Chaevre's Thoughts
_So it comes to it, they have finally accused me of something or another and now I am in prison. . . sure i could have resisted, it would have been easy, and thrilling, imagine the faces of the merchants, children, and other onlookers, seeing a number of the cities heavily armed guards falling dead before their eyes to buy a mere gesture by this women in white,. .glorious; but no, I decided I would not resist today, hells, what could they possibly have on me, I am not one to leave much in the way of evidence, aside from corpses anyway, not much information they could get from a corpse without breaking their own laws chuckles though the irony would please me to no end.
Corpse theft and fraud they said, supposedly i stole a body from the mortuary, and tried to make the guards give me the deaders gear, hah, silly, you cant steal that which has no owner, and what the fuck would I want his junk for, it was a spellbook I was after, knowledge like that should not be wasted on these fools, they probably cant even open it, knowing Ezachiel, he might protect his secrets at least…
I doubt there was any witnesses anyway, how could there be, I was invisible when I tool it, I loaded him into a magical bag I was given years ago in Oscura to carry my heaviest merchandise, so no blood trail, hell there wasnt even anyone working in the morgue at the time to notice it dissappear, they wouldnt have known till the next day when they went to incinerate him. possibly someone presumed I stole it just cause i was asking around about the incident regarding his death shrug either way chances are they got nothing on me, I know this city though, they wont let me get off easy, they will find someone to lie and say I did it, they will not listen to the plead of a necromancer, especially myself..supposedly they think i was posessed, how silly is that sigh accusation after accusation after accusation, all pointing fingers at me, and yet none willing to step up with even a hint of proof.. 'i saw you' they say, guess what asshole, ever heard of magic? not hard to emulate someones appearance smirks bull shit i say, they say the enchantress herself posessed me, more rubbish, like someone with her power would waste time on me, still though i wonder if there might be some hint of her presence left in me, or if my whole mind was erased to prevent me ever knowing, who know, i cant do much stuck in this prison either ...shit. .
five years Barrim said, then I am banished from the realm, heh, like banishment will stop me from cominga around, let them send their guards, next time I may not be so friendly.. fuck, i wish they would give me some paper, my theory on death magic is yet incomplete and it is ever hard to remembr things stuck in a dark hole where time does not exist, I could summon help grins i know who can get me out, these walls cannot stop Him, heh perhaps if i begin to lose my mind, but not now, they still have my spellbook locked away, gods help them if they try to tamper with it. . hmm, in fact, when I get out of here i may have the sisters help me find if they did try, can never be too careful. . .Ive been thinking about that potion ive wanted to make. . . one that kills and then raises as undead. . the theory is that I may combine the blood of a ghoul with a potion of enervation, the weak common people may drink it, and die, with the blood of a ghoul flowing in their veins, days later, up they go, to plague the lands.....only problem is that the effect is too fast, if one person died no one else will drink....i wonder if i can slow the effect. delayed enervation perhaps, i could have it distributed as a very rare and cheap liquor, a bit of negative energy flowing through someones veins will give them a kick thats for sure, the more brash and stupid people will drink more and more, perhaps a large event of some sort, everyone might even die in their sleep chuckles they may assume they got alcahol poisoning grins burial would be the doom of all laughs ahh but ghouls blood may be hard to come by and the components costly, perhaps i could sell the formula to some talonites ore other necromancers, make some coin and have a good time all in the same week ..._
Ceremony of Endless Night
I have completed the ceremony though I should not have gotten the peltarch officials involved. That almost ruined everything.
The ritual required committing a deed that was considered beyond evil. Research suggests murdering a child, or sacrificing a virgin, or other simple deeds but I decided to takeit a step further. Using a toxin I discovered in the Fey wilds I was able to hypnotize some farmer into believing his house was infested with rats and a bit of confusion magic. He ended up murdering his own family. I sealed his memory so he wouldn't know he did it. He would suffer for a while and likely be blamed for it.
In order to complete the ritual I needed him to remember, i needed his heart filled with emotion, hatred, regret, anger, and sadness, enough to drive him to suicide. Getting to him was difficult though as he was put in jail under guard. It took some time but I had my familiar navigate the sewers until she could access the jail.
I had her give the inquisitor a charm that would release the seal on his memory and then I used sending spell to communicate with him. To convince him that he should seek vengeance, that he could even see his family again.
He didn't immediately accept my proposal but I suspected he might not. I will let the emotions continue to burn his soul.
It was several days later that i decided the time was right. I would have the man kill himself and I would collect his blood. He had been moved to another cell in the jail and his guard was increased. Worse yet there was something going on and my familiar had to drop the dagger in order to escape.
We waited until the jail cleared out, there was another prisoner and a child in different cells now so I had to think of how to get around everyone...
First I decided on a distraction. I had my pixie slip in the cell with the tied up prisoner and set fire inside the cell, it burned quickly consuming the man before the guards could put the fire out. This drew the attention of the ceruleans who came over and used magic to extinguish the fire. Meanwhile my familiar returned to the other cell through the sewers, nearly triggering a couple traps but managed to disable them, and gave the man the dagger needed to kill himself, the promise of seeing his family again and the guilt of killing them in the first place was enough to force his hand.
Shouts from the other room were heard, an innocent child locked in a cell. He wasn't part of the plan but a little bonus never hurt. The pixie had little difficulty ending the boys life. The blood was collected and the blade discarded.All that remains is the phylactery and the ritual of becoming will be complete.
Ritual of Becoming
Over a hundred and fifty years have I searched, researched, studied, and sacrificed to learn the secret of immortality and finally I have what I need. While I may not be the most powerful wizard in the land anymore I know I am the most ambitious. Once the ritual is complete and I have shed the weakness of my mortality i will have all the lifetimes I need to gain all the knowledge there is to know and beyond.
All I have to do now is collect the necessary components and learn to craft my phylactery.
Months has past since I lost my leg. I have not been idle though, along with researching how to replace my limb I have also been doing some enchantments for various people. Some even that I would never guess would seek my services.
I was able to put a theory to the test as well while doing these enchantments. I made a condition of my services that the one receiving the enchantment must use their own lifeforce to fuel the magic rather than my own. This allowed me to test my theories on storing life force into Onyx Gems. By drawing from the subject with negative energy, I was able to store their energies into the gem, which I was able to them use to fuel the enchantment. I should try on an unwilling creature sometime but I suspect the process may not go as well.I was also reading books on anatomy, as I decided I would graft a new limb onto my body to replace my lost leg. The theory seemed sound and once I put it to practice I was delightfully satisfied with the results. I successfully grafted the leg of a dead Illithid onto my self. It feels very unnatural to me so I suspect it will take some getting used to.
