Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • It was a typical day in the Peltarch commons. People made their way in and out, speaking casually to each other. All was rather quiet, until it wasn't.

    With a loud and brilliant flash of green light, the large tree that offered shade for so many trembled with energy. For a brief moment onlookers watched with trepidation until a one armed elven woman stepped out from the trunk like it was the most usual thing. She made brief small talk with the few people nearby then walked away into the streets as quickly as she arrived.
    Most curious.

  • Rumor has it an incredibly bland, nondescript man informed a group of adventurers containing the fearless mage Aniril and renowned swordsman Ryker among a few other, lesser know folks of a demon threat. As the drunks would have it told, a dark cloud wafted over the city, spraying a fine mist of blood over the Commons, then the bland man appeared and said something along the lines of "the time to strike our enemy is now."

    After following a blood trail, the brave adventurers fought through a series of demons and cultists all the way to the lava pits where they faced off against an immolith who was then extinguished like a cheap candle.

  • Seems to be someone arguing with the receptionist of the bardic college on a frequent basis. Riddles and questions to one's joys or annoyance to the constant drumming and strummings on a greeter's desk. " Just let me talk to them! " A shout heard more than once.

  • There is a big commotion in the commons as Hen and Ser Shannon discuss the recent attacks on elves. A third party cuts in and voices are raised, racial comments thrown about and eventually threats. A nondescript man, in Peltarch Farscout uniform, was in the middle of the exchange as Ser Shannon and most of the elves in the commons turned there ire on him. Not so veiled threats of firing, flogging and execution where issued.
    At some point the lady Maria arrived and jumped into the fray, slapping the man and jabbing him repeatedly with her staff. Eventually voices where lowered and things calmed down a bit, though several of the elves peered suspiciously at the man. He eventually left, nodding slightly to Hen.

  • The Ranger Ting can be seen (or not seen ) making rounds in the Docks District in the lookout for those responsible for the beatings that have taken place.

  • Rumour has it Hen has been seen much more actively in Peltarch at this time after the two recent beatings when she is seen she is often in the commons. However when she is not seen it is difficult to know where the elf has gone.

  • Rumour is that the Elf in the blade and bow store has been found badly wounded. They didn't have time to finish the job, apparently, as the other vendor of the shop arrived in time to prevent further damage.
    When found, the elf vendor was seen smiling and laughing, and was repeating to himself, "they took the coins, they fell for it"

  • Rumour is that an elf was found unconscious in a dark alley by the docs district. The elf had been apparently given a hard beating, none of his possessions stolen, but several bones broken.

    Some say it could've been a debt unpayed, or a bad brawl in one of the taverns, the truth is yet unknown and it's said the elf was brought to the lighthouse temple to recover from his wounds.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumors swirl of a confrontation in the pass with the bandits who've strangled trade in Peltarch. Supposedly the confrontation left two bandits and two caravan guards dead, and one adventurer badly injured.

    Roslyn Underhill, Mialee Meliamne, and Feel at Meliamne were later seen delivering casualties to Peltarch City Hall for reasons unknown.


    —It was at dawn –a commoner at the tavern says.
    —No, t'was ald'ry sunlight in tah morning! —a drunkard rebukes.
    —Stop pestering me! I know it right, I’m in my five senses!

    The rumor spreads all around the city even with some delay as the murder of none less than Elisa a member of the nobility occurred weeks ago at Ashlad Park, Peltarch’s garden. It seems to be that the noble woman Aino, someone who knew the victim in a very close way, is involved, as well death magic.

    "I went for some flowers and I saw Aino pointing her finger at a dead Elisa. Murderous drama-queens", words of Moody, the magic mimic-bard of Peltarch, are quoted from mouth to mouth as it seems dead awaits even in beautiful and peaceful places now.

    It is said that screams of "Murder" shouted in her best bardic shrillness woke up children that morning. A morning the nobility will never forget.

    People is quick to point out Moody as the first witness of the murderous event, as well a hooded man who seemed to be her escort, Kamatochi or Tamagochi, the name, slippery itself, is heard here and there in every tavern of the city.

