Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Over the course of a few days, a small figure can sometimes be glimpsed moving around on the roof of the Bardic College. What she's doing up there and whether she's even allowed to be up there in the first place is difficult to say.

  • (Void, please correct if wrong)

    Rumor has it … that all hell broke loose in Peltarch, with elementals, a Vrock, succubi, Vampires, hellhounds, and a BALOR all terrorizing the area near Violetta's shop, with fireballs, other spells, and panicked armed people all over the place fighting things!

    Near the end, there was some talk about how everyone was going to die or something, it was horrible! Horrible I tell you!

  • _Rumours circulate about Cerulean Commander Lycka Zomasdottir engaged in a death match outside the Gaol with… Commander Lycka Zomasdottir. The losing party, some rumours claim, burst into flames and cinder - much like the vampire the winning Lycka later dragged outside to perish in the last of the afternoon's sunshine.

    Even more frighteningly, some say the notorious vampire master Lidérc turned up at the scene, swooping down from the rooftop to do bloody battle with the Commander and her party. After one hell of a fight, a great burst of lightning saw the terrifying figure dissolve into mist..._

  • _Murder in Ashald Park! Rumours abound about the death of a young woman in the park, shortly before dawn, the murder heralded by sweet and hauntingly melancholy violin music.

    While fear of vampires keeps an increasing number of the populace indoors at night, dawnbreak saw an upset crowd gathered in the park, drawn by the music. The civilians are said to have been dispersed by the guards before the Ceruleans claimed the scene, a few even dragged off to jail._

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumors swirl around the city that an attempt was made on the life of one of the city's nobles! If such rumors are to be believed, it would seem that the assailants did manage to kill some of her bodyguards, but were thwarted by the timely intervention of a group of adventurers who had gathered at the tourney grounds to spar.

    What's more, it seems that after the noblewoman was whisked away to safety, the assailants attacked the group of adventurers! Whether it was in revenge or because they believed they were still in the company of the noble in question, is hard to say.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    There are a few scattered reports around the city that a student went missing from the Bardic College a few days back. If rumors are to be believed, they'd somehow wound up imprisoned by orcs west of the city, until a party of intrepid adventurers extracted them from those perilous confines!

    The question remains, however, as to just what they were even doing out there in the first place.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    A group of adventurers consisting of several local notables such as Isolde Garibaldi, Rasuil Delagim, Roslyn Underhill, Ginger Tealeaf, Gnarl Horst, and Nuwairah Zarah'kifa departed the city in search of missing nobleman Garric Hemway some days ago, leaving towards the Giantspires.

    Though details are sketchy, it seems that he was found, and his captors were apprehended! The group reportedly spent some time after recovering him enjoying the hospitality of the Hemway estate, and were seen leaving it some hours after their return.

  • @a66cac3804=Flom:

    More and more people flock to the temples complaining of strange dreams. Observant priests and priestesses notice that a certain select few of the people who complained about the strange dreams for days on end suddenly stop complaining and stop showing up. When asked, they simply say nothing or state that the strange dreams have stopped, or they avoid the topic altogether - claiming that they are, after all, only dreams. Still, others continue to complain.

    [DM Xanatos Gambit]

    Hen would be found within the temple once the rumours where born looking for the priests and the names of the people whom stopped showing at the temple.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumors circulate throughout the city that a small slaving operation was discovered along the edge of the scar, not far at all from city walls!

    Word has it that Ginger Tealeaf and Roslyn Underhill tangled with the five orcs who were running the operation, using magic scrolls tactically to whittle down their numbers until they were able to take them head on! Not long afterwards, the pair was seen heading south with five new hin in tow, all of whom look to have been out in the elements for some time and the worst of whom looked to be close to dying from exposure. If reports are to be believed, however, all arrived later at the hin refugee camp, alive and intact.

  • More and more people flock to the temples complaining of strange dreams. Observant priests and priestesses notice that a certain select few of the people who complained about the strange dreams for days on end suddenly stop complaining and stop showing up. When asked, they simply say nothing or state that the strange dreams have stopped, or they avoid the topic altogether - claiming that they are, after all, only dreams. Still, others continue to complain.

    [DM Xanatos Gambit]

  • On returning to Peltarch from a wood gathering trip, Alvaniel Danicen was set upon by five thugs on the outskirts of the city. After a little give and take, the thugs decided that Alvi's armor was a little too nice for her. Well, it did not go well for the thugs. Lets just say the road to Peltarch is now clear and there are five less thugs that travelers have to worry about.