I do not see any harmful results immediately but I do feel different. I feel like I am connected to a great many other minds, similar to how I felt when Acrul possessed me and I shared the thoughts of everyone she had ever possessed. Except this time it is not merely the memories but something else. I also feel a compulsion that I had not had before, like a hungering for knowledge, but not just knowledge, the storage vessel of knowledge. I will continue to monitor my condition to see if anything changes.
Several days have passed since I grafted the illithid leg. I have gotten used to it now but the side effects, these . . . cravings, have become harder to resist and the more I resist the harder it is to walk. I take a walk through the kuo toa caves to get some exercise with the new leg. I cut the fish people down left and right until there is but one left, a caster, it goes invisible but I know where it is and I feel like I can sense the magic it possesses. In an instant I lunge towards it, it stands there stupidly, completely frozen, as I take it by the shoulders and bite into its head. . . within moments I consumed its brain. . the brainless corpse slumps to the ground as I let it go and I feel the craving subside. . .I feel now as though I have taken on something more than a simple leg graft but I feel more powerful for it. I will continue to monitor my condition but now at least I know how to stop these cravings....
Illithid Autopsy
_Chaevre' uses some free time before grafting a new leg to study the corpse of the Illithid recovered from the Underdark. She strips it naked and lays it on a stone slab along with several tools for cutting and sawing as though to perform an autopsy.
As she has never personally dealt with a creature like this, and as a precaution, she removes its brain first and sets it aside for after.The first thing she notes is that it has an amphibious body, which is odd considering how formidable it was to take down. The body is completely riddled with slash wounds.
Chae cuts open the cadaver and begins to remove the organs inspecting and documenting each one, comparing them to other humanoids and finding them oddly similar.
When she gets down to the bone structure she is very surprised to find that much of the bone structure resembles that of an Orcs.
She puts the organs back in the corpse and closes it up using small strips of leather. She then puts the brain back in its soft skull and wraps it with leather straps to keep it sealed.
Once all is done she pushes an onyx gem into its eye socket and casts animate dead on the corpse, Curious to see if it will retain any of its illithid psionic powers or if it will be a simple zombie.
Once the creature is standing she has it stay in a cell and is ordered to take no action unless commanded to. The creature will be studied further over time._
The City of Illithids
_I was invited by a couple of blooded to explore the Underdark. I figured it would be ok to go as a small group, worst case scenario we need to teleport out or I just stay invisible and offer support. Either way the experience would be helpful.
It started out fine, we cleared the crypts of undead and decided to skip ahead to the mummies while invisible. We then fought the mummies, though I stayed back mostly just preferring to blast them with my rod of cold over and over. When it came time to fight the mummy lord I used my more powerful magic in order launch a continuous devastating melee assault with the others flanking, it took a while but we destroyed it and proceeded to finish clearing the place out.
After a brief rest we pressed on into the svirfneblin home, I advised that this was as far as I had ever been and we should exercise caution and keep an eye out for sneaks. We pressed through with only a small amount of resistance and continued, eventually faced with the likes of ropers, cloakers, and minotaurs, umberhulks and dire displacer beasts.
As we moved further and further the creatures we encountered became harder and harder to defeat.
Eventually we began seeing the architecture of the Illithids, we knew what we encountered thus far was nothing in comparison. We started to encounter the illithids thralls, minotaurs and orcs each being extremely powerful and then the Illithids themselves. We also discovered a cave full of corpses mutilated and displayed to possibly ward off intruders. Deep in the cave were bodaks and creatures we had never seen before or heard of but they could see through invisibility so we did not try to fight them knowing we may not get another chance to rest.Our first encounter with an illithid was not spectacular, it must have been a weaker one as it was destroyed with relative ease, relative ease of course being very difficult but doable without too much wasted spells. The second Illithid was another story, this one was well prepared for a fight utilizing defensive magics like elemental shield and improved invisibility, as well as dispelling us liberally. We fought it ferociously, I even used etherial visage and tensers but the thing was stronger than I could have ever imagined, it even used heal potions if we brought it too much harm as well as hit and run tactics to keep us from locking it down in one place.
We did kill it eventually after using all my magic and my companions burning through a tonne of healing themselves. I collected the corpse in a magic bag as a trophy as well as for future experimentationWe pressed on, the hope that we would be near the underground of Oscura soon and the fights would get easier then. But this was our undoing. We decided to rush past the necxt group of Illithids, as there was no way we would be able to fight more than one that we had just fought.
We moved past a few of them invisibily and a few of their giant thralls, we could see the Illithids casting their magics, unsure if they could see us or if they were just always well prepared. We took cover behind a boulder that seemed to be covering an exit, That may have been our ticket out but now blocked. The illithids moving on our position without us seeing them and even moving their thralls to block our exit.
Thats when the battle started that would determine our fate. The illithid under invisibly and hasted first dispelled most of my enhancements including my invisibility. No sooner was I invisible that the thralls were sending their own spells at me. Fire and Ice and Dispells to keep me vulnerable., I decided I was fucked if I didn't get out of there so I started to flee, however the illithids were prepared, 2 of them were flanking me and used their psionic magic to stun me, long enough for me to receive another volly of spells, the stun wore off after a moment and I continued to flee only to be shot in the back with a firebrand and then a spell that entangled and shredded by feet and legs slowing me down and causing me to collapse, one of my companions moved to heal me on the ground but the same moment he did that I was blasted by multiple magic missles rendering me beyond healing. Velsharoon was not watching this day.I woke up in an unknown place, my body was crippled and bloodied and my leg had been removed from the knee down. I worried not about the state of my body but had to ensure the safety of my spellbook, to which I saw I could not understand my own writings on the final pages.
The loss of my leg is regrettable, but considering where It was that I fell and the fact that I was able to be returned was a blessing in itself. The healer could not think of a way to grow the limb back sadly. Perhaps I will try attaching and animating a skeletal graft. Better than being a cripple I guess. Now I just need to find someone with the same size bone structure as me to be a leg donor._
Warding Altars
While walking through the pass I met a group of adventurers who were heading to Jiyyd to stop some ritual. It was to be a dangerous endeavor facing many demons and a couple greater demons potentially. My curiosity led me to follow them, perhaps I may study the ritual and learn something before they put an end to it.
We went below old Jiyyd and were faced with a decent number of demons. We found altars spread out through the cavern each one infused with abjuration magic, each one protecting and enhancing another.
We were successful in dispatching all the demons including the greater ones which I was of little help in fighting.
I was able to study the ritual altar from a slight distance while others separated and went off to destroy the previous mentioned altars. Once all the altars were destroyed the barrier protecting the primary one collapsed and caused its destruction.The Magic Circle
I was able to identify the magic circle entirely. Its purpose was to maintain an abjuration barrier, from any distance, perhaps even from another plane. The altars that were destroyed were amplifying the magic circles power. With the right materials I could replicate this though at this time I am curious as to what it was protecting. Perhaps I will follow up on the locals mission to free Jiyyd of the demon menace.
