Rebuilding the South

  • Anna would politely reply that she had considered this, but also understands that the fish required to feed the city is critical, and she would not want to deny the fishers bait, lest the shop itself has some live bait to spare, to which she would ask Abigail to get as much as they can spare!

    Meanwhile, Anna would inquire with the druids about how relations are going, and how she did the best she could to bring discussion between then. She would urge them to start helping if they could if any responses they got were positive, even offering incentive that she would offer aid when necessary.

    While working on the fields, the Harvestmistress would use her blessings from Chauntea to ask her for fair weather, not wanting to bring too much burden to the farmers while not interrupting the natural cycle too aggressively, heavy rains would become light, hot days would be kissed with a cool breeze, little steps she could take to make lives of workers easier so repairs can be done to optimum capacity.

    Taking seeds from various fruit she managed to collect inside a cavern not too long ago, she would have planted some of the fenberry seeds into the dryer parts of the unsoftened stone, embedding the seeds into the stone with small pockets of dirt to try and plant the fruit familiar to the hinnish people, offering some vegetation in the area if they would begin to grow in an attempt to perhaps inspire hope! She would even go as far and apologize to the Grain Goddess for claiming the life of those that managed to grow it, thanking the spirits of the ogre druids who fell on their adventure defending themselves for the bounty that was offered.

  • Abigail finds Anna and inquires if the words sold at the fishing shop are the correct type for soil enrichment, not knowing much about the whole worm deal.

  • At nights, she would watch Artie and Elva, should they be present, till and toil at the upheaval, though things seem to be looking pretty good. Anna herself would summon elementals of great, power, what sounds like rolling thunder in the city from the south would be the huge creations pounding rocks into dust; though not as effective as the druids softening stone, any contribution helps.

    During the day, Anna would continue to work with the volunteers to help make Onion Union members lives easier, tending to field injuries and wounds while others bring supplies, food, and equipment to continue to help with the settlement.

    She would encourage the collection of earth worms from the west, noting they are much easier to notice during heavy rains, and encourages people to bring them to the fields below, providing escort so cats won't attack.

    The priestess would put some of the younger ones to work as well, having them place hand made, creative, silly, and scary scarecrows about to scare off birds that might try to dine on the compost and worms strewn about, encouraging people to shoo them away as well, trying to avoid killing them if possible as not to anger the druids.

    At this point she continues to await word in regarding to relations between the Order and the Circle

  • Thom Tiller comes back to work after a brief break with renewed vigor. His flail is red with blood, his skin covered in bark and a wide grin on his face.

  • @dd3836638e=Wywernywin:

    The appearance of the bug increase the productivity somewhat. The druids appear to be waiting for something to act. All in all, everything seems to be going well. Thom Tiller appears to be on rather good mood for some reason.

    Not all druids. The Silvanite makes no qualms to aid in the efforts, tossing debris to fill in the hole, and then softening the upper layers of rock to produce more muddy, fertile soil for farming.

    He does notice his comrades just standing there, but he simply goes on about his business.

  • The appearance of the bug increase the productivity somewhat. The druids appear to be waiting for something to act. All in all, everything seems to be going well. Thom Tiller appears to be on rather good mood for some reason.

  • _The lightning warmage approaches Anna and offers his services as a polymorpher to assist with the upheaval efforts. Despite often showing up already fatigued, he puts maximum effort into hauling out rubble and debris for the time he's there before disappearing elsewhere into the city.

    He even brings a sign to hang about his neck whilst shapeshifted, reading "I'm not REALLY a bug", as if it will help avoid confusion amongst the citizens and farmers._

  • A few more workers appear to help with the rebuild, inspired by the fact that Anna kept working through the medal ceremony.

  • After the Hero's Party Hen would make a point to tell Anna of the food, drink, and sweets that have been left over within the feast hall. She suggests a possibility of being able to get it all out to the workers and not just for the party goers.

  • Anna said she would be right on finding answers and quickly heads off into the city, inquiring about as many details as possible to another servant of nature who cares just as much about the city as she does once she can find her. Prior to her leaving, she would have the druids continue to prepare the land for the eventual blessed nature to nourish it when possible.

    She would ask the people who have contributed so much already to begin gathering materials and donate them to the crafting hall (since the server keeps crashing) to build the on site farm homes when the land is finally prepared to be blessed, lest of course blessings can be offered while the houses and barns are being built on site. She would leave it up to the discretion of the druid circle.

    (Apologize for a somewhat uneventful last couple of days to people who contributed on this thread, been busy with work IRL but I shall be liberated and free of burden temporarily after Monday!)

  • Tiller replies after going to meet the king:

    "Ye know, would prefer if the druid gave more details than that. Talked to the king, he has no idea what they're talking about either. Must be some ancient thing. Need to actually know what it is to apologize for it, no?"