  • Rumour spreads of spiderlike horrors stalking the caves close to Peltarch. They can control minds, it's said, and they have been preying on the Kuo-Toa. More interestingly, the Kuo-Toa have reached out to a party of adventurers to slay the beasts - Roslyn, Ginger, Helene and Darien among them.
    Helene could be heard weaving the tale to those who stop to speak with her in the fields outside of Peltarch, brandishing a new staff with a glowing crystal at the tip which she says was given by one of the Kuo-Toa warlocks. Among their ranks were half-human half-arachnid monsters, spiders that screamed with the voices of children, and gigantic, darkened horrors whose legs could span from one side of the Peltarch commons to the other - as well as the umber hulks which have been a problem previously.

    While one of these giant horrors has been slain, there is at least one more in the caves that must be defeated before the deal with the Kuo-Toa can be struck, and their quarrels with Gnarl Horst put behind them.

  • Believe it or not, none other than the brewmaster himself, Labur, can be seen in the crafter's hall frantically working. In typical dwarf form he seems to be working on an axe or series of axes. One thing can be for sure, he is not great at this new "hobby" as curses in dwarven and common are often heard of those in the hall.

  • _Bright lights once again flare from the swamplands, and while multicoloured and bright, they have nothing to do with the bubbly bard Aesso. These lights spell trouble of a sort not seen for the past few months, spitting out creatures of nightmare and chaos. It is rumoured that a few of the monstrosities got all the way to the city's inner gates before a trio of adventurers put a halt to them, though not before two guards went down in the fighting.

    A certain crimson-haired bard insists that the stonefisted dwarf, Durgram, flew like greased lightning across the swampy ground at the hasting magic of the beautiful sorceress Mialee, playing a key role in ridding the area of danger!_

  • ::Rumor has it that Nate has visited Elvadriel and requested her to teleport him to Suzail. Or perhaps, says another version, he took a carriage to the local mage's guild and requested someone there. Either way, he hasn't been seen since. The reasons for his departure vary, although one of them says he went to settle some sort of family dispute over a card game turned into a political squabble. Shortly before his departure, he was seen entering the bardic college with Isolde Garibaldi, murmuring quietly as they made their through towards the master's quarters::

  • Kathea was seen leaving Peltarch one morning, wearing leather armors that seemed out of place for her, and showing very little of the usual cheer and mirth she often had. With a determined look she set south and west, muttering a soft prayer as she headed out for Sembia.

  • Rumors spread that one of the more prominent bards of the region, Aesso the self-titled "Amazing," is missing. Nobody has seen or heard from her in some time. Some rumors have it that she completed her allegedly dangerous instrument and it imploded while doing one of her performances. There have been mumbles and murmurings of a a halfling with brown hair asking questions at the docks regarding wish scrolls in an effort to search for her.

    Other people gossip about strange dreams they've been having. The clergy has seen a slight increase of people visiting and complaining of nightmares. Most disregard the dreams; others, blame the Bardic college for having leaked some of its water into the city's main supplies. Others, still, suggest that it has to do with delayed shock caused by the demonic siege some time ago.

    [DM Xanatos Gambit]

  • _The bath house, tongues wag, has either fallen prey to vandalism or seen the onset of a new trend as both pools and steam room is filled with a fine grained, incredibly persistant purple-pink glitter. The stuff catches in the bathers hair, onto their skin, sticks to everything with a stubborn, albeit rather pleasing shimmer.

    Actually, it must be all the rage, mustn't it? Why, even the sundial shimmers purple, and one of the city's own Defenders sports glittering sideburns, just as the bard Isolde Garibaldi and the stout and fashionable dwarf Gnarl Holst.

    On a wholly darker subject matter, there's rumour of necromancy most foul in the woods past the orcs cavern, scores of broken bones and rotting bodies littering the forest floor._

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumor has it that a small adventuring party encountered what one of their number described as a "nest" of ghouls in Peltarch's sewers, replete with dozens of bodies strewn all over the site.

  • _Hearing the rumors of murders, Mark, the one-eyed swordsman, spends some days in the docks's pubs and inns, mostly offering his guard services to pretty and single women.

    Eventually, he tries to catch rumors and gossips about the ongoings, and tries to speak to a city guard or two to see if any diferent activities were reported near the sewers entrance._