[DM was DM Ceiling Cat]
The Vizier
My memory is a bit jarred with regard to the Vizier, possibly a side effect of the magic that changed my body, possibly just a result of my advanced age.
This was some time ago. The entity known only as 'The Vizier' had come to Oscura seeking folk willing to do shady dealings with discretion. Not one to turn away business I offered my assistance.
Several jobs were done in his service, though I can't really recall, it is the final job that was the most important.
We were tasked to find the Viziers master, an entity of great power on par with that of gods whom had been sealed in a magical prison and guarded accordingly.
The group I was with fought through the underdark until we reached a location where a portal could be opened to a pocket dimension containing the prison. Once we entered we were faced with extradimensional creatures, they were tough but we managed to fight through to the guardians chamber.
The guardian was as fearsome as we expected, appearing as a towering dragon of shadow and darkness. The room it was in was locked as we entered trapping us within. It was obvious to all of us that we would not be able to defeat this creature with force. I was invisible at the time and it did not seem to notice me which allowed me to move about searching for a way out. I whispered to my companions to buy as much time as they could so I could find the prison and try to free the demigod we came for. Using a knock scroll I was able to slip out unnoticed.
I was alone now and had to fight my way through the remaining creatures guarding this dimension. It was not easy but I did manage barely with the assistance of an animated corpse and some careful planning. I had spent nearly all of my power before I made it to the prison room and saw the entity we came for. He was being held fast by several pillars of magic. I was able to destroy them weakening the magic that was binding him in place.
Once he was freed he was able to dispatch the guardian in an instant with power I could only dream of. I guess this is what a demigod is capable of.
It seems this beings plan was to bring Chaos to Peltarch.
Payment for this great task was a granted Wish. I requested the alterations to my body that we see to this day. Bone grafts onto my flesh that would strengthen my body and instill fear into my enemies.
I did not stay in the region for long after that, I am curious as to the aftermath of releasing such a dangerous being.
Explorers folly and a favor from Velsharoon
_It has been a very long time since I have gone exploring for no reason other than to visit old locales. This time I was with an acquaintance who wish to see old Jiyyd. Last time I had been through there was many decades ago and at that time the only threat were some very slow moving undead and the occasional demon. It was nothing I couldn't handle in the past and I suspected now would be no different. I prepared my magic for a simple fight with undead and a couple anti magic spells and protections to deal with the demons.
Perhaps it is my mistake then that I did not hire a scout to check the area first or at least ask around if anything has changed. First we encountered a bunch of weak demons, they tried to use poisonous cloud but between my strong tolerance of poison and my magical protections it did not phase me and I pressed forward swinging with my axe as well as a mage could.
I did see one demon which may have been difficult to handle, but it was only a single demon and the lesser demons could not even harm me so I pressed forward to attack it. It used divine magic, word of faith, I ignored the spell as that usually only harms me when coming from the good clerics or paladins of the region. Most of my attention was on the chaos that began to surround me blocking off any chance of escape, and my curiosity as to what magics the demon Hezrou would use next. I did not notice that a Vrock had joined the fray and summoned a succubus, as well I did not notice that my axe was not even able to scratch the Hezrou and it had begun to break through my defenses.
By the time I realized I was actually in danger it was too late. I was completely surrounded by the weak little demons and was flanked by the Vrock. I cursed my stupidity and in my panic called out to the God whom I often talk shit about. He must have a sick sense of humor to respond to my pleas for I was picked up from the ground and fully healed giving me enough time to envelope the whole area in darkness causing the lesser demons to stumble around opening a gap for my escape.
Under cover of darkness I pushed further from the battle until I was safe. My companion had retreated much sooner and was safe as I had instructed her to do before we came. She seemed surprised that I returned from the battle where she was certain I had fallen, but now in tip top shape. The will of the Gods I told her, ironic as not even a few days prior we had been discussing her fear of her mortality and I told her there were better Gods to follow than mine. I had also mentioned that Gods will often grant favor to those who follow their Dogma, whether they are devout or not. Perhaps this is why Velsharoon favors me so much.
I think on this in detail and recount just how often He has blessed me and saved me from an untimely demise.
First during the Eastlander war, which I had helped instigate by continuously assaulting the Eastlanders while dressed in my official Peltarch Cerulean Knight attire, I had been walking through the pass when an Assassin stepped out of the shadows and stabbed me in the back.
The second time was while I was imprisoned in Norwick. They did not want to extradite me to Peltarch because it would only prove that the town was not able to stand up to their northern neighbors strong arming. In a last ditch attempt to end the hostilities they simply had me executed but Velsharoon had other plans and I was saved.
Now this, the third time he has saved me. It makes me wonder why he shows me such favor when I show him so little respect. Who can tell the will of Gods, but I shall just continue to live as I do._
The Lich Rhigor
I know vey little of the lich known as Rhigor but when I heard of a large warband moving to assault it's fortress my curiosity could not stop me from tagging along. I have no quarrel with it but this may be a good opportunity to try and learn it's secrets.
The party was very large and contained people of various degrees of strength from many organizations. I decided to act as a support and remained at the rear so I could jump in and out as needed while remaining mostly safe fron the action. The odd undead giant would attack the rear but I was able to fend ot off until someone stronger than I could deal with it.
As we reached the fortress more powerful undead appeared. They were able to easily resist my magic and attempts to control them so I allowed the melee folks to handle it.
When it was time to enter the fortress my instinct kicked in and warned me of the danger. Even from out here I could sense the necromancer energies, enough to make my bony flesh tingle with fear and excitement. There was only one entrance and I knew it would be a trap. Reluctantly I followed the group inside and immediately I knew it was folly. no sooner had I entered did I see a ball of energy so massive that I immediately cursed my curiosity and think a prayer to my lords in my mind. The pain was brief and I was in the realm of Kelemvor. From here one of two things would happen. Either Kelemvor would find me and send me to the wall or I would be raised. Considering the group I was with I had little hope of the latter. To my great pleasure however one of the giant shamans was willing to bring me back.
I did not have time to fully search the place for knowledge of the lich or its source of power but I did manage to procure a nice pair of boots.
There may be another opportunity to finish the job but perhaps I may be more careful.
The Dark Enchantress
_I will speak of how The Dark Enchantress and I became as one, though my memory is fuzzy, there are a few key moments I can recall.
I know I would be blamed for my actions while under her influence so I insisted I have no memories of the incident.I suppose I will go back as far as the point when I met her and offered my services in exchange for knowledge. She accepted my offer and began having me perform various duties, mostly involving doing anything in my power to disrupt the Yuan-ti, the Drow, and Demons. They had been searching for her and apparently had planned on destroying her for good somehow.
