Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Rumors of dangerous undead:

    Cerulean Knight Shesarai warned patrons at the Mermaid that she recently encountered a wraith in the woods north of the Witch and Seer Tavern. She was able to dispatch it using a Searing Light spell. A quick search of all the woods north of the crossroads revealed only the usual slow zombies. Nonetheless, she urged great caution to those traveling south. The wooded path is not necessarily the safest any more.


  • Rumors of pirates on the water route to/from Norwick spread.

    Watch out fer the dread pirate, Sally Jones, and her scurvy crew - including a huge Minotaur who may or may not have sunk to the bottom of the river when he fell in.

    Her ship sustained heavy damage in its latest attack, but it still sails.

    Beware of the fog…

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumors in Peltarch swirl that a group of adventurers encountered a powerful tomb-raiding vampire in the crypts beneath the city. Word is that a group consisting of Sapeh Madurni, Tanya Spear, Rolee Halenfook, and the Paladin of Horus-Re, Shadya of Skuld, tracked the vampire into the old Bravickus family tomb, where she had set up her lair.

    The group is said to have fought a difficult battle against their wily foe, with Tanya successfully forming a plan to lure the creature out for the group to fight until Sapeh was able to knock her on her back for Shadya to stake, all while Rolee kept the group standing!


    No, it isn't the name of the Bardic College's new play, but raw and gruesome reality as no less than five bodies are carted out of the blood-stained establishment. The culprit, shocked rumours say, is a young nobleman of the ill reputed Whitedune house, the sister of whom was struck with the full anger of the mob for yet another murder discovered out in the city itself. Karla Whitedune took the brunt of the crimes of her family and was found lynched outside the Whitedune estate, the Guard striking down hard on the jeering mob.

    There's also murmurs of strange and disturbing monsters appearing near the city walls, keeping the Cerulean Knights on their toes, and vague rumours of a prison break - all within the same day, if not the same hour_

  • Rumor has it the Ferret is looking for people with healing capabiltiies and maybe a bard or two to help with an upcomming event..

    Applicants should apply within the ferret and ask for Drelan.

  • An male Elf shares tales of Zhentarim looking for a foothold near Peltarch, in nonchalant conversational tones he tells a brief and bloody story of Dwarven thugs and a spellbound Captain who tried and failed to talk his way out of a sobering demise.

  • The city is abuzz over the events of the past few nights, Ceruleans and other Defenders are on high alert. Guard patrols are more frequent throughout the Market quarter. Rumor throughout town suggests there was a woman afflicted by some flesh-eating poison; others state that there's some plague or virus that turns flesh to crumbling mummy dust but leaves the innards juicy - though that rumor seems to be less prevalent due to the soothsaying of a certain bard. The ground underfoot in the commons is muddy and slick, and a strong alchemical smell has been known to assault the senses of those who spend too long lingering in the area.

  • @efaab67e0d=Wywernywin:

    There's rumors about Old Lord Skull offering kegs upon kegs of free ale to people in the market square few days back. Apparently he held a speech about the return of Myrkul, after which the moon was covered in clouds and blood started to rain down on the shocked spectators.

    After the incident Hen asked the perimeter wall guard if they perhaps saw anything 'To large to be a bird' flying out from the City air space. As well as informing the Triad Temple and Captain of the guard of the events giving an accurate depiction of the events. Old Skull claiming to be Myrkul and tricking the common populace into a panic and reverence over his rain of Blood. She is quick to question the legality and moral obligations of the event.

  • There's rumors about Old Lord Skull offering kegs upon kegs of free ale to people in the market square few days back. Apparently he held a speech about the return of Myrkul, after which the moon was covered in clouds and blood started to rain down on the shocked spectators.

  • Tongues are sure to wag about the arrest of the charming socialite Margueritte de Plousse, following an incident at the Amethyst Festhall celebrating the city's adventurers. Though details are likely scarce, confused partygoers may mention waking up on the cold stone floor after a sudden bout of drowsiness. Some might recall a similar incident at the ill reputed Hemway masquerade, so many moons ago, though surely the Hemways had nothing to do with it 'this' time. They weren't even there, were they?

