Vault Restore Request
There's still an Atel in your vault.
1. Your NWN Login: Caeleil24
2. The Character's Name: Atel Vai'sini
3. Time Last Played: 2012To be fair I'm probably going to make a new main character to play, but I can't NOT restore Atel, I love that bard too much.
I'm not even sure if she has been wiped from the vault, but as its been several years, I'm assuming she has.
Rera or Little Rera
Account: Azura A
Last played: …2006-2008?
I'm not sure if she's officially retired or not, if she is don't worry about it, if not I'd like to bring her back!
Cheers, I thought I needed to use the old Gamespy login, which was without spaces.
Adding the space worked, dont know why I didnt think of it!
Thanks again!
That was the folder it was in, though… :oops:
Cheers, I thought I needed to use the old Gamespy login, which was without spaces.
Adding the space worked, dont know why I didnt think of it!
Thanks again!
I restored to login "ravish blackbow" - is that not right?
Ah… try a space.
Hmm my character list is empty … any ideas?
Many thanks Dorakhan!
I'm an old player (Ravish Blackbow) who would like to check Narfell out again. In fact Im amazed Narfell is still running, and to even see old hands like Attentus still seem to be active!
I lost my original forum login …
It would be nice to have my character restored.
Logon name : RavishBlackbow
Character name : Khâlomèy ( I'm not sure though if my actual character vault name contains those special characters, it might just be Khalomey or Khalomèy )Last played : somewhere in July 2005 I think,, but it might be a bit earlier or later.
Thanks in advance !
Man these are getting harder and harder… looking now!
Found and restored - 6/4/2005
I'm an old player (Ravish Blackbow) who would like to check Narfell out again. In fact Im amazed Narfell is still running, and to even see old hands like Attentus still seem to be active!
I lost my original forum login …
It would be nice to have my character restored.
Logon name : RavishBlackbow
Character name : Khâlomèy ( I'm not sure though if my actual character vault name contains those special characters, it might just be Khalomey or Khalomèy )Last played : somewhere in July 2005 I think,, but it might be a bit earlier or later.
Thanks in advance !
Man these are getting harder and harder… looking now!
PS my original forum name was Ravish, but I think the email associated with it was an operamail email, which doesnt seem to exist anymore : )
I'm an old player (Ravish Blackbow) who would like to check Narfell out again. In fact Im amazed Narfell is still running, and to even see old hands like Attentus still seem to be active!
I lost my original forum login …
It would be nice to have my character restored.
Logon name : RavishBlackbow
Character name : Khâlomèy ( I'm not sure though if my actual character vault name contains those special characters, it might just be Khalomey or Khalomèy )Last played : somewhere in July 2005 I think,, but it might be a bit earlier or later.
Thanks in advance !
Login: SilverCrane
Characters: Natasha and Yhesail.
Last played: not sure, probably around 2004/2005Thanks!
Natasha, from 6/6/2006.
Yhesail, from 8/9/2005.
Login: SilverCrane
Characters: Natasha and Yhesail.
Last played: not sure, probably around 2004/2005Thanks!
id: void-image
character: elvadriel galawen
edit: also ragnar gloirin
last played: not sure… 2006?
ohhh yeah lol
The characters you are asking for are in another account. Try the more obvious one.
Geez you kids are coming out of the woodwork. Looking looking looking…
Login : Gothmog34
Characters : Rain, Ruby, Daggermouth,
Last time in : last year. i think?
Aeo!!! squeals