Kudos to MCPlay and the adventurers on the demon-adjacent trip last night! I had a blast, and it was awesome to see people really thinking things through and accomplishing a mission together!
Kudos to the young group of adventurers who keep adventuring with Warzivar, you all make playing him a lot more fun than I had ever anticipated.
Extra Kudos to the recent Underdark Adventures from today and the night before, nothing like walking in with the right party for the right challenge, struggling and winning out in the end with more cuts and bumps to count!
Keep the fun going and keep the adventures fresh!
Doubling down on the above. Fantastic RP, and a fun lil plot!
Thanks a bunch to Caoihm for the vampire goodness down south and to everyone who came along on the first or second trip, and the rp afterwards. Everyone's rp was super compelling!
Kudos to Gonnar for running a fun little trojan horse thing, and everyone else for hanging out!
Kudos to the runners for doing the impossible. And kudos to seisan for RPing with Jack, which must have been like pulling teeth.
Kudos to Bastage for spreading loot far and wide and making the players explore Narfell. I've been to areas that I have long forgotten were even in the game.
Kudos to all the players who went along with the treasure hunting. It was so much fun!
Good times! Thanks Bastage!
Thanks to Hito, SantanAdvisor, and MCP for the Runners fun.
I had a great time and I even cried from laughter.xD
Yeah! Giving reason to grab someone and run out of town to explore with was great. Thanks for the fun Bastage.
Kudos to Bastage for spreading loot far and wide and making the players explore Narfell. I've been to areas that I have long forgotten were even in the game.
Kudos to all the players who went along with the treasure hunting. It was so much fun!
Giant productive kudos to the folks who are joining me in an effort to bring NARFELL into 2018 with NWN:EE.
For those of you who don't have access, or the time to keep up, we're doing a bunch of stuff, from revisiting the Wish List to see if things are viable in EE that weren't before (And stuff that we just never had time for), to taking custom polls for what people can do, and want, in Narfell.
(This link, btw.) http://www.narfell.us/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=56953
If you want to help, but don't necessarily have 'skills' to bring to the table, please like Narfell on Facebook, and like and comment on the posts. The more traction those get, the more we show up in searches and ads, and the more people get to see that we exist!
Thanks everyone, kudos all around!
Thanks to all the DM's for running the event last night.
Yes, huge kudos for the Dm's setting this up and pulling in a huge crowd to participate. I had forgotten about the crashes in the far past, but glad everyone took it in stride as the DM's scrambled to pull it all together again.
Thank you for all the warnings on just how bad and tough this event would be. No one can say they walked into this blind, I know it is OOC but players want to play so the warnings are appreciated.
And a final thank you to the players who stuck it out to the bitter end and stayed after to goof a bit. It was a long and harrowing journey and I hope everyone appreciated it for the effort and time all put in.
Kudos to Maria (Gonnar) for smacking a heal on me before I realized I needed it. Thanks for having my back! I think two others cast healing on me and I missed who (Theaon? Z?) so thanks to you too.
Kudos to Ros for making allies with ugly filthy frost giants. That mission would have been a lot more deadly without your involvement.
And lastly, kudos to the DMs (I'm looking at you, Parsnip) for your tireless efforts to make fun for players. I know the work that goes into balancing fun and challenge, and I appreciate the time you put in for us.
Huge thank you to the DMs who took the time to set up (twice) and run tonight's challenging lich event.
And big time kudos to the MANY players who showed up to help save Narfell from the demon threat!
Edit: Statement retracted
Far to many Kudos to give out so I will go with a general one.
Kudos to all the DM's and players who participated i nthe latest installation of the demon plot.
It was ballin'
O I C what you did there.
Thank you and kudos to everyone who signed in to break our recent server record number by a lot! And thanks to everyone sending feedback about the event.
Thanks everyone for being patient and understanding as we grow as players, DMs, and a server.
Far to many Kudos to give out so I will go with a general one.
Kudos to all the DM's and players who participated i nthe latest installation of the demon plot.
It was ballin'
Massive, massive, maaaaassive kudos to Redrabbits playing Ivory Faylan today for some absolutely fantastic back and forth between Ivory and Shae.
Even when bound by the limitations of no PK and even IG Peltarchian law, I absolutely and thoroughly enjoyed the bitchiness between the two, the Talontar (Shae refuses and still calls her a Talonite) and the Kelemvorite.
Thank you for an amazing mid-town argument.
P.S. Props to UnholyCalls, DavidNWN, Hekatoncheires and RedMenace for throwing in small bits and pieces to enhance the experience.
Big kudos to Wywernywin for DMing a great plot line with Verika.
Especially for not smacking me down hard in vengeance for the favour Tymora showed me. Appreciate it.