This went on for a long time, then one day the Enchantress appeared in Jiyyd and warned that the Yuan-ti were nearby and should be eliminated. The adventurers in town at the time would have nothing to do with her and the warning fell on deaf ears. So it was her and I that ventured out to face the threat. I had fought Yuan-ti before and I knew they were much more capable than I so I stood back and offered support.
The Yuan-ti were too many though and they eventually dealt a destructive blow to the Enchantress. I had thought it not possible but I knew she was a Lich and that would not be the end of her. I did not know however that my life would be forever changed that moment.
Her spirit left the corpse causing all the remaining Yuan-ti to die suddenly and the spirit rushed at me. I felt as though my soul was being torn in half and replaced with the souls of a thousand mages. I could hear their voices speaking inside me all at once, filling my head with the knowledge of everyone ever posessed by the enchantress. I had no idea that she was able to accumulate knowledge in this manner. The voices finally settled down and I felt changed. Powerful. However I did not have complete control over my body. It was not at all unpleasant, the knowledge of her powers, her past lives, people she knew, places she has been, languages, magic spells, rituals. . so much knowledge and yet still unsatisfied.
I decided with my new powers I no longer needed to gain political power and dropped out of the senate race. I kept a low profile for the most part, using lesser beings to do various odd jobs to my benefit, again mostly disrupting the Yuan-ti or searching out artifacts of power that could potentially be used against me.
It wasn't long until it was discovered that I was now the Dark Enchantress, many patterns that would occur when she was around began to occur near me as well, the weather turning to freezing being one and my comings and goings through the darkness being another.
Eventually Grag of all people even recognized that it was me.
I thought he would kill me on the spot for sure so as a precaution I stopped time and attempted to turn him into a statue, which failed. He is a lot more resilient than I thought. He did not retaliate though so I figured that despite my possession he still considered me to be me.Most of the rest of my memories are a blur from that time, the last thing I do recall clearly is my encounter with the Black Dragon Knights who began the civil war with Peltarch. Koreth their leader had gotten a hold of an artifact that he should not have been allowed to possess so I took it upon myself to retrieve it. I hired a group of adventurers and teleported us all to their stronghold, they fought the knights to the last and I was able to destroy the stronghold with magic after teleporting them all back to town. my memories there are again blurry so it may have happened a different way. The only witness to that moment I can recall was the hin known as Gears, a very good spy easy to manipulate but not so easy to fully control.
After the adventurers were gone I pursued Koreth. I found him on the battlements with a small retinue which I effortlessly dispatched.
Koreth had the object I was looking for, one of the rare control orbs known to be in the land. I tried to kill him but the orb was preventing me from dealing the finishing blow, an item to make him invulnerable and allow him to control war machines. When I realized it was the orb preventing his death I used a magical hold spell to prevent his movement and took the orb from him. without the orb he died almost instantly.The voices in my head tell me the orb cannot be destroyed, I want to keep it for myself but I am assured by the voices that it is below me and that it should not exist.
Since it could not be destroyed I decided to hide it. I opened a portal to a pocket dimension and hid it within. It should not be discovered for a millenia now and if it is I will be here to take it again.The last thing, to end the civil war once and for all. I remove the head of the former commander of the Black Dragon Knights and teleport back to Peltarch. I leave the trophy on the sundial for all to see, the cause of their strife now a headless corpse proof that the Black Dragon Knights have been wiped out.
After that my memories are too blurred to recall anything else of importance._
Research project on Onyx Gems and there synergy with negative energy
_I have decided to study the synergy between Onyx gems and Negative Energy. As Onyx is the component used in many necromantic spells I thought there must be some relationship.
What I currently know is that the energy causes the gems to burn out leaving only a husk of the former gem, completely worthless. Also the primary spells that use the gems are for the creation or animation of undead.
I am curious to know if the gems when combined with negative energies are able to affect the soul in some way perhaps blocking it from returning to the body. Or perhaps it simply affects the flesh itself making it no longer suitable for a soul to inhabit.
I also seek to find if the onyx gems can be used to channel negative energies or even store them for later use, similar in the way spell crystals do.
Theory: Onyx Gems can store and channel negative energy if the amount is proportional to the gem quality and size.
Test: Various sizes and qualities of Onyx Gems are treated with various degrees of negative energy.
Result: ?
Test: Onyx Gems are subjected to non destructive negative energy spells.
Results: ?
Theory: Onyx Gems combined with spells to create or animate undead can block or inhibit the soul.
Test: Animate dead cast on a living subject, after cutting out their eyes and forcing the gems into the socket. The same way it would be cast on a dead body. Subjects are held and gagged. For this I will use goblins as they are weak and plentiful, no one will miss them.
Result: ?
Theory: Onyx Gems of considerable quality may be used to store spells of negative energy.
Test: With the results of previous experimentation I would find the most suitable gem to try casting the spell on as I would a spell crystal. I suspect there needs to be a good balance between gem quality and the potency of the magic so for this purpose I will use weak spells on higher quality gems and work up to more potent spells.
Result: ?
Theory: Onyx gems can store or trap a persons soul provided they are killed with negative energy, preferably death magic, while near the gem.
It is my understanding that the soul is then free of its mortal body yet still capable of sentience. The person must be willing to die and have their soul stored or else it may simply move on to the next life thus it should be the person to cast the death magic on themselves with a powerful ally supervising to ensure nothing goes wrong.
The onyx must not simply be a gem, it would need to be much grander. perhaps a sculpture or altar made from the Onyx it will need to be of unsurpassed quality.Test: At this time I have not the materials or the funds to perform such a test.
Result: Further research necessary._
The Beginning of the End . . of Beginning
_I have had a very long absence once again and I find myself returning. The region is war torn as usual but this time a different war and strangely enough the enemies of the last war become allies in this war. I don't know the circumstances but right now I don't really care as I have a much larger task to pursue.
I believe it is a good time to begin preparations for the next step on my long road to immortality. I have an understanding on the process of storing my soul outside my body to achieve immortality and I know the risks and consequences. Though as I have never tested the theories I can never be certain it will work so I must take my time and be certain it will work.
First thing is first though, the phylactery I need to create is going to be very expensive so I must find a way to generate a good amount of income. It is too bad that adventure seekers are so few these days, buying and selling goods does not seem to be a good prospect. I will find a way, though it may take time. Perhaps I could liquidate my assets in the city. I wonder if anyone would be interested in purchasing the Consortium and all its holdings._
A long absence and a sudden return
It has been over 30 years since I fled the region. I have returned to regain my research that was left in the libraries of Spellweaver Keep.
