Announcement from Captain-General Del'Rosa

  • _"Actually no, as I believe had already been said, only the clerics of Siamorphe can detect ones noble bloodline, so no, the most mundane of holy persons cannot see it in them, not even the most extraordinary of holy persons could.

    As for the secrecy, I've repeatedly heard those against the idea of a monarchy bring up the threat of Cyricists and then ask why there was secrecy. I would think with such a threat the answer would be self evident, do you really think these cultists would not try and kill this man? That they would allow this choice to happen? It's also been mentioned that one of the members of this cult held the position of Guard General when he murdered Neverith, is it hard to believe he was the only cultist in such a position? As for the war camp, the war camp that I saw was almost constantly under threat, you believe such a place is safe for an elderly man?

    And look at this man, this man that you claim would have you beheaded for voicing opinions against him, this man who you insinuate will only care for himself once he enters power, who you claim will allow himself to be a puppet. Listen to his words, actually listen to them with an open mind instead of one seeking conspiracy and tell me that this man will betray the city of Peltarch in such a way.

    Ah, and the oft criticized martial law, I would love to hear another option, as there was no senate at the time, almost all senators had been jailed or missing, would you prefer martial law or anarchy?"_

  • Alva's speech is followed by a single dwarven "Whoo!" of approval

  • So you have this "Divine Blood" running in your veins Correct? I mean if it is such a majestic feat to have, why did your prowess not surface the many, many years before….. mean obviously even the most mundane holy person would have been able to see it in you at least one of the days you have been alive....

    And when I was transporting amnd/or escorting the Siamorphean priest to see Del'Rosa, when the question was asked, no answer was given... why all the secrecy.... I mean it is not like this Divine Blood person would not be safe at the war camp or deep inside the castle gates, but then again it would mean there would be no secrecy, no behind the scenes dealing. I mean those who have the power here will still retain it with a puppet... and you know where the hand of the puppet master is when he is running the puppet...

    There is no doubt we all know how the vote will come out... it will be by the closest of margins but we will have a new king... Peltarch will be run by an empty glass of water while those who wield the real power will get drunk on the wealth and riches they will accrue... wile not giving two shites about anyone else except for them and their allies....

    Cutting trade with Norwick... whose splendid idea was this? What other changes will we expect... will Big Brother be watching us at all times... will we be able to voice our opinions without being arrested? We could voice our opinions against the senate... but a King... that is beheading material...

    I do see now why Del'Rosa declared martial law... had to keep everyone quiet and the war just let him advance the plots along nicely....

    I had thought Del'Rosa would be more involved in the Defenders... I am without a superior and have no direction now as a private in the Loyal Fist... I think getting the Defenders back in order wold be something to look into... but noooooo, in fact I do not even have access to the Defenders keep or been paid since I joined... give my life for a king or system that really only cares for themselves.... I think not...

    Where is General Theaon? she just shrugs her shoulders and leaves Peltarch heading south toward the Legion Tower

  • Hrmph! Open about it after the fact, once caught in the act! Deceptive and perverse before! Were I to manhandle you on the stage, I would be arrested, but your priest friends receive the blessings of the general to do it to the populace!

  • George looks between the two elves, before he begins to answer their questions.. or rather the question:

    "This is how I understand what has happened, and I shall state it in the order it happened:

    First, The Gnoll War begins. Del'Rosa declares martial law.

    Shortly after this, Del'Rosa discovers that the patrons of bards of the town, Makere family, guard an important secret in their tomb. A party of city officials and adventurers recover a tome of King Tidus' early life within, that also details how he had a son before becoming a king. While leading the war effort and managing the city, Del'Rosa investigates the book and realizes the family still lives on, likely in the city. He then summons the Siamorpheans, as they can Divine Bloodlines.

    At this point, the Cyricist faction takes advantage of the war and reveals the senate's full of their puppets.

    Having no idea who the heir is, Del'Rosa arranges the Census. While a Census would be needed before the elections he has promised in any case, it is also used to overcome the logistic obstacle of finding the heir.

    It is then, at the fifth day of the census, that I am found, and taken to a safehouse. I am not told specifics on what or why, merely that it's for the good of the city.

    Del'Rosa questions and monitors me whenever he can. He often had to teleport back to fight the gnolls between these chat sessions. Still, I believe that if he hadn't found me fitting candidate, he wouldn't have told me of my past.

    If you ask of my opinion in all of this, I do think he used many methods to cover this from becoming common knowledge. Do I think there was something sinister about it? Absolutely not! I firmly stand by his actions. Some of the best known organizations in the realms that promote the good and freedom of people work through secrets and shadows.

    He did his best to try and protect the city from all dangers it was facing. The corrupt senators, the gnolls, those who would take advantage of the chaos. And what does he get in response? Assumptions at the worst possible option possible whilst he lay in the temple battling to retain his life.

