Little Green Book
((the following is the contents of a small tract bound in green leather that was distributed by Martoushca Leafall in the lead up to the election for Peltarch's "Voice of the people". It's referred to as the "Little Green Book" and contains Marty's proposal for a representative forum. The text is written in dark green ink and the pages are lemon scented.))@19c898240b:
The following is a proposal to the people of Peltarch made in the wake of the establishment of a Monarchy over our city. It is my hope that my brothers and sisters will embrace this proposal and help establish a city state through which the beacon of liberty and political autonomy shines brightly once again.
Please read with an open mind and heart, knowing that the following was prepared out of a passion for justice and a sincere love for this city.
May your gods love and keep you.
Martoushca Leaffall.
The Voice of the People.
**The will of the people, and the governing there of, shall be expressed and established through a forum made up of representative parties. The forum will answer the Soundings of the King, issue Popular Decrees, and submit motions before the king for him to consider making Royal Decrees.
In all ways the forum shall represent the voice of the people of Peltarch. This voice shall be delivered to the kings ears by the one who is appointed Voice of the People. Should this ever fail to be the case, action shall be taken by the Voice of the People to make it so again. If not by the Voice of the People, then by the people themselves through the process described in this tract.**
@19c898240b: > _**The Party** > > Any citizen of Peltarch may form or join a party. This shall be an inalienable right that shall never be impeded in any way. > > Parties shall hold their position by confirming that they represent the will of a significant portion of Peltarch's population, by providing clear internal leadership, and by maintaining their duty to represent. > > * **Leadership** > A party must have a leader. This individual must have been a citizen of Peltarch for no less than one whole year before the formation of the party. > > The Leader is required to speak on behalf of the party during forum sessions. The role must be taken up of the individuals own free will, free of coercion or enticement. > * **Membership** > Party members must hold Peltarch citizenship. Members are permitted to take a seat during forum meetings. They may speak on their leader's behalf in the leader's absence, but doing so twice in a row will grant the council the right to challenge the validity of the party. > * **Confirmation of Representation** > Each party must confirm that they represent a significant portion of Peltarch's population by referring to Letters of Support delivered to the forum chambers by citizens of Peltarch. If the party can refer to at least twenty letters of support, then the party is recognized by the city as a representative of the people. > > These letters shall regularly be destroyed. Before their destruction a letter shall be issued by the city to the writers of each letter informing them that their letter has been destroyed. It is then upon them to reissue a letter stating their support if the party still has it. > > Letters of support are to be displayed publicly. Letters of Support may be withdrawn by the writer at any time. > > * **Attendance** > The party is expected to attend forum meetings. Should they be in prison, they are to be brought into the forum chambers in shackles. If they are dead, and the magistrate believes that there is foul play behind their death, then they are to be raised from the dead at the city's expense so that they may attend forum sessions. If their death was the penalty for some crime committed against the state of Peltarch, and that crime was not high treason, then they are to be raised from the dead at the city's expense so that they may attend forum meetings, and then executed again at the conclusion of the meeting. > > No act of law or lawless shall prevent a representative of the people from attending a meeting of the forum. > * **Seats** > There should be four Primary seats. > Parties holding primary seats may raise, second and vote on motions, and are expected to participate in Primary Council Meetings. As this will demand a councilor's full devotion, the city shall pay a reasonable stipend to compensate them for their time. > > Should there be more than four parties in the house, the rest shall be considered Secondary Parties. > Secondary parties are expected to participate in Secondary forum Meetings. They may raise, second and vote on motions. As these meetings are held less frequently than Primary forum Meetings, Councilors in Secondary Parties are expected to provide for their own means, and are only paid a stipend if sessions make it impossible for them to earn their regular living. > > Parties that cannot refer to at least twenty (20) letters of support shall be referred to as Minor Parties. They may raise motions, but may not second them or vote. > * **Dissolution** > If a party lacks a clear leader, has fewer than ten (10) letters of support, or fails to attend meetings, a motion may be moved for that party's dissolution._ @19c898240b: > _**The Forum Session** > > * **The Chair** > > The Voice of the People shall be responsible for the maintenance of order in Forum meetings. They will ensure that meetings are conducted swiftly and that acts within the chamber that prevent parties from delivering their representation are dealt with. Guards stationed within the council chamber shall act with direction from the Voice of the People. Disruptive behavior that prevents other parties from carrying out their duties shall be the only grounds for the removal of any member from the chamber. > > The Voice of the People shall be responsible for delivering the outcome of each Forum Meeting to the King. This shall be done so without alteration or