Howl of the Undying / Call of the Fey
Raid Target: Korvan "of the Undying"Tentative Time - Subject to change:
**Sunday 2/07/2017 at 10:00 AM ESTBackground:
Silvia the Fey has been captured by a pack of Malarites with nefarious intent. A malicious blight has infected Narfell's land and the woods. The source is now known: Korvan of the Undying has entrapped Silvia the Fey within–and corrupted--her grand tree in Deepwood. Its blighted roots reach far and wide. Blades wreathed in thorns have been found by the wronged and the vengeful; Rasuil Delagim and Reyhenna Jorino heard her call, and the call is persistent. A meeting has been held to discuss the opposition of the Malarite necromancer and the rescue of Silvia the Fey. Rasuil has expressed his intentions to slay Korvan "of the Undying" no matter the circumstances or cost. Reyhenna denounced any plans that jeopardize Silvia's safety and made clear her intentions to liberate the Fey. Leena Lynn Rayfe and Aoth Sepret of the Circle of Quercatha Terr have purified and enchanted the thorn-blades, freeing them from the blight and rot and empowering them with supernatural essence. Per Isolde Garibaldi's request, Horgrim Blackweave will provide assistance. He will provide protections, but the druids forbade he use any undead for any means. Hargakku's bugbears will siege the grand tree for support. The fate of Szath Durro remains unclear; Aoth of Akadi has also suggested enlisting the assistance of the treants in the forested regions beneath the Giantspire Mountains. These two matters remain pending, though the group has decided that the time to strike Korvan is nigh. With the assistance of their allies, the raid group will besiege Silvia's tree with the intent to liberate the Fey and defeat Korvan "of the Undying." **Participate at your own risk and peril; Korvan of the "Undying" is a known, nefarious, and infamously powerful age-old necromancer capable of casting spells beyond the ninth circle. **The weak and the unprepared face likely death.
More information about Korvan "of the Undying" and Silvia the Fey can be found after following the tiny little text by clicking here and scrolling down.
Raiders, please post your availability below.
[DM Xanatos Gambit]******
Event done
Sorry, had a bit of a life event with having to let my dog go. Yeah, I should be good for Sunday.
I'm so sorry about your dog
Sorry, had a bit of a life event with having to let my dog go. Yeah, I should be good for Sunday.
Jerrick can you confirm?
Your characters may want to stock up on whatever potions and supplies they think they might need based on their past encounters with Korvan of the Undying.
You may want to prepare a lunch and block off at least five hours.
Other than that, we're all set for the slated time barring any sudden and unforeseen server resets, outages, or other.
Works for me!
Count me in!
Far as I know!
I'll be there!
I'm good to go with Shesarai.
Everyone still good for Sunday?
Sunday sounds doable.
I think I'm camping Sat of next weekend, but Sunday I -should- be free? Will have to check.
Saturday is not free for me, but Sunday is. We're aiming for Sunday.
I think I'm camping Sat of next weekend, but Sunday I -should- be free? Will have to check.
Postponing this until next weekend. Certain things are popping up on my end making my schedule less predictable. That, combined with the fact that the new areas aren't in yet and some people here can't make it this weekend. The new time is up.
New time is Saturday 1:30 PM EST tomorrow.
May change to Sunday. Will keep thread updated.
I'm free all day Sunday.
I'm good all day Sunday.
I m not available at all this sunday