Other Games
If you're going to replay an oldschool Final Fantasy, I recommend you do IV or VI instead of V, with VI being my strong recommendation. It's not a big deal anyway, but V, while being good, didn't quite have the deep emotional impact that those other two had. It helps a lot that Terra is a wonderfully crafted main character, and Kefka is possibly the most amazing villain I've encountered in a videogame (both superior to Cloud and Sephirot in their roles, but we tread the realms of personal opinion here
I'll look to get the FFVII remastering too in any case. I saw some short videos and it looks incredible, and as you said, about time after so many years of yes, no, maybe. I only hope they are making it for the fans and not for their pockets. Or at least for both at the same time.
I never played Dark Souls or Demons Souls, but I played DS2 on PS3. I just purchased the Scholar of the First Sin remastered edition for PS4 and finished a replay of it a few days ago. So the hype train is at full speed for Dark Souls 3!
Other than that, I was looking at the Division. Most of my clan from Destiny are playing it at the moment I think. I'd like to get into it, but since I moved across the world my play time just doesn't match up with my clanmates. I'm thinking that the experience would be severely diminished if I rarely get to play with them.
Next game on my radar will be a ways down the pipe yet, but Final Fantasy VII: Remake. Call it cliche, but FFVII is my favorite game of all time, so I'm pretty excited for that. God knows we've waited long enough for it. I haven't played a Final Fantasy game since FFX though, so I'm contemplating giving FFXV a shot when it releases as well.
Here I am, hype about Banner Saga 2…
Dark Souls 3 is definitely in my list too, I have pre-ordered it myself after I did all that was doable in The Division. Been tempted to try out Black Desert Online, but neither I have that much time these days, nor I trust korean mmo's anymore. They're all pretty covers with an empty inside based on spending a zillion hours grinding repetitive stuff to reach an endgame that doesn't exist.
The games I'm really looking forward to play are still far off, possibly none of them will be released this year - Mass Effect Andromeda, Divinity Original Sin 2 and Cyberpunk 2077.
There are a few decent indie/kickstarted games coming in between that I'll be looking to get at some point as well, such as Banner Saga 2 and Torment, and then there is some decent looking mmo's like Crowfall and Chronicles of Elyria for those that are into mmo's.
Hi Narfell!
Dark Souls 3!
I hope I'm not the only one excited for this release. Only game on my radar at the moment.EDIT: What the hell happened to my post count?! I could have swore I had more than this, being around these forums for 10 years and all…
It might should be more than that, but I don't remember lol.
Other than NWN, I've been playing the crap out of Guild Wars 2, myself.
Hi Narfell!
Dark Souls 3!
I hope I'm not the only one excited for this release. Only game on my radar at the moment.EDIT: What the hell happened to my post count?! I could have swore I had more than this, being around these forums for 10 years and all…
Sweet. I'll be looking into it. Sounds good, and I've been looking for a new thing to try.
Don't worry, Jerrick. As I said, the fixes and patches are all part of the base game. The DLCs just add content, and allows for levelling up to 16 instead of 12.
Just wanted to make sure that the "Fixes, reworks, patches, etc" were current if you just buy the base version, they didn't come with DLC for some weird reason.
So the aforementioned version on this site has fixes etc without having to get DLC?
You would still need to buy the DLC to have the DLC if that is what you ment.
Yeah, GOG is serious site. It belongs to CDProjekt, the company behind The Witcher games, amongst others. You get everything anyone else can get by buying games there, at times with bonus wallpapers and other goodies. The thing is, GOG tends to suffer delays with patches, usually taking 1-2 days longer. Nothing big, but worth mentioning.
G2A is a "grey market" site, it sells licenses for games (usually on Steam, but also GOG, and most game owner companies such as Blizzard, Square-Enix and such) at low price because the seller does not reveal the source of the product, but it does work as well as if you had paid the full price. In the event of having any issues, they either reimburse you or provide you with another license, but as I said from personal experience, I've bought 30+ games on G2A and none of them I had to even contact the support.
So the aforementioned version on this site has fixes etc without having to get DLC?
$6 from GOG - $16 from steam on that site. Really not bad.
Is there any real advantage to getting it from steam in this scenario?
Not really. Steam is preferred by some people because it allows them to have their games nicely sorted in a single application and keep tracks of played hours, achievements, can see friends online, etc.
GOG version is DRM free, which means your game won't depend on a third party to run. GOG has its own client these days which aims to function similarly to Steam, it's called Galaxy, but last I checked it's only optional to install it. If you get the game from GOG, it's just like good old times when you bought a game on the store and installed it straight into your computer. The one downside GOG has is that it usually takes 1-2 days longer to apply patches and fixes. Other than that, both versions of the game will be identical, the choice is really yours.
