New Whispers at the Fire

  • The Halfling Defence League

    _A group of hin children were kidnapped a few days ago, from the eastern sections of Norwick. Not long after, a large party consisting of Roslyn Underhill, Ginger Tealeaf, Gnarl Horst, Vanderkaus Ahot, Nate Wingates, and Alvaniel Danicen ventured out from the South Gate.

    They returned a short while later, children in tow. The two hin in the party saw to their return to their family.

    Rumors would also indicate that one of the children was actually some form of magical construct, snuck in with the group of actual kinapping victims to try and wreak havoc! Not long after revealing itself, Ginger and Ros were seen cremating its remains._

  • Related to the recent events or not, it's hard to say, but a once familiar face in the Great Hall and local government has once again been seen spending quite a bit of time with Chief Voss.

    Dwin Dolvak has reportedly set up workspace in the otherwise unused Norwick Advisors Office.

  • In response to the tree huggers, Davos makes an announcement declaring that the Great Hall will not sponsor the hunt of animals to be used in the fighting pit and any pit events that would use animals will now use dire animals instead. The offer for any live dire animals or monsters still stands.

    On another note, Davos has taken charge of the investigation in the murders of the Raumviri men within the pit's cave, he seems busy as he intently moves about town and shows no signs of giving up.

  • Returning with the group is halfling bowyer Ginger Tealeaf. She carries a leather satchel filled with parchments. She inquires around Norwick if anyone has seen the halfling wizard known as Vex, lately.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    A small group of halflings were seen heading south into the Rawlinswood. They returned some days later, only with even more halflings as well as a few gnomes, and several cartloads of wood that were immediately taken to the refugee camp east of the crossroads.

    From the sound of things, some battle happened in the deep forest, which led to a rescue of the hin and gnomes from some foul forest-dwelling creature.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Upon hearing of the man at the gates, Fadia goes to investigate.

    Finding out who he is, she smiles and takes a seat next to him, and tries to catch up with him.

  • A rather unkept looking man of nature camps out at the South gate. His bushy red beard has a number of items intertwined into it including bones, twigs, leaves and other unknown items.

    He watches his Druidic brothers and sisters carefully as they head into town, but he himself stays planted at the gates.

  • Around Norwick lately a very bored Hen can be seen frequenting but never leaving the town of Norwick, even against her own willing nature to keep hidden it seems she does her best to stay open. Often seen laying around Norwick in various locations then Elf complains about how she has run out of spots to pray and hates this Town Arrest business.

  • A few hours after barging into the Great Hall, a slightly more relaxed and satisfied Ras can be seen making his way from the building. Taking root by the fire, keen eyes watch the comings and goings of the town for the next days before inevitably some unheard call draws the ranger away to other tasks.

  • @6498c53124=Mhilan:

    As word of the new fighting pit and the subsequent call for animal capture trickles out from the town and across the region, the old Wolf Rasuil is seen striding through town with a purpose rarely seen in the aged rangers steps. An irate scowl keeps any friendly greetings or acknowledgements at bay as he makes his way directly to the Great Hall. Barging through the doors, through clenched teeth he snaps at the first official he sees, demanding to speak with those in charge immediately.

    D'cameron doesn't flinch as she turns her attention to the commotion. She rolls up a parchment and hands it to the uneasy redcloak at her side who quickly departs after an assuring nod from her. She eloquently invites Rasuil into a private room to speak on the matter should he choose to.

    //This can continue IG or through PMs. Or right here if there is a different series of events.

  • It is said that a bald beardless dwarf that was resting just outside the Union Hall, simply comments

    • Ah doan think ah eva saw 'im dat angry. Just wish gud luck fer whoever he speaks to…

  • As word of the new fighting pit and the subsequent call for animal capture trickles out from the town and across the region, the old Wolf Rasuil is seen striding through town with a purpose rarely seen in the aged rangers steps. An irate scowl keeps any friendly greetings or acknowledgements at bay as he makes his way directly to the Great Hall. Barging through the doors, through clenched teeth he snaps at the first official he sees, demanding to speak with those in charge immediately.

  • @9832db1ff1=Scout-Hen:


    The newly constructed fighting pit in Norwick has already been sabotaged. That didn't take long! Although the pit has been met with great excitement from the majority of the town folk, some who are welcomed into the town would call them barbaric would choose to disrupt a traditional entertainment of these people. More than disrupt, murder. Any detectives are welcomed and encouraged to take on the case, information on the crime is available to any interested parties within the Great Hall.

    After terrible screams erupted within the pit's cave, several Norwick guards were seen rushing into the pit where a vicious battle ensued. Bloodied and beaten, the redcloaks emerge from the caves with the corpses of three men and several butchered animals. The wounds of the animals suggest they were killed by eachother as well as the guards. It is said through the Grapevine that someone snuck inside and unlocked the cages of every single captured animal, leading to the bloody tragedy.

    As a result, tighter security both physically and magically have been applied to the entrances of the pit. The Raumviri Chiefs are also offering great rewards to anyone who can effectively capture and securely bring in any monster or beast worthy of fighting in the pit. It is a standing offer and all adventurers are encouraged to exchange these beasts and baddies for coin rather than kill them. Let the hunt begin.

    Hen would step into the Great Hall her Burned bow slung behind her neck arms up around it.

    "Someone needs a detective?"

    Hen interrupts a conversation in the hall between D'cameron and Davos. D'cameron turns to her as Davos simply eyes the elf.

    "I'm sorry, Hen. But we're not allowed to disclose information to anyone who was seen at the pit that day. It is good that you are here, however. We have several questions we'd like to ask, if you don't mind.

    A redcloak casually closes the door behind her.

