Mystic's Voice of the People thread

  • ((This thread is meant for Mystic to post her voice of the people campaign speeches and other public stuff in. Others can also use it to respond to her speeches.))

  • Mystic sits just outside the Mermaid, on the table is a carafe of wine filled to the rim, one glass in front of her equally so. She is listening to the chatter and debates around her…. “Who will it be?” .

  • Mystic flashes a warm inviting smile towards the crowd. Making her way towards the Mermaid Inn … she stays among the gathered for a while, to listen… then she continues leaving the spectacle behind. However she makes a final remark.

    Marty and Gnarl are both of them good and worthy candidates – I truly believe they have the compassion and heart for the task.

    I am myself just grateful for having the opportunity to speak, and to speak to all of you. I do not bring forth a ready legal structure or a solution, just a will of change and the values to support it.

    What happens next is all up to you.

    She then dissapears through the door at the Inn…

  • The guildsman contemplates the question with his friends, then gives a small but noticeable thumbs up to Mystic.

  • Mystic pauses for a moment to gather her thoughts

    My good man, you ask a valid question.

    In my lifetime I’ve traveled a great deal. I’ve seen the best and the worst of what the realm has to offer. The one constant in those travels is the importance of trade as the lifeblood of the community. Empty shelves do not make a town!

    Certainly as a member of the guilds you know this. You must also know that our guilds have long held the position of restricting the access to goods to the benefit of higher profits.

    Now… this is fine for those wealthy enough to afford such goods… but it destroys those who are not.

    Her gaze pierces the Waukeenian, a smile with hints of a sneer forms at her ruby lips.

    Perhaps guildsman, we are opponents and you should cast your ballot elsewhere!

    She takes a moment to let the crowd get behind her a little so the guildsman can feel the pressure building around him. In a sudden shift, her demeanor softens.

    Perhaps not….?

    She hikes her dress a notch, flashing a tantalizing bit of her legs so she can sit down the edge of the stage before continuing in soft tones like she’s in a confessional.

    I see myself as a merchant … I know there is a better way!

    You and I can both make our coin without standing on the backs of those that toil in these lands. The future for all lies down the path of trade, growth and security. I can sell a wagon wheel for a thousand gold and make a tidy sum, or… I can sell twenty of them for a hundred and make as much, while paying more people to make them for me.

    Crafting’s grows by how many people whose lives we can make better.

    She hangs her head for a moment, her hair spilling about her shoulders, framing her chest in a shower of spun gold. She hold the pose for a moment before standing back up and walking out into the crowd. She stops at each man and woman she passes that looks like a hard worker and rests a reassuring hand on their shoulder as she continues her speech..

    We have great assets at our disposal here.

    We have rivers to transport goods.

    We have abundant resources.

    … but we don’t make enough use of them.

    We need better roads to get our goods to market.

    We need more trade from outside the Narfell Borders so we can use their abundance, and sell ours.

    We need more shops and full shelves, not a handful of greedy merchants that buy from us for a few coppers and sell back to us for a fistful of platinum.

    The fire is back in her eyes as she now occupies the center of the crowd. She punches her right fist into the palm of her left hand with a loud smacking sound and continues to do so to accent her points as she delivers her oratory

    We also need security.

    The cow out on the hill that just fell to an orcan arrow may well have been an entire family’s livelihood.

    Trade routes and roads are not enough.

    They need to be safe as well. Every plundered merchant’s wagon takes from each and every one of us.

    Her gaze leaves the crowd to once again focus on the merchant

    I’ll put the question back to you guildsman. How long can we last when we don’t work together, and when those that do the work don’t share in the reward?

    She finishes tall and defiant from the center of the crowd in a show of solidarity with them, waiting for the next challenger to appear

  • _Much like with Marty's and Mike's talks, the crowd is quick to cheer. Unlike the previous speeches though, this one seems to leave many a man like drooling fool as they stare at Mystic.

    This time, a man wearing golden symbols of Waukeen speaks at the back:"

    "My lady Mystic. Me and my friends in the guilds have been following the elections with a keen eye. While the populist approach is understandable, I would like to know what you would do for the people that keep everyone in the city employed?

    The position calls for a voice of the people - do you, my lady Mystic, possess any talents that would make a merchant such as myself wish to voice for you over the others?"_

  • Mystic mounts the stage, her long legs carrying her up the steps in casually sultry manner. She pauses for a moment, brushing her hair back from her face to flash a bewitching smile to the crowd.

    Citizens of Peltarch!

    What good Mike says is true. You’ve all toiled long and hard. Your hands are blistered and splintered. Your backs aches and your throats are parched like the desert.

    What is it you toil for?

    She leans forward as if expecting a response, seeking out the intimacy of eye to eye contact with her audience before answering for them.

    A life sheltered within these walls…?

    Begging for scraps from the tables of those rascals who call themselves adventurers…?

    They flaunt their I’ll gotten wealth, eating the best food, drinking the best wine…

    Lounging in the commons as if they have no care in the world, like their shiny armor and fluttering blue cloaks entitles them to live off your labor!

    Mystic sighs softly, her voice lowing in solemn sadness

    What do you get for it…?

    To be called a peasant!…?

    To be sneered at as a dock worker…?

    All the while they bring demons and dragons and orcs down on the walls of this fair city!

    Do we need more dead guards because of them…?

    Do we need our children to fear playing in the streets…?

    Can we stand by one more time as our crops burn in the fields and the rats steal our bread?!?

    She pauses for a moment to let it sink in.

    I think not!

    Like good Mike says, it’s time for a change!

    And I for one say we follow his lead!”

    She starts to walk off the stage, but pauses for an instant of realization

    “However… Mike’s intentions will go for naught if you send him to do the job. The court of the King will sneer most foully at him, and dismiss all that he says, righteous though it might be…

    We need to fight fire with fire! I can be that fire! Elect me and I’ll burn that fire in your hearts into their icy chests!

    Vote for me, and I’ll get you the Kings ear!

    These adventurers will be made to pay for what they’ve done to your squalid lives. It’s time you stepped up! It’s time you be heard!

    Elect me and you will dine from their tables and drink from their goblets!

    ((ooc should we add charisma and persuation?))