Is the DLC worth it for Pillars? I'm starting a new game after having stopped about 30hrs in last time. Any good mechanical changes or just some midgame content?
All the fixes, system rewworks and patches apply to the whole game, including the original campaign. The expansions add a new campaign that has roughly as much content as the original one and is composed mostly by endgame content. Expect a lot of epic fights against epic adversaries and world changing events. Other than that, it allows you to level your characters past level 12, up to 16.
I enjoyed the expansion campaign very much myself, and I'd rate it as high as the original campaign.
Is the DLC worth it for Pillars? I'm starting a new game after having stopped about 30hrs in last time. Any good mechanical changes or just some midgame content?
$6 from GOG - $16 from steam on that site. Really not bad.
Is there any real advantage to getting it from steam in this scenario?
You've got me curious about this pillars of eternity game, now.
If you mean it, not long ago it was down to $10 or so in a Steam sale. Now it's back to the regular price (around $40) so it's probably better to wait a bit. Though if you don't have a problem with third party gamestores, G2A has it right now for around $5, and it's 100% trustworthy. I've personally bought probably 30+ games there and never had an issue. You usually get a Steam activation code which means you get an exact same Steam game you'd buy otherwise.
You've got me curious about this pillars of eternity game, now.
With Pillars of Eternity+expansions pretty much done, I've picked up Grim Dawn. It's a Diablo-esque ARPG with a very nice pace and feeling to it, and it's pretty cheap because it's indie, I'll post up here if it's any good when I'm a good few hours into it.
Besides that, I've got Tom Clancy's: The Division preordered. Not my usual type of game, but it's got a Borderlands feel to it, the developers are calling it a "RPG" and characters have talent trees… we'll see, I'm not too thrilled about it, but yeah, multiplayer/coop could help float it.
Dark Souls 3 is around the corner, just one month off now. That's a guaranteed buy for me, one that hopefully will deliver (it never failed to do so, but somehow feel each new game in the Souls saga loses a little bit of its charm).
And just to round up some news, Mass Effect: Andromeda has been delayed a few months, the current ETA being Q1 2017. Since I'm a huge Mass Effect fan, I'm happy with waiting a few extra months if that ensures the game will be fully finished and polished for its release thanks to the extra months of work on it.
PS: If only NWN rogues were but a distant shadow of Pillars of Eternity ones… this is how a level 13 Rogue treats what is pretty much the toughest boss monster in the game in the highest difficulty setting (for those that aren't familiar with PoE - the damage numbers are pretty on par between the two games in general :x).
PS2: Pillars of Eternity is a really good RPG, don't miss out on it!
Pillars of Eternity's second installment of its expansion (The White March) was released a few days ago, completing the campaign in full now, and since it had been one year since I played the original campaign I decided to start a new game from scratch to refresh everything in my mind and enjoy the game's story fully as I play through the old and new content.
This time, instead of taking the NPCs the game provides, I made my own party with versions of my favourite (mostly) Narfell girls: Nuwairah, Shallyah, Rith, Scarlet, Iratha and Elaine.
So far it's being pretty good, the game's gone through a lot of fixes and overhauls that addressed a lot of the concerns the game had in its first baby steps one year ago, and I'm not feeling forced at all to replay the old content in order to get to the new one.
What is more, I'm probably enjoying the narrative more than before, as I remember my goals and I can focus more on the details rather than crazily running around without knowing clearly what to do next.
My Steam account has 175 recorded hours of Pillars of Eternity, and I'm pretty sure it'll be well past the 200 when I'm done with it, since I've yet to do any expansion content, which appears to be a whole new campaign of its own.
So, if you are like me when it comes to RPGs, this game is definitely worth checking out!
… my strategic insights burst again ...
Universe Online Computer Game with Strong Infantry start, bolstered by a Versatile Tanks with slightly light fire focus, about 1/6 under-caliber - two guns, one slightly above damage capacity slow fire, 3 light fast anti infantry guided by computer with remote ai connection.
Then Ultra-tech tanks coming from above, acting as a Versatile scaled Ultra-Helm as far as fleet is compared.
Research Facility is Strongest, Command Center is Strong, Barrack are efficient.
it's Sci-Mil-Temple as well, with Penal Colony Kyton as a support.
if You count unit, you'll see that main base has unit of 84 with 3 ultra tanks that can fly fast.
Penal colony has a brigade of 108 units, still slightly weaker, for only 2 ultra tanks, it's smaller still.
Bought extra tech of Superior Anti-Gravs & Radiation Shield to give tech advantage, 108 diamonds as well, perhaps slightly more ... can be used in production process ... etc ... excellent game so far.
links to photos in full size:http://s1072.photobucket.com/user/Andrzej_Wysocki/media/uo1_zpsncrt7vjd.png.html?sort=3&o=3