
  • @7beb0071bb=AubreyMaturin:

    That was one huge! gnoll,



  • Kudos to Flom for a big surprise from above while Gnarl, Aoth, and Shesarai were in the Gnoll Woods. That was one huge! gnoll, and his bully companions were no slouches either. Luckily, we had our spells working and Aoth managed to hold him in place long enough. Great fun on a Tuesday afternoon!


  • @e76dba11a5=Karnivor:

    And kudos also for winging it like a pro on Sunday, when not one but -two- pre-planned events fell through due to key players absence. I loved the mage's gauntlet, it was all the right shades of quirky and challenged us to think outside the box. 🙂


  • And kudos also for winging it like a pro on Sunday, when not one but -two- pre-planned events fell through due to key players absence. I loved the mage's gauntlet, it was all the right shades of quirky and challenged us to think outside the box. 🙂

  • @63d26d88ae=Fadia:

    Kudos to Flom for a really fun murder investigation!


    … too bad i've had to quit earlier. 😞

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Kudos to Flom for a really fun murder investigation!

  • Kudos to Flom for a Caravan Escort Event.

    Lot of fun, variety of npcs, opponents & sceneries as well as nice chats & descriptions.


    … as a way of thank You, a record/tale of what happened - from Frances' perspective:

    [ http://cheajournal.blogspot.com/2017/02/escorting-caravan-frances-tale.html ].

  • Kudos to Flom, Jerrick and Wywernywin! The giggle of the week award goes to all of you, oh yessssssss. :lol:

  • One of the best things about Narfell is its highlighting of personalities and role-playing. Today Isolde, Shesarai, and a group of Flom's NPCs spent a couple of hours at it. No fighting. Just straight role-playing. It's like being part of a novel, rather than part of a game.

    Thank you.

    Login: AubreyMaturin

    Characters: Romulus Grey, bard the bowman
    Trotter, spooky halfling ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, red-haired cleric of Mystra

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Just felt like echoing the kudos for Flom!

  • Kudos to Flom for another day of fun and adventure (yesterday)… 😄

    Vanoogleandhisamazingshopofwonderouswonders, his support of crafting, the resource drop, and for mixing in other adventure to keep the rest of the party entertained (I know crafting trips can be pretty boring for non-crafters - Dire bear puppet FTW!). I had a blast!

    Also, thank you for letting Z quickly tie up the loose ends on the kidnapped farm family from a couple of weeks ago. Got a warm fuzzy feeling giving them that gift for their home.

    Finally, Kudos to the amazing group of adventurers who helped Z go deep into Ogre lands just to find some rumored ore. Great teamwork all around! We even managed kept the newbie alive (I was a little worried about that - lol)! :dance:

    Good times!


  • The Halfling Defence League


    Kudos once again to Flom, for serving up hearty doses of story- and action-packed adventure this past weekend, and to the PCs that braved it all alongside mine! Extra cookies to Z, for being such a rock for my weakling bard to hide behind, and for thinking on his feet when fighting got intense! 👏

    Absolutely agreed!

  • Kudos once again to Flom, for serving up hearty doses of story- and action-packed adventure this past weekend, and to the PCs that braved it all alongside mine! Extra cookies to Z, for being such a rock for my weakling bard to hide behind, and for thinking on his feet when fighting got intense! 👏

  • Kudos to Flom for generously stirring the plot pot all weekend - I especially liked the horrific near death by poor music, a non-combat event that nonetheless had a very real element of risk and saw the entire party near death's door. Loved the concept, loved the visuals and the overall murder mystery story! 😄

  • Indeed, kudos for the memorable crawl through the mage's tower of doooOOOom! Loads of fun from knocking on the door of a sandcastle to get in, to diving into the pitch black void at the end. 😄

  • Thanks for the illuuuuuuusions, Flom! That was an enjoyably different adventure.

  • Hear hear! That was a rough and emotionally charged event, but one that'll stay with me for a long time. Well done, to everyone involved and of course to our storyteller Flom. 🙂

  • Kudos to Flom for today's event in Duskhaven, the heart-wrenching story surrounding it, and giving us the opportunity to try and make amends. This was a tough one, but I had a blast.

    Also, a huge kudos to everyone on the adventure for their RP and support. Can't wait to do it again! 🙂


  • The Halfling Defence League

    Kudos again to Flom, for a pretty harrowing event dealing with the fallout of the good guys winning!

  • Yes, kudos in spades to Flom, not just for the finale but for the entirety of this intricate, immersive and thought-provoking plot. It had me wracking my brains, marvelling, cursing, agonizing and in actual tears infront of the screen, and the finale was a worthy conclusion.

    It's a bit of a shame the "claws" didn't work as intended, because I thought it a -brilliant- idea to have the creche-forge come to life around us in that final show-down, but all in all it was a great event and tough not only in terms of combat. I'm left wondering what would have happened, had we chosen differently at several points, and that's good praise too! Those what ifs, the scope of freedom for the players to influence the plot make it feel that much more real and engaging, as does the huge level of detail put into the black ledger, letters and backstory revealed for both Talbot and Godfrey/Godfreya.

    And well done to the team of course! I tend to find groups larger than 8 hopelessly chaotic, but for the most part we had not only good team work, but people behind the screens showed patience and allowance in letting one another's skillsets shine and for everyone to contribute something important.