    What seemed to be the beginning of a picnic of joy, ended in a picnic of blood.

  • Seems that things are getting worse, some of the merchants have stopped selling their wares and the food at the inn is running thin. Drinks however, are being supplied still by unknown sources.
    Merchants talk about it all day, and some are seen entering the city hall to complain about the situation to the authorities.

  • Word is passed to the resident and adventurer based elves within Norwick, Hen wish's to address the elven community to see if they are as willing as she is to set a solid path to the future for the Shesae en' i'Seldarine. Elves who are perhaps hesitant towards the past actions of Corans and the Shesae name are encouraged to come and listen to see if they may find their faith restored in the community. Those whom wish to hear Hen out are encouraged to come to the Pixie Roost, any who are not keen to its location are told to seek out Hen personally for instruction and escort. Those whom do not wish to travel alone to the location are encouraged to see the help of their fellow brothers and sisters.

    (( Plan to make the meeting for Saturday evening EST (-5), I wont set a specific time however I can tell you It will be held at least between the times of 15:00 - 22:00 EST, I am aware this is a VERY wide time range however I can not be any more specific based on my work time and the times others may be available sorry for the inconvenience. ))

  • The rumour spreads once again that bandits are being spotted in the pass. Some swear they are the old Nars bandit that have come back to claim what's theirs, others say they are Sharrans, others just think is a prank.

    Whatever the case, what is true is that the caravans have been having trouble arriving to Peltarch, and that in some cases they didn't arrive at all….

  • Seen & heard around the Dancing Mermaid

    The Rashemi warrioress Sapeh Madurni has practically been living by the bar (and the bottle) of late. She's quick to spout a tall tale about facing down demons or giants or dragons or undead or any one of a number of other things to anyone within earshot. Weirdly, a small pixie is almost always there to back up or even correct such tall tales.

  • Rumors of dangerous undead:

    Cerulean Knight Shesarai warned patrons at the Mermaid that she recently encountered a wraith in the woods north of the Witch and Seer Tavern. She was able to dispatch it using a Searing Light spell. A quick search of all the woods north of the crossroads revealed only the usual slow zombies. Nonetheless, she urged great caution to those traveling south. The wooded path is not necessarily the safest any more.


  • Rumors of pirates on the water route to/from Norwick spread.

    Watch out fer the dread pirate, Sally Jones, and her scurvy crew - including a huge Minotaur who may or may not have sunk to the bottom of the river when he fell in.

    Her ship sustained heavy damage in its latest attack, but it still sails.

    Beware of the fog…

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumors in Peltarch swirl that a group of adventurers encountered a powerful tomb-raiding vampire in the crypts beneath the city. Word is that a group consisting of Sapeh Madurni, Tanya Spear, Rolee Halenfook, and the Paladin of Horus-Re, Shadya of Skuld, tracked the vampire into the old Bravickus family tomb, where she had set up her lair.

    The group is said to have fought a difficult battle against their wily foe, with Tanya successfully forming a plan to lure the creature out for the group to fight until Sapeh was able to knock her on her back for Shadya to stake, all while Rolee kept the group standing!


    No, it isn't the name of the Bardic College's new play, but raw and gruesome reality as no less than five bodies are carted out of the blood-stained establishment. The culprit, shocked rumours say, is a young nobleman of the ill reputed Whitedune house, the sister of whom was struck with the full anger of the mob for yet another murder discovered out in the city itself. Karla Whitedune took the brunt of the crimes of her family and was found lynched outside the Whitedune estate, the Guard striking down hard on the jeering mob.

    There's also murmurs of strange and disturbing monsters appearing near the city walls, keeping the Cerulean Knights on their toes, and vague rumours of a prison break - all within the same day, if not the same hour_

  • Rumor has it the Ferret is looking for people with healing capabiltiies and maybe a bard or two to help with an upcomming event..

    Applicants should apply within the ferret and ask for Drelan.

  • An male Elf shares tales of Zhentarim looking for a foothold near Peltarch, in nonchalant conversational tones he tells a brief and bloody story of Dwarven thugs and a spellbound Captain who tried and failed to talk his way out of a sobering demise.