Other Games

  • a while ago got 'Darkest Dungeon' pre-release on Steam.

    playing occasionally.

  • Golden Joystick Awards are just out, which I'm not sure if they are the most prestigious but they are based on popular vote - any player of the world can cast their own vote (I did myself!) and all of them get pooled together. Some of the most relevant awards:

    Best Original Game: Bloodborne (Sony)
    Best Storytelling: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (CD Projekt RED)
    Best Visual Design: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (CD Projekt RED)
    Best Audio: Ori and the Blind Forest (Microsoft)
    Best Multiplayer: Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar)
    Best Indie Game: Kerbal Space Program (Squad)
    Best Family Game: Splatoon (Nintendo)
    Best Gaming Moment: The Bloody Baron quest in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
    Best Handheld/Mobile Game: Fallout Shelter (Bethesda)
    Most Anticipated Game: Fallout 4 (Bethesda)
    Gaming Performance of the Year: Ashly Burch as Chloe in Life is Strange
    Gaming Platform of the Year: Steam
    Studio of the Year: CD Projekt RED
    Game of the Year: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (CD Projekt RED)

  • I'm pretty jaded about possible new MMO's, but this one has me intrigued.


    They're ticking a lot of the right buttons for me, but I'm skeptical of delivery.

  • Trust me, I wanted it to be good! I was pretty excited at first but quickly got disappointed as I went along.

    Maybe it was just a lot more RPG-Lite than I expected.

    Yeah I've heard Sword Coast Legends is extremely disappointing. Clearly the popular days of online Roleplaying are looong over.

  • Coincidentally, Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition has just been released. A bit unfortunate the game wasn't of your liking, but that's what tastes are for.

    I'd suggest you up the difficulty settings of the game, it keeps combat really interesting all game long, but it feels like you've already made your mind up.

    On other games, I can tell that Sword Coast Legends doesn't live up to the expectations so far, at least for me (and I wasn't expecting spectacularly much). I'll say the single player campaign is pretty decent and challenging at times (at least on Hard settings), but everyone in these forums wanted more than that, even in knowing it couldn't be the new NWN, I expected -something- more than what was delivered. The multiplayer options fell short and lackluster. I don't see any point behind repeating meaningless random dungeons to the end of time, other than having fun with a full party of buddies and having a laugh with them. If only they had allowed for more storytelling and customising options… oh well, maybe something will be patched on at some point.

  • For some reason I really didn't enjoy Divinity: Original Sin.

    I found the storyline and world pretty dull and cliche.

    NPCs were boring.

    And the combat was awesome at first… but quickly got rinse and repeaty. Chokepoint, enviromental effects, end.

  • For those of you who used to check the old thread often, you may remember I at times mention Humble Bundle deals that seem especially good. Well last week there was a Capcom one that was pretty decent, but this week's one I think is extraordinaire, and I feel compelled to let you all know, because amongst other games, the Bundle contains Blackguards and Blackguards II for less than 6$.

    These are two RPGs that I -loved-. Immersive, beautiful and challenging games, both play as turn-based tactical combat RPGs and both have a dark themed background with a poetic culmination. They might not be games for everyone, though, so I'd say, make sure you like the theme of the game, and especially turn-based tactical combat RPGs.

    Each game has a 34,95€ price tag on Steam, so I'd very much recommend to get them now while this offer lasts, even for those that don't intend to play them immediately.

    You can check the whole deals clicking this link, where you can choose the bundle you want. Each level adds a few games, and to get both Blackguards games one would need to get the second level (the one around 6$, as mentioned up there).

    I'm not PR of Humble Bundle or Blackguards or anything similar, and I assure you it's not a malicious site, I'm not a bot or anything weird. :lol: I've enjoyed and cried with these games, and thought it's fair to broadcast a little this chance to get them known to those who might have missed them and show a little support to independent developers of great games like these.

    As a little extra for people who value that, there is a slider upon making the purchase that allows you to choose how much of the cash goes to the game developers, and how much to charities such as Red Cross and similar. You don't get charged extra, you just choose where that cash goes.

  • Speaking of crowd-funded games, Divinity Original Sin 2 ended its Kickstarter today, amassing over 2 million dollars. That means the game is not only far past its $400,000 goal, but also that the game will be getting a Dungeon Master client/mode.

    I already considered Divinity Original Sin a masterpiece, so I'm really looking forward to this sequel.

  • Yeah I already funded it for $25 so I can get the game, seems a lot cheaper than buying it at release. They're already at the 1million mark so that I can get the single player campaign I want. The 1.85 mil tier looks good too.

