
  • Edit: Statement retracted

  • @a84a039718=Scout-Hen:

    Far to many Kudos to give out so I will go with a general one.

    Kudos to all the DM's and players who participated i nthe latest installation of the demon plot.

    It was ballin'

    O I C what you did there.

    Thank you and kudos to everyone who signed in to break our recent server record number by a lot! And thanks to everyone sending feedback about the event.

    Thanks everyone for being patient and understanding as we grow as players, DMs, and a server.

  • Far to many Kudos to give out so I will go with a general one.

    Kudos to all the DM's and players who participated i nthe latest installation of the demon plot.

    It was ballin'

  • Massive, massive, maaaaassive kudos to Redrabbits playing Ivory Faylan today for some absolutely fantastic back and forth between Ivory and Shae.

    Even when bound by the limitations of no PK and even IG Peltarchian law, I absolutely and thoroughly enjoyed the bitchiness between the two, the Talontar (Shae refuses and still calls her a Talonite) and the Kelemvorite.

    Thank you for an amazing mid-town argument.

    P.S. Props to UnholyCalls, DavidNWN, Hekatoncheires and RedMenace for throwing in small bits and pieces to enhance the experience.

  • Big kudos to Wywernywin for DMing a great plot line with Verika.
    Especially for not smacking me down hard in vengeance for the favour Tymora showed me. Appreciate it.

  • Kudos to DMAqua and all of those involved in the Demon Plot Event in the Lava Pits. Thank you all.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Kudos to Aqua for events and stuff

  • Kudos to Lazarus, and the three brave goblin hold adventurers for the latest vamp-shenanigans!

    I appreciate the players' patience when Leena took over when the situation got weird, and appreciate Laz for letting things play out naturally. 🙂

    Amazing fun

  • @3767d65c5c=Davidnwn:

    Kudos to DM Lazerus for today's undead fun! And all the other players involved!

    I second this. First actual proper adventure since I came back to Narfell and it truly reminded me the joy that can be had with a good group and some good wholehearted RP.

  • Kudos to DM Lazerus for today's undead fun! And all the other players involved!

  • Kudos to Dora for spicing up the Nexus and making it even more horrifying than usual.

  • This is stupid, but kudos to all who are participating and interacting. It has been great to get on and have people to talk too, adventure with and be included with. I have probably let the giddiness get to my head and if I have been extra gooffy then I do not oppologize 🙂

    Rock on players and DM's.

  • Kudos to Thurgood for all of his help in getting the server running, the test server running, and for being an all around great person. 🙂

  • Thank you to the players old and new who allowed Lorelai to take them on a nostalgia trip.

  • Extra kudos to Dora for the move to NWN EE.

  • Add me to the chorus of thanks to Dora for his hard work!

  • @f4a232314d=Wywernywin:

    Huge kudos to Dorakhan for all the hard work in making the transfer to EE!

    +1 Thanks for all you do.

  • @5889532866=Wywernywin:

    Huge kudos to Dorakhan for all the hard work in making the transfer to EE!

    Such a speedy and clean transition. Amazing work!

  • @a4a4db6a52=Wywernywin:

    Huge kudos to Dorakhan for all the hard work in making the transfer to EE!

    :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: You’re truly appreciated

  • @fda2b36c0e=Wywernywin:

    Huge kudos to Dorakhan for all the hard work in making the transfer to EE!
