
  • Yes, great big kudos where it's due - to Flom and a chilling, incredibly thought out revisit to the haunted mansion, a challenging and worthy finale to the murders veiled red! Even though we went at it for 7 hours plus, it still felt like there was so much more to it, love that richness of detail. Big thanks to the team aswell, especially for allowing Isolde to have a good ol' verbal showdown with the nefarious M before things came to blows. Very satisfying! 😄

  • Kudos to FLOMS! for the wall assult. Been a while since I've seen one of those and it was nice to do something familiar yet different. Also sorry I kept screwing up the factions there, saw an opportunity to use the AOE stuff I hang onto, did NOT see the defenders. xD

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Gotta echo the kudos to flom and all involved in yesterday's plot finale. You're all awesome!

  • Kudos to Flom and the PC's involved in the murder plot.
    It wasn't a plot my PC was involved in previously and you guys still made room for María. I enjoyed the thinking, heavy RP oriented event. With it's doses of combat and epic combat, always a plus when María -needs- to shift into a dragon to hold and fight a creature of that caliber.

    Also, I've never run through so many consumables in my entire Narfell experience…probably cause this one lasted 7.5h xD

  • @eae3ce5463=Celandine:

    Kudos to Voight for the single premium deferred extra security and peace of mind. I'll spend the next tenday reading the fine print.

    LOL! That was so funny! :lol:

    Thanks for the lighthearted laughs.


  • Kudos to Voight for the single premium deferred extra security and peace of mind. I'll spend the next tenday reading the fine print.

  • Kudos to all the semi active to active DMs that have made narfell fun and enjoyable!

    Kudos to Void and Mint for letting Anna put her arch-nemesis to rest (though at a heavy cost)

    Kudos to Flom for the transfer in the Defenders and a fun wizard event, I hope Anna will be of more use in the defenders now

    Kudos to Camioh for helping helping Ros' vision of seeing her people safe and helping her along her goals of finding a permanent home for her people, a step in the right direction, as well as Rosalyn for making it much easier for Anna to do so.

    More kudos to people I had fun with, players and all that, too many to mention sorry >.<

  • Big-time kudos to its_a_fire for their scripting sorcery, and a HUGE thanks to Dorakhan the man for implementing the new build update.

  • Kudos to Xanatos for a fun little personal quest in the Kua Toa that I was not prepared for! Was a great time!

  • Bravo, that was a great undead quest…. was awesome, enjoyed the surprise teleport, the urgency to get the group back together and the final scene... just a great run.... for all

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Agreed with the kudos to Void!

  • @c5bc3e631d=Atel:

    +1 to DM Cheezits for some undead smashing fun!

    And +1 for Cheez-its and adventuring party! Totally worth the headache from sleep deprivation I have right now.

  • +1 to DM Cheezits for some undead smashing fun!

  • @bcadbb9a61=KingCreeper:

    Very well done to Void and Rarity for their macabre performance. Kudos, kudos I say!


  • Mmhm! Kudos to Flom, Caoimh and Gonnar for their respective DM shenanigans over the weekend. Action, drama, intrigue and downright chuckles, together you provided it all! 👏

  • Kudos to Gonnar for some running home with tail between the legs fun! Even if it was short lived. Ba-dum-TSH

  • @c41f3b232c=Fadia:

    Massive kudos to Flom and Caoimh for all the fun yesterday!


  • The Halfling Defence League

    Massive kudos to Flom and Caoimh for all the fun yesterday!

  • Very well done to Void and Rarity for their macabre performance. Kudos, kudos I say!

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Absolutely deserved kudos to both Void for being confident enough in his DM skills to let the good guys lose, and Rarity for being willing to let go of a PC that a lot of time and effort had been invested into.

    You guys were both fantastic last night and that sort of thing is what keeps me coming back to Narfell.