Several commoners go by the banners, with mixed reactions:
"I don't know what Tidus would do, but I sure hope he'd take down those gods awful things out of there! They're hideous!l"
"Uh… How the hells did anyone get there?"
"Bah. Mad Marty is up to another of her looney schemes I bet. Will she ever quit?"
"Hmm... What WOULD Tidus do?"
A young man in his late twenties speaks up
"Wasn't it "Mad Marty" who saw this road leading to a king many years ago and even brought it up to the senate, in which they basically shamed her out of the chambers? Maybe she isn't so "Mad" after all…"
The elegant woman seems amused by the young, enthusiastic man
Let me tell you about this gadget I acquired a few years ago. It's the most marvelous instrument of gnomish design. It tracks the pass of time through a few needles that move accordingly to point out at a circle of notched numbers that resemble the precise time of the day and night in each moment.
Unfortunately, my little gadget one day stopped working. How ironic that it was the pass of time itself that did away with its ability to function properly. The needles are stuck, always pointing the same direction. It's old, and useless now, with no value beyond a mere keepsake. But it still gets the time right two times a day. Not because it means to, or it has the power of reasoning to get the time right. It's just because it exists and points somewhere, that eventually it will point at something that might make an illusion of sense.
Also, wasn't Sir Mariston the despot knight supposed to be that king, after he purposedly altered the Senate for it? Because I don't remember gnoll wars, cyricist demonic strikes forcing martial laws and all the myriad of complications being mentioned in any of the public senate meetings, or the word on the streets. Also I haven't seen Sir Mariston for years now… is he doing alright? Might he be the sinister hand behind all of this, and the old Tidus descendant just a puppet to his malicious schemes?
You know what? You convinced me now. I think we might be onto something here...
Indeed sir, and may I ask why such a cruel name of "Mad Marty" even exists? She is hardly insane, but instead devoted to protecting the interests of Peltarch as every good citizen should be. I would instead congratulate her on her upholding the ideals of what Tidus started so long ago, but this isn't even about Marty, its about what Tidus started so long ago to bring freedom to these lands, then he himself stepped down as ruler so Peltarch could be free. What would he want for the people he helped to free?
Several commoners go by the banners, with mixed reactions:
"I don't know what Tidus would do, but I sure hope he'd take down those gods awful things out of there! They're hideous!l"
"Uh… How the hells did anyone get there?"
"Bah. Mad Marty is up to another of her looney schemes I bet. Will she ever quit?"
"Hmm... What WOULD Tidus do?"
A young man in his late twenties speaks up
"Wasn't it "Mad Marty" who saw this road leading to a king many years ago and even brought it up to the senate, in which they basically shamed her out of the chambers? Maybe she isn't so "Mad" after all…"
Because Marty…he is not his father, he sees the people suffering and like many wants to make changes for the better, he believes in his heart that this is the way to do it. We may not agree, but that is what he believes in dear, just as much as Tidus believed in what he did, and you believe in what your doing now.
Thankyou for your kind words Eilonna. But I think every child in Peltarch knows what Tidus would do. He fought harder for freedom than anyone. Freedom from giants and ogres, freedom form the king of Hoarsgate, and when he became king he immediately gave his authority to the people. The man was like… freedom incarnate.
How can the bloodline of a man who spurned the idea of monarchy be used to support one?
Eilonna comes over setting a hand on her shoulder speaking in a friendly and calm tone
Its fairly hard to say what Tidus would do, he might agree that a King would be good at this point due to the failures of the Senate, he might disagree thinking that the Senate while flawed is better, or he may have proposed a better solution. Do not let yourself be wounded by the words of those that are confused and nervous. Its easy to sling the stones then admit that they are unsure.
marty speaks with one of the other volunteers handing out shirts
Why do people who don't know me call me "Mad Marty"? It's a bit … hurtful. When did folks become so mean spirited?
An elegantly dressed woman overhears the conversation and stage whispers to the group of people
Tidus would say - if Mad Marty supports any cause, do the contrary! Keep the city sane!
She then laughs softly as she walks towards the docks
Several commoners go by the banners, with mixed reactions:
"I don't know what Tidus would do, but I sure hope he'd take down those gods awful things out of there! They're hideous!l"
"Uh… How the hells did anyone get there?"
"Bah. Mad Marty is up to another of her looney schemes I bet. Will she ever quit?"
"Hmm... What WOULD Tidus do?"
In several "how did they get it up there!?" places about Peltarch, the WWTD banner can be seen flying.
((using spiderclimb to place the banners at night. Screenshot of purchase of cloth))
Some of the commoners gladly take the shirt, a few of which likely because they have little else to wear, others take it out of politeness but will never wear it in public, while others still refuse it, either because they support the monarchy, find the shirt ugly or because they just don't care.