My necromantic rituals performed oh so long ago has stopped my body from aging though my horrid ghoulish appearance remains. That doesn't matter though. So much time has passed that everyone that knew me is either gone or dead and the few remaining who do know me avoid me.Spellweaver Keep
I arrived in Oscura by boat and took up residence in the library as I once did spending my days there in study catching up on recent events while spending the nights in the Inn.
After a few days have lapsed I decided to visit my old place of study, Spellweaver Keep. Much to my annoyance I discovered it is gone entirely, but not destroyed. I learn a while later that it was sent to another dimension by Bingo in order to safeguard its secrets from Ostromogs forces.
As former keeper I was aware of such a safeguard however bringing the place back was to be done from within the keep and it seems something went wrong and this is no longer possible. I will offer my assistance in getting it back but it will not be easy.Peltarch
I decided to risk visiting the city. I could not find any wanted posters with my face on it so I assumed I was long forgotten. The guards at the gate don't recognize me but how could they if they weren't even born when I was last here.
Things seem fairly quiet around here most of the time. I've heard rumors of vampires but have yet to see any.
After some time I decide to try to get back into the mercantile business, I decide the best way will be to host an auction. I've heard the local adventurers saying its been a while so I figure there should be a good turn out. I make the preparations and some time later announce the event.
Days after making the announcement though one of my associates warns me that some of the older guards have recognized me and may seek to take action against me.
I trust the information and decide to leave the city. It seems some of the guards have become a bit nervous when I am around. I'll lay low for a while until I can get more information.The Necromancer
I was approached by a bat recently. It flew around me as if trying to get my attention. It is night out, perhaps it is a vampire? Either way the sun will soon rise so I should follow the creature and find out what it wants. Yeah not the smartest thing to do as it could be a trap but my gut tells me it's ok.
I was lead to the graveyard where there was a portal. I stepped in and was transported to a cave where I was greeted by a man who was uglier than I if you could believe it.
Turns out he wished to hire my talent. I am to collect corpses for him and then animate an army of undead. Apparently the pay is really good, and it will give me some good practice. He also is providing all the materials aside from corpses so this could turn out to be fun.I start with creatures nearby trying to get a good variety. Hobgoblins, goblins, bugbears. Eventually going further out. Kuo toa and dire animals.
The undead I am able to create are quite powerful indeed and by injecting large amount of negative energy into them I am able to make them even more potent.The armies are being thrown at the gates of Norwick quite regularly and it's getting tough to keep up with demand. I decide to make arrangements to have my specter notify him when I have corpses ready, this way I don't have to drag them all the way back to the graveyard.
Now I am making much bigger undead. More kuo toa, dire animals, kobolds and lizards, giants, manticores, umber hulks, harpies even.. This is going to turn out rather interesting. I made some white stag undead as well. The necromancer even provided a large amount of quaggoth corpses from Arnath after a bunch of adventurers cleared the place out.I can't wait to see what he does with his next batch of animated minions.
Return to my studies
_For unknown reasons Velsharoon saw to it that at the moment of my execution I was taken to safety. I am certain the paladins will not give up hunting me; they were able to capture and destroy nearly all of my equipment. I was spared a robe to wear and my spellbook, there was also a mysterious ring attached to my finger, it seems to be somewhat powerful, and for unknown reasons it cannot leave my possession.
I had begun to find new places to gather supplies, I've decided to limit the amount of people I will come in contact with to decrease the chances of me being found again, it is imperative that I begin to gather resources to help fund my studies and rebuild my strength.
Without my armor or weapons I have been forced to rely solely on my magic when traveling. I have even begun to use the polymorph spell again, I find that it assists me in being able to carry back equipment from slain foes to assist with my funding, though it is not without flaws, the spell does not last very long, and I am unable to use equipment or cast spells, though this just means I need to be more cautious.
Recently I have been doing some research on the Polymorph spell. I am curious to know what exactly each forms benefits and weaknesses are, also, I found out that by using specific essences as a focus, that some new forms may become available. I may try to research how these essences are created and perhaps find a way to duplicate them for other forms._
An Epic Discovery!
_There is not much that can be done when you are in captivity but sit and think. Think about your past, your history, yourself, your future, even things trivial like recent events drift in and out of mind.
I find myself wondering if I will ever see daylight again. I do not know who has me now, I was taken from the prison, but knocked out first, I have lost the link to my familiar in the outside, I am now truly alone.
My thoughts drift again to my studies, how odd is it that even when my situation is dire all I can think about it research.
I begin to consider the ideas of new spells. I now know that I have too many enemies to continue to remain a public face, so what could I do to change my appearance permanently, Polymorph can be dispelled and is not permanent. I wonder if there is a necromantic method, perhaps I could place my soul in a new body like The Enchantress does, but how does she do it. The movement of souls usually requires death first, and magic jar is neither permanent nor is it something I have yet began to understand, perhaps there must be a divine method, can a soul be tricked into being ressurected into a foriegn body? My thoughts now drift to such spells, trying to remember how they work, I am no cleric so such measures are beyond me.Then it hits me. . . .As the secrets to The Enchantress' immortality rush at me, I try to disprove every flaw in the process but each potential flaw comes with a loophole. . I am now so convinced that this is the secret, that I will sacrifice everything to test the theory. But first I must confess my sins and . . . . denounce my faith._
Children of Inferus
_A rather long story, which connects many events in my life and all eventually lead to the lady of Inferus….where to start though hmm...
I suppose it starts in Peltarch while I was a Knight, this was some time after the civil war. There were a lot of children displaced and many of them grouped together and were known to steal from people and mug others, the little knives i think they called themselves, no older then 6 to 12 years of age. I had noticed that some of them seemed almost as if posessed, their eyes were dark and they spoke in a voice not their own, I believe that the posessor had taken an interest in me, because of my skills in the art and of my curiousity towards the childred...some days after I spoke to one of the posessed children, I was standing in the common area when I heard the voice again, a male voice whispered to me, he requested to meet me in person and asked that I might do him a service. I was asked to head to Oscura where he would find me, when I reached Oscura and headed towards the lower city the area was consumed in darkness, when the darkness lifted he stood, a Shade in appearance, he gave me no name and advised me that he was from another plane. The request he had for me was that I simply 'adopt' two young twin girls and teach them the arcane arts, he gave me a pendant that i might be identified as a tutor, the amulet which was of pure gold with an obsidion pendant, may be used to create darkness at will as well as allow me to see through the darkness, a side effect was that it would make my eyes black like tar when I wore it....Now then. . .I had no idea of Inferus or of the nature of the shade, I merely did as I was asked, and teaching magic was my passion so I enjoyed it completely. There were others as well, women of Oscura asked to adopt children and teach them their skills....
The twins studies progressed nicely, I insisted the children maintain a healthy lifestyle, even though they were so determined to learn they would have rather spent entire days with their noses in books, he Shade was happy with my dedication and he offered me another task along with an enhancement to the abilities of the pendant. This undertaking was to be significantly more difficult.