    //this will continue through PM or IG.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    An increasingly common sight in Norwick these days, druid elder Fadia is heard to be rather disappointed with those Norwickians who find pleasure in such blood sport and, though she finds the sentiment behind the sabotage to be commendable, she feels that the unnecessary death and violence which resulted is no less tragic and regrettable as well.

    She goes on to further elaborate that, while the animals of the forest may seem fearsome, a much more entertaining spectacle would be had by replacing them with more exotic and unnatural aberrations of nature which currently plague the region, using Umber Hulks as one example.

  • @096c1a1469=ClownBaby:

    The newly constructed fighting pit in Norwick has already been sabotaged. That didn't take long! Although the pit has been met with great excitement from the majority of the town folk, some who are welcomed into the town would call them barbaric would choose to disrupt a traditional entertainment of these people. More than disrupt, murder. Any detectives are welcomed and encouraged to take on the case, information on the crime is available to any interested parties within the Great Hall.

    After terrible screams erupted within the pit's cave, several Norwick guards were seen rushing into the pit where a vicious battle ensued. Bloodied and beaten, the redcloaks emerge from the caves with the corpses of three men and several butchered animals. The wounds of the animals suggest they were killed by eachother as well as the guards. It is said through the Grapevine that someone snuck inside and unlocked the cages of every single captured animal, leading to the bloody tragedy.

    As a result, tighter security both physically and magically have been applied to the entrances of the pit. The Raumviri Chiefs are also offering great rewards to anyone who can effectively capture and securely bring in any monster or beast worthy of fighting in the pit. It is a standing offer and all adventurers are encouraged to exchange these beasts and baddies for coin rather than kill them. Let the hunt begin.

    Hen would step into the Great Hall her Burned bow slung behind her neck arms up around it.

    "Someone needs a detective?"

  • The newly constructed fighting pit in Norwick has already been sabotaged. That didn't take long! Although the pit has been met with great excitement from the majority of the town folk, some who are welcomed into the town would call them barbaric would choose to disrupt a traditional entertainment of these people. More than disrupt, murder. Any detectives are welcomed and encouraged to take on the case, information on the crime is available to any interested parties within the Great Hall.

    After terrible screams erupted within the pit's cave, several Norwick guards were seen rushing into the pit where a vicious battle ensued. Bloodied and beaten, the redcloaks emerge from the caves with the corpses of three men and several butchered animals. The wounds of the animals suggest they were killed by eachother as well as the guards. It is said through the Grapevine that someone snuck inside and unlocked the cages of every single captured animal, leading to the bloody tragedy.

    As a result, tighter security both physically and magically have been applied to the entrances of the pit. The Raumviri Chiefs are also offering great rewards to anyone who can effectively capture and securely bring in any monster or beast worthy of fighting in the pit. It is a standing offer and all adventurers are encouraged to exchange these beasts and baddies for coin rather than kill them. Let the hunt begin.

  • Word has it the lone black haired Warrior women who took glory in the Norwick pits took it from animals forced to fight or die within the new pit. Rumours are quickly flung around of her triumph and her heartless slaughter of beast and animal alike in her claim for fame in Norwick, with the recent spell of problems surrounding a sacred tree and the Union the hapless slaughter of captured beasts sent to their death for amusement surely not sitting well with some.

    When night falls around the new bloodfilled pit and the bodies cleared a lithe hidden elven feature would slip into the Norwick caves to inspect the conditions below. Finding several non hostile animals below she seemed less than impressed watching the two men at the cookpot waiting for them to be more taken with their job of skinning and gutting the slain animals for food she would enter picking the locks of the cells and creaking the gates open only slightly. She pays careful attention with the Dire Wolf and Tiger in the back cages only unlocking their cages and jamming the locks so that the door would not stay closed if pushed upon. When she was done she would once more slip from the cave letting what will happen happen not very pleased with the stories or the results of this new 'glory' pit.


    Of note the cage holding the goblin was not unlocked

  • Council of Moradin

    Silver is met at the south gate, by Raimundo and Helene and wait through the night guarding. Once dawn comes, they retire to the inn, and have breakfast, at which time they decide upon a plan to lure the necromancer out. The take a mirror that Helen has and non obtrusively make it known in the inn as a rare find. Then they proceed to hide it surreptiously in the inn. Now that the trap is set, they wait in the background to see who or what comes sniffing around.

    Silver Chalice, Paladin of Torm, corporal in the Troff legion

    Played by Gatlord

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Word travels through the town of a pitched battle between a group of adventurers and undead risen by some powerful necromancer! It seems that the group was venturing into the Rawlinswood when they were confronted in the ruins of old Norwick, and trapped within some form of magical barrier.

    The battle was quite one-sided in the adventurers' favor, until the very end when a colossal skeleton that towered over the Rawlinswood's trees was brought to bear against them. The increasingly desperate adventurers were worn down, little by little, until they were at the very brink of falling to the creature…but quick thinking by some in the group led to the skeleton being brought down and hacked apart!

    Even now, some large bones remain at the site where it fell. After the battle, the party returned to Norwick, having a rather loud and at times confrontational discussion about the foe they'd faced, and about magical mirrors.

    Strange things are afoot in southern Narfell again, it seems!

  • Located at the old Chancellor Biswan Farm, already in the East Valley but close to the Temple of Lathander, The Warrior's Soul is open for everyone to enjoy free access to crafting facilities. The installations include the following:


    Metallurgy Crucible
    Smelting Forge
    Smithing Anvil

    Bowyering Rack
    Wood Saw
    Woodshaping Horse

    Tanning Basin
    Tanning Table
    Tanning Smoker

    Cypher Wheel

    In addition, a Master Bowyer, Master Smith and Master Tanner have been hired to provide with basic training and materials necessary to get one started in any of the trades that can be practised in the installations.