone, while he was just making a fool of himself, trying unsuccessfully not to look and sound like one. When swords crossed, the outcome was no surprise. Alvaniel clearly demonstrated Leroy Jenkins that skill is mightier than brute force.
    The practice finished quickly due to some pressing matters at The Edge that demanded her immediate attention. To anyone asking, Leroy simply says:

    - Well…. She never said she’d go easy on me.

  • _Rumors spread around about unusual sightings of kobolds stalking the west gates of Peltarch. They not only stalk, as one of the farmers of the zone said, they are stealing, or at least trying to steal his cows that a fellow adventurer helped to recover.

    At this point some cows have gone missing, while some others were successfully recovered. But as the gate guards were informed by others troubled farmers and an adventurer responding by the name of Eric, they barely took it seriously as they quickly replied: "It's only kobolds, they are pestering again, as if they would do anything clever ever"._

  • It is the best day ever. Not just Caling, but 2 Calings have been sighted in the Commons.

    Calings are as happy as ever about this and were last seen retreating to the Bardic College for some 'me' time, as a Caling put it.

    Truly, Peltarch is blessed.

  • _The Bardic College shook in its foundations, a few of its weathered gargoyles tumbling off the roof in what appears to have been an assault by hostile forces. Panicked bards and visitors rushing out of the building were met by an onslaught of masked and robed figures, the fight spilling out onto the streets. A massive surge of teleportations was noted by the Cerulean Knights, but by the time they reached the scene, the dust appeared to have settled.

    Five dead students could be witnessed carried off to the Temple, casualties of a partial collapse of the roof. And while the Stonemasons are already hard at work with repairs, for now the Bardic College is a place of dust and mourning._

  • Council of Moradin

    A group of five adventurers is seem entering the city’s sewers. A man, two dwarves, an elf and a half-orc made their way into that stinky place. A few hours later, they come back with some spoils to share. Almost all of them seem satisfied with the results of the expedition.

    That wasn’t the case of the strong man named Leroy. Even after successfully going in and out of the sewers, he remains with a serious face and can be heard cursing in a low voice:

    - Not one piece of evidence about …. nothing. Farking cultists….