  • Anna would have a talk with Baron Thom and the union union. No grand speeches or attempts to instill hope, but rather, down to earth and the point.

    "I had spoken to a representative of the circle, and she said that she can work with the other druids in a restoration ritual. Apparently there's some bad blood though between the druid circle and the city senators as well as the Divine Shield. I will do anything and everything I can to see this is set right, and speak to sir Shannon. Baron Thom, if either you or I could seek audience with the king, and see if perhaps he may be willing to issue a formal apology to the druids on behalf of the city for things that had transpired in the past, it would mean a lot to them. The GOOD news, by the way, is that we're a few tenday away from fixing this mess, as the druids said they could make the lands fertile again once the crater is leveled and enough topsoil is softened."

  • While the progress on the buildings and walls appears to be fast, especially after the dwarves joined, the lack of any fast means to get the top soil back is starting to gnaw on the morale. The season for planting seeds for the summer is fast approaching, and they do not have any ground that could support life.

  • Anna can be seen overseeing the projects, tending to the injured and bringing food and water to those in need. Seeing Kathea and Lunia offer assistance in such a manner, Anna would observe them for awhile with some mild caution before finally seeming to ease up and smile, offering them both a wave and informing the locals of their services to help keep people healthy as well as boost morale.

    With the druids of Mielikki and Silvanus, Anna would direct them to follow those in the surroundings who would be collecting lumber in the surrounding area and would ask them to make it easier to uproot the trunks cut down, as well as blessing the saplings that were planted in their stead. She would inform the laborers to respect any demands made by the druids in terms of renewing the nearby lands. With extra time, they could help in turn soften the elevated stone filling the crater.

    With the cadre of dwarves that approached, she would direct them to the city engineers, knowing all the repairs needed to be done in the city and the wall, they could focus on the infrastructure first. Finding Brumir then, she would ask for her to perhaps work with city engineers on help improving wall defenses and overall structural integrity.

    Thanking Abigail for the food then genuinely, she notices her waving to IBM who would toil in the pits, Anna in a friendly fashion would approach him and offer him a glass of water and some fresh food and water for him to consume as he toiled.

    Lastly, when approached by a certain druid from the circle in regards to having a talk, she would let Thom know that she will be leaving site for awhile to have a discussion with the representative from the circle.

  • Abigail is seen delivering a second crate of food to Anna, it seems some form of minor agreement was reached, she is often seen leaving giving IBM over exaggerated waves with a smirk as he worked in the rebuilding process while she stalked off to do other things!

  • Brumir arrives in the southern farmlands with several picks and smithing hammers and approaches Anna

    "Wut ye need lass? Ah'm here ta help."

  • Kathea along with Lunia's help set up a tented area, which was little more than an open canopy tent made of a large, water-proofed cloth with some simple, yet comfortable enough chairs and a small table. Kat herself is seen offering massages to help ease workers of muscle pains and aches, while Lunia offers healing to those who may get injured on the job. Together the two also offer their tent as a respite against the heat, conjuring up fresh, crisp water to dip towels in for the workers to beat the heat. Lunia is likely there more than Kat, Kat only coming for a few hours each day at most and usually around mid-day, though Kat hardly holds anything back when it comes to flirting with both the other priestess and any workers who come to get a massage, Kat herself dressed in her usual provocative finery, making it clear she was there for relieving the workers, not manual labor. Still, if Lunia stays for most of the day, Kat can be seen coming to bring her meals and offer another massage or two to anyone resting.

  • The morale keeps being high due to the free food. It's not a lack of building materials that's holding back people either. However there doesn't seem to be a clear plan how to bring back the soil, which seems to be the main issue.

    More assistance comes from the south. Three druids, one of Mielikki and two of Silvanus arrive to offer their assistance. They're soon followed by ten young stonemasons from the Dwarven Hold.

  • Anna would thank Dermin and Alvaniel for all the wonderful donations. Hundreds of wooden planks, dozens of logs, and many fine, wonderfully crafted tools for those on the fields to use.

    Hearing of Malika's reply about how the druids aren't particularly enthused about assisting and there had been 'bad blood' in the past, Anna would politely ask her for audience with the circle. She also anticipates the replies from the dwarves, hoping they can provide their services in the repair of the wall and the city.

    Morale being fairly high from at least the last tenday, she would work with adventurers, farmers, and commonfolk day by day to see things made right. In the mean time, she would do her best to gather more support from the local adventuring community while she waits for diplomatic responses and an estimate on what it would take to get a pipeline run.

  • As recruited by Anna, Dermin can be seen visinting the south fields more often now. This, whether to drop any kind of tools in the crate meant for that, or to help carrying heavy logs, materials, and stuff with his average strength.