Vote results

  • Criers are sent throughout the town:

    "The results are in! With a majority vote of 12017 to 8253 the option for monarchy has won! Coronation of King George will be held at the end of the week! Long live the king!"

  • @019dd9961b=Wywernywin:

    Meanwhile, pollsters are busy making graphs of how the popularity of the options changed over the campaign. They thank former senator Martouscha for supporting their work.

    Humans: Monarchy: 65,04%(9,105) - Senate: 34,96% (4,895)
    Dwarves: Monarchy: 69,62%( 1, 392) - Senate: 30,38% (608)
    Halflings: Monarchy: 34,95%(489) - Senate: 65,05% (911)
    Elves: Monarchy: 1,75%( 18 ) - Senate: 98,25% (982)
    Gnomes: Monarchy: 50,77%(305) - Senate: 49,23% (295)
    Half-elves: Monarchy: 30,22%(151) - Senate: 69,78% (349)
    Other races: Monarchy: 75,38%(377) - Senate: 24,62% (123)
    Adventurers: Monarchy: 66,67%(180) - Senate: 33,33% (90)
    Overall: Monarchy: 59,29%(12,017) - Senate: 40,71% (8,253)

    The pollsters provide more graphical representation later in the day.

    //Just gonna put this out here…the Adventurers votes, are actual player votes according to the DM, I didn't know till he told me, so now you know.

  • Meanwhile, pollsters are busy making graphs of how the popularity of the options changed over the campaign. They thank former senator Martouscha for supporting their work.

    Humans: Monarchy: 65,04%(9,105) - Senate: 34,96% (4,895)
    Dwarves: Monarchy: 69,62%(1,392) - Senate: 30,38% (608)
    Halflings: Monarchy: 34,95%(489) - Senate: 65,05% (911)
    Elves: Monarchy: 1,75%(18) - Senate: 98,25% (982)
    Gnomes: Monarchy: 50,77%(305) - Senate: 49,23% (295)
    Half-elves: Monarchy: 30,22%(151) - Senate: 69,78% (349)
    Other races: Monarchy: 75,38%(377) - Senate: 24,62% (123)
    Adventurers: Monarchy: 66,67%(180) - Senate: 33,33% (90)
    Overall: Monarchy: 59,29%(12,017) - Senate: 40,71% (8,253)

    The pollsters provide more graphical representation later in the day.