Marrows Art or Whatever
Lets start this off with a bit of my favorite Heroe.
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Thanks for the idea, Cookiemancer
Found a cool little tool that lets you mashup sprites from fire emblem games so I spent way too much of my life making these. (Most of these are old characters who aren't around much anymore)
I really like the style.
This is really cool stuff, Marrow! I'd like to see more
Sister Zola of the Order of Saint Dionysus
I keep making new characters, I suppose some things never change.
I do!
Nice work bringing me back a couple of years.
Three Jerk Moon
Anyone remember these guys?
One of Peltarch's newest guards
These are really great! I don't see your older ones anymore, though. Just broken Imageshack links
Verika and Sigrid
Krey and Ivory
Shoes just get in the way of good fire stomping calluses.
I love it but Arlan never stands up straight and looks at people.
He does when he's alone and being silly with Dark
I love it but Arlan never stands up straight and looks at people.