Bravo…. Bravo.... bravo.... good event... adventure... awesome role play... great script... Void as always... everyone who put anytime into it... thank you...
Echos the kudos of others for the Pirate Adventure. I especially enjoyed the sea battle capped by a good old-fashioned boarding.
Characters: Romulus Grey, bard the bowman
Trotter, spooky Halfling ranger
Shesarai Foutopolis, red-haired cleric of Mystra
Let it be known we where very close to a complete Party kill at one point, Bravo to a brilliantly layed out, planned, balanced and executed event by all in attendance!
Kudos to The Void and the fantastic PC's for the assault on the pirate fortress, that was an epic event and I had a blast tagging along as the coffeeboy. I was at the edge of my seat!
Kudos to Void and Clownbaby for the pirate island attack!
Kudos for DM Void, for a divination-related event.
Gotta echo the aboves!
I haven't been on an event like that since the Lucid days, and the added terror and planning necessary was amazing!
Well thought out, well paced, and really fun!
Thanks for the good time!
Fourthies! Thanks for letting the airhead tag along, I had a great time and enjoyed the added challenge, while Willow's IC panic merged seamlessly with my player frustration over navigating cramped spaces in the fortress of doooOOOooom… great atmosphere to the event overall as well, well done on all accounts!
Sending thirds into the Void, and to all those involved! Didn't expect to see even half the event but somehow made it all the way through, fantastic is right. Loved bringing it back to the pc's themselves by stripping all their fancy gear (mostly anyway), made for an intense crawl.
DM Void - the 1000th time.Theaon, Marty, Rom, Willow, Leena, and even Ras :twisted:
What a fantastic run from our utter destruction. I have never been more thankful for all the items I have garnered over my time in narfell. Mainly because you look so ugly in all that mundane stuff! haha Kudos kudos!
Seconded. That event was just pure awesomeness.
DM Void - the 1000th time.Theaon, Marty, Rom, Willow, Leena, and even Ras :twisted:
What a fantastic run from our utter destruction. I have never been more thankful for all the items I have garnered over my time in narfell. Mainly because you look so ugly in all that mundane stuff! haha Kudos kudos!
Kudos to DM Doc for completing an item enchantment for Chea.
details: [ http://fav.me/d9u72fx ];
See above, however, just have to say what a great trip…. exciting... maps never seen before... new monsters... great role play.... that trip had it all... sometimes you just have to hold on and enjoy the ride and see how it pans out.... that was awesome... thanks to Hen, Marty, Silver, Theaon and Leena for making that a great experience...
Kudos to all the players I have the privilege of roleplaying with this last couple of months. You guys are amazing. You make it such a blast to log in and are always willing to get something going. I really appreciate the patience you've all had with me breaking things, the encouragement, positive feedback, and remaining so unpredictable that it's impossible to ever know what's going to happen next! I'd list names but I'm terrified I'd leave someone out by mistake. It's pretty crazy when you're looking for something to do, go over your options, and consistently pick a 15 year old game you've played half a billion times.
Kudo to:
Leena(Jerrick), Theaon, Alvaniel, Silver, Marty, Shesarai, and DM Void!We had an awesome time tripping around and pew pewing~
Gahg, you beat me. I had a lot of fun this morning. It was 3am and I was struggling to stay awake, but loved the story and the action. Easily worth being out of bed for!
Top show!
Kudo to:
Leena(Jerrick), Theaon, Alvaniel, Silver, Marty, Shesarai, and DM Void!We had an awesome time tripping around and pew pewing~
Kudos to;
Theaon, Leena, Shesarai, Raryldor, Ally and DM VoidMore lovely and exciting things to come Stay tuned with an ear to the ground!
Chiming in on the kudos for Hen's quest - I generally enjoy small groups for several reasons, and this was no exception. The party had a good balance of skills, from brains to brawn and faith, and a very well designed challenge set in our path, pushing everyone to what I thought was some very nice teamwork. Highly enjoyable with just the right amount of oh my goodness nooo moments thrown in!
Special kudos to:
Gnarl, Rary, and Nica for helping Hen with her quest!
Additional Kudos to DM Void who made it literally the perfect challange. I have like no potions left… curse you!Additional Kudos to everyone who defended Norwick vs Werewolves! Yay everyone people being online!
… kudos to DM Void, Hen & Ky'Amendos, others with whom i played recently as well.