The Away Thread

  • Sorry I rocked some boats and skedaddled. I've some RL stuff that is taking the majority of my freetime right now. Those of you who enjoy my DMing, bear with me and I'll be back as soon as I can be. Safe travels 😄

  • I'm now back from vacations. Short, but refreshing! See you all in game. 🙂

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Alrighty guys, I'll be gone from today until Sunday evening, then back until Wednesday and gone again until next Sunday!

  • No wifi at the hotel, so absolutely no IRC or NWN IG for me. But I can browse the forums every now and then.

  • I'll be away 7/30 - 8-7.

  • I'm leaving tomorrow, 30/07/2016, for about 12 or so days. Spending 9 days in Florida, and traveling there by car. Won't have much time to NWN, and will have very little if any internet access.

  • I will be leaving tomorrow for Hawaii until the 14th of August. Undecided yet as to whether or not I am bringing my laptop, and even then, I will be in fucking Hawaii, so my time will likely consist of burning alive, eating foodstuffs, adventure, and relaxing. I'll try to keep an eye on forums and stuff in my absence.

    Either way, ICly Kat is going to be going back to Sembia for this time while I am gone, and I will be keeping in touch on forums and with a few people in regards to Kat's doings. Should be fairly well known among those who know Kat that Kat is leaving for Sembia and that she will be at least keeping in touch with Lunia. I'll likely be posting some narrative stuff in regards to this, as well as be doing some rolls on my own, as Kat does have a rather prominent risk of danger with what she will be doing.

  • And as a heads up, I'll also be gone for the coast and sunny beaches from August 1st till August 8th. I may have limited access to the internet and even the server though wifi connection and my laptop, but I don't expect I'll be spending much time if anything at all in Narfell during that time.

    I'll be checking the forums at least on daily basis though, so feel free to contact me that way during that time if there is anything you need from me. 🙂

  • The Halfling Defence League

    So my family's trip to our cabin is coming up! We have no internet, no running water, and barely any electricity up there. So Narfell isn't in the cards at all!

    I will be coming back for a couple days in the middle of it though, but I'm not sure how active I'll be since I'll be trying to get a lot done before I head back out there.

    So the days I'll be gone are:

    8/5-8/7, though I'll be back in the evening on the 7th

    And then 8/10 to the evening of 8/14!

    I'll definitely be active on the forums though.

  • … take your time, Wyw. 🙂

  • Adding to my away message; I'm on a break won't be doing anything DM related on forums and likely not even reading forums, so please don't send me requests until I'm back again.

  • … take your time Void,

    Real Life is more important than any computer game after all.

  • I started a new job last week. It was unexpected and out of the blue, and the hours are a little crazy. I'm not away, but I will be all over the place while I settle in to this new schedule. I'm trying to keep up to date with PMs and such, please excuse any delays. Feel free to bug me a couple times if anything is urgent! Otherwise I will try to be IG as much as possible.

  • Off on yet another business trip starting today, returning late night EST on Thursday 7/28. I will be forum-lurking as per usual.

  • And I'm off for a few days again, catch you crazy kids later! 😄

  • I am rather retrospectivley saying i have been away, had a big job interview yesterday but should be back properly after this weekened.

    I will reply to PMs! (I promise!)

  • @c837e7130d=Wywernywin:

    Sort of lost that narf spark. I won't be online much in the coming weeks, sorry for those players I left hanging.

    pls no 😞

  • It's vacation time again. I'll be leaving Friday with my family for a week at our timeshare in the mountains. Last year we had Wifi, but it wasn't fast enough to support Narfell. I might be able to look at the Forums, but there probably will be no in game time. The following week, my wife and I head to Massachusetts for the Berkshire Choral Festival. No computer time there either. So after tomorrow (Thursday July 14th) I won't be back online in Narfell until late on Sunday July 31st. See you all then.


    Characters: Romulus Grey, bard the bowman
    Trotter, spooky halfling ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, red-haired cleric of Mystra

  • Sort of lost that narf spark. I won't be online much in the coming weeks, sorry for those players I left hanging.

  • Blessed vacation time is upon me, and the sunshine's decided to grace the north at last! I'll be away as of tomorrow, and gone for roughly 1 1/2 weeks. I might peek into the forums on occasion, but no guarantees!