    The way I see it, there's simply an alternative being offered to the citizens. Both the senate and monarchy can work. The people can decide what they want. How is that a bad thing?"

  • Eilonna looks over commenting to Alvaniel

    Funny enough, on his own merit, no permissions, no approvals given by anyone but himself, General Del'Rosa took it on himself to have this all done. Then when he was questioned, he fainted after a shouting at Rary.

  • A troubled Alvaniel finally speaks up on this topic…
    "I have a simple question... whose idea was it to bring in the Siamorphean priests to begin with? I mean if there was not an alternative motive behind trying to bring in a new King... where did the idea spring from? What backroom dealings are we ultimately looking at now?

    I mean what timing? The existing senators come up missing... the idea for a census... and viola... we find someone with a bloodline back to the original king.... there are coincidences and then there are COINCIDENCES.

    Also, just because a person has nobility in their bloodline does not make them noble... and this old man... does he have off-spring? When he dies, and he is an old man, who takes over then? Will another long lost relative appear magically.

    Yes the last senate was a waste of time, if you run for senate you are bound to serve Peltarch... if you cannot do that you will be removed and the next senator inline from the last vote takes that position. Being a senator is a privilege not a rite... suck up and do your job... it is not the end of the line to think 'well I am a senator now I can just sit back and do nothing... that is irresponsible...

    I for one will offer my resignation from the Peltarch Defenders as I do not support this so-called 'new' bloodline or the realization of the bloodline that has happened to surface out of no where...

    Enough of the hand-wringing and hem-hawing... get to the vote let the people decide... you have all let this stew and rise tempers enough now... a war with the gnoll and now maybe a civil war in Peltarch because of this situation... vote and move on... we all know the people have no real voice it is all just what your name is, how much gold you have, land you own and your reputation... if you have all of these your course is set... so we all know where this is going.. so just anoint him as king and by-pass the middle man...

  • Looks at Marty, as if expecting her next question already.

    "Of course. If an anaurochian nomad wishes to be a fisherman, he should have the right to be one. It might not be possible in the desert, but he should have the right to move to a grand port town, such as ours, and do what's his life's dream.

    Not all dreams can be fulfilled, but seeking the means to achieve them is one of the finest points in the adventure of life."

  • Legion


    Responds to Marty

    "I am against slavery. I do not want it in Peltarch."

    nods and smiles, seeming to be happy with the answer

    So you believe that people should be free to forge their own destiny?

  • Responds to Marty

    "I am against slavery. I do not want it in Peltarch."

  • Legion

    Nods a little awkwardly toward Rith, not realizing that she was still talking

    What are you views on slavery?

  • Rith nods softly

    I would need to speak with you in a less public setting about some of the follow up questions, as they touch realms of divine magic that most people aren't familiar with and will just draw the spotlight from more immediately important topics. Besides, the least the enemies of the city know of how this crown functions, the better.

    I have no more questions at this time.

  • Legion

    What are you views on slavery?

  • George nods at the comments, smiling at Rith

    "You might be right - yet, I shan't mask what is my opinion because it might affect me negatively.

    But let's go to the question at hand. The preventative mechanics for evil tyrants. I am glad you asked.

    Have you heard stories of the Moonblades? A set of magical swords made in the times ancient for the elven high houses. These swords would bond with their holder, the one who would seek to claim them. The wielder of the Moonblades would be viewed with great prestige.

    However.. upon claiming a sword, the sword would see if the claimant is worthy to carry the blade. Should the claimant be ill-fitted to hold the blade, they would be struck dead.

    I have similiar plans for the crown jewels of Peltarch. A creation of a crown that, upon coronation, sees into the soul of the heir apparent and only allows itself to be worn by a just king.

    Do you wish more details?"

  • The golden-locks Lathanderite has been observing George as he spoke, and as things quiet down, she steps up to talk to him directly now

    The Divine Right does exist, and anyone keen on matters of faith knows it. However, it has no hold or sway over Peltarch, because its citizens have chosen so. They enjoy the freedom of choosing and not being imposed anything by any gods. There are many gods that would see different rulers sitting at the throne of Peltarch. Siamorphe is only one of them. I hear Cyricists have their own plans on who should rule Peltarch. I even heard of one Analesia that believes herself "chosen" to do so.

    The point I'm trying to make is… don't use the Divine Right as if it would help your case, I think it's hurting it instead, giving these good people the feeling that you have to be king, because you are better than everyone else here by Divine Right no less. Because some not very well known, non-benign god said so. And I know you possibly don't mean it, but it's how it's coming through. The gods have nothing to do with this. These are people with mundane problems, and mundane needs.

    Peltarch is a multi-cultural, multi-faith, free society, ruled by no god or ideology, where no single god or ideology has the right, divine or not, to sole-handedly decide its direction. And that, in my own opinion, must remain so. If you are asking me to give my vote to you as king of Peltarch, I need to evaluate what good can come from it and then decide. But if you are asking me to deliver Peltarch to Siamorphe, the answer is simple and clear. No.

    Now... you seem like a good man, with good intentions. But the people of Peltarch can't take your word on it. They've been lied to a few too many times by people that have been standing exactly where you are, seeking something similar to what you seek. The people of Peltarch need the safety, the warranty that their decision this day won't condemn their lives, and those of the generations to come. I am optimistic by nature, but good words aren't good enough. For something like this, not even good intentions are enough, if they were meant. People change, and intentions change, and the intentions of the heirs may not be the same as yours. Words are blown away by the cold winds.

    It is true that at times Peltarch seems ruled by gold, influences, fear and turmoil. That people have often are forced to choose the lesser evil, as they can not trust any politician at this stage. Even those senators that had the good words and the good intentions at the elections day, find themselves in apathy and indolence towards the problems of the people a few months later. Peltarch can not have that. It has been tried for a long time, and unfortunately it hasn't worked.

    So my question, a very important one that for me, makes or breaks. If you were elected sole ruler of Peltarch, would you enact some mechanisms by which the inability to rule diligently, fairly and to the best interest of Peltarch and its citizens would see you or any of your heirs removed from the position of king?

    In other words, if kingship does not do well, not for want of trying, but because you or any of your descendants turns out to be greedy, decadent, indolent, inept, or straight out evil and wicked, will you have a legal means for people to retake what has always, and will always remain belonging to them without forcing revolts or civil wars that would only further hurt the most defenceless families of Peltarch?

    And in case you say yes, please explain exactly what it will be.

  • Hrmph. Clear now that you have the backing of fools.

  • George nods at some of the points raised, smiles at the group of the dock workers supporting him, and gives a thumbs up to Maero.

    "Have you further questions, friends?"

  • Ever charming, foolish, handsome, quick witted and humble minstrel Maero Hiltold decides to pipe up once again. Hide your daughters, Peltarch! Lock up your wives! Or was that the other way around?

    "What part of "raised to rule" aren't folk getting from this!? Why is it just as likely for a prince or princess who was raised by their parents to be a good king or queen to turn out to be a jerk than a random person who might not even be from the city to bribe and cheat their way to win a popularity contest? If it's so damn easy to fix a bad Senator why were there so many issues with it? Here's a hint; That logic makes no sense! WAKE UP, PELTARCH! MONARCHY IS THE ONLY WAY TO GO! LONG LIVE FUTURE KING "WHOS-HIS-WHATSIT"!

    Or do you want RARYLDOR to lead Peltarch into the ground like he's doing with the elves!? Nyeahahah!"

    Another wise and completely uneducated opinion shouted over the top of people with questions was concluded.

  • A new voice from the crowd is heard, if anyone bothers to notice the man in black and silver some might recognize him as a Hoarite, his words are simple yet calm making no real attempt to sway the people.

    A faulty senate or council can be evicted and new elections held, a faulty King is forever short of a Civil War. I have lived more then long enough to know one can be as good as the other, depends what the people want. To say Sir that your way is better then the other is an act of pride which in most religions is a sin. Your way is not better then any other way, while you might indeed be a good man, the next heir may not give two damns about the better interest of the people and the only way to remove that prince would be a civil war which would tear Peltarch apart. It would also tear the people apart as the guards would be forced to fight their own loved ones and so on. Yes the Senate can be corrupted. Yet so can the crown. One is no better then the other, but at least the people can impose rules on the senate and consequences if they fail to meet the promises they make. Can you say they can impose such on you and the next prince that he won't just veto? A Senate cannot just veto the peoples demands, the people could just place a new order as such that it cannot be vetoed without the peoples agreement. A royal on the other hand having all final say can on the other hand do so. A royal cannot just be removed. Weigh the good with the bad before a decision is made. I personally don't care one way or another, I have as I said seen the bad with the good.

  • Legion


    "… and riots..."

    Whoa whoa .. no need for rioting. It's just politics folks! The great thing about getting a vote is that whatever we get is our own dam fault. Rioting over politics is like a baby asking for a dummy and then spitting it out.

    George, I am a bit disappointed that you feel the system that has set Peltarch apart, a system that the one you claim your blood line from started so long ago, is a contemptible thing. I think you've called good people "rotten eggs". So any other candidate for leadership other than yourself is a "rotten egg"?

    We can fix the way we elect people to our senate. But we won't be able to fix the wrong person becoming king.

    at this point, anyone with keen eyes bothering to look at Marty may notice an amulet about her neck bearing the seal of Tidus.

    ((unbuffed persuade 19))

    //edited to add the persuade ranks - I just thought the last sentence was a good point.