He wished me to smuggle the entire gang of Little Knives out of Peltarch and bring them to Oscura..heh truly difficult, how to you take so many kids out of a city undetected? Invisibility I suppose, I wasnt about to pack them in crates and smuggle them the usual way..
I went to the warehouse where I was to meet them, there was a -lot- more then I . two. . three. . ....eighteen...eighteen in total ugh shit this is gonna be tough. I can provide invisibility spells and improved invisibility, and extended invisibility, just fill my head with it, but still not enough to cover all of them, I went to find one of my trusted friends and asked him to help me out, of which he agreed after i slipped him a hefty sum of coin.
The plan was that we would make all the children invisible and then have them chain together with me and follow me out of the city...easier said then done, children dont exactly have the greatest attention span, I lead a bunch around me while i had a invisibility sphere, at least we could see eachother that way, my partner lead another group....
I got out of the city relatively well,. . . that is until I saw a number of the kids sneaking out the gate behind me, their invisibility had faltered for an unknown reason, to make matters worse my invisibility sphere faltered as well making myself and all the kids visible, the guards at the gate were very surprised, I was even wearing my uniform and was immediately identified....I assured the guard I was taking the . . . students. . . on a field trip, he was smart though and recognised some of the kids as being a part of the gang...I told the kids to run west and wait for me and i followed with them. Thje guard gave chase and I had my familiar make me invisible again so I could think of an escape route, the guard of course will have to die now....
While the guard gave the kids the third degree I snuck up behind him and put a poisoned dagger to his neck, he was a true smart ass though and tried to twist his body to avoid the death blow, I stabbed and missed killing him and he turned on me as soon as the invisibility broke, I stabbed him several times and he did the same to me, lucky much of his attacks deflected off my cloak or missed alltogether, the poison continued to fill his blood and he died from it not too long after...guards began to line the walls when they realised that one of their guards was being attacked, shit this is all wrong, I had my partner make the kids invisible again and told him to take them past the tower and to wait for me there while I think of something to do..
moments after he left the whole west side of the cities walls were completely consumed in darkness, I could head the screaming as the guards were being killed by an unknown assailant, when the darkness lifted over a dozen guards lay dead, i ran to the meeting place before more guards showed up......the guard who I had killed with poison, was not as dead as I thought, he managed to carve into his arm CK before he finally died, and I had not even realised...I got them to Oscura later in the day, and I decided to spend the night in the temple, I offered my thanks to the lord of shadows for allowing me to successfully complete my task and decided to spend the night in the temple to pray and recover.
Now as it turns out my daughters and the gang as well as many other children bacame a common sight in Oscura, they all posessed strong skills and were capable of creating the darkness. They were independant, strong, and they didnt take shit from anyone, many who would try to take advantage of or abuse the children were killed, and people began to fear them avoiding them when possible. I was quite proud.
After several years my daughters were becoming young women, they had perfected their cantrips and were able to successfully cast from the first circle, though not quite perfected. I had grown attached to them, they were intelligent, disciplined, and loving, perfect students and perfect children, even though I was not able to be around all the time.
Until one day they dissappeared without a trace...I had heard a rumor that all of the children got up together and stepped into the well, the well consumed them leaving nothing behind....anyone who enters the well is said to die and their souls trapped forever.....I was outraged.
I marched out to the well and stood before it, i could her it speak to me, inticing me to step in, the guards insisted i stay away, they were probably more worried about the well grabbing my mind again and going on a killing spree smirks the way I felt i could go on a killing spree anyway..
I took a deep breath and stepped into the well of souls, it hurt like fucking mad, I could feel my body being torn in half and I blacked out. dead. the well had killed me. The Sisters of Bones went and collected by corpse like they have with so many others, the guards were amused and stunned.When my visioned cleared i was in a place that seemed completely empty, I could hear the sounds of laughter of many children. It was then that she appeared to me, the little lady of inferus, she told me that I was in Inferus, that I was dead, I didnt care, I wanted to know what happened to my daughters, she assured me that they were safe in her care, but that they too were dead and could never return...
She also seemed to read into my soul, she knew who I was, where I have been, and where I was going, she told me it was not my time to die, that there is a greater purpose for me. She said that I was destined for great and terrible things....that I would be on the forefront of an apocalypse, she said Oscura was going to be destroyed, like it has countless times. She seemed to imply that the blood of many will be on my hands and that I was going to ascend to a power unrealised by mortals and gods alike.With that she returned me to the living, I appeared within the well of souls and stepped out. the guards were terrified, no one has ever entered the well and come out alive... I gathered my belongings and simply glared at the guards, they were scared as shit, I could smell it. One of the sisters of bones approached me then, they invited me into their organisation and lead me to a secret place where they live, close to Oscura and yet infinately away from it, a place they watch Oscura, watch it live and die and live again repeating the cycle for generations.. . . . oh i have gone and run off now, this is a story fo another time, chuckles now that i think of it, they did say I was posessed by the enchantress, perhaps that is what the prophesy referred to, but, Oscura still stands, and there is no apocalypse..
anyway, thats the story of the children of inferus, turns out that they like to cause mischief in our world, many strange occurences that connect to them, I wonder If my children were among them....._
_Ive been considering the nature of death magic a lot lately, im trying to determine exactly how the spells affect the body so that death occurs in the subject, I suppose if I determine the nature of a death ward as well I could determine how death magic works, unfortunately im not a cleric, and i doubt there are any around that would help me test my theories, naturally it would require killing a few test subjects.
Currently i am comparing a death spell to some lesser similar spells that have the capacity to cause death but generally only weaken the subjects. I am considering Enervation, a spell ive used many times before, to my newest death spell Circle of Death.
Enervation is a negative energy based spell that causes the subject to be completely weakened, the subject can be weakened to a degree, but if their body is already weak they may die, multiple castings on a strong body will continue to weaken the subject until death occurs.
The spell leaves no physical marks on the subject making it difficult to trace, I have noticed similar effects from the circle of death spell.Now the possible theories I have for reasons of sudden death could either be the subject has their soul torn from their body, or the body itself becomes so weakened suddenly that it can no longer sustain life. The former is more accurate I believe as we can see it in action with the enervation spell, the body is weakened until it can no longer sustain life.
From my various experiments as well as experience I have noticed that two things that seem to be key to life in living beings are the brain and their heart, by separating either from the main body, death is guaranteed to occur. This will bring me to my further theory, Negative energy pumped into a living creatures body may weaken them, but not necessarily kill them, negative energy ray causes weakening in the body but no amount of it will kill someone.
