Thank you to the players old and new who allowed Lorelai to take them on a nostalgia trip.
Extra kudos to Dora for the move to NWN EE.
Add me to the chorus of thanks to Dora for his hard work!
Huge kudos to Dorakhan for all the hard work in making the transfer to EE!
+1 Thanks for all you do.
Huge kudos to Dorakhan for all the hard work in making the transfer to EE!
Such a speedy and clean transition. Amazing work!
Huge kudos to Dorakhan for all the hard work in making the transfer to EE!
:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: You’re truly appreciated
Huge kudos to Dorakhan for all the hard work in making the transfer to EE!
Huge kudos to Dorakhan for all the hard work in making the transfer to EE!
Yes, a very big thank you for all the DM's who spent time on this. A great turnout and the party worked well. I really like it when there is leadership within the group and the different groups can use their skills.
Kudos to all who showed up, Kudos to Dora(Rare Earth) and SatansAdvisor(Aqua) for the DM event and plot moving.
Kudos tot he DM's for updating the enchanting for rare materials.
Kudos to Mooncandy for starting the discussion to get it done.
Kudos to St.Croix, RedneckDM, and Shalvenay for hsowing up tonight, I really appreciate it!
Kudo to Wyv/Clandra for a heart pounding event that we should have had several more deaths on.
Kudos to all the players involved for keeping it awesome and fun the whole way, I can say with confidence that if I wasn't listening to chill music I might have had a heart attack
So much fun.
Kudos to SatansAdvisor and Hitodama for running a hilarious fight night. Team Sketch's motto: cheat to win, yo! :lol:
Proud member of Team Sketch
Kudos to Hito for an impromptu fight night!
Kudos to Sketch Evegreen.
Huge kudos to Void for all the time and effort he put into the whole plot up to the final event. Thank you for helping to keep Narfell fun - I had a blast!
And kudos to everyone who participated the final event! I usually don't like to join large group events, but this one was great! Everyone worked really well together and mission accomplished!
I'll echo the huge kudos to Void for an event that was adrenaline rushing the entire time.
And a second huge kudos to EVERY PLAYER that was there, a normal D&D party is between 5-7, I believe we had 17. And somehow after all the "planning" in the glen once we set out, we all knew what we needed to do and acted accordingly. Especially in that sequence where the bridge began to collapse. How all of us made it across in one piece I still don't understand.
And then Ruin himself. Itself. Theyself. Whatever it was it was TERRIFYING. And then three or four shrouds were thrown in too because IT WASN'T SCARY ENOUGH apparently.
It was a thing of beauty.
Good job everyone involved.
As someone who was able to watch the event following the party for a large part I would like to give kudos to all the players! You guys managed your teamwork, spells, and options oan extent that you didn't die horribly in the face of the many challenges.
Major kudos to void for an overall very well balanced, smooth , and thrilling ride.
I agree with everything said up top, thanks Void>
My only bit of a quip was the final boss fight was a bit too easy, otherwise it was perfect.