interpretation. > > * **The King** > > There shall be no fear of the king in Forum Chambers. > > The King shall not attend Forum Meetings, nor act in any way that would influence the outcome of any Forum Meeting. > > Party members shall have the freedom to express any lawful view or make any statement within the Forum Chamber without fear of reprisal from the crown or the state. No law shall be passed that will impinge on this freedom. > * **Sessions** > > In addition to regular Primary sessions held daily, and the Secondary sessions held on the last day of each tenday, special sessions may be called by the Voice of the People. At least two (2) days notice shall be given before such special meetings. > > The doors shall be closed five minutes after the start of each session, and re-opened only at the conclusion. Party members will arrive and leave on time. > > @19c898240b: > > > _**Hearing the People.** > > > > * **The sounding.** > > > > As he desires, His Majesty the King shall issue a sounding to the Forum to discover the will of the people concerning whatever issue he has at hand. This sounding shall be issued in writing and delivered to the Voice of the People to be read in the Forum Chamber. > > > > Once read aloud, the Voice of the people shall call for Party leaders to make their statements. If the statements form opposing views, then the Voice of the People shall call all Primary, Secondary and Minor Parties to a vote. > > > > If a reply is made that no party objects to, then that reply shall be returned to the king as the response of the People. > > * **Raising a motion** > > > > Any citizen or party may raise a motion to be heard in the Forum chambers. A motion may be for a particular section of the city's administration to take a particular action, for a law to be created, amended or deleted, or for any matter to be investigated. > > > > Motions raised by citizens must be submitted in writing to the Voice of the People. Such shall be read to the Forum after any Soundings have been resolved and before any motions are raised by the Parties. > > > > Once all written citizen motions have been addressed, Minor Parties may raise motions. Once they have been addressed, the Secondary parties may raise motions. Once they have been addressed, the Primary Parties may raise motions. > > > > Once a motion has been raised, it may be seconded by a Primary Party for the issue to be addressed by the council. If no party objects to the motion or has any questions regarding the possible outcome of the motion, then it shall be "carried" to the king, or worded as a Popular Decree to be issued to the relevant part of the city's administration for action as appropriate. > > > > If an objection or question is raised, then the motion is to be debated or discussed, the leader of each party speaking in turn as they are recognized by the chair. Once the issue has bean heard, the Voice of the People may call for a vote if necessary. Once resolved, the motion is carried to the appropriate hands for action. > > > > If a motion is not seconded, then the it "falls to the floor". > > > > @19c898240b: > > > > > _**Miscellaneous Laws** > > > > > > * **Securing Political Support** > > > Letters of Support will be issued by citizens free of coercion or enticement. > > > Any found attempting to secure a Letter of Support by coercing a citizen with threats or blackmail, or by enticement by offering financial, material, social, spiritual or arcane benefits, shall be tried as a traitor. Such activity subverts the principle of representation, is a crime against the crown and against the all citizens. > > > > > > Citizens shall be free to issue and withdraw Letters of Support without fear of violence, imprisonment, or any other form of harassment. This freedom shall be defended by those who enforce the law. > > > * **Influencing the Process** > > > Party Leaders and Members shall carry out their duty to represent the people free from threats or blackmail. Attempting to influence the activities of Party Leaders or Members is an attempt to distort the process, and is a crime against the city and the crown. Those found attempting such shall be tried as traitors. > > > > > > Attempting to entice a Party Leader or Member with any kind of benefit, whether financial, material, social, spiritual or arcane, is an attempt to distort the process, and is a crime against the city and the crown. Those found attempting such shall be tried as traitors. Receiving such benefits is also a traitorous act. > > > > > > Regular inquires shall be conducted to ensure the process of representation is not being unjustly influenced. > > > * **Magic** > > > No magical spells or items , divine or arcane, shall be employed in such a way that it influences citizen of Peltarch, Leader or Member of any party, to act in a way different to the way they would act without such magic. > > > > > > Those using magic to influence the political process shall be tried as traitors. > > > * **Political Immunity.** > > > > > > Party Leaders and Members shall be as any other citizen in regards to the law with one exception. If a law calls for the one found guilty to be banished, the Party Leader or Member is instead to be imprisoned or executed. For as long as they remain a Leader or Member of a Party Recognized by the City of Peltarch, they are not to be kept from attending Forum meetings. They must be transported from their prison, or from the realm of the dead, to the Forum Chamber when sessions are called, and then returned when the sessions are completed.____
((edited to change the word "Council" to "Forum "))
((edited to replace "Party members shall have the freedom to express any view or make any statement within the Forum Chamber without fear of reprisal from the crown or the state." with "Party members shall have the freedom to express any lawful view or make any statement within the Forum Chamber without fear of reprisal from the crown or the state."))