So I believe that death magic or death magic related spells affect either the brain or heart of both, more experimentation will definately be necessary to discover if these theories are accurate however, once i get out of this hell hole I will run some tests.Actually one test I wish to try will involve using the death magic on someone afflicted with flesh to stone, Id like to find out if a statue of former flesh continues ti 'live' as it were, that the negative energy will still affect them, as I understand it flesh to stone completely renders the subject into stone, therefore they should have no vitals and should survive death by destruction Imind you in pieces, they would die if the spell were reversed) ,and possibly be immune to death magics. hmm i wonder if someone turned into stone still has a sould or thoughts. . .ugh too many questions, how long as it been now?_
"hey Guard! Can I go now!"
Gift to Orcus
_A typical day in peltarch, i was on duty at the time, dressed up all official in my pretty blue Cerulean Knight uniform, this was a time long before I ascended, back when I was still working for this hell hole.
I heard a report of a suspicious looking robed man sneaking into the mortuary, past reports of similar occurances led me to believe that the cultists were at it again, so I thought i would investigate, I took my friend Elvadriel, some young arcanist named Deavron, and a hin, cant remember what she was called, she never spoke and seemed loyal so i didn't mind.
We got into the mortuary and were beset bu a number of undead, which we dispatched somewhat efficiently using our magic and my greatsword, they attacked us first otherwise none of us could care less, we continued on, the hin spotting a trap here and there, eventually we got to a room where we first saw the cultists, they wore skull masks and brown robes, not very smart either, I took off my uniform so they would not become aggressive right away, though I still wore my badge to show them that I would not hesitate to kill them where they stand. Elvadriel spoke with the head priest and assured him we were not there to become a hindrance but that we were interested in their ritual. the room was dark and lit up with a few candles, there was a ruin drawn into the ground where a sacrifice would be made. The head priest wanted proof of our good intention and demanded we provide the sacrifice, i decided I would take that privelage, it would be easy enough to trick some stupid bitch down here using my authority as a knight. I went alone and I wore a helmet so no one could tell it was me. I went to the pissing goat inn, I figured the lowlifes there would not pay much attention to my anyway, I scanned the bar room and looked for someone who appeared to be by themselves, I spotted one of the bar wenches and though that would be easy enough. I approached her acting all official and shit wearing my uniform and badge, i told her we need her to identify a body of a man we believe may be related to her, her first reaction was that it was her brother and that he had gotten into trouble again and paid for it this time, sure I said that is a possibility but we need you to identify him. I warned her that whoever killed her brother might try to target her as well so I insisted she wear a helmet sono one will recognise her in the streets, chuckles no one would recognise the victim that went with the cerulean knight, and even if they did I can easily claim I needed her and then let her go in peace..anyway, we get down to the ritual and the head priest was impressed, the look on the womans face was absolutely precious, when she realised what was going on her screams filled the room, and her pleading for help from me was absolutely delicious, i absorbed her fear and enjoyed the terror for a moment before Elvadriel got sick of her screaming and asked me to shut her up, I toss her down onto the runes and tell her to shut the fuck up, giving her a knock on the had at the same time, Elvadriel produced the dagger holding in in front of the womans tear soaked, terror stricken face, she knew her life was about to end and her pleads fell on deaf ears, the headpriest spoke out to Orcus, offering the woman as a sacrifice and then Elvadriel drew the blade across the girls neck, the screams were cut off and now we got to watch her bleed out on the floor and wither and die.
The room began to shake as the remains of the corpse were consumed by the ritual, Orcus had accepted the gift. As a token of thanks from the cultists we were gifted a wand that would strike fear into your victims, I let Elvadriel have it, i dont need magic to make people quake in terror chuckles
I warned Deavron and the hin that if they spoke of this to anyone, that I would kill them slowly and painfully.oddly enough the stupid young mystran went and told a few people what I did, unfortunately for him he told someone that trusts me…the young arcanist dissappeared not too long after, I wonder what ever could have happened to him chuckles coldly i guess if he is not around to attest to his claims then he must have only said it to tarnish my image, yes that is it certainly..._
Brief History of the Necromancer
_Chaevre' was very young at the age of seven when her parents were murdered by a wandering group of Drow, her life was spared for reasons unknown to this day and she was taken as a slave to the Drow, she was treated extremely poorly, being beaten, abused, and tortured to no ends while in the custody of the Drow, when she was not being used or abused she was given free time to wander around in the underdark knowing she could never survive alone she was forced to stay within the limits of the Drow house that held her or risk death by denizens of the underdark. The Drow refused to speak their native language in front of her but chose to teach her the inferior language of the elves instead as she was not privilaged enough to speak their tongue.
As she grew older nearing her teens she had learned very well to handle the abuse gifted by the Drow and even learned to enjoy it, becoming as sadistic as they she had begun to hunt small creatures outside of the community and learn to take advantage of her strength and endurance to survive as she went further and further into the underdark.
In her early teens she had learned to survive in the underdark sometimes for days at a time, her captors often not caring about her mostly believing she was killed somewhere, one day Chaevre' had gone too far and became utterly lost, hungry, cold, and weary she gave up hope and slumped against the walls of a cavern. Nearing death she fell into unconsiousness for how long she will never know, until fate would have it she was found by a small band of underground tradesman who venture into the underdark from time to time to seek out the treasures of the many battles that take place as well as the leavings of the oozes that seep along the tunnels floors.
The wandering tradesmen took Chaevre' into their care, they tought her the basics of trade as well as tought her the common language of the underdark as well as the common language used for trade above the surface. Chaevre' became very interested in the concept of getting money for things found lying around or things stolen from the dead or living and because of this she became quite adept at the skill of trade, however her skills of diplomacy were not very good and she managed to scare off more potential customers then she did business, she slowly learned threatening people or treating them like the shit they were was not a good way to do business, however it was a habbit she was brought up with and so she had much difficulty shaking it.
The day came when Chaevre' had regained much of her strength that she decided to set off in search of a new life for herself, having nothing in her possession posed an inconvenience, without a thought she slit the throats of her saviors in their sleep and aquired anything of wealth she might use to help herself get ahead.
With nearly nothing in her possession she had made her way to a small hamlet where she survived by begging for food and money, the people of Narfell posed to be very generous and so Chaevre' decided she would continue begging until she could afford decent equiptment so she may start adventuring for herself.
She began her adventuring career when she was able to afford a suit of full plate, a grand quality shield and a strong weapon, shield and weapon crafted by Mastar and made of Nickel and Iron, she was in the woods on a hunt when she discovered a mage who seemed to wade through the masses of goblins unhindered, untouched, although he wore nothing but a finely designed black robe and helm, Chaevre' had to meet this man, she spoke with him and learned that by using the arcane arts she can mold her surroundings to her will even so much that arrows and blows from her enemies will be deflected by unseen barriers. She decided that a combination of full plate armor and magical barries would make her unstoppable! She began to follow the mage around imitating his motions and copying the words she hear him speak through the spells, after much time she had managed to learn how to cast simple spells although she discovered to her dismay that even the slightest interruption would ruin the spells, and this meant that she could not cast in armor. Years of practice and she learned to cast her spells in her armor, as well as learned many more spells even made a spellbook for herself and learned to read the arcane writings, although not in tune with the weave as most have tended to be, her merchant skills becoming better and better, her personal skills still lacking, she learns to use all of her skills to suit her needs and to build apon her future . . . . .
