Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Whispers abound that the last remnants from Talbot Anderson's half-machine half-man regiment have been captured and brought to the Gaol under the crime of robbery. They say that Peltarch's adventurers encountered a group of half-machine half-men that was not present during the final confrontations against the traitor. These individuals, so rumors have it, retain their plane-touched mechanical attributes and refuse any treatment to remove the metal and circuitry from their forms. They were led by "Prue Davovil" – those in the know of military matters recognize the name belonging to a former Defender spell-blade, turned half-mechanical during Anderson's treason.

    More recently, an unnamed benefactor has paid Davovil's bail, and the woman once again walks free. She has not been seen since, however. Gossips wonder who paid her bail, and why?

    [DM Xanatos Gambit]

  • _Gossip from the King's Court starts to circulate. The latest petition hearings proved quite a spectacle. There's positive and hopeful signals regarding the Silver Valley refugees possibly finding shelter under Peltarch's wing, after Defender Anna Blake's plea alongside the Valley's representatives Theaon Thorn and Roslyn Underhill.

    But there's also quite a few juicy controversies and scandals:

    It is said that a female Cerulean Knight brought two suspects into open Court - vampire hunters Yulia van Dieman and Synara, accused of attempting to tear down an entire housing complex in the docks. The Cerulean not only argued for the pair's exoneration, but that the Cerulean Commander, Lycka Zomasdottir, be fired. Nate Wingates, one of the Ceruleans assigned to the vampire case, argued vehemently against this, with General Del'rosa and Guard General Velhar's firm backing. Though the plea was denied on both counts, it nevertheless generated quite a stir.

    Juicier still, at least in sheer gossip potential, was an unnamed dock worker's ardent plea for harsh measures taken against Guard Captain Gerard Fortesque, for "plowin' the missus". The upset man accused Fortesque of fornication with half the womenfolk of the docks, and allegedly begged the King to at least "chop off his meat 'n potatoes".

    Amused commentators claim that Fortesque himself was silent on the matter, but that the irate accuser lost his cool and charged at the guardsman - only to run nose-first into Fortesque's famous iron fist._

  • "What's that in the sky? Is it a bird? Is it a dragon? Is it…

    ...a flying ~orc~?!"

    Yes, wild rumour currently has it that orcs can fly - surely a sign that the end of days is nigh! More or less accurate eye witness accounts speak of battles on the western gates of the city and beyond, and an orcish snatch-and-grab of a terrified bovine.

  • In other news, it seems the former Cerulean Knight turned traitor, Tristyn Sartori, has been granted the King's pardon after a last minute appeal before his hanging. Tristyn, the leader of a nightmarish cult responsible for both kidnappings and murder, is now a free man. Curiously, rumour has it he was seen leaving the Gaol in the company of the very same people who brought him into custody in the first place: Roslyn Underhill and Isolde Garibaldi.

  • _Amidst talk of a contentious Cerulean effort to stop vampires, druids and cocatrices alike in the Bottleneck Alley Apartments, word spreads that the King himself is convening a special session of the Royal Council, to consider tough new measures to thwart these insidious enemies of Peltarch.

    Rumour has it a former Lord of Waterdeep, turned vampire hunter, will be heard before the Council and that she has been meeting with Councillors ahead of the session. She is clearly lobbying for support, but for what?_

  • Murder! Murder on the open streets of the Residential District, cries the gossip mill, while voices of reason insist the elderly man found dead but a stone's throw from the bath house perished from natural causes, no matter what know-it-all nosy adventurers might claim. Others yet may well attribute the incident, by most accounts occurring shortly before dawn, to vampire activity. Cerulean Knight Sheserai Foutopolis - known to be working the vampire case - is said to have been present at the scene, amidst a veritable throng of guards and assorted busy-body adventurers.

  • _Rumours circulate about monsterous medusas being sighted in and around Peltarch! Gossip amongst the adventurer community claims the medusas were a trio and a small, intrepid group attempted to hunt them down. Some say the threat was neutralized, but others insist the wily creatures got away, riding on the backs of giant frogs!

    Whether the common man believes these wild claims or not is uncertain. Perhaps those loud-mouth adventurers should just ease up on the bottle…_

  • The rumor mill spins with a story about how Guard Captain Oscar Halbrook unlawfully released known terrorist and criminal Janice Putre without Magisterial or Guard General approval. Whispering gossips claim that Halbrook and Putre served together in the Far Scouts, and while the former joined the guard, the latter became a known criminal and affiliate of n'er-do-wells and thugs in the docks district. Janice Putre is known to have a love of traps, fire, and explosions, and has been dubbed a "pyromaniac" and "extremely dangerous" by the authorities.

    Guard Captain Fortescue and Guard General Velhar admonish the alleged release and are not pleased. An investigation is being conducted to ascertain the truth of the allegations, and Halbrook is under increased scrutiny and suspicion. It would seem that this rumor is the watershed moment breaking past an alleged "mere veneer" of Halbrook's compliance with overall Guard regulations - including further allegations of a loose practice of issuing warrants, circumventing ordinary procedure and protocol, and the use of non-guards to investigate confidential guard matters.

    [DM Xanatos Gambit]

  • _Peltarch news are abuzz with rumours about the death of Suzaili ballerina starlet Debbie Jonsburg, slashed bloodied in the fields west of the city. While many may chalk the pretty dancer's death up to orcish brutality, others speculate about a gruesome serial killer on the loose, targetting red-headed women.