  • The city is abuzz with rumours, following the grisly murder of a Calimport diplomat in the King's Chambers. A number of high-profile adventurers were supposedly caught red-handed at the scene, but released a few hours later. Who the murderer is and what their motive may be, remains unknown. This, along with possible repercussions from Calimport officials, is likely the subject of much speculation.

  • A rather dull and unremarkable looking man in battered armor has been seen on multiple occasions taking 'green' adventurers to the Shrine of Tempus and clearing the undead from the surrounding fields with a large axe.

  • An unseasonal snow fell on Peltarch one morning. Soon after it began, the druids Leena and Aoth led a group of adventurers through the tree in the commons: including Maria, Raryldor, Shesarai, Hannibal, and Allester Hollins. They returned hours later, delivered by a bone-chilling whirlwind, and they spoke briefly about towers, bugbears, and preparations before they dispersed. The snow stopped soon after.

    It was difficult not to notice that Aoth returned two-handed once more.

  • _A magical phenomenon has the city's rapt attention; a large and brightly glowing haze of purple and green, originating somewhere in the Giantspires. The western walls fill with Ceruleans, Defenders and curious onlookers, and scattered eye-witness reports mention horrifically deformed ogres and orcs pouring out of the anomaly, making their way towards the city. Battle is reported from the walls, the defenders successfully repelling the monsterous assailants to the glory of the Jewel!

    But what 'was' the strange haze and why did it appear? There appear to be more questions than answers from the busy Ceruleans, but eventually the magic begins to dissipate and the light fades.

    Largely overshadowed by the hubbub is a vague rumour of a scuffle in the Residential district or was that a break-in.. at the Hemway estate?_

  • _Rumours circulate around the Bardic College, and not just for the usual claims of its waters 'special' properties. Recently, a group of Ceruleans stormed the building, blades drawn, to handle a magical disturbance. Whatever they did, one wonders if the job was quite complete as a massive earthquake shook the building but a few days later, sending terrified students flooding out onto the streets. Some say it was the traitor Anderson striking a final vengeful blow against the theatre, while the more composed brush it off as a natural phenomenon. Bards being bards, the speculation is bound to be both imaginative and rampant.

    In other gossip, there's talk of a skirmish involving the controversial Defender Reyhenna Jorino, Cerulean Knight Sheserai Foutopolis and others, set upon by mystery assailants gutsy enough to ambush city employees less than a stone's throw away from the Jewel's walls._

  • Daniel Sternecloude is missing from his manor in the Residential District. His old set of armor, his sword and his shield are also missing. No one has seen him for a week.

    [DM Xanatos Gambit]

  • A well built, middle aged man in battle scarred armor with a distinctive Red Cloak can be seen throwing a large pack over the hindquarters of a looming warhorse. He takes a quick knee on the rock south of the city and bows his head, letting his hair whip in the wind. After a few moments, he stands up and flings a handful of soil into the wind. With one last look at the city, he smiles to himself and mounts the steed rather gracefully before galloping to the East in pursuit of a caravan.

  • _By now, few people could have missed the ongoing revelries at the Peltarch tourney grounds. Festive blue lights adorn the area and fast-paced music fills the air, mingling with the din of voices and the sweet scent of food both savoury and sweet. Lliiran dancers twirl and cavort, alongside a great many of the town's citizens, from dockside movers and shakers to the noblest of lords and ladies.

    The star of this fabulous party, or so rumours say, is a heavy-set and jovial looking man with bright blue hair, going by the name "Big Alley"._

  • The Cerulean cleric Shesarai Foutopolis returned to the Meremaid well after daybreak and was heard warning people that the road south is getting more dangerous. In addition to the usual rotting corpses and slow shambling zombies, which can be easily avoided if you run, she encountered a fully armed (and rather fast) gnoll warrior on the road southeast of the entrance to the Kuo Toa Cavern.


  • Rumors amidst the nobler and more blue-blooded crowds abound about new arrivals to the City of Peltarch. The currently conflicted houses of Whitedune and Finhund have apparently sent cousins to represent their family estates in Peltarch after the former heads of the family were hung for crimes against the city. Among the newcomers are Cecilia Whitedune, a blonde-haired, reclusive, suspicious woman, and Lianna Finhund, a brown haired woman whom few have seen much of since her arrival.

    Additional newcomers to the city include:

    [DM Xanatos Gambit]