// OOC
Forum RP has usually moved along at a very slow pace when compared to RP IG. In an attempt to speed things up, Council sessions are governed by a "TWO WEEKS IS TOO LATE" rule. If a motion is raised, there must be a second, objection or question within two weeks. If not then there is no vote and no action. The motion "falls to the floor". If a vote is called, all votes need to be made within two weeks. Failing to vote within two weeks means you've abstained.
If an objection is made to a motion, then that takes the form of a single statement. Other parties may make a single concuring statement. The one who made the motion then makes a single reply. Other parties may also make a single reply to objections. All these posts must be made within two weeks of the motion being raised.
This means that it shouldn't take more than a month to resolve most issues.
Soundings are a little different. They don't need to be seconded, so they should move a little faster.
// OOC mechanics behind the Green Book proposal.
Please keep in mind that this is all just a proposal. Please PM me with your thoughts. The idea is to create a fun, streamlined way for PCs and DMs to get into political RP in Peltarch.
Any PC who is a citizen of Peltarch can start a political party. The only thing that is required when forming a party is proof that the party represents the will of a significant portion of Peltarch's population. This is done by counting the letters of support.
- To start a party, a player creates a thread using a template that states the name of the party, the leader of the party, the party's values and goals, and some mechanical information including the leader's INT, WIS, CHA, and Persuade ranks.
- Players may make one post each below. They may use the "Pledge Form" template showing that their PC publicly states that they are a member of the party. A character may only be in one party, and a player may only have one PC in a party.
- A player may also state that they are writing a letter of support instead of joining a party. While only one letter may be submitted per party, there is no limit to the number of Letters someone can submit.
- DMs make a post stating how the believe the public is responding to the party's IC actions. They then apply a modifier between -2 and +2. While each DM makes only one post, the DM modifier is accumulative. So two DMs giving a +2 modifier will create a +4.
- All these posts are taken into account when determining the number of Letters of Support the Party can muster up.
The number of Letters of Support that a party can successfully round up is determined by the following formula:
(Leader's INT +WIS + CHA + Persuade ranks +/- DM modifier, +1) x number of PCs in the party.
The thinking behind the formula:
- This information is displayed publicly. You can't have a secret, public, political campaign! If you'd rather folks didn't know your characters stats then maybe public life isn't for them?
- INT and WIS is used as well as CHA + Persuade ranks. This is mainly because people are persuaded to support a political movement not solely on the CHA of the leader. A number crunching merchant may be more interested in well thought out policies (INT). Someone more idealistic may be impressed more by the candidates insights (WIS). So it's all added in together. It also negates the possibility of minimaxed toons dominating the show.
- The +1 is in the formula to represent the fact that each PC who is a member of the party would also be submitting their own letter of support.
- (open to debate) The character's UNBUFFED stats are used. The main thinking behind this is that most buffs are temporary, and this formula represents the effect of extended contact. Also, buffed stats and bonus giving items may work when face to face, but when folks are laying in bed thinking about what you said, it's mainly the characters words and natural presence that will stay in their mind - not the effect of sparkly necklaces and glowing CHA buff spells.
- Each DM can add +/- 2 to the score. This is so DMs can can modify a party's popularity based on IC actions. The modifier is mainly to eliminate the possibility of DMs being accused of Deus ex Machina plots. It also allows for differing DM opinions about how the population would be reacting to the party's actions.
- Maybe the PCs need to be over a certain lvl before they can start multiplying? That would prevent folks making dummy PCs just for political purposes.
- The reason why Letters of Support are hard to get is because they are public documents. By submitting a Letter of Support an NPC is stating publicly that they are behind the party, and may then become open to hostile actions from supporters of other parties. Sending a party's supporters to the bottom of the icelace with concrete shoes is an effective way of taking them of the political landscape.
A group of PCs in Peltarch's prison decide to start the Peltarch Prisoner Party. The party will be all about fair trials, better conditions for perps who have committed minor crimes, and for education and rehabilitation programs in prison. Their leader has INT 8 (-1), WIS 10 (+0), CHA 14 (+2) and Persuade 7. From prison they write letters and attempt to gain enough support to form their party. One DM decides that folks are unlikely to support a prisoner party, states so on their party thread and applies a -2 modifier. Another DM believes that unjust imprisonments would generate enough sympathy among the citizens to get at least a little bit of support, so states this on the Party thread and applies a +1 modifier. The over all DM modifier is -1. There are three PCs that have made membership posts on the party thread.
So they manage to round up a total of:
(-1 +0 +2 +7 -1) x3
Just enough to get over the line and form a political party! But staying in the political arena may be difficult. If one of them gets shanked, or if a DM applies another negative modifier, they may be in trouble.
An OOC Pitch for the proposed political party system: