Told from the Rant Stand

  • While not one to be counted among the firebrand preachers, the plummet in the public's morale is palpable as Allestor makes his rounds through the city. While already taking regular patrols and aiding within the Temple of the Triad as well as along the battlements where he can, the Ilmatari finds some time to clamber up onto the rant stand. A short time later, a gregorian-esqe celestial chanting begins to resonate from the area, drawing the curious to him. He continues his chants - who those that could understand would hear as a praise to Ilmater and His mercy - with both patience and a deep reverence, allowing ample time for both word of the knights position to spread and for the interested to gather. As his chanting slows to finally cease, he looks upon the crowd with a small but genuine smile, bowing his head to them in greeting before he speaks

    Hail, good people of Peltarch! Most of you may know me already but for those that do not, I am Allestor Hollins, Painbearer of Ilmater and knight of the Divine Shield. I stand before you today to share the blessings of Ilmater, and to carry forth His word.

    In these times, many of us have suffered loss at the hands of our oppressors. Mourn for those lives that have been taken, as is your right, but do not despair for them. Know that while they have left our sides, they are ever in our hearts. Grieve and expend yourself of the sadness their departure may bring you, but take comfort and lift your hearts anew. Their journey has not ended here, but a new and wondrous one begun.

    Pausing for a moment, he makes a sweeping gesture at the walls beside and behind him

    The enemies at our walls would have us seized with grief and fear, but verily I say that is their mistake! For it is through fear that we discover the courage to face it, and through grief do we discover the inner strength to transcend it.

    In my time among you I have seen the will of Peltarch and it's people, and it is stronger than any wall of stone, stronger than any weapon that may be brought against it. I know too, that if you but look inside yourselves, the courage you shall find within will give them pause and shall shake their resolve!

    Outstretching his arms to the crowd in their recognition, he smiles warmly and leaves his arms raised for a few long moments before bringing them down again, clasping his hands around the Ilmatari holy symbol before him

    These times are stressful and demanding upon us all.. emotions may rise or fall, tempers may flare and harsh words may be spoken, but seek not to quarrel among your fellows. Though some may feel the need to lash out, being confined or wearied from unpredictable attacks, do not take it as an offense and retaliate in kind. Instead extend kindness and support to them, for they are your neighbors and your allies in distress, and while you may not be equipped to take their watch or station, you can offer a hand to steady them, a shoulder to cry upon, or simply your ears to listen while they vent their frustration. Perhaps you need no such aid yourself and balk at the notion, but perhaps someday you will, and the kindness you share today and henceforth will be reflected back upon you.

    Take solace in knowing that within the darkness, the light will shine it's brightest, and be you prince or pauper, champion or simple farmer, Ilmater's blessings are with you if you but accept them. Within His divine grace shall you find the limitless endurance to overcome any obstacle and triumph over any hardship. By His divine burden does He share the pain of all you goodly people, and by His divine mercy may He ease your suffering and take it upon Himself that you may be spared. Open your hearts and lift your voices to Him, for He stands beside you all now.

    As though in acknowledgement to his words, through no intonation of spell or gesture, Allestor holds up his holy symbol to the crowd as it begins to glow, growing brighter until it radiates brilliantly before them. With reverence in his voice as he speaks again, he holds out his other hand to those present to cue the willing into a short call-and-answer praise

    Praise be unto Ilmater, The Merciful // When we are weak, He shall be our strength // When we stagger, He shall lift us up // When we fall, He shall carry us onward.

    Bringing his holy symbol before him again he presses it between his palms, it's persistent radiance shining through as he bows his head reverently for a moment of silence. Looking up and to the gathered once more, he intones a brief blessing spell upon them and smiles softly

    Though I must return to my other duties presently, I thank you all for listening. If you wish to speak with me further, I can commonly be found at the Temple of the Triad after my rounds and you are all more than welcome to join with me there in my dawn prayers.

    Go with His grace, and may the Light of the Triad shine brightly upon you all.

  • -put it where people can reply-

  • Legion

    tired of the snickers and gibes concerning a purchase she made at a recent auction, Marty takes the rant stand to set people straight, and to give folks an education in ancient druidic worship

    Attention everyone please.

    Attention …

    Yes some of you saw what I purchased at the auction a while back, and even now some of you are still gibing me about it. Someone has even said that I am "disgusting" for making the purchase.

    I want you all to know, with no shadow of uncertainty, that from the most ancient of times the phallus has served as one of the most powerful totems, representing fertility and power.

    All of you who know me know of my toil, and how I have tirelessly sought to make the fields around Peltarch yield a crop. So why is it a surprise to anyone that I would not take the opportunity to acquire a such a powerful symbol sacred in my faith when it arises!

    she draws a rod from under her robe, holds it high and activates it. A bright red pair of wobbling, glowing phallases emerge from either end and begin to emit a lightsaber like hum. Once extended the rod is almost as long as she is tall.

    With this, in the name of the fair gods of nature, our fields shall be blessed! By the power of -

    No seriously.


    Shut up!

    Listen, druids are not alone in revering the phallus symbol. In many other religions and arcane traditions it is also …

    Shush I'm serious!

    Ever wonder why a wand is the shape and size it is? Ever wonder why many clerics carry a mace? It's not like … you know ... I bought this powerful symbol for ... myself.

    Shut up! Ugh.

    Marty deactivates the rod and steps down

    So immature.

    (Ancient phallus worship)

    EDIT: I went in game to make a persuade roll. I kid you not:

    If you don't count mundane items like a tidus symbol neck chain and nice boots, her unbuffed persuade skill is 16 not 21.

  • Legion


  • Bael gives her an understanding smile as he hands her the document to read muttering to her that he will speak to her more privately but was just asked to get her to sign the resignation letter.

  • Bael stops Alvaneil at the city gates

    <elven>Oh Bael… wow an actual Defender in person... is something new have not seen another Defender in... what a month? just seemed they needed me to die for them during the gnoll war and then discard of me... so they can keep their pay... oh and you DID receive a key to the Defender quarters, I had forgotten about that... but it seems the rest of the Defenders did as well. So they can keep their pay they got enough blood out of me anyway....

    Also can I read the document? As the way Peltarch is going this might be something else besides a release form... and be careful Beal, it seems they are trying to paint elves as foes to the soon to be King George... they have gone to great pains to paint a few elves that have been loyal defenders of Peltarch through thick and thin as bad for the town and future...</elven>

  • Bael follows quietly after Alvaniel then whispers to her in elven

    <elven>Sister, with you quitting the Defenders you need to sign this to get your pay, its just resignation papers so you can be dismissed from the rosters and go on with the Legion. Please just sign this so I can bring it in for you.</elven>

  • "And remember, only those who have let priests of Siamorphe cast divine magic over them are permitted to vote! Citizens of Peltarch who were either uncomfortable about being rounded up, uncomfortable with monarchists casting unknown spells over them, or simply working too hard to get the time off to enroll …. just go about your business!"

    As an Elf, I found issue with this casting of divine magic on my body by these priests so I cannot vote? If they knew this George was around why did they need to cast on all people of Peltarch... and why would elven blood have Peltarch nobility in it? Correct so why would any elf, dwarf, half-elf, hin need to be tested... I felt violated when told of this and seems just another way to keep the popular vote going in the direction of the king and monarchy.... Why not just make us wear stars on our clothing to let everyone else know that we are different and definitely NOT part of the Peltarch society... take our rights... take our shops... what next... rounding us up and sending us to the slums?

    With that, she rips her Defenders patch off her shoulder and lets it fall to the ground...

    If declining to have spells cast on us is a means to section away voters... this is a town and movement I cannot be a part of.

  • @44d7fbac1f=MCPlay:

    Jack glances about the stand, listening to the speakers in turn. Once they're done, he moves on, muttering something about sheep delivering their fate to the System, and how that will doom them all.

    Scarlet laughs softly

    Oh if I'm elected senator, there will be no corruption at all… of that you can be sure.

    Again, although she smiles, she sounds oddly and deadly serious.

  • Beorn Battlemail looks sick to his stomach as he quickly shuffles past the bloated egos on the rant stand, staying in the city only as long as it takes to complete his business. Just before he heads to the docks, he mutters to some folks watching the speeches.

    "Aye, didn't ye hear this same shite when she brought in Maria to lead ye? Har! Wut o' farce!"

  • Jack grins at her, measuring up ecactly how serious she is.

    Heh. Tell you what. You find a way to clean up all the corruption, and then I vote for you.

  • Meanwhile, Scarlet side-glances at Jack, grinning at him

    Tsk, if the senate goes forward I'll present myself as candidate so you can vote me.

    She winks at him then… though for a moment she sounded a bit too serious.

  • _*While Rith doen't say her own speech, she decides to side with Lycka at the rand stand just by being next to her friend, offering the onlookers her gracious, sunny smile. Lathanderite symbols a-gleaming, Rith understands of the importance of symbolisms and that Lathander being one of the main religions of the region, her presence there might help those Lathanderites and sympathizers that have not yet formed their own solid opinion to find guidance or inspiration.

    Rith herself appears quite excited towards Lycka's speech, maybe because the woman certainly has a way with words and such a magnetic aura, or maybe just because after all she has made her own mind up. Maybe a mix of both. After all, she comes from a land where kingship has existed for as long as humans have existed as an intelligent race, and it has become one of the most splendorous and powerful cities of the world, if not the most.

    Perhaps in Rith's own opinion, the lack of charisma and convincing arguments from the rivalling speeches hasn't helped to make her believe that the next senate can bring to Peltarch what no senate has done for as far as she has been around: A full ruling body formed by just and fair rulers that look for the well-being of all the citizens of Peltarch over their own. And she's been around a very long time.

    As Lycka finishes talking, she speaks just a few encouraging words, in a rather neutral message loaded with positivism*_

    Choose wisely, good people. And rest assured that no matter who will rule Peltarch, some of us won't just watch you suffer if it turns out badly. You will always have us.

    Tomorrow begins a new era. Embrace it, love it, and build a rosy future upon it. The future is in your hands!

  • Jack glances about the stand, listening to the speakers in turn. Once they're done, he moves on, muttering something about sheep delivering their fate to the System, and how that will doom them all.

  • Legion

    The "Devil we Know"? What about the devil we don't know?

    Aye, embrace change! Vote for a new senate!

  • Nods at Lyca's speach

  • Lycka takes the stand next, giving Martoushca a smile before adressing the rest of those gathered. Her voice is high and clear, ringing out across the marketplace.

    "A very exciting day indeed! I find myself hopeful, proud of our city for embracing this vote with open hearts and minds, without rioting or unrest. And whatever the outcome may be, I trust in you all to accept it with the same grace.

    This city has faced many hardships, but none have broken our spirits. While we stand together, the Jewel will always shine, no matter who leads her!

    You know me - I have been a Cerulean Knight and Senatorial Advisor for many long years, I even filled Ronan Redralen's seat for a while after his tragic passing. I've seen how the Senate works, and how it doesn't. I know from personal experience how one person's fire and passion can drown and be lost in the slow-grinding wheels of due Senate process.

    Then, I look at George. I can't help but marvel, not just at the man himself but at the opportunities for change that he represents - real change, the sort that would make a -difference- to the city!

    Change can be frightening, I know. But I think we're ready for it, I think we're brave enough to take the chance that's being offered here!

    You know what you'll get with a Senate - and maybe that's good and comforting in a way, the familiarity and tradition of it is something I myself find merit in. If this is the wish of our majority, I'm sure we can work with it, make it better.

    But for many years now, I have heard voices cry out for change, I have felt dissent brewing. If you are discontent, then be brave enough to do something about it. Don't settle for the devil you know. Embrace change!

    Long live the Jewel!"

  • Bael'Enver stands quietly nearby listening to everything being said and done. His eyes glance to Marty as she speaks and he moves handing his vote to the Herald before stepping up beside him enough to keep him safe but far enough to give voters their privacy.

  • Legion


    Very exciting day today! Today is the start of our vote - for a senate or for a king!

    Form an orderly line folks! And remember, only those who have let priests of Siamorphe cast divine magic over them are permitted to vote! Citizens of Peltarch who were either uncomfortable about being rounded up, uncomfortable with monarchists casting unknown spells over them, or simply working too hard to get the time off to enroll …. just go about your business!

    And remember, a vote for the senate isn't necessarily a vote against monarchy. If you'd rather see a king come in with a proper process rather than as a part of this pop vote, then vote for senate!


  • @2a459b22e0=Wywernywin:

    "For those who would take the rant stand to cause chaos with ill-informed rumours and speculations, I can merely say; You should be ashamed!"

    Once Del'Rosa has walked off Bon stands up, obviously inspired by the man's intense charisma. Bon is a half orc, but unlike the brutal looking halforc who previously spoke, Bon is well spoken and cultured. He is dressed in a bright white shirt, has well kept silver hair, and anyone close enough will notice that she smells of spice.


    As our good General has said - Shame. The very last thing we need is for hearts to be troubled in these dark times! Del'Rosa was appointed by our Senate to Defend us. To Defend Peltarch! If we have any faith in our city then we should have faith in him! This talk against the senate, sowing seeds of fear and suspicion, to what end does that take us?

    This city will have a strong government! One that will take us into a better future! We are the one's who will make it so! As Del'Rosa has just told us, we -will- be voting soon!

    So let us cease useless murmuring against Peltarch and what it has stood on for hundreds of years. May everyone who seeks to undermine our way of life and government with witless words wear shame!