Had a bad day and everything changed

  • As requested, the Peltarch Scribe enters the Lighthouse temple, seeking the elf known as Alvaniel. He appears before her with a serious tone, and offers her no sign of sympathy:

    "What do you wish written down? State it clearly and slowly, so I can write it all."

  • opening her eyes as Anna enters the temple… *she hands over a ring .... "there, my time here has come to an end..." she bows "now lets see how things have changed... She leaves the temple... taking a deep breath of the air as she exits and looks to the moon "Good to see you agian my friend," as she slips off into the darkness

  • Prepares herself for her release I still have one more request for Anna, it is a simple one Alvi says to the priests, Please send her to me nxt time the High Priestess comes to the temple.

  • waits for Anna to make her appearance to cleanse her soul

  • received two visitors today… I woke up from my meditative state to see my friend Theoan Thorn...... I can no longer call him General, as I have embarrassed the Legion with my sloth and greed.... a merder can not be in the ranks of the Legion.... he seemed greatly vexed at this as I explained the story.... I bid him adieu..... am done with the Legion as he left with my Legion Boots, ring and a greatsword....

    Gnarl Horst..... my business partner and dearest friend also paid me a visit.... I asked for his forgiveness..... my envy and pride led to my own downfall and it should not reflect on Gnarl Horst, one of the finest craftsman in the land.... and one of the best persons..... I gave Gnarl all my crafting tools and all the ore I have as I cannot use my gluttony for ore to blind myself for what I am... or was... or what will never be again....

    I look forward to the solitude that the southern parts of Narfell will offer me.... I can look after the woods, my favorite of all things.... I will be the protector of the south if I have to be..... will live off the land.... no society to burden my values.... just me and myself and the woods....

  • smiling, a selunite priestess comes along and squeezes Alvaniel's hand

    There there, dear. We'll get you your robes. Don't worry, the scribes don't understand.

    What color of robe would you like? Perhaps white, like a blank scroll? A cheery red perhaps?

  • She looks up from her meditation…. I ask for one simple thing.... a robe... these clothes of title and naming and have little meaning to me anymore..... I wish to be clean.......

  • @810f5b3318=StCroix:

    • Alvi looks up weary… has not stopped meditation since she entered*..... my good man... I start with two simple requests.....

    The first... I need a change of garments.... I cannot wear the colors of the Royal Troff Legion.... I am a disgrace...... I lusted after a label... a title... I need to call my former General and give him back the Legion property.... I am not worthy to even have my name mentioned in their lore.......

    The Second.... I had asked... that Anna Blake give Remorse my..... soul..... to Gnarl Horst.... and it is to be smelted to ore and then given to me as a reminder of how my pride was my eventual end......

    They are simple requests..... I will take either Gnarl or Theaon as visitors only at this time

    The scribe jots down a few words.

    "Right. I'll make it known you wish the sword destroyed. As for the rest of your requests, I'm afraid the Selunites are the ones responsible for garments and visits. Talk to them and tell them you wish to be left alone. Same with the Legion. It's up to them what they do with you. The city can't do anything about that."

    • Alvi looks up weary… has not stopped meditation since she entered*..... my good man... I start with two simple requests.....

    The first... I need a change of garments.... I cannot wear the colors of the Royal Troff Legion.... I am a disgrace...... I lusted after a label... a title... I need to call my former General and give him back the Legion property.... I am not worthy to even have my name mentioned in their lore.......

    The Second.... I had asked... that Anna Blake give Remorse my..... soul..... to Gnarl Horst.... and it is to be smelted to ore and then given to me as a reminder of how my pride was my eventual end......

    They are simple requests..... I will take either Gnarl or Theaon as visitors only at this time