  • Battletech just got dropped onto Kickstarter.

    Hypetrain, CHOO CHOO


  • Not only that Emer, but they're giving us a number of headstarts before the actual release along with early access. After this head start on Friday we'll have access to campaign mode and to hirelings apparently.

  • After last weekend's Headstart/testing, SCL's release has been pushed 24 days back. Here's the official statement:


    "When we set out to create Sword Coast Legends we wanted to give players an exciting new way to experience the magic of playing D&D with friends," said Dan Tudge, President of n-Space and Director for Sword Coast Legends. "The decision to delay the launch of Sword Coast Legends was not an easy one to make, but after receiving feedback from our dedicated community, it became clear that a few more weeks of polish would provide our customers with the best possible experience at launch."

    As a special thanks to committed adventurers and Dungeon Masters, all players who pre-ordered Sword Coast Legends – whether they participated in the recent bonus Head Start access program or not – will receive the upcoming "Rage of Demons" DLC for free in addition to access to any upcoming Head Start access programs.

    I'm generally fine with with pushing the release date a few weeks back to get a more polished, bug-free product. Getting a free DLC on top? Works for me.

  • @c865996694=M_O_B:

    So the DM Client is on par with NWN, just without the mass multiplayer? Still sounds cool, I should pick it up.

    Decent for singleplayer too?

    I'd say the DM client is better than NWN. The client is responsive and intuitive to use, and although you can pre-build modules, you can make pretty much any change on the fly, maybe except the layout of the dungeon. Probably SCL won't allow to do some of the things we can do with the heavy scripting/tools we implemented in Narfell, but the things you can do in SCL, you can do them better, easier and in the blink of an eye.

    One of the things I think you can't do is creating/dropping custom loot. At least I didn't see the option in the Headstart. You can set the quality and type of loot you want your boss creatures to drop in relation to their challenge rating, but not exactly a "+3 Singing Waraxe of Slaying". That has upsides and downsides of course, but it's loyal to the way PnP handles treasure.

    I suppose it'll be an entertaining singleplayer game too, as it has a full fledged story campaign spanning through 4 Acts.

  • So the DM Client is on par with NWN, just without the mass multiplayer? Still sounds cool, I should pick it up.

    Decent for singleplayer too?

  • @3a9e460b40=M_O_B:

    So Legends of the Sword Coast is more a cool, co-op D&D dungeon raiding game rather than a possible NWN3?

    Yep. It'll never be a possible NWN3, really. Dungeons are limited to 4 players + DM. If not for that alone, something could be done with time and some modding.

    That said, I see it working as a PnPish platform for small groups of players, if they are of the same mindset. The options for setting up events and campaigns are pretty cool and you can modify pretty much everything onthe fly. The level and feats of a creature, the DC of a trap or secret door, chests and the quality of the treasure inside, etc. You can take direct control of spawns as well, just like in NWN, and all in a very easy to use and intuitive manner. A Dev commented you'll even be able to make portals between different modules and of course keep your character progress across different "chapters" of a same DMed campaign.

  • So Legends of the Sword Coast is more a cool, co-op D&D dungeon raiding game rather than a possible NWN3?

  • I loved Legends of The Sword Coast, when it worked. My internet connection is quite choppy and so I often had sync issues with online play. Often, but not always. I think I'll need to look for a better provider.

  • I started up Civ V again this last weekend for some reason. It's a very disconcerting feeling to order dinner not having eaten much that day at 10pm when you swore it was only about 6.

  • @2d0d1ab8d3=M_O_B:

    So the IT guy at work says Legends of the Sword Coast is amazing. Anyone given it a go yet?

    After trying it for a couple hours, my opinion hasn't swayed much from what I thought it'd be.

    Very fulfilling dungeon crawling feeling, with quite nice class mechanics that feel rather Diablo-esque. The game is based on 5th edition DnD, which already has that Diablo-esque feel to it even in PnP, and I don't think that's a bad thing, really. The tools are there, what matters is what you do with them.

    The dungeon/campaign editor is pretty great and intuitive, you can put together very nice dungeons in just a few minutes. It of course will disappoint anyone looking for NWN3, but if you approach the game out of that mindset, it has potential to be loads of fun, especially if played with buddies.

    And the Headstart didn't allow for playing the main campaign at all, not even a teaser, which really should be one of the attractions of the game, to play such campaign in full cooperative mode with friends.

    I'm definitely looking forward to it.

  • I play skyforge off and on.