Ten years of living in the land of Narfell passes and through the years she had learned to stop scaring away potential customers or allies, she began to study the art of Necromancy almost fanatically, becoming a student of a local school of the arts and befriending the head of the school, a gnome who also posessed great skills in the field of Necromancy, she quickly became one of the fastest advancing students and quickly made it as head of the classes in grades and skills, by this time she had also gotten a job as a Spellsword Guard at a city some twenty leagues north of the hamlet, as a guard she had connections to the politics and access to facilities that will help her further her magical and martial skills, taking the captain of the guard to his bed in order to get him in her favors, while at the city she practiced the art of necromancy in secret, it was illegal within the walls to practice and some of the rituals she had performed would turn an orcs stomach, somehow word of Chaevre's practices reached the ears of her Captain, as well as a Senator, when one of Chaevre's associates discovered the one who had discovered her, she moved to have the spy removed and to talk her way into making her Captain and the Senator believe her innocence, the Captain was easy to persuade, and after the spy was discovered and killed the senator too was easily convinced with no more witnesses to prove otherwise.
Many years of studying the art of Necromancy until Chaevre' had mastered the art, the former head of the magic school had up and dissappeared leaving his favorite student with the keys to the school and all the power it held, her new position helped her to gain inluence over many many people and businesses, she had started several small businesses in several areas of the region in order to further her influence, she began to practice her art more openly gaining many enemies but none who dared challenge her power openly, she met a man in a city in the underdark who shared a common interest, when the man discovered her identity and position the two made an agreement with eachother to help eachother with their goals, the man gave Chaevre' a tome with the knowledge and instructions to become and perform the rituals required to become a dread Palemaster, the components for the ritual were difficult to aquire but with help from her misinformed allies she was able to aquire the components and completed the ritual, missing for three days and returning changed, her skin was sickly pale stretched over her bones, her eyes blackened showing no emotion, and her hair bleached bone white, she convinced everyone that the changes are the effect of a magic ritual that was used to make her stronger, she convinced the fools that it will benefit everyone. . .
Wih her new found abilities Chaevre' was almost unstoppable, her power and influence continued to grow and with it her lust for knowledge and power, she decided she will take it a step further, she will become a Dreaded Lich, Immortal and unstoppable, but how, Liches are as common as homossexual banites and the knowledge to become one isnt exactly something you will find in a library, she knew one person that may know, a powerful being fabled to be a Lich that would come around now and then, an aura of death surrounded her so no one could get near and magic would not reach her, yes this creature must know something about it, she lives in a tower to the east but I cannot simply walk up and knock. . as fate would have it an elf in full plate wielding a greataxe, sharp teeth and not very bright, this elf has been apparently running errands for this "Lich", I offer to escort the elf down the dangerous road to the Lichs tower and when the creature appears I ask if she will teach me the secret, after agreeing to do for the Lich what the elf had failed i was set on the road to immortality. . ._
((found this old document thought id post it))
The Pale Master
My good friend Darey Marshby said he has something for me, he wants me to help him with some research…Hes got a book, given to him by a man whos name I cannot remember, the book is rich with ancient knowledge . . but . . . unlocking its secrets is . . well. . lets just say, Darey could not bring himself to perform the rituals necessary to get through the second chapter grins
The book has no way of opening physically, the secret to open it was known only by Darey and the books original owner, he shared with me that secret as well as the method of getting through a chapter but said he could not commit the acts necessary to go further...An Animate dead spell cast upon the book was required to open its pages, easy enough..
The book instructed each step in the process of unlocking its pages, some were as simple as gathering mundane components, others, required committing acts of what many would consider to be evil smirks
I needed the blood of a demon wolf, a rare and extremely poisonous flower that grows in the western lands of barbarians, the body of a human killed with negative energy. . . . .I had to to consume the blood of the demon wolf first, this alloud the chapters following to be unlocked, next i neded the flower, I am not one of nature nor lored in herbalism, Darey had one in his posession and he gave it to me as a gift for all I had helped him with in the past, the body was easy to get, an eastlander which I enervated until his heart could no longer sustain his weakened state, I was not fully prepared for the rituals to follow, so i had to keep the body with me until I was ready, fuck i should have killed a sneak, this guys bloody heavy, I keep him in a magic bag, over the days the decay starts to slip out and the horrid smell is about me, i get plenty of stares but i ignore them, those fools have no idea what im doing, they think the smell is myself, like im some sort of undead chuckles fools, perhaps someday, but not today.
The final part is the most difficult, it nearly killed me, or maybe it did and I am only stronger for it shrugs the final chapter is unlocked and the instructions to perform the final ritual turn my stomach, now I really wish i had waited to collect the corpse. . sigh the book says ; three days you must be submersed in water, the water must contain the body of the one killed by necromancy, and the flower. the corpse and the water will nourish you, after three days you will be contacted by Gomorus and should he will it, you will ascend to Pale Master..
so. . for three days I stewed, the water becoming poisonous from the flower, and from the flesh of the rotting corpse, i am forced to feed on this filth, for the first day it makes me sick every time I try....
eventually hunger gets the better of me and i manage to keep it down, the water becomes so poisonous i can feel it bruing in my veins, i manage to resist the effects for the most part, the rooms filled with gas too now, possibly a reaction of the rotting corpse and the flower in the water, each breath makes me dizzy and i struggle to stay up, after the second day i can swear i see the corpse moving, he is staring at me now, and i see him move all the time, the poison is too much, it gets stronger and stronger with each passing moment, i can feel my life slipping away and feel my sanity fail each time the body speaks to me. . . the third day passes, ive lost my mind, i dont know where i can, the body talks to me all the time, the poison has taken its hold completely and i can not move, i think i am drowning but the corpse still talks and i listen, he tells me of my strength and my passion, and he says that he can help me ascend, but it will come at a cost, my body will be altered and it will not be something i can hide, people may lose trust or become suspicious, all this in exchange for a greater understanding of the art and of undead, i accept of course, then Gomorus takes me in his arms and for once in these three days i feel at peace, i fall into a deep slumber and the ritual comes to a completion. I wake up some time later and my hair has been turned white, my eyes black as the abyss, my flesh has become deathly pale but hard as bone, and the poison that flooded my veins now becomes a part of me, I can see through darkness, i am pleased, I am going to enjoy this..