Fight Night at the Lucky Ferret Inn!

  • The Lucky Ferret Inn proudly presents, A Fight Night Event, Sponsored by the Fabulous and Exotic Baba's Booze:

    Night of the Peltarch District Showdown!

    _The rough and tumble spirit of the docks, the savvy cunning of the commerce and the refined elegance of the residential - each district of our great Jewel has its charm, each a glistening facet in what makes it shine.

    We're ALL Peltarch, but deep down… don't you think YOUR district is better than the rest? Now's your chance to prove it!_

    Three districts, three teams and three exciting events!

    _Here at the Lucky Ferret Inn, we provide the common denominators of fun for all the city - alcohol, violence and sin.

    But who can stand their liquor best, the dockworker or the nobleman, the craftsman or the merchant? Whose palate is more refined, for quality over quantity? Who can best guess the hard cash value of our special drinks? Partake in our exciting Booze-Off and find out!_

    The Great Booze-Off!

    _The Great Booze-Off consists of three parts: a taste-test with liquor in dark, unlabelled bottles to be identified right. Then a money-test, arranging the bottles in order of value! And naturally, what booze-up would be complete without the CHUG CHUG CHUG!

    Bottoms up boys and girls, last one standing is the winner!

    Every bar crawler knows that a wet night out isn't complete without a good round of darts - and so the Booze-Off is followed by…_

    Oy, Ye Tosser!

    _Our special game of Lucky Ferret darts involves not just tossing them at the target, but heckling the opposition - testing sleight of hand and glibness of tongue respectively.

    And after insults, inevitably…_

    The Big Bar Brawl!

    The BBB is where the real bragging rights lay - which is the toughest of all districts? Will a nobleman faint at the sight of blood, or is it stiff upper lip and a jolly good thrashing that awaits whoever wallops him? Only one way to find out!

    Fight, fight, fight!

    Standard Ferret rules apply - no healing, no hiding, no holding. No harmful magic - the melee to be decided by melee injury only.

    ((Booze-Up rules: lore roll to set labels, appraise roll for determining value and a series of fortitude checks with increasing DC for the binge drinking - ideally one team member for each test. Points for each leg of the event for the grand prize))

    ((Oy, Ye Tosser rules: normal archery, darts on targets, three throws each. Heckling prowess arbitrarily determined by the judges, Sabre and Scarlet - possibly with a perform check for delivery. Points for both skills for the grand prize, one person from each team for darts, heckling from the non-dart-tossers))

    ((Big Bar Brawl rules: team fighting, everyone in the ring. Different and simple weapons for the three teams, simple shield or a second weapon, clothing for all. Docks: club or handaxe, Commerce: long- or shortsword, Residential: rapier or dagger))

    Time: October 19th (Sunday), 5pm Central European Time (GMT +2)

    Sponsored by Baba's Booze - the finest drink from here to the Anauroch Desert!

  • Colourful flyers are spread all over Peltarch:

    "Defend your neighbourhood's honour - fight, drink and be merry at the Lucky Ferret Inn's Night of the Peltarch District Showdown!

    Fabulous unique prizes! Alluring costumes! Inventive challenges!

    Sponsored by Baba's Booze, the best drink from here to the Aunaroch desert!"

    ((event starting today, in just over 2 hours!))

  • _As the time for the big event approaches, Sabre can be seen scurrying back and forth to Vanity Plates, heaps of cheap but glossy fabric in her arms. At other times, she has intense and hushed discussions with a thick-goggled gnome at the Ferret.

    It seems the usual Ferret Fight dress-up and unique gadgety prizes are being worked on!_