The Away Thread

  • @28d1eb62af=ClownBaby:

    I'm having a son!!! I think I want to name him Brohn, like Bronn from GoT. What do you think? He will be here this summer and I plan to be moved into a new house by fall. That means I'll have decent Internet connection and will be back Narfing by the end of 2017. Catch you dudes on the flippity flop!

    That's awesome!! Woot!!! :w00t:

    Oh, and it's pretty cool that you're having a son, too. 😉

    Seriously, though, congratulations on your son on the way and the new home. Looking forward to catching you IG in a few months.


  • Awesome! Congrats bud! :w00t:

  • Woohoo, congrats! :w00t:

    As for names, it's always fun to plot and plan and think those over, but you never really know which one will fit best until that wee lil' new human shows their face.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Congrats dude!

  • I'm having a son!!! I think I want to name him Brohn, like Bronn from GoT. What do you think? He will be here this summer and I plan to be moved into a new house by fall. That means I'll have decent Internet connection and will be back Narfing by the end of 2017. Catch you dudes on the flippity flop!

  • Retroactive apologies for my absence of late, work has been killing me! I'm moving house at the end of the month, and hopefully once that is sorted out I'll be somewhat more regular 🙂

  • Hito has inspired me to explain my absence. Very simply, school is back in session as of a month ago, which means I'm spending just about every waking moment at the forge when I'm not at work (or with my better half).

    Semester runs through mid-May, so my gaming time won't open up again until after then. In the meantime, I'll continue to poke my head in on weekends when I can to catch some of that plotty goodness. 🙂

  • @3b0840b295=Fadia:

    This is less me saying I won't be around, and more an explanation of why I haven't been around.

    Basically been hit with a nasty virus over the last couple days, while at the same time being in the process of switching to a new job. This has left me pretty exhausted most days and nowhere near being in a position to think through things like you need to when playing on Narfell.

    This won't last for too much longer though, and my new job will be letting me out about an hour and a half earlier than my current one, and is only three minutes from my house. So once things settle down I'll actually be around a lot more than I was before!

    Get well soon, and congrats on your new job (short commutes are awesome)! :w00t:


  • The Halfling Defence League

    This is less me saying I won't be around, and more an explanation of why I haven't been around.

    Basically been hit with a nasty virus over the last couple days, while at the same time being in the process of switching to a new job. This has left me pretty exhausted most days and nowhere near being in a position to think through things like you need to when playing on Narfell.

    This won't last for too much longer though, and my new job will be letting me out about an hour and a half earlier than my current one, and is only three minutes from my house. So once things settle down I'll actually be around a lot more than I was before!

  • It's that time of year when I drive over the mountains to Ohio to do my mother's taxes. I will have forum access, but no in-game opportunities. I plan to drive back to Virginia on Friday, weather permitting.


    Characters: Romulus Grey, bard the bowman
    Trotter, spooky halfing ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, red-haired cleric of Mystra

  • Sorry for being away for a while, needed a short break.

    Should be playing again soon.

  • Been away for much of the holidays, I will find myself back in the new years when Im no longer totally mobbed by family. Hope everyone is doing well.

  • I've been away, and barely had a chance to be around, but I'm still here, don't delete meee

  • Came back after a much needed break. Will see those of you who are still around, around!

  • Got a new PC which I've yet to pop NWN onto, and will also be travelling for the holiday so I may be a little scarce until the new year!

  • I have internet, and it's semi-reliable!

    However I work six days a week an have a fresh beebaw to look after, so my log-in time will be limited at best.

  • I will be leaving Wednesday morning for a trip to Ohio for Thanksgiving and Family Reunion. I might have Forum access, but won't be able to play Narfell until after I return Saturday evening.


    Characters: Romulus Grey, bard the bowman
    Trotter, spooky halfling ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, red-haired cleric of Mystra

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Not actually going away per se, but Saturdays I won't be on all day for the next few weeks as I help my mom get ready to move.

    I'll still be around though!

  • @5a38033ffd=Emerwyn:

    Not much of a person for away posts and in fact I've never made one that I remember, but since I was setting a few solid steps for a large-scale plot and I don't want to leave anyone hanging, I thought it best to make it known that I'm gone for an indefinite period of time.

    The people that sent me plot-related PMs, please don't feel ignored, it's just that there is no answer to them.

    Take care and have fun, I wish you all the best.

    Well this makes me sad. 😞

  • The Halfling Defence League


    Not much of a person for away posts and in fact I've never made one that I remember, but since I was setting a few solid steps for a large-scale plot and I don't want to leave anyone hanging, I thought it best to make it known that I'm gone for an indefinite period of time.

    The people that sent me plot-related PMs, please don't feel ignored, it's just that there is no answer to them.

    Take care and have fun, I wish you all the best.