    Whether related to these speculations or not, there has been a stir of guard activity in both the Docks and the Residential district recently, suggesting something is most definitely afoot._

  • _After a long while of being neither here, nor there, the halfling bardess Atel Vai'sini is seen entering the city, apparently having had quite enough of this 'going into hiding' business. She then heads to Inn and immediately goes about asking for those who are magically inclined, especially wizards, to get in touch with her as she is starting a research project and could use the help in curing her unnatural youth.

    She is also seen taking down one of the Bigby wanted posters sometime later, smiling mischievously to herself, and folding the paper before shoving it in her pack._

  • The Halfling Defence League

    The mage Rhona Laer was seen entering Peltarch recently accompanied by the halfling Atel Vai'sini, and an unknown male claiming to be a merchant. Those nearby them at the time would report hearing talk of the man being accosted by highwaymen and left for dead somewhere near the old romani camp.

    After patching up his wounds, the group retreated to the Dancing Mermaid Inn for a well deserved meal and rest.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Following reports of a strange blue glow being seen in the night skies above Peltarch, local golemancer and all-around academic Rhona Laer has taken to studying the strange phenomenon accompanied by her golem associate, Oliver. If asked about her interest in it, she generally replies in her typically verbose fashion, but with the gist of her answer always being that it is simply unusual and therefore interesting to her.

  • The lanky, eccentric, strange-spoken Louis Auldreyyus, who was missing for several months now, has been seen again in the docks, frequenting the usual taverns, pubs, and get-togethers in the district. He has also, it seems, been seen in the residential district discussing with the more well-to-do types.

    [DM Xanatos Gambit]

  • The rumours spread quickly - the traitorous former Defender Captain, Talbot Anderson, is slain after a raid party of adventurers and Defenders launched a surprise attack at his hideout far into the Giantspires. A large number of soldiers with peculiar mechanical implants are soon shipped into the city for treatment. Vague rumours of some sort of secret weapon being deployed circulate, but details are sketchy at this stage. One thing is certain though - Talbot Anderson is no more.

  • _Dark clouds gathered to the south of the city, a localized storm suddenly brewing with massive bursts of lightning striking down around the druid's grove. Following the storm came a massive flock of wyverns, descending with screeching fury upon a small group of women running towards the city gates.

    Eyewitness reports from the farmlands speak of a ferocious battle between an unknown woman riding a massive wyvern and the four who fled the grove, noted druids Leena Lynn Reyfe and Aoth Sepret amongst them. Though by all accounts an extremely close match, the wyverns and their rider were slain._

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Alarm bells rang out across Peltarch a few days previously as a titanic battle occurred, involving what appeared to be an enormous and possibly undead dragon, several adventurers, and eventually a smaller white dragon. Also involved were several dozen demons, shrouds of Orcusgate, and other horrors which most average citizens would likely hope to never see in their lifetimes.

    At the end of the day, however, the larger dragon laid dead, along with its demonic host and several dozen Peltarch defenders, while the adventurers and the injured white dragon stood triumphant.

  • As a group of adventurers gathered in the commons, whispers quickly spread about their purpose: to rescue Maria from the demons. They entered Cerulean headquarters and were not seen for days until the brilliant light of a portal ripped through the commons. Out they stepped, each accounted for though drained and scorched. They were joined by a familiar mage in white.

  • Several bolts of lightning hit the City just south of the Commons last night, announcing the arrival by teleportation spell of a jubilant band of adventurers. Carrying a sack of armor, weapons and potions, they entered the Commons and began dividing them up. They claimed to have killed the Fallen Angel called The Warden, who led the demonic forces routed from the Eastern Swamps a week or two ago.

    They encountered this fallen angel south of Sam's Hill in the Nars Pass, where he taunted them. The group nearly killed him then; but he flew away when badly wounded. However, the druids Aoth and Leena both hit him with devastating lightning spells and he was seen to crash deep in the Coldstone Mountains. Following Leena, the group then set off in pursuit, entered the wintry mountains, fought their way through hoards of white wolves, snow goblins, and frost giants, and finally came upon his crash site high on a mountain plateau. The group surrounded him there, bound him to our plane with a spell, and destroyed him.

    Besides the two druids, the group included cleric Shesarai, bard Nate Wingates, and the mages Artemis, Nauran, and Rhona. The bard Atel also was mentioned, although that hin was not with them when they returned to Peltarch. How did a group with so many casters but nary a front-line fighter manage to accomplish all that? "Fantastic luck!" one of them said. "Ah, Yes!" another replied. "But he pissed off the druids!"


  • _In the midst of dark and troubled times, Peltarch was suddenly treated to a dose of actual festivities! The Commons, bedecked in splendour for the occasion, was the scene of the launching of Isolde Garibaldi's very first novel, titled "The Bardess and the Mystery of the Eye". The book, said to be "inspired by real life events" was sold and signed after a brief speech by the smiling author.

    Anyone interested in aquiring their very own copy after the event can contact the Bardic College._

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumor has it that the Temple of the Triad was visited by a pair of druid elders, as well as a halfling companion. What business those normally focused on the woods to the south would have with the temple or the Order of the Divine Shield is yet unknown, but given that they reportedly were there for several hours